
Tornadic's talk

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
03-23-2019, 07:32 PM

t was slow going, but she was getting there. One after another, she would track down the pups that ran rampant through her territory, and have a one on one moment with each and every one of them. She needed to see what was going on in their heads - to know they were okay, to be there if they needed someone to speak to, and, of course, to get an idea of what they wanted. She had a rather large decision coming up in her future, and she wanted to know for certain that she made the right one.

The next wolf on her list was the only one among them that didn’t sport the red eyes that seemed common among these pups. This was another large-pawed little bodied creature, and she would find his scent and follow the trail until she laid eyes upon him. “Tornadic” she called out, hoping she was getting his name right. She had heard them all spoken, and was pretty certain she had matched each one to its owner correctly.

Alas, she wished she had more time to do this right, this was such an important moment in their lives, and they couldn’t understand it. She needed to find out what they wanted, what was right for them. She hated to interfere in their lives, but now that she was forced to do so, she was determined to do it right.



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