
Felicien vs Acere



03-02-2019, 10:52 PM

A brown long-haired coydog with black brindling and mask meanders into the crowd. One pale blue eye wanders just as lazily around his skull as he does around the crowd, while the other, brown eye does much more normal eye things. "Like, hey man," he says to all and sundry. "I guess I'm supposed to like, pick out a couple you guys and watch you like, fight and stuff? I don't know, man, that seems a little too agro for me, ya know? Like, make love, not war, man. But like, if you're sure you wanna do this I guess I'll pick some of you guys. Hey, man, how about you and you?" Its not particularly clear who he's looking at though, since his blue eye keeps wandering off in random directions as he's talking, but finally the crowd seems to unilaterally decide that he meant Acere and Felician because everyone else backs away and they're left out in front. He blinks at them but if they weren't the ones he picked it seems like he decides he isn't going to be bothered too much, or he just couldn't remember who he actually did pick, because he just meandered off towards a circle of stones set into the ground in a ring. "Like, try to stay inside the circle, man, or like, maybe don't because like, The Man is just trying to keep you in a box by saying you'll lose if you step out of it, man. Everyone's a winner to me, man." He blinks at them, a moment, then suddenly adds, "Oh, right, man, like, you can go first ok?" At first it isn't quite obvious who he's talking to, when one eye was looking at each of them, but finally it's clear when his blue eye wanders towards the ground that he was actually looking at Acere.


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
03-03-2019, 04:10 PM
OOC// (Fight starts at 5th paragraph if you wanna skip ahead)

Everything around him was bustling with activity. He hadn't seen so many wolves and...non-wolves in one place before. Acere walked among the throng of creatures, noticing some faces that he recognized while others were complete strangers. Peddlers and entertainers filled the area, and he had to admit, he was excited to see the days events and how they played out. Ignis had come with him, sure that Actaea was around here somewhere though probably not participating in the tournament. When he turned around, his crimson nephew was gone, likely pulled away by the many exciting things happening around. That was alright, the boy could take care of himself. When an announcement was made, Acere stopped where he was, crimson gaze peeking through the eyes of the white tiger he had killed a couple of seasons ago. He had fashioned himself a suit of armor from its pelt. And on his feet sat a set of reavers carefully crafted with leather and the claws of the beast he felled.

His companion foxes walked beside him, taking in everything that was happening around them. It wasn't long before some googly eyed coydog approached and started to speak. Acere was having a hard time trying to figure out who he was talking to, brows knitting together as he looked at him with confusion. It wasn't until the rest of the crowd backed away and left him and another male up front and center. Acere spared a glance at his would-be opponent, noticing that the man was nearly twice his age. Huh...he was supposed to fight that old man? Well, an opponent was an opponent, he supposed.

He follows the coydog to a circle of stones, ears twitching beneath his mask as he listened to the rules. Simple enough, really. Both foxes stood on either side of him, their fur bristling and tails twitching as they itched to try their paws at a fight. Finn had always been more rambunctious and leaned towards the warrior's path, Lumi was getting there, though compared to her brother, she wasn't as vicious...yet. The titan rolled his shoulders as he sized up his opponent. They were nearly matched in height, though Acere was taller by three inches. And he was closer to his prime as opposed to the old man.

He nodded to him, "Acere Praetor, pleasure." He left his introduction brief. Now it was time to get to the matter at hand. He started by widening his stance until his legs were equidistant apart (hip and shoulder width). Claws splayed over the ground, tail flashing out behind him like a banner as his head lowered over his throat to align with his spine. He supposed he didn't have to worry about that anymore, but old habits died hard. Hackles rose along his body, the titan's shoulders rolling forward to protect the sides of his neck.

He was ready.

Acere charged, heading for a full frontal assault. He thrust his chest out, both points of his shoulders jutted out as he sought to slam into Felicien with as much force as he could, hopefully impacting his target to leave behind some gnarly bruises. Simultaneously, jaws parted as he tilted his head in and slightly downward towards Felicien's left shoulder, the alabaster male seeking to dig his teeth into the meaty flesh and hinder his opponent's movement. As he did this, his right forepaw would rise and Acere would seek to drive it down upon Felicien's left forepaw in an attempt to pin him place and to keep him from moving it with not only the pressure of his weight, but with the claws of his reaver potentially digging into the paw that would likely make it painful with each flex and movement of his opponents foot should he be successful.

Acere VS Felicien for Tournament Spar
Round: 1/?
Size: Dire Wolf
Build: Heavy
Offensive Accessory: Tiger Claw Reavers on his feet
Defensive Accessory: Tiger pelt armor
Companion 1: Fox - Male (battle)
Companion 2: Fox - Female (battle)
Mutation: N/A
Fight Skill Level: Expert
Specialty: N/A

 speech Thought Quote


03-05-2019, 11:36 PM
He was old… but certainly not ready to call it quits yet. He found his way to the battlefield and found himself surrounded by others all looking to participate in this tournament. Félicien could not remember the last time he had fought… But he was going to try and kickstart his life once more here. This was where it began again… and he would be fine, he decided, if he lost. But only if it was against a worthy opponent.

Though he was slowly losing his sight the male could still see things to a degree. Mainly larger shapes and shadows of what they really were… but that was fine. It would work.

He was chosen, or so it seemed, because everyone else moved back leaving him and another man who didn’t cower away from the coydog standing out in front. He shrugged, not able to see the wandering gaze of the other creature and therefore not affected by it.

He moved to the circle of stones and shifted into a battle stance as he gazed upon his opponent. Something was on the other male’s back, though he wasn’t sure what… it just looked like a whitish blob to him. “Félicien Desrosiers.” The man spoke his name, continuing to watch Ace.

Then the battle was on. Félicien shifted his body to the right and once Ace was close enough jumped forward, landing hard and pivoting as he dodged the main frontal assault of the male. However it was not completely successful as Acere’s left shoulder point struck his hip as Féli was turning -- undoubtedly it was going to leave a nasty bruise. As for the paw stomp, rather than hit the forepaw, Ace’s paw landing on the back paw, on the very last toe, and Félicien felt a sharp shooting pain as it landed. Not just from impact, which could have very well badly damaged the area, but also from the single claw that was digging into his skin.

Jaws also found purchase on the left side of his rump, sinking in and drawing up blood. But Félicien didn’t cave from that. What sort of mercenary would he be if he couldn’t handle a bit of pain?

Félicien snarled, righting his balance as he made his move for the less protected rear left leg of his opponent. He sought the fleshy bit between stomach and leg, to grab onto with his jaws as he twisted his head to his right. Should he manage to grab hold his upper jaw would be on the outside of his opponent’s leg while the lower jaw would be on the inside.

He also shifted his weight so he could lift his left forepaw and aimed to stomp down upon it and dig his claws down into the webbing. He also attempted to push through his opponents attacks, hoping to tear free and not only accomplish his bite but slam into his opponent’s leg and shift his balance so that it might be easier to topple him.


Félicien versus Acere for Tournament Spar
Round: 1/2
Size: Extra Large
Build: Heavy
Offensive Accessory: --
Defensive Accessory: --
Companion 1: --
Companion 2: --
Disability: Partial Blindness
Fight Skill Level: Beginner
Specialty: N/A


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
03-07-2019, 06:52 PM
His opponent appeared to have been a little quicker than expected. But that didn't mean he would get away without injury. As his opponent swept by him, Ace managed to strike his hip with his left shoulder. Likewise, his right forepaw made contact with Feli's back left paw, more specifically on a single toe, but a claw on his new reavers had managed to dig in, which was painful when Feli's foot flexed, no doubt. His teeth had also made purchase on the left side of Feli's rump, drawing blood from him.

Ace would continue his movement forward, practically following Feli as if it was a game of ring around the rosie. He released his grip on Feli's rump as he surged forward, turning inward to follow the man. As he did so, Feli's bite connected on his left side where his ribs were, drawing blood but keeping him from getting a grip. His fangs managed to leave bleeding cuts, however. Feli's claws also managed to scratch the webbing of his hind paw as he lifted his foot, the alabaster man growling as the attack irritated the area. Welts would surely show later.

With Finn and Lumi watching, the pair nodded to each other as they both dove in for their own attacks. Finn took a more daring approach, seeking to run in with his jaws open towards Feli's neck, the young Tom aiming pointed teeth at the base of Feli's throat. Should he succeed in biting the much larger male, he wanted to grip and hold on to slow the old man down. Meanwhile, Lumi darted around behind in an effort to tackle Feli's right hind leg, hoping to throw her body straight into the appendage to hopefully trip him up and topple him over. As they did that, Ace launched another assault. Maw opened once more, except this time, he aimed to bite halfway down Feli's tail. It was probably a cheap shot, but it was the closest part of the old man that he could comfortably reach without potentially getting in the way of his smaller charges.

Acere VS Felicien for Tournament Spar
Round: 2/2
Size: Dire Wolf
Build: Heavy
Offensive Accessory: Tiger claw reavers
Defensive Accessory: Tiger pelt armor
Companion 1: Red Fox - Male (battle)
Companion 2: Red Fox - Female (battle)
Mutation: N/A
Fight Skill Level: Expert
Specialty: N/A

 speech Thought Quote


03-10-2019, 06:25 PM

His fangs were to land, though definitely not where he intended. The chance of keeping a hold was stripped away from him but at the very least he had managed to leave cuts upon Acere’s ribs. His claws managed to get into the webbing as well, but it was a small victory. The real wounds wouldn’t be an issue until later.

Felicien hadn’t noticed the foxes at first, luckily taking note of the male just as he lunged. The male had already been correcting his defenses, tucking his chin, when the young one went for his throat. He brought his muzzle down further, using it in hopes of catching the fox and tossing him off to the side where he hopefully wouldn’t damage the companion too much.

He certainly wasn’t counting on a sneak attack from the second companion, however, and he her bodily slam into him with enough oomph to cause him to stumble forward just a touch. It was enough to make him toss his head up with more force as the fox neared it and Feli hoped the companion wouldn’t get tossed much harder than he expected. He didn’t want to hurt them badly… this was a mere dominance match after all.

His tail, too, swept up as he stumbled, right towards Acere’s jaws. Felicien’s snarled as he felt the pain of those teeth digging into flesh. The attacks his opponents had left on him had left him feeling that familiar sting of battle… bleeding. Living.

Felicien felt his heart racing excitedly in his chest as he worked to spin towards his opponent in that next moment and snap at the exposed part of Acere’s hind leg. It was an awkward position to be certain, but the man wasn’t sure what else to do with his tail in the pale man’s mouth. Fangs sought the fleshy back area of his thigh, hoping to dig in and, maybe, just maybe get a hold this time. It left Felicien twisted in a bit of a “c” shape but hey, at least he was attempting to fix the positioning he was in.


Félicien versus Acere for Tournament Spar
Round: 2/2
Size: Extra Large
Build: Heavy
Offensive Accessory: --
Defensive Accessory: --
Companion 1: --
Companion 2: --
Disability: Partial Blindness
Fight Skill Level: Beginner
Specialty: N/A


The Judge


03-14-2019, 08:14 AM

And the winner is...

FELICIEN must give up by submitting, fleeing or passing out.


Acere: 325.97
Felicien: 215.08

- Judged with Love by Tea


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
03-16-2019, 11:52 AM
The fight was over faster than he thought it would be. The coydog called an end to the fight, declaring Acere the victor! He jumped away from the older man, and upon really getting a good look at him, he realized Felicien was blind. Or somewhat, at least. He respected the old guy for putting up a fight like that, and wondered if perhaps he had been a warrior in his younger days. "You put up a good fight for someone your age. No offense," He chuckled as he dipped his head to him.

Shaking out his fur and readjusting his striped armor, Acere turned to Feli again. "I look forward to meeting you again in the future. And good luck in the tournament." He offered a quick smile before stepping out of the ring and heading off to wait for his next fight.


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