


07-09-2013, 03:16 AM

thank you shrap ♥

The past couple of days had been quite eventful for the adventurous fiend, and although she had now been branded as a wolf of Amenti with a prestigious title to prove it, she felt as if she were still a vagabond, if not more so now than she ever had been before. The pallid babe had pranced from region to region, encountering new faces and exploring foreign areas as if she had been assigned to recruit abroad, but the fact of the matter was that it was not a command that had attracted her to investigate the different lands of the island, but rather the knowledge that her years were limited that drove her desire to get out and see the world. Time had aged her bones and she was now an adult past her prime, and despite the fact that she still had a decent amount of years left to her life before she became crippled with age, she had breached an awareness that she would undoubtedly die before then. She had crafted adversaries from the lashings of her venomous tongue, and her impending endeavors on the horizon would inevitably earn her that many more. She could have changed her ways, could have attempted to adopt a more pleasant demeanor to avoid being involuntarily put to rest, and she could have abandoned the schemes she had deviated out of bitterness and selfish desire, but she wouldn?t. She enjoyed the sense of danger accompanied with enemies and she cared little as to the misfortunes she could bestow upon the innocent ? life was a game and she was out to win it, disregarding the rest as pawns to be utilized in order to obtain what it was that she desired. She was capable of ripping at the seams of a family to obliterate it just as she was willing to seize the reigns from one who was underserving of being usurped, all without the baggage of remorse to weigh upon her conscience.

Adrenaline coursed freely throughout her petite form as she maneuvered to the realm she had grown so accustomed to over the months she had resided within Tortuga?s ranks, an undeniable confidence emanating from her toned being as her serpentine limbs pulled her across the spring landscape at an easy pace so that she may preserve her energy for the impending brawl. Metallic eyes, alight with greed, remained fixated straight ahead of her, locked upon Tortuga?s domain as if they expected her behemoth of an opponent to spring forth and take her by surprise although she knew that such a possibility was impossible. As she approached the borderlines that had previously been drenched in her own intoxicating aroma, now lathered in the brutish goliath?s scent, she settled into her defenses, allowing her eyes to narrow to gleaming, mercury slits and her ears to plaster against her crown, skull falling in alignment with the majority of her spinal column and tendril-like tail extending outward to act as a counterweight. Her jaws slackened reflexively and she pressed her chin against the curve of her neck while her shoulders rolled forward to bunch the loose fur upon her nape over the base of her neck, a smirk wracking her immaculate countenance as she breached beyond the borders without regard to whomever may attempt to stop her from entering her home. She sauntered further past the borders until she breached the clearing in the vegetation where many meetings had taken place prior to then, halting as she took her position center stage, distributing her weight equally across her limbs as she finalized her defenses. Once she had felt prepared enough, she tilted her skull back momentarily, allowing a demanding howl to burst free from her jaws to summon any who desired to witness the macabre battle and especially directed at Desdemona?s usurper. ? The queen was back.


Gargoyle I


07-10-2013, 07:27 AM

(ooc: just so it's clear, I do intend on playing this out ic. and this is to be set after the pack meeting 'you do what you have to' was called)

Gargoyle didn't have time to devote to random rouges. There was much to do in this land before his pack could be made ready to depart. Well, those who were departing with him anyway - though it seemed like just about everyone was. The Timber cross, when he heard the howl that was given - already a good ways into the territory - pinned his ears back, and took his own sweet time in padding over. It wasn't that it hurt to walk, or anything. His injuries had healed completely now, though it seemed he would always have that pink scaring on the inside of his left fore. Just one more beauty mark to add to the list.

When he reached the source of the call, Gargoyle almost broke his usually stotic appearence and hitched up one golden brow. This daring little sliver slip, was no larger than his wife, Ocena. What did she think she was doing, trasping into another pack's territory? She had the scent of redwoods on her - ah, she was Amenti. That settled things. 'Assassain' was probably what she called herself. But was she from the old reign of Newt, or that new reign of the one called Medusa? Thanks to a chance meeting with an ex Amenti slave, Gargoyle was up to date in that pack's political shifts. But whatever this pack wolf had to say, he wished her to say it quickly. "And what do you want?"


07-10-2013, 01:53 PM

thank you shrap ♥

Silently, patiently she waited for the belle of the ball to emerge, her chest expanding and falling with each exaggerated breath given, attempting to soothe her nerves that had been frayed with fervent anticipation as her pupils danced freely about the arena in preparation for the masses that she suspected would approach. Alas, none seemed too keen on dealing with the threatening disturbance she posed; were they so complacent in allowing their king to falter or did he house too much of their confidence? Whatever the case may be, the ambitious wench was intent upon thieving back the Tortugan throne and was indifferent to whoever decided against witnessing the battle that would decipher the imperial from the peasant ? the fewer that dotted the sidelines meant the fewer distractions offered, and she was in no position to allow mere distractions to break her. However, as the thundering of lumbering footfalls greeted her folded ears, she silently wished that she could have brought her whelps along with her to observe the bloodshed and learn a strategy or two, but still they were too young and their limbs too frail to travel more than a few meters. It was a pity their fragile state would deny them the opportunity to witness how their mother fared in true combat.

Her pupils locked on to their target as he breached the scene, wavering over the plains of his gargantuan physique as she attempted to pinpoint the weaknesses to center her attacks around. There was a lack of a tail that she suspected would subtract from his overall balance and visible scars that decorated his multihued coat, subject to reopening should she manage to strike them with the required force. He was impressive to say the least and fit the part of a militant quite nicely, but still she was not intimidated by the behemoth for she was not inexperienced in battle despite the fact that her fur was lack of scars to display her feats save for the healing lacerations upon her upper jaw. The sly, devious smirk that had claimed her visage upon entering the male?s realm never vanished even as her current opponent strode into the clearing to accompany her, ever-stagnant if not elongating as he halted a decent-sized distance away from where she had rooted herself. Demanding, irritated vocals vacated the premises of his jaws in question to her motives, only forcing the grin to expand with amusement. ?My pack,? she stated calmly and steadily, mercury gaze never straying from his golden while her defenses remained in lockdown.



07-11-2013, 05:19 PM
Dorian was barely old enough to stumble about. He was still heavy with baby fat and his first layer of fur had yet to really start breaking through. For now his fur was wispy and remarkably soft, little tufts of ivory that blew upward and out, blowing in the wind, in the breeze. Misted silver eyes glanced this way and that, but he cared little to find his siblings. Rump in the air, nose to the earth, the youth stumbled and dripped over his paws as he followed the heavy trace of the only scent he knew. Mom.

breaking the line of trees, the youth would squeak and recoil, the sun momentarily blinding him, but quickly remembering why he was here, he blinked back the fierce rays of sunlight and slowly stumbled forward. His moms form coming into view along with a stranger. Hesitant, he stopped several paces away, confused as to what was going on, his eyes landed on his mum and he called to her quickly. ?Mom!?

Gargoyle I


07-11-2013, 05:37 PM

Gargoyle grunted at her answer. Oh was that all. A bit of a surprise seeing how insistently she?d strode into the mountainside. Once upon a time he would?ve watched her die for that. Of course in Gargoyle?s ?Once Upon a Time?s he had been the monster and not the knight. ?The old Tortugans disbanded a while ago. Mt. Volkan was empty when we arrived. Most of the pack scattered to the winds, but a few of them returned here if you?d like to speak with your old packmates.? Nothing in the she-wolfs stance or tone was encouraging him to be helpful, but he could at least remain civil. A second later he was content that he had been, for a little fluffball of a pup came barreling in. She had brought a pup into unknown territory? Not the wisest, but perhaps that explained things. She was just being protective or something. As a father himself, Gargoyle could cut her a little slack, and wait patiently for her to expand on what she needed and what she was doing here.


07-12-2013, 01:19 AM
i still dunno what you wanna do so i'm keeping this table and the challenge up just in case :3

thank you shrap ♥

Still he offered her his evident irritation in the form of a guttural grunt, causing a sense of pride to well within her inflated breast that she dare not portray through her stance, maintaining the typical and immaculate poise of a soldier readied for combat even though her opponent?s defenses were deficient. The wheels of her ever-scheming mind began to churn with this newfound curiosity as she attempted to piece the possible reasoning behind his lack of preparation together, concluding that the brutish goliath was either far too arrogant with his looming height in comparison to her dainty twenty-eight apex, or that he would deny her the opportunity to sate the cravings of battle. Irritation swept through her interior as she contemplated the latter, the commemoration of the challenge she had posed to Kaien coming back to haunt her as she recognized the similarities between that encounter and the current; if her newest adversary were to attempt to con her into settling for the secondary alpha position, the defiant viper would deny him in a heartbeat. No ? her complacency with partial authority had died along with Kaien; she was eager to win, and settling for second-best was no longer an option. Tortuga was either completely under her reign or without her entirely ? there was no in-between this time around.

Generosity graced her ears, causing her brows to furrow minutely with confusion; this male currently held the crown in his possession, so why would he offer her the opportunity to reunite with what had once been hers? Hesitant and suspicious, she allowed a few moments of silence to encase the duo; her jaws unhinged briefly following the pause as she decided upon the right words to speak. However, before the command could be issued, a second voice tore through the atmosphere, alerting her to the presence of a bystander ? but this was no ordinary witness. The familiarity was registered, causing her skull to whip in the direction that the yip had centered around, metallic eyes falling upon the minuscule, underdeveloped form of her smallest child: Dorian. A smirk caressed her countenance as she looked upon the whelp, approval for his eagerness to watch the battle generating within her along with a second wave of pride; she did create the most impressive of heathens, at least in her own twisted mind. She didn?t even bother to ponder how he had managed to escape the clutches of his father, instead gesturing to the sideline with her muzzle. ?Mommy wants to win you a crown,? she cooed devilishly, her gaze wavering back to the golden of her adversary?s, wondering how he would take to her compliance of the child?s presence to such a solemn event. Sure, the whelp proved she was a mother, but he did not prove she was a fair one.

?Tortuga?s disbandment was not the cause of my leadership; I have not been its queen since last autumn. I do not know who Desdemona has recruited nor do I wish to meet with them if she has fully ensnared their loyalty; I know only of two for a fact that remained under her leadership, and one of two is aware of my ambitions and supports me, therefore, I do not feel the need to meet with either until something is decided here,? she spoke calmly, her tones void of any and all emotion. ?Should you choose to fight to retain your title, I stand before you, eager to spill my blood for it. And if I should win, I care little as to whether or not you remain under my rule as an inferior.?



07-12-2013, 01:36 AM
Dorian watched with fascination as the two stood tense and ready, even at his young age, he could feel the tension in the air, it kept him back, it kept him away, even if he wanted to tend too his mom. She wasn't the sweetest of moms, but she kept him fed and she kept him healthy... he shouldn't have to ask for more, her words however, confused the tiny youth. His head cocked to the side, eyes wide and contemplative. For a long moment he was silent, falling backwards to rest on his haunches, tail coiling complacently around his chubby limbs.

Finally a smile broke across his maw, so wide and so massive it displayed all of his tiny white teeth. He rose to his pads shaking out his fur and sending bits of debris flying in every which direction before ivory lips parted to let the lyrics flow, just loud enough for his mom to hear. ?Wouldn't a crown look prettier on you mama?? He was still too naive to understand the full impact of her words and he spoke the first thought that popped into his brain rather than a logical one. He hoped his answer pleased his mom and if it didn't... he would just have to work that much harder to please her next time. He would not be a failure. Of this, he was certain.

Gargoyle I


07-14-2013, 04:18 PM

It was in the mother?s remark to her son, that Gargoyle?s first inkling at the truth was found. It was all that was needed to shed a new light upon the scene. Up until that moment, Gargoyle had assumed her to be of the prior Tortugan allegiance, some wolf under Desdemonda?s rule, now looking for answers as to what had happened to her queen and packmates. Not so. Not so by a long shot. She was a challenger. Gargoyle was sick of challengers. A slow, guttural growl escaped his muzzle in the form of an exhale. Despite the deadpan face and blank, stoney eyes, complete irritation and disappointment was made clear in that one sound. ?All wolves that lie within these borders are loyal to myself and none other. They have proven such time after time. I shall never understand why wolves choose to grapple for empty titles and scraps of land.? He gazed down at her, nothing in his eyes, but true disgust in his heart. After the experience he had recently had, he could feel nothing else for pack-challengers. Yet, a wayward glance at the pup, made him wonder. The truth was, this was a battle he would not fight. He didn?t have to. His family was already on the verge of moving. He and his sister had discovered that Mt. Volkan was far from extinct, and after the eruption of Mt.Animi, no one had a mind to look at another volcano, let alone live on one.

His family would not be needing Tortuga, the land would once again be open to the claim of any crazy enough to lurk in it?s shadows. But he didn?t mention this. As of yet, that issue was not a part of the conversation. Gargoyle wanted to know what sort of a character stood before him. ?The fact is, that if you by some miracle win, you shall be left with nothing but the volcanic slopes ? assuming none of my packmates gang together and kill you. Tell me, if you would be so kind, what makes such a risk worth the taking? If you lose, you leave your son motherless, if you win your very presence forces an entire pack of wolves to vacate yet another home.? He had let his words hang in the ash tainted air for barely a moment before he was lowering his head to better match her eyelevel. Should she blink, she would miss it, but for a moment there was a glimmer of something in those depths: cool, calculating curiosity, simple and straightforward, but as intense as blue flame. ?What is it that drives the diamond-eyed wolf before me to the brink of such a decision??


07-15-2013, 08:18 AM

thank you shrap ♥

The negative responses she extracted from the brutish goliath only fueled her, causing adrenaline to pulsate within her iron veins and heat the blood that flowed throughout, generating such an ideal sensation within her that was almost orgasmic in her perspective. The realization that it had been her presence, her speech, and her ambitions that had initiated his evident displeasure struck the witch in the most delightful of ways, for oh, there was an adoration that accompanied being the bearer of bad news that she could never quite escape. Witnessing the discomfort that had settled within his very being caused pride to flood her system with the knowledge that she had been the cause of the irritated growl that arose in his throat, forcing the pallid strands of fur that lined her spinal column to bristle with the thrill the male provided her with and a charming cackle teeming with glee to vacate her unhinged jaws, only causing her fur to erect all the more. Dulled, black nails kneaded the earthy terrain beneath her dainty paws as she attempted to nullify the pleasure that wracked her interior, carving minuscule trenches into the dirt that deepened with her anxiety. ? What are you waiting for?

The pretty words her son offered her distracted her briefly, causing her metallic eyes to waver from the golden depths of her current adversary unto the mercury ? so much like her own ? of the young whelp?s, a hint of amusement playing behind her typically vague gaze as she looked upon him. She adored the child ? approved of his antics, even, but she could not and would not ever verbally or physically prove such a factor to him or his siblings; they would forever retain the need to appease their mother. The vocals that Tortuga?s superior provided brought the ice queen?s attention to reside back upon the gargantuan fool, a demure shrug rolling her shoulders back as he finished voicing his confusion although she understood exactly why others forced themselves through the complications of challenging; wolves were creatures with the instinct to conquer, and the petite wraith?s desires included nothing but. Idly, she wondered how daft of a creature stood before her, for even he had jumped at the opportunity to snag the crown once Desdemona had involuntarily cast it aside.

But his next set of words caused a singular brow to elevate upon her forehead as she recognized the arrogance lingering behind them, a wry chuckle cascading from her inky lips pulled taut over her bleached incisors that subsided almost as quickly as it had manifested as he mentioned the possibility of leaving little Dorian without a mother to raise him. She digested the meaning fully, now aware that the male had every intention of slaughtering her where she stood in order to retain the crown placed so crookedly atop his head, breaching the decision all too quickly to do unto the male what he desired to do unto her should she fall in defeat. This was a double-edged sword and if he wished to threaten her life, then she had no issue sealing the same fate upon him. The amusement that had consistently plagued her throughout the encounter thus far faded from her countenance then, her gaze never straying from his own even as he lowered his skull to her level, her upper lip just barely unfurling with the newfound rage bubbling within her, desiring nothing more than to set her plans in motion while he was so vulnerable. But she abstained from doing so, a blank expression falling across her countenance that remained rigid even as he addressed her. ?What is it that drives the behemoth before me to threaten my life ? my son?s?? she backfired, the inquiry sounding less like a question and more like a statement for she already knew the answer just as he knew. It was the one true answer to both of their questions, and it was power, and that was all it had to be.



07-15-2013, 12:50 PM
Dorian was still too young to really understand what was happening, silvery oculars watched with torrid fascination as the two exchanged words, he understood that he was mentioned and included but his words were neigh responded too, that didn't matter, he would try harder next time! He would make mama proud! His little twig of a tail brushed the earth, excitement and eagerness to placate his mom thrumming through his veins like a plague. But then... mama was speaking again and...and... his tiny brain tried to comprehend her big words. That big wolf was... was threatening her???

A rumbling growl was pulled from Dorian's throat, the tiny youth making the most angry of sounds he could possibly make! Nobody threatened his mama! Nobody! ?Hey mister! Leave my mama alone! Don't make me hurt you!? Damn straight he would protect his mother!


07-16-2013, 02:23 AM

i love shrap. for like a long time && then some.

Dread loomed in the atmosphere, clenching her gullet with the intensity of a fear towards the unknown ? an entire world undiscovered, undisclosed to the new set of eyes, where danger lurked beneath every bough and unturned stone. And yet, despite the apprehension churning beneath her immaculate and untainted flesh, the feeling dare not manifest upon her pallid and pure visage; instead, there was a vagueness about her exterior that abstained her true emotions from seeping through onto her countenance. The developing babe was an enigma even in her early stages, even as her minuscule limbs propelled her into the obscure darkness after her wayward sibling and birth mother, rendering her forlorn and without the company of either of her family members whose side she had not abandoned since her birth. The only comfort provided for the tyke was that of her brother?s scent which had fueled her decision to escape the confines of her mother?s chosen den-site, adorning the earth and insinuating waves of warmth and adoration to course within her veins each and every time she inhaled the familiar stench. He had fled her side in favor of their mother?s presence but she had forgiven him, for she, too, could not help but succumb to the curiosity that had plagued her upon registering the passion that had laced her mother?s words before she had left that morning, but she had been obedient enough to cling to the protection offered by their father until the realization of Dori?s absence struck her. Then and only then would the babe accept the danger accompanied with the world outside their domain, for her sibling would be forbidden to meet his untimely demise alone.

Plush tendril would unfurl from its position above her rump to lick at her heels as the aroma of her sibling and mother dominated the atmosphere, heterochromatic eyes flickering in every which direction with fervor as she scoured for the pale forms of those held dear to her. The babe had entered pack turf quite a while ago with a newfound sense of cautiousness and an equally intense sense of curiosity, contemplative thoughts breaching her mind as to the reason why her mother?s presence was warranted within the borders; their allegiance belonged to none as far as the child was concerned and she was unaware of her mother?s ambitions. Without being detected by the locals, she approached a clearing in the dense vegetation that had greatly complicated her navigation due to her petite apex, immediately causing the child to halt in her tracks to assess the situation unfolding before her very eyes. Upon digesting the inquiry of her mother and the threats provided by her enraged sibling, dread flooded her system as she finally comprehended the purpose of the meeting between the gargantuan brute and her mother that he towered so high above; he desired to smite her where she stood. Aghast, triangular ears pressed against her crown and she strode nearer to her sibling, revealing herself to the small gathering in the process before she plopped her rump into the sidelines of the arena nearest to where Dorian sat, growling, in total contrast to her relatively calm stance. She offered him a glance, her tail extending outward towards his so that she may intertwine the appendage with his own, attempting to soothe his frayed nerves as best she could despite the fact that her internal feelings did not vary much from his own. But she held an iota of faith that her mother would escape the clutches of the beast unscathed and that they would return back to Szayel and their father in a moment?s time.

Gargoyle I


07-19-2013, 08:45 AM

"I made no threat to your son." was his only reply. Even in his agitated state He had been willing to talk, to search for answers and a depth behind the she-wolf's actions. But no, all there seemed to be was heated, prickly ambition. And a dash of na?vet? for apparently, unlike himself, she did not consider death likely outcome when barging in upon a king and challenging for his family's home.

He watched her needless fury take over her features and form so completely, thinking only to himself - that this was a creature who would lead others?

"What drives me here? The howl of a fae who is not content with her place in life. Who thinks that she will find her happiness by ripping a home from two dozen good wolves, who have already known so much misfortune - and then becomes aghast when the one who represents them speaks plainly." He shook his head. "But I have no intention of fighting you this day. My family and I already leaving. Tortuga's name and terra are once more empty and yours for claiming." So saying, the male concluded the interview as over, and, more than ready to be free of the she-wolf's presence, stalked off from the battlefield.



07-20-2013, 02:13 PM

thank you shrap ♥

A snort brushed past her leathery nostrils, flaring them just momentarily as the male clarified he meant her child no harm; but no matter how sincere his words may have been, she did not trust this stranger any more than she had Desdemona. There were undeniable similarities between the crooked king and the slayer to Kaien that caused her blood to boil with the rage they both ignited within her core, but even though she did not favor the arrogant cretin before her, she would not offer him the spiteful words she had spilled onto the pallid behemoth?s ears. No ? she was calm externally, eerily so despite the fact that now two of her wayward children had made an appearance upon the sidelines, endangering their lives in the process when all they desired was knowledge. But she disregarded both whelps even as her son defiantly threatened the multihued brute she desired to usurp, his words flooding her system with another wave of pride that dare not surface.

As the vocals continued to pour from the male?s inky lips, accusatory in nature, her ears peeled up from their position pasted against her crown while she digested each and every word as well as the obvious annoyance that decorated his tones, insinuating a concoction of amusement and vexation to greet her as his speech concluded. His attempt to generate pity and guilt within her for desiring the Tortugan crown affected her not ? it only managed to fuel the smirk that came back to haunt her pristine countenance. She wanted nothing more than to drive the knowledge through the brute?s thick skull that misfortune was just another obstacle in life that he and his proclaimed ?family? would be forced to deal with time in and time out, and that she and countless others were not created with the purpose to cater to his every whim just because it was morally right to do so, but she refrained ? he would just have to breach that awareness on his own in due time. Currently, however, all he and his supporters needed to worry about was where they were headed, for there was no way in hell that she would comply to allowing them to remain in Tortuga, even as inferiors. ?You?ll do well to leave Tortuga quickly,? the wench called after the brute as he vacated the arena, having not allowed her the opportunity to sate her bloodlust. Once his gargantuan form was obscured in the vegetation, the defenses she had strictly maintained throughout the encounter slackened, and she turned to face her children, a crooked grin sprawled across her facial features. ?Come, now,? she addressed the duo, pivoting in the opposite direction she had entered from. ?Let me show you your home ? our kingdom.?

exeunt morphine