
Messing With Two Hot Devils



2 Years
03-26-2019, 03:41 AM (This post was last modified: 03-26-2019, 03:55 AM by Locust.)

OOC: Takes place before the challenge of Erovare

Ebony fur trailed onward throughout the landscape, eyes laying dormant on the large structure that she was sure would have a lot of twists and turns. Locust had wandered off for some time, but, she would forever make sure that she followed the words of Nephthys, but in order to do so, the woman would have to make sure that she learned as much knowledge that the sultry female would be able to toss her way. The thought alone made the ebon babe smirk with pleasure. Surely, she would be able to help her gain her own goals and continue with her wicked ways sometime. But, due to her gratitude, she would listen to her teachers beck and call if anything needed to be done. Locust could already think of a few ways that she could show some other wolves that she meant business and was not to be taken lightly. After all, looks like hers could be rather deceiving if she played her cards correctly.

She trekked inside the structure, her claws clicking onto the surface. The smell of death lingered within the was perfect. She sat upon her haunches, her tail wrapping around them as she tilted her head back, her call piercing but still showing beauty within it as she called for her teacher. She had come a year older and was even experiencing things she hadn't before, so she needed some form of advice or even some lessons, and Thys was perfect in every way, the way that Locust dreamed of herself being sometime ago. Perhaps, it could all happen again soon.




7 Years
03-26-2019, 04:02 AM
But he who dares not grasp the thorn,
should never crave the rose.

The winter time has passed in its somber majesty; having brought them skies of richly marbled greys and trees so elegant in their bare beauty. Those cold days for calmness and reflection are waning and far behind them as a new energy rises. On this spring day, the Golden Goddess sees the flowers that are to colour her world for the warmer days to come, waving in the breeze like a smile born of the cosmos - happiness in brilliant shades and yet she couldnot wave the worry in the back of her mind regarding Hannibal; time passed and she did not hear a word from her mate. In her worry, and in search for prey for her spawns, she lets her eyes flow from tree to tree, noticing the buds ready to open into the light, to be as green flags in the ever-warming wind. It did not take long for a familiar scent to drift her way; inhaling, perfume playing with her senses, dulcet as the first bud of roses with a tint of something even sweeter. Locust. sultry, vampiric tones escaped her full, succulent lips as she lessened her pace. Her limb no longer ached from the youngling sharp incisors however she remains neutral upon their first encounter. Come out now, love. she calls for her, her scent potent within the air yet the breeze carried it away in too many places for her to recognize the source and therefore, delicate teacups come to a halt not far from the Crypt entrance.

html by castlegraphics; image by ulfeid3
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



2 Years
03-26-2019, 04:12 AM

The rhythmic baritones of her teacher soon reverberated in her ears as her blue orb focused on the fall maiden. The eyes that would pierce into one's soul and leave them forever entranced caught her attention, a look of somewhat happiness spread over her maw. It had been some time since they had last spoke to one another, and surely it was time to start anew and get to know one another a little better than their last encounter. Also, the ebony fae did not forget the elegant woman's statement about training her. In fact, it was what the female needed assistance with. As well as, something that she was experiencing that she was not used to. She knew the scent from her mother, but as to what it meant she hadn't a single clue. She slowly got up, walking over to to where her teacher was, showing signs of respect to her.

"It has been quite some time, Nephthys. I hope everything is going well on your front? My...apologies for not trying to find you sooner. But, I was in need of your guidance and was wondering if you would still assist me when it comes to being more...elegant such as yourself?"She spoke, her crown tilting to the side slightly in curiosity. She was unsure as to what she would end up doing if the female before her said that she wouldn't. But, their first encounter did start on a bad note anyways, but, she would try her best to be more cordial than what had happened before. The burn was still there upon her face in all its glory, there to haunt her for the rest of her life. But, she wouldn't let it slow her down, she would be sure to use it as a reminder for all she had gone through to get this far.




7 Years
03-26-2019, 04:29 AM
But he who dares not grasp the thorn,
should never crave the rose.

The bronze mistress auditory system flickered on top of her regalia as the sound of paws caught her attention. Light compliments you as well. soft vocals resonated from her pretty maw, angelic and tranquil in their intensity. The sun complimented their beauty, and even though the young femme was still a diamond in the rough, she hold beauty to her name and frame even with the horrid scar burns that lingered on the left side of her facade. I shall guide you through such path. a ghost of a smile was painted on the corner of her lips, fiery orange gaze eyeing the other from head to toe, registering ever muscle and hair thread within her mind for further analysis. I will teach you my ways. I will take you under my wing. From now on, you shall address me as Mistress. she corrected her gently, confidence and dominance radiated through her every fiber. She was so much more than royal, being worth of her own weight in gold. With a roll of her curvaceous hips she sat on her haunches, shoulder blades rolling backwards to align with her reptilian, lithe spine. We should begin with your posi-- she paused abruptly. Her chest rose and fell delicately with each inhale; pristine, clear air met her lungs, sweetness, caramel and hormones. You are in heat. her optics widened sightly with the suddent statement, blinking away the realization as she stared the female dead in the eyes.

html by castlegraphics; image by ulfeid3
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



2 Years
03-26-2019, 04:52 AM

Locust knew that there had to be some other term she would need to address Nephthys as, so Mistress was something she would need to get used to as time went on. She watched the way Thys moved her form, how her hips swayed when she walked and how she rolled her shoulders to be more in line with her spine. The ebony femme kept her eye locked on her teacher's every movement, only making sure to get rid of details or statements that the woman before her wanted. But, it made the dame smile when Thys hadn't forgotten that she would teach her, her own ways. The sunlight glistened off her coat, making her a bit warm but comfortable in the crisp, Spring air. However, Nephthy's next statement did shock her a little bit.

In heat?

Was that the smell that wafted into the air meant? She had very little knowledge about what being in heat meant, but, she knew it had to do something since she knew her family would go insane during someone's heat season when she was back in her old home. The thought alone sent shivers down the female's spine. "You might consider me rather brainless when it comes to being in heat. But, when I was younger all the males would go nuts over a smell like this and...well, at the time I wasn't sure. I never really thought about how pups were born and what made them, I was just...too naive and stuck in my ways to think about things such as this. Plus, my mother never really told me so..." She explained, her ears pinned back slightly at the thought as her tail curled around her haunches before focusing on Thys with a somewhat uncertain expression.

"You obviously know what it means, but, if it is not you telling me I'm sure I will find out either the hard way or someway," She explained calmly, trying to keep her posture firm and showing that she was regal as best the female could in the situation she was in. This...was definitely not something she was expecting, but she tried to not focus on being in heat but instead focused on her posture.




7 Years
03-26-2019, 05:06 AM
But he who dares not grasp the thorn,
should never crave the rose.

She inhaled deep within her lungs, tasting the perfume upon her tongue and though she did not realize at first due to the slight distance between then now it was clear as day. Locust was in heat. It did not came as a surprise that the woman was not that familiar with it but considering she did not notice other symptoms it was safe to assume it only just started. When a female is in heat she is in a state where she is ready to mate with a male, as this will probably result in pregnancy. a soft explanation, the circle of life that could not be met but something else but worry coming from the bronze mistress. We only get in heat once a year. her slender muzzle pointing towards her own abdomen for a chance. She had only carried the spawns of her mate once however, though times had changed due to all the test of endurance and storms the Gods bestowed upon them, it was without the promise of a happily ever after. Her and her three devil chops were still on alert for any dangers that might come with Hannibal enslaved. I gave birth to three babyclaws but their father was taken away from us, enslaved. I have not heard from him since that day. control, her emotions mustn't be left to roam freely, an ice cold exterior plagued her beautiful, exotic visage once more as she buried the thought deep within her mind. Alas, you must be cautious of males during such times, Locust.

html by castlegraphics; image by ulfeid3
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



2 Years
03-26-2019, 05:20 AM (This post was last modified: 03-26-2019, 05:21 AM by Locust.)

The more Nephthys explained, the more cautious the female became. She wasn't really sure if she wanted a litter as of right now, however, if she did happen to meet someone she liked and was as dark as she was...then perhaps it might be a match made in heaven. However, the images of having little ones running around to show off her legacy, did seem rather nice the more she thought about it. Perhaps she would have to consider her options first before she could really think further upon the subject. But, at the mention of males, maybe she liked both? The thought did arise a couple times to her since there were some cute females roaming about the lands. But, she wasn't sure if that might be out of the question.

"But...what if I like females too, Mistress? What happens then?" She asked curiously. The ebony female did not mean to waste the woman's time, in fact she didn't think they would be having this form of conversation to begin with when they were to meet again. But, she stayed focused and vigilant on her teacher, her expression, despite being monotone, was rather curious that was for sure. Though, she tried not to show a lot of emotion since it was a little hard for her to do so unless she knew someone for a long period of time; and that included the voluptuous female that stood before her teaching her everything she needed to know.



7 Years
03-31-2019, 11:19 AM
But he who dares not grasp the thorn,
should never crave the rose.

She was not taken aback by the statement. Gods above know that she was an abnormality, one that hold both genitalias, neither mle or female but an inbetween of both. What makes you say that? her eyebrow rose in question, fiery orange orbs focusing into her and any micro-expression she might display that could bring her closer to her most inner thoughts. Have you been experiencing attraction towards the same sex? she questioned once again.

She knew very well what it meant to have relationships, carnal or not, with the beautiful sex. She was not a stranger to such desires and she was never one to deny them. It is not abnormal to have such desires. she settled for it. Those desires are common and there is nothing wrong with them.

html by castlegraphics; image by ulfeid3
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



2 Years
04-02-2019, 09:09 AM

Her icy blue eye shifted to the side slightly in thought. She was starting to fall for females, as well as males. Even though Thys had informed her that her desires were not bad, she was unsure of her feelings and what she thought about them. But, she didn't dwell on them for too long as her cranium turned to the side, facing her mentor once more, nodding her head in response to her question.

"I suppose you can say I am. I am unsure about these feelings but...I guess I'm starting to become more attracted to females as well." She informed her, a small sigh escaping her as she kept her posture straight as she could, making sure not to slouch or do anything unlady-like. She wanted to keep her visage and everything else in order if she were to have what she desired. But, she would also love to have her own litter of hellish-pups in this world as well, but, even if they were to not take up her own beliefs; she would still care for them nonetheless. Her mate, Nephthy's, and her pups would really be the only ones she would feel obligated to be nice to and cherish.

"I still have a lot to learn when it comes to these...desires, but I will not focus on it for now. Pardon my interruption, you can continue teaching if you don't mind doing so." She kept her gaze focused on Nephthys, not taking her eye off her for even a second afraid she would miss something important.




7 Years
04-05-2019, 02:11 AM
But he who dares not grasp the thorn,
should never crave the rose.

She took a moment for herself. A moment to recollect her thoughts; her gaze shifted over the horizon at the same time the other woman seemed to drift away. Females, she did not gave a second thought for labels however she was one that enjoyed the finest things in life and never once had she turned down lovers over their genitals. It was both a blessing and a curse, the desire in her groins, the burn in her ovaries, the emptyness in her heart. Physical encounters were a normalcy for the cinnamon vixen, being offered the gift of both genitals she had numerous partners and she was not a stranger to the carnal pleasure of another female. In fact, her heart burned every now and then for one as she thought of her, heavily feathered in the finest of silk tapestry, tendrils pouring like cascades over her lean figure of ivory and brown. The eyes, the mirror of the soul, the glorious rose-colored jewels that reflected intelligence and a hunger for power. She was no stranger to desire, after all, that is how she was bestowed with her three spawns, a night led by carnal sexuality that led in an unwanted, but happy, pregnancy.

I myself never refused lovers based on their genitals. That is ancient philosphy. Times have changed. she mused softly, the voice of the woman bringing her back to the matter at hand, sexuality. The babe shifter her weight, rosing to her full height. You look rigid. she arched her eyebrow as her tail acted like a bullwhip, colliding with the woman back. You need to relax your muscles. Let it come naturally to you. she paused, circling the other in a luscious manner, a predatorix on a prowl, regality and confidence radiating through her every movements, as teacup paws were placed one in front of the other, calculated. Roll these shoulders backwards. Be aware of your position.

html by castlegraphics; image by ulfeid3
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



2 Years
04-05-2019, 02:25 AM
The brindle babe was not expecting the contact from the mistress at all. Though her tail was fluffy, it definitely held some discipline within even if it was accidental, least to her but, then again, one could never expect what a woman of elegance and a delicate disposition could do. She spoke about letting it become natural to her, but the thought alone made it difficult for her considering the presence of the woman she had bearing down on her with the eyes of dominance. The bug heaved a slight sigh to try and compose herself, closing her eye to collect her thoughts for the time being before she opened it again, bringing her body upward a little more naturally.

"I'm just not used to this. When I was younger I'd do just fine, now it seems I've lost a bit too much information," she informed Thys, trying to roll her shoulders to connect with her body in a normal way. Her eye stayed watching the voluptuous woman as best she could, her tail twitching slightly almost like that of hands on a clock, moving in a timely fashion out of habit. But, she remained calm and vigilant and waited for further instructions as she corrected her mistakes.



7 Years
04-07-2019, 07:15 AM
But he who dares not grasp the thorn,
should never crave the rose.

Fiery orange gaze locked on her form, her perfume would have been intoxicating for a male but for her it was a sweet vanilla spice that continued to linger through the air, pleasant and moist. She never once imagined that she would have a student, that she would take someone else under her wing, let alone a female and for this specific subject. If she were to be honest, she did not knew how she will pull it through, what she had to teach came naturally to her, it was in her blood fore she was a Goddess in her prime and now she was teaching a mortal her ways?

She lessened her pace just as Alphonse brought a few logs from a near by tree. Sometimes it helped having an agile and flexible servant. Just what we needed, Alphonse. her sultry tones were directed towards the caracal servant. The feline circled the two of them for a moment before he took one of the logs within his jaws, eyeing the female in heat., It will help with your balance. she mused with a roll of her hips, a tango of one, as she sat on her haunches eyeing the two of them.

html by castlegraphics; image by ulfeid3
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together