



2 Years
03-04-2019, 05:27 AM
What the fuck..

Where did this angry snake came from?

Shit. Shit Shit.

Sonovabitch. he voiced as his muscle tensed, golden optics remained trained on the predator. If he paid a bit more attention he would have seen the eggs. Without any detectable noise the shells were pushed from the inside until they cracked and oozed clear liquid. No-one witnessed the birth of the black mamba snakes, already two feet in length, not even the beast that laid just several tails away from its nest. The newborn snakes yawned, showing their black mouths and fangs, every one with enough poison to kill a dozen of animals. Each body, a smooth column of armoured muscle, slithered into the charcoal light that preceded the dawn. Pale bellies gliding over the parched soil and stone, dark backs to the fading stars.

He was fucked. How did it come to this?

He remembers it so clearly.

After the never ending lights of the day, the young beast underestimated the utter blackness of nighttime in the woods. In his mind the trees would be black trunks against a bluish charcoal sky, the path would become deepest brown and the moonlight would bleach the stones within it. Hadn't every painting of woods at night been like that? Even if there was a moon tonight its silvery rays would not penetrate the dense canopy above. He was in too far in to turn back, the twilight he had mistaken for night had passed rapidly. It could be no blacker in a coffin, six feet under and piled with dirt. He began to breathe the cool air more rapidly. The darkness pressed in on him from all sides and his body screamed for him to run. He sank to his bottom on the damp earth of early spring and settled in to wait for dawn. All the while he listened for the bears and the snakes... Wait a minute. Snakes? Big ass mother fucking snakes? Oh hell no.

As soon as he rose he saw her. The mother. Stone-like, steel eyes embedded in an otherwise unbroken sheath scales, she watched him closely, for any movements she could detect. The serpent had long forgotten life before her babies, now she wanted just to protect them; in the many years that had passed in her home she had grown to almost six feet long. Her silky smooth skin had finally lost its bulge, two weeks of digesting was over and he was ready for another meal.

Guess who was the meal?

That's right.


Shit. he voiced slowly, as he took a step back. Turns out that was a mistake as well because not only did his movement caught the attention of the snake even more but he also stepped on a twig with snaped in two and forced the snake to take actions.

In a mere moment the head of the snake snapped forth towards his front right limb and all he could do in order to avert that was to rose it in the air and move diagonally to it as fast as he could. Low snarls and growl escaped the beast jaws, his lips peeling over his murderous yellow canines in a show of aggression. What the hell was one supposed to do when encountering a snake? All the knew was that they responded to vibrations due to their lack of ears and well, the sounds that he vocalized supposedly sent some vibrations because the snake was right back at him, permanently going after his front limbs.

All he could do was raise one after the other in a never slowing, never dying dance macabre. The Dance of Death. Well, he was never one to fear Death, more so, he always seemed to wish to embrace it and troubles always had his name written all over them so why should this time be any different?

He attempted to grab a bite at the snake head but that was not successful. He cannot do anything by approaching it directly and therefore his mind thought of a different idea. He distanced itself from his opressor and took a massive twig between his jaws, aiming it towards the jaws of the snake. Ugly ass motherfucker should know better than to mess with the Warlord.

Only that, he did not. And not only that he did not but his plan to impale the snake did not seem to work either.

A snarl was released from the warlord from the back of his throat. If he cannot impale him the usual way than by all means, he is going to at least distract it. But how? Golden lenses observed his surroundings with his pheripheral vision, all the while remaining focused on the snake. A rabbit. Perfect. He lounged upon the unsuspecting creature and snapped its jaws around it's neck, locking his canined into the warm flesh. This will serve as distraction.

The dead creature laid in his jaws for a moment before he threw it upon the ground, in front of the snake.

He took the bait. Good. The snake snapped at the dead rabbit in mid-air, his venomous fangs ripping right through it as it took it's time to swallow it whole.

This was his chance. He was never one to run from a fight but there are some you cannot win and better take a honorable retreat for now. He did not turn on his heel but instead he retreated while still facing the snake, golden lenses locking onto her empty ones as he distanced further. As soon as he knew he was at a safe distance only then did he turned on his heels and moved away at an alarmed pace through the dense woods.
