
Same as it never was....


07-14-2013, 06:13 PM

This land has changed a great deal over the marks of time, well he has too. Ulrike is no longer the once young healthy wolf full of spunk that he use to be. He knows that he is getting up in the years of age, death right upon his tail, nipping at his feet. He is not ready for such a thing to happen, he is aware of the pups that his daughter bares with in her belly. His grand children, the ones that carry his blood line with in their veins. Ulrike walked across the plains of this serpent infested lands, why did he venture out here? He had no idea him self, to some it might seem he was wishing for death. To him it might be the fact that this place keeps him alert, he was now considered a elder of any pack and with his leg growing more pain filled every passing day, he knew he was useless in many things.

This bothers Ulrike to the depth of his bones, being useless in a pack is just like death for the old brute. He knows that he can still fight, and hunt and do all the things he could be fore, but most Alpha's are young and see him as a burden due to his leg that is growing more infected every day. Ulrike walked towards the lake his eyes scanning the area for any unwanted visitors that may cross his path. A small growl came out of his maw as he soon approached the lake. The cool breeze that flew through the skies hit his fur as he stopped on the edge of the sparking waters of the lake. He looked down at the water and to his surprise what looked back up at him was a white wolf whoms muzzle has greyed with the age of time.

His eyes showed wisdom and told a story of a life full of adventure, sorrow, joy, love, loss. Well they were right, he had raised a wonderful daughter who now is going to be a mother of her own. He will get to see his grand children before he goes. Get to look upon their small faces and see himself in some of them. Well he can only hope one took after him. Ulrike sat down on the edge of the lake his tail curled around his paws as he closed his eyes listening to the area round him. This word is full of danger and misfortune, but not all is bad, and the old brute had learned that through out his years of life.




07-14-2013, 07:28 PM

The soldier found himself wandering still. He'd been doing a lot of it lately. What he searched for this time, he was unaware of what it was. It was like a sixth sense that drove him to places. Something that called to him and drew him near. He had his goals. Plans in mind that lingered in the back of his head. He'd been sent to spread his lineage and his ways of life. To build soldiers. He wasn't quite ready for that. He knew he wasn't, but already he had one recruit. A male in which he could teach. What would happen if he found somebody who could teach him?

It was funny how he kept finding the lands full of things that wished to kill you. The place was teeming with snakes that varied from venomous to common garden snakes and black racers that wouldn't harm a hair on your head. It reminded him much of home except home held many other wildlife that wanted to kill you as well. Much different than this place as far as creatures, but in the end it was all the same. Death was death and you could never be too careful with it.

He stalked through the luscious grass. Verdant blades Went far above his head as he crouched low stalking through the underbrush. He was heading towards the lake. One of the only water sources in the entire plain, and yet he soon learned he was not alone. As h neared the crystal clear waters he noted that an older male stood at the edge of the pool. He was an ivory creature with only a russet colored marking on his face that made him different than any arctic wolf he'd seen. Eyes were blacker than any night he'd ever seen. Different, but intriguing all the same. He stalked forward and flicked his tail to acknowledge him, but went straight for the water to drink from it first. He wasn't one for introductions. Not unless they were instigated first.



07-15-2013, 04:55 AM

His silence and solitude soon came the thing of the past. The appearance of another soon came into the same area that he resided in. This fellow was a young one at that, maybe about the age of three. Ulrike's ears did not move from his calm upright position as the young boy made his way to the edge of the lake as well. The old brute turned his head to take a look at this child who has yet to grow. He did not speak much to the youngling, just observed him, after all their is really no need to say words. A situation such as this holds many different paths that it could take, violence for instance. An unnecessary attack from the other, or even peacefulness. Just to walk away like nothing happened. What ever the outcome may be in this situation the old brute has faced it all.

Ulrike came to a standing position and turned to the young brute. No words are needed to be said with the calm at ease body language that Ulrike possessed at this time. To anyone who knows anything about life, this should be an easy sign that states Ulrike is not hostile, but rather cautious. He looked the other up and down, studying his body language just as much as he should. 'What a peculiar young brute I see before me, he seems to have and hold such a perspective of things like no other. I am not sure as to if my accusations are correct but I do not see a threat here from this young fellow. I think a conversation and introduction is in order here. The young brute seems to be waiting for me to make the first move, how interesting. I should see where this leads too then.'

Ulrike stood where he's at and decided that he was to make a formal introduction. To some the first move seems weak, but Ulrike knows that from the years he lived that, that is not the case at all. The first move indicates that one is not afraid to go at a unknown situation. "Hello their young brute, what brings you to this god forsaken land filled with serpents." Ulrike spoke in a calm voice that was filled with the years he lived. His eyes scanned the young thing over some more before he continued on."My name if you wish to hear it , is Ulrike. I am a former member of the Tortugan pack, and whom may you be if I may ask." He spoke.




07-16-2013, 04:27 AM

An ear remained trained on the old man as he quenched his thirst. It was almost as if he could sense that the male would approach him. He watched the male from the corner of his eye before raising his head. Water dripped down back into the lake in tiny droplets and a salmon colored tongue flicked from his mouth to clean his muzzle before he turned to look at the oddly marked brute.

It was obvious he was being observed. The male's black gaze lingered on him studying him, sizing him up. He was quite observant it seemed and he could respect that, even if he was being profiled. He would have been a hypocrite if he were to judge him. He had already profiled the man too. The gimp leg that seemed to bother him, but he couldn't determine how much pain he was in. He looked to be about eight or nine years old. Exiting his prime, but not near complete death yet either. He faintly smelled of a pack, but he wasn't familiar with which one.

He spoke and Sasori remained quiet as he listened. His name was Ulrike. An ear swiveled to the side as he listened to the grass teeming with life before they trained upon him much more. Tortuga was the pack then that he smelled, but his suspicions were confirmed. Due to the tense of words he used it was a pack no longer. Intriguing.

"Sasori Nara. Rogue. I merely wander to further my knowledge which brings me to this place. It reminds me much of home. What about you, Ulrike?"



07-17-2013, 07:51 AM

Ulrike looked at the younger brute as he spoke his name also. The young thing had a politeness to him, but determination and caution at the same time. Ulrike walked closer to the brute whom entered such land, filled with familiarities from a past home. Well to most that is the main drive that brings one to a certain part of the land. Ulrike on the other hand did not come here because it reminded him of home. This land is full of creatures that amaze him, the serpents of this area seem to have a well built structure, and boundaries just like wolf packs did. The only difference is that serpents are solidary creatures, and with all having own territory with little conflict is astounding.

Ulrike took a seat upon the ground curling his tail around his front paws as he looked at the young brute with his black pools. His ears swiveled back to listen to a snake crawling through he grass, one stayed forward listening to the other brute."It is a good thing to return back to places that remind you of home, or some event in the past. Weather it is good or bad. As for my being here young brute, I come to this land to observe the serpents that dwell in this land." He spoke as his other ear returned back focused on the brute. This young male was interesting, and seemed not in a hurry for something. One thing Ulrike noticed is that all the, well most of the young of today are always in a hurry.

They are all ready to become the biggest the badest, the quickest way they can possibly find. Just rushing through life and not taking the time to enjoy what this world has to offer. He soon came to a standing position and looked Sasori some more. This child has a lot of knowledge already, and Ulrike can see that, but the immaturity that youth comes with can be a huge barrier to one's over all potential. "So Sasori how long have you traveled this land?"He asked hoping that the young brute would catch on that Ulrike was asking his age. Well all that is needed now is to wait for a response if their is any to receive.
