
This Angel Has No Wings...



07-16-2013, 12:33 AM (This post was last modified: 07-16-2013, 12:44 AM by Imena.)
Paws slowly moved, claws dragging along the earth leaving scars. Scars, this body felt like nothing but scars. Even breathing in seemed painful. There was no place for a thing like this one. She had once belong, lived, had a purpose. Till it was ripped away. She felt like a bird who's wings had been broken but forced to remain alive. How cruel, this torture she must endure alone.
"I had promised never to leave you.."She muttered, clear sky blue eyes casting upwards to the night sky. "But you shunned me, thought i was a killer, you left me.." The dark shadow continued on her drift along this earth.
There was no place for her, no relief from this depression. She was unimportant, who would miss her if she just stopped and died? But something always throbbed in her head when she thought like that. As if it was like a sign she shouldn?t give up. But how? No one wanted her around. She had been cast out, blamed and titled as a pup killer.

Who needed those who couldn?t take the time to find justice and just blame? They were stupid, she knew by now she was forgotten by them. There was no use in hopes of going back. She only had the choice of moving on. And in such case she came to the dry place. She had crossed the cursed land of dust and death, somehow making it out. A breezy picked up and rustling, like the fine whispers one might hear behind their backs, lifted into the air. Sky blue orbs moved from the ground to ahead of her. Trees, familiar and rarely seen in her life, clustered about. There odd branches swayed and dipped to the earthen floor. The whispers felt like they were laughing at her, and yet at the some time offering comfort. With a sigh the female wolf dragged her tired body under the largest willow to rest at it's base. the branches provided a thick curtain from the rest of the world, closing her off. If only that was true..if only.



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-16-2013, 01:23 AM

Erani padded along a path, tail swaying, head lowered to peruse the greenery in search of herbs to add to her stock pile. As the lead healer in Valhalla, she kept her herbal stockpile well packed and never passed up a chance to go a gathering. Silken white pelt rippled over her form, as deep blue pools picked out plants and her teeth nipped stems. She gathered each harvested plant into her jaws, gently so as not to bruise them. In her mind, she played the name and uses game, naming each plant, and it?s uses to herself, keeping the knowledge sharp and close to the surface.

She kept her ears on alert, listening to the surroundings for danger or company, And on occasion she glanced up to make sure that she wasn?t going to run into anything. She noted the willows ahead with a smile. Willow was excellent for pain, among other things. She altered her course to make her way to the trees. She was low on this particular plant. She paused, however, as a new scent brushed her nose. Taking a breath, she analyzed the smell. Female, young, but mature. Her ears pulled forward a moment, before curiosity won and she made her way forward. The scent led her to one of the willows, and she gently nosed the draping curtain of slender leafed branches aside. The female came into view, small, dark. Sad.

Deep blue pools studied the female steadily, before she stepped forward. ?Good evening.? Her gentle voice was a Scottish and British mixture, lilting velvet. Expression friendly, she settled within the curtain of the willow branches, ears pricked with interest.


07-16-2013, 01:31 AM

The monster glided forward, heavy paws imprinting upon the earth, massive muscles rippled like coiled springs and her spine creaked and crunched with every step she took. White eyes, hollowed and cold starred at everything, absorbing the scenery with a vengeance unmasked. She was a demon, a monstrosity, a deformity that put the fear of everything evil into the youngest of pups and the oldest of warriors. A demon unleashed, a demonic entity to cause both torment and woe. Pain and desecration... she easily lived up to her name.

Wraith scampered along beside her, the filthy rat racing to keep up with his mistresses elongated motions. A cruel grin curled the corners of his mouth as the willows seemed to shake and tremble as she passed, he couldn't blame them, even the forest seemed to know that they were in the presence of evil. Between the next two trees and a woman came into view. Wraith was quick to scamper up and onto his mistresses spine. Twisting and twining his way through her thick and matted fur he coiled around a weathered ear and sneered at the woman. The rats jowls parted in speech. "Something foul this way comes, look out pretty one, you better run!" The rat fell into a hysterical fit of cackles while his mistress stopped all motion, pupiless eyes trained on the dame before her.



07-16-2013, 02:00 AM

A colossal shadow rained over the alabaster female from her rear, heavy paws on soft earth, a disturbance in the low hanging branches of the weeping tree, a splay of light tickling over the shade's muzzle as he reaches her side. Glints in his eyes, the animosity within the gold irises infallibly present at the screeching voice from the creature before his mate.

Another step forward and the Dire wolf was visible by the front of his barrel of a chest, his head high and ears forward, sanity slowly trickling away though the loose barrier from his usual mindset. "Nobody is going anywhere." The mountainous wolf bellowed, his thunderous voice tore through the air like claws through a soft belly. The swirling molten irises snapped to the cackling beast, his face was a blank mask of barely contained savagery. "Besides you."



07-16-2013, 02:18 AM

The horrible stench of a wolf that din't bathe, didn't clean themselves, and reeked of some sort of horrible disease, sickness, and blood. Stale wold blood to be exact as well as the smell of prey. It was a disgusting scent that lured Sasori to the scene. It was revolting, but he was curious to see what wretched creature would do such a thing to their body. He'd met some really unclean and shady characters, but holy cow, this was ridiculous and certainly topped all else.

Glacial eyes watched as everything unfolded. He arrived with the black female just as the creature that rode upon her back began to speak. Ears flicked forward and his look held a hint of confusion as the rat fell into a fit of laughter. Crazy. That was the word to explain it. He didn't like characters like this. Shady and up to no good. Eyes fell upon the black male as he resulted to violence immediately defending them. He had a sneaking suspicion that he knew the white female. Eyes then fell to the darker one. He really had no desire to get involved but perhaps he could get something out of this. At the very least if there was two wolves helping get rid of that horrid stench they'd go away faster. It really was sickening.

"Get your head out of your ass, rat, and go suck a sugar frosted fuck off the end of someone's dick. Your presence is no longer needed here. You are dismissed."

Greek tones were cool, calm, and collected as he made his presence known, slinking from the shadows and standing on the fringe of the group. Normally he wasn't so blunt or so vulgar with his words, but wolves like this were pathetic excuses for wolves. At least he didn't bother others. They could go somewhere else and be a terror, as well at take their pungent stench with them.



07-16-2013, 11:26 AM

The monstrosity did not seem phased by so many wolves fast gathering, she never so much as flinched. Hollowed, empty, white orbs remained fixated on the suicide depressant wolf whom had first spoken, she singularly had caught the ebony dames attention, she solely was the one in her line of sights. What Banshee would do... that still remained to be seen. Lifting one forelimb into the air, it crashed back down into the dirt, jagged claws tearing into the terrain before the massive beast fell silent once again. She cared little for the affairs of the rest of these whelps, they meant nothing to her, not so much as a blimp on her radar, Wraith, however was entirely separate case.

The foul miscreant shrieked, his laughter only growing all the higher as the insults flew at his tiny person, flailing onto his spine, the creature clutched at his heaving abdomen in a desperate attempt to contain his laughter. He had forgotten how utterly amusing wolves could be! ?Oh dear, ya see, you don't command me I'm afraid that privilege belongs only to my sweet Banshee!? He twined around her ear lovingly, swooning as if she was something gorgeous to behold. With that he turned to face the second, a wickedly foul grin creeping across his maw. ?Oh! It seems you would know more about that than I!? The male degenerated into wild, hysterical giggles as he slipped down Banshee's scruff, loosing himself into the thickness of her matted pelt.

The demon still did not flinch, did not move, her eyes remained transfixed upon the little rogue whom had spoken, captivated by something unseen, the rest were not given the time of day.




07-16-2013, 05:07 PM
Laying upon her side those sky blue eyes shut, but only for a brief moment at that. The sound of movement and scents drifted through the branches. It didn?t take long for one of her own kind to slip into the tree's protective embrace. Eyes opened as the dark females head lifted, unconcerned towards the white female. By scent she was older, pack, and smelled very much of the earth. A simple nod of her head acknowledge the other. Ears perked as the female spoke. A Good evening? She supposed it could be if they had not the thoughts like her. "It is a fine evening if one takes a liking to this kind of setting." She replied in a soft voice. There was no use in being defensive nor scared. Imena had grown up in a large pack, she knew it would be pointless to be aggressive or flee. There were always others of the pack not far behind.
Unease crept up her spine, making her rise to her paws, hackles raised. A scent of yet another, one that did make her defensive, entered the scene. Those normally warm soft blue eyes grew hard and cold as it took in the dark wolf with a rat. She didn?t trust them, every instinct told her not too. " was a good evening till this one arrived." She muttered. All too soon two more wolves appeared, males at that. Out of the whole group Imena was the smallest but not the youngest. Ears twisted to pick up their tones and words towards the black female with odd white eyes.
She never took her eyes off that wolf, and it seemed the other could not do the same as well. Imena was no fighter, plus she had no true reason to fight. It was only her life at risk these days now, and she could care less if it was taken away. At least some days she felt that way. She stared steadily back at the black monster while keeping tabs on the others. They also seemed to pick up that this wolf was of no good and had become defensive as well. Good, their chances stood much higher now that this hellbound wolf.
She still couldn?t shake the feeling that something very wrong and bad would happen this night. It made her falter and take a few steps back. Those white eyes, seeming never ending, could make you feel like you were already dead with their cold lifeless expression. It was then she tore her gaze away to look at the white female and the two wolves, a question in her eyes as to what to do.



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-17-2013, 01:14 AM (This post was last modified: 07-17-2013, 01:16 AM by Erani.)

(OOC: Due to Eve departing Alacritis, we'll assume Banshee has left the thread.)

It was just after her words left her muzzle that a familiar smell rolled through the air. Banshee. Lovely. She stepped from the curtain of willow branches and took a place between the small dark female and the approaching demon of a wolf. Deep blues looked steadily toward the direction the scent came from. One ear pulled back to listen to the soft voiced reply, and caught the mutter. A soft chuckle rippled from her throat. She could feel the defensive wariness aimed toward Banshee as the large black female came into full view. The rat screeched his words, cackling as he spoke. One brow lifted, before she felt a familiar and much loved body step up behind her. Her mate, massive and black, came to her side. Where was their son?

The animosity rolling from her mate?s form was such that tension could have caught a claw and held it. His voice bellowed out. She didn?t want her mate facing this female. Blitzkrieg had faced her, and come home nearly dead, mangled. She knew Nova could hold his own, but she also knew that a bite from Banshee or her rat could cause severe infection. So she spoke. Two soft words in a midnight whisper. ?Nova. Attend. A gentle command to step away. Another wolf appeared on the scene, and a smile twitched at her lips. Quite fluent in foul language, this young male.

The rat?s screeched reply to Nova got no reaction from Erani. She could, however, see the love that the rat held for his mistress. His next words were aimed at the younger male, before he returned to his place in Banshee?s fur. Snd then, just like that, the two left. Through all of this, Erani?s stance had been relaxed, tail loose between her hocks, hackles lowered, eyes calm. As Banshee vanished, at last her head moved. She turned her head and placed a lick on the muscular shoulder of her mate. ?It?s wonderful to see you, Love. How is Castiel enjoying the father son trip?? The warmth and love in her eyes and voice left no doubts that this male held her heart and soul in his paws, and could do what he wanted with them.

Deep blue gaze turned to the young female they were defending. ?I am Erani of Valhalla. I am the Lead Healer there. This is my mate, Nova. One of the Warriors in our pack.? The eyes turned to the younger male. ?I don?t believe we've met before, but I am pleased to make an acquaintance.? Her tail swayed to the two younger wolves.