
look away from the sky



2 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
04-12-2019, 06:56 PM
The bright pink of the red bud trees reflected softly off the luxuirous pelt of the god turned mortal. The golden gilded boy sauntered noiselessly beneath the brilliant buds. Precious metals pooled in his gaze as he lifted thin features to the multihued sky. The sun was at the horizon, Ra’s chariot raced over the sky with out its driver. With out him there.

Thoth’s eyes blinked longingly at the sun for only a moment more as he remembered how negatively looking directly at the chariot effected his mortal body. If he had been cast here in this mortal plain had the rest of the heavenly host? Apopthis? Osiris? Ma’at?

Graceful strides carried the boy through the young trees, Though none of them were older than ten or so years. He wondered what might have happened to create a forest of red bud trees. Knowledge. Always learning, always thinking, always remaining in balance. Thoth chanted to himself as he lost himself in thought. Paws moved of their own volition as he seemingly visited with realms not of this world.
Where My Demons Hide



7 Years
04-13-2019, 09:15 PM
Seduce my mind
and you can have my body
After so many years of anticipation the vixen was simply disorientated in this forest, even though it was not the first time her teacup paws touched this soil. It was like being dropped far out into the ocean, only it was not blue, she was submerged in but a million subtle greens. In the sickly sweet aroma and music of the resident animals, the vixen was rendered unable to savour even a second. Each moment passes untreasured until the bronze mistress manages to find a pathway.

Her paws follow the narrow strip of naked earth among the giants of root and leaf. She let her tail touch their skin as she passes, feeling their gentle spirits soothe her own. For this was their world as they stretch toward the light they never see yet sense, and she must do the same... open up her other senses... to sound, to aroma and listen so very carefully to every instinct.

Before long she was rewarded; a sound, pawsteps, in the distance, she was not alone. Auditory system flickered towards the source, towards her right, and her muscles tensed for just one momentum as the bronze mistress realized they were heading in her direction. What has the world prepared for her now? She could not help but wonder. A soon as the stranger got closer his scent traveled to her, inhaling and analyzing it, tracing a source of familiarity but there was not much to go with but young and male. It was when the Golden Goddess say him that a strange shiver went down her spine, her subconscious offering her a signal that she could not recognise.


Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



2 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
04-13-2019, 09:32 PM
Familiar words rolled over the hills of his mind as dual colored gaze watched sightlessly as the ground was eaten up beneath him. Lost from reality for too long, it was much too late to stop when he realized he wasn’t alone. Thoth slowed his thin frame, his whip like tail brushed his ankles as he brought his head from shoulder height. His bright gaze searched the surroundings, long ears perked as gold encrusted eyes sought the stranger.

Directly in front of him, similar golden gaze upon him, she stood regally. He blinked back his surprise, his tear lines glinting from the rays breaching the red buds. She held the familiar lines of egyptian lineage, her large ears and eyes with a luxurious tail trailing behind her. The brass of her coat so similar to the desert colors thrown from Ra’s seed.

His gaze widened in surprise and admiration of her and the jewelry adorning her form. The young boy came to a halt, speechless in his mortal form. He dare not let his gaze remain for fear of seeming rude, the boy found his wits and lowered his head in a respectful gesture.

”Apologies, I wasn’t paying attention and had no intention of intruding.” He offered his excuses and backed a step away, he wanted to spur on a conversation but only if he was invited into her presence.
Where My Demons Hide



7 Years
04-13-2019, 10:45 PM
Seduce my mind
and you can have my body
They both stared at each other. Fiery orange gaze locked onto his own fore mere moments before they roamed down his fram,e taking in every detail and every muscle that male had to offer. Lean and slender bodice, unique coloration of ambrosial caramel and gold could be found on him but what gave away the egyptian blood that ran within his veins was his anatomical structure. That was the way they could recognise one another, their anatomy differed from other lupines due to their Homeland and origins, they were superior and their beauty and sophistication was known through out the land.

 I did not expect to meet another so soon. sultry purrs erupted from the vixen pretty maw; sensual and low, they hold a grave accent that wrapped upon each and every word that left her plush, coral tongue. Her attention returned towards his gaze, locking in as she took one more step towards him on teacup paws. Inhaling, bathing in his scent she must. Her chest rising and falling with each lung-filled breath of oxygen.

There was another one. Another half-sibling that she recognized easily, almost magically if one believed in such notions. They were soldiers from a fallen army, Ra's army of children and she had to give it to him, he succeded in creating the army he always wanted with his seed. Not only him but all of those she encountered were proof of that.


Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



2 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
04-14-2019, 02:49 PM
She didn’t hold back her roving eyes at all as she looked him over. He felt self conscious as she did, judging him there in the forest. He stood frozen for a moment before liquid words dripped from her lips. Dual toned eyes watched her for a moment as he deciphered her words, their origin as obvious as his own. She had found another Ithuriel. Thoth halted his retreat, retaking the step he had given up earlier as he gave her his full attention.

She drew more near as well, silent as she awaited a reply to her cryptic words. His long this tail waved slightly at his ankles as he struggled to decide what kind of answer she wanted. Was she another of Ra’s children, an ally? Or was she a hunter, for it seemed Ra had no shortage on enemies, especially in his children.

”A child of Ra?” He managed to ask in his whisper like voice.
Where My Demons Hide



7 Years
04-20-2019, 01:22 PM
Seduce my mind
and you can have my body
Her liliac gaze followed his for a moment before it began to roam his slender, lithe bodice. It was not that obvious, but it was there; Ra did not imprint much on his pigmentation however there were patches and stripes that reminded the autumn mistress of the man itself. It reminded her of Ithuriel though it did not scream as loud as the others, no, it was more delicate, more subtle to him but it was there nonetheless. Pardon me, sultry were the tones as they escaped her full, ebon lips; gaze locking to his own after a few moment, Nephthys Ma'at Ithuriel is my name. And if I am not mistaken, you are , as well, a child of Ra.a petite, barely there smile tugged at the corners of her maw. It was not the time to think about he Father but she found herself unable to do so when ever she met another sibiling. Ra was like the Sun. He had people orbiting around him; some were so close it burned them, some were so far they were the coldest they could be because they wanted to be closer. The lucky ones were in the perfect distance to feel his warmness and live with him peacefully. In one way or another all the people that met him felt attracted to him. He was the brightest person. The Sun God. But not all of them were fooled by that facade of perfection and warmth. Some knew the diabolical, ruthless and cruel being that laid underneath. And them? Well, in his little System, they were like Pluto: a strange, little cold planet that the Sun did not want around him, but who oddly was spinning around him in circles, in the opposite direction as everyone else. Have you met the others?


Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



2 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
04-20-2019, 03:02 PM
Build your own pyramids
write your own hieroglyphs

Large dual colored gaze of liquid metal couldn’t be moved from her features as she stopped him with little effort. Delicate ears perked towards her, the golden nuggets held within glinted in the pink toned light as his attention was wholly hers. After he invoked the name of the sun god the mortal goddess paused.

”Pardon me,”

Her brilliant gaze captured the golden brushed boy, he felt like the pup he had been but a year ago as her authority poured from her lavish coat. ”Nephthys Ma'at Ithuriel,” she gave him her name graciously before guessing correctly that he had also bee sired by Ra. She paused and gave the faintest hint of a smile before pausing.

”Thoth Anhk Ithuriel,” He gave her his own name, wondering how much of Ma’at she embodied. In the heavens the goddess had been his godly aspect’s wife. ”I am.” He answered her question as she asked another, this time about their siblings. He nodded subtly before continuing.

”Anubis and Setekh.” He paused for a moment to take in any reaction she might have had to their names. ”It seems I am not alone in my disdain for our sire, do you serve him?” Though more likely this woman was to be pharaoh than Ra, who could not commit to any of his children. Thoth asked the question anyway, preferring not to assume anything. He’d already been warned about the man, did Nephthys feel the same?


Where My Demons Hide



7 Years
04-20-2019, 03:20 PM
Seduce my mind
and you can have my body
Confidence radiated through her very fiber at the man words. No longer was she wondering how did they found her or how many they were out there in the world, but instead of that the autumn-kissed Goddess welcomed the warmth they all seemed to share. A prominent jaw curved gracefully , painting a smile and the strength of her neck showed in the twining cords of muscle that shaped her entire bodice; curvaceous, slender and feline-like; strong, mile-long limbs closed the distance between the two of them so she could have a closer looks. Bold thighs and sensual hips moved right and left before she lessened her pace, taking in his masculine musk, his aroma. He was an Adonis. A Ithuriel God among the other men who each pale in comparison. One look at both of them and women and men would swoon at the sight no matter their sexual preferences.

Auditory system flickered forward, registering every single word and syllable that fell from his pale lips; having now a name to identify the face with. Anubis and Setekh. sultry tones reiterated his own as she came to a halt in front of him. Her wel bred, refined position showing the regality that poured like ichor through her veins. Finesse and sophistication as she crossed her paws at the ankles. There are a few others that you need to meet but I am joyous to make your acquaintences, Thoth.   a roll of her hips was all it took to shift her weight and sit on her haunches, Ra only earns my despite. the levels of acidity rose as fiery orange optics eyed the younger lad, I had defeated him and took his crown and title from him.


Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



2 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
04-20-2019, 03:56 PM
Build your own pyramids
write your own hieroglyphs

His mortal body was still young to be appreciating those of the opposite sex quite yet, however he couldn’t deny Nephthys’ innate beauty. Only enhanced by the delicate decorations that graced her form. Thoth watched, still and stoic with his long legs held firmly beneath him and his long whip like tail swaying at his heels. She held herself like the pharaoh, and as she drew more near to him he fought the urge to bow.

She uttered their brother’s names softly, taking them and giving him nothing as she stopped and drew him back into her powerful gaze. Thoth felt like she had been a hunter this whole time, and as she slipped in closer the tighter her grasp became. She seemed nothing but pleased to meet him as she let her hips settle to the ground. The goddess already seemed at ease in his presence, not that the boy was a threat physically. He was tall, but no fighter.

”The pleasure is mine,” his deepening voice slipped past his golden touched lips. Alabaster form mirroring her movements as he let his haunches coil beneath him. His long golden gilded tail wrapped neatly around his paws as she gave him the news of their father. He had been defeated, and Nephthys was the rightful pharaoh. He felt himself straighten instinctively before lowering his head to shoulder height, finally allowing himself to lower for her greatness.

”Paraoh.” He muttered through hushed vocals as his gold tipped ears pressed to his skull and he waited to be released from his submissive poosition.


Where My Demons Hide



7 Years
04-20-2019, 04:11 PM
Seduce my mind
and you can have my body
The vixen dipper her regalia in courtesy, parting her lips only to allow the honey-kissed words escape her pretty maw, Our family is as dysfunctional as it is large. she would shift her cranium towards the horizon, to her left. With each new sibling the resource pie will get cut a little finer. By the time Toth will be her age, fast growing and hungry, he might get the same meat portion as the pups. She shook these thoughts from her mind with not so much ease; she knew well enough they were capable of fending for themselves and gather their own meal within their strenghts but she could not bare the fact that they were divided. It has been a long time since I had a place to call home. Not until I arrived to Boreas. she returned her gaze back to him, a ghost of a smile tugging at her ebon lips.

Their father was deemed under the moment he hit the ground. He was but a drizzle of the wrong paint, which ruined the vast canvas of the world, transforming pastel and bright dyes into a cool grey. And looking at Toth, even though she just met him, the vixen could not help but wonder.. What is your story, blood? her eyebrow rose in question. Orange orbs watched him in silence after she addressed the question, returning her attention towards the thin line of the horizon, where Heavens thouched the mighty earth, in order to allow him more time to ponder her question but also help him feel more at ease with her, with his sister.


Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



2 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
04-20-2019, 04:33 PM (This post was last modified: 04-20-2019, 04:35 PM by Thoth.)
Build your own pyramids
write your own hieroglyphs

As she dipped her head softly Thoth lifted his own features to watch as she shifted gracefully. Golden rimmed eyes blinked back his range of emotions as he watched the heavens seems to fall into place around her. ”Our family is as dysfunctional as it is large.” He perked his golden tipped ears as she spoke of their family. He always wondered how many of them there were, and now he realized that likely even their Paraoh did not know. ”It has been a long time since I had a place to call home. Not until I arrived to Boreas.” She mused as her bright gaze returned to his slim form. He wondered what kind of horrors she might have been through to get here at this point. ”What is your story, blood?”

She looked at him with honest interest, her golden gaze upon him. She held the same question of him that he wished of her. His lips tugged up in a curious smile, amazed at how he had found his half siblings so easily. Though still many remained to be found. ”Ra found my mother’s bed to be warm,” He started bluntly, the whole reason he existed was because of his mother’s beauty. ”Once I could understand he taught me who and what I was. I was a pup.. but I loved him. I looked up to him.” As the last few words left his ivory lips the pain slipped through as well. Ra abandoning him had hurt. ”He left me without ever looking back.” Had the sun god ever loved him? Had Hiero ever loved him?

He sighed softly, trying to diffuse the emotion that welled in his heart. His eyes found Thys again, his sister. The thought was becoming more comfortable, as he was opening up to her he could feel the deeper blood bonds strengthen.


Where My Demons Hide



7 Years
04-20-2019, 04:53 PM
Seduce my mind
and you can have my body
A breeze brushed past, teasing the egyptian silk tendrils that cascaded over her slender, chiseled visage as she listened carefully to her brother words. The bronze-kissed mistress looked as if the muscles of her visage had gone on strike. Everything about it was slack and it gave her the aura of one who would spurn even the most well meaning attempts. Even her shoulders drooped when the boy mentioned their father. She was used to it, of course, however all of the siblings she had met so far were older than this boy, older than Toth. Happiness seemed to be a luxury for the Ithuriels and any one that shared their blood appearing to be an emotional shade above anger were regarded with cynicism. They sometimes seemed to live in that stupor of unhappiness, a state in which nothing unnerved anyone faster than a genuine smile. And what soiled her mood even more was the youth of this boy that called himself her brother. It happened to all of us, child. a faint smile spread across her maw, bushy tail attempting to brush his front, right paw. Do not let it define you. He is not worth your pain or even your hatred. her words reassuring, she attempted to brush her cheek along side his own We are better than that. Better than them. Forget their Empire, they never wanted us there. We could easily build out own if we so wanted.


Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



2 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
04-20-2019, 05:24 PM
Build your own pyramids
write your own hieroglyphs

She had eyes only for him as he gave her the words that hurt so bad to relive again. There wasn’t sympathy in her gaze, but she held a deep understanding. ”It happened to all of us..” He nodded, having no doubt he was the only one. He had been left because the brute had to go on, to initiate the next round of spawn. Thoth felt his brows knit in frustration as he tried to bury the hot emotions of resentment. It was a mortal feeling, and he could overcome the emotion because he was a god.

Nephthys offered a hint of affection as her long silken tail brushed over his alabaster paw. He watched their fur mingle as she spoke encouragingly to him. ”He is not worth your pain..” Thoth’s precious metal gaze rose to her royal eyes as she shifted gracefully and offered him soft affections. He sighed softly into her touch as her words encouraged his thoughts. He must battle his emotions, for Ra should never hold power over him again. ”Forget their Empire..” Nephthys made sweet promises to him, theoretical empires of their very own. The price only being the complete loss of their memory.

Thoth could feel her power, feel the potential for greatness as it rose in her breast. He could smell it on her neck and feel it in her soft fur. ”Will we build our own? Will you want me at your side?” He felt uncharacteristically vulnerable in her presence. He sought no high throne for himself, but craved a leader to bring structure to his life and law to the land. Thoth needed balance, and without a proper pharaoh there was only chaos. ”Will you allow me to follow you, sister?”


Where My Demons Hide



7 Years
04-20-2019, 06:20 PM
Seduce my mind
and you can have my body
They met only moments ago, they only exchanged a few sentences but one thing was for certain; in their veins poured the same blood, the same ichor that fueled their heart and this was, perhaps, one of the only things the Sun God has done good in his life. Giving them life even if it was followed by misfortune. The autumn-kissed babe always thought the name that they shared with the rotten man was a curse, something that weight them down, a rope around their necks but now, now as she gaze dinto the bicolored, heavenly jewels of her youngest brother she could see that such belief no longer applied. Their family, their name was nor a curse, was not a death sentence but hope, hope for a better tomorrow, hope of erasing all the wrongs thei father did and start a new.

For a long time she felt like she was drowning and there was no hope of being saved. The blackness of her memories always seemed to spread through her mind, clouding her thoughts and taking her back to places the vixen never wanted to revisit; places where her Father and Mother laid. But to see hear the boy words gave her not only strenght but hope. The scream die down. The vixen leaned over towards him, resting her regalia on his shoulder. Let's be each other anchor, love. her words were soft like spring breeze against her skin and hardly above a whisper, those syllables were meantfor his ears alone. Let us give each other hope when the darkness creeps in. her chin brushes along his shoulder just as her cheek fur mixed with his own. If you all stand by me, it might just be possible to have a real place to call home. she sighed contently, We might have just met but I would not have you any other place than by my side. she shifted her weight once again in ordered to straighten herself and look him right in the eyes, Will you allow me the honor or calling you my brother? a bright smile spread across her beautiful visage, one meant for him alone as they stood in the clearing, undisturbed, the smaller animals being the only witness to this heartbreaking alliance.


Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



2 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
04-20-2019, 06:56 PM
Build your own pyramids
write your own hieroglyphs

Thoth felt the instant connection with her, that strand of fate that connected them on levels deeper than this plain of reality. Surely in the spirit world a bright golden string could be seen connecting the two of them, along with countless other souls he’d yet to effect or might not until after his mortal death. He felt ivory lips pull back in a content smile as she leaned in to rest on his alabaster shoulder. Her words were lyrical whispers, but he heard every single one in his heart and through his entire being. Thoth would offer his trust once more, to the one wolf who deserved it. He knew he wished to follow her as soon as he knew she had taken Ra’s title.

The golden brushed god felt a relief with her words, together they would create an empire. If they leaned on each other they could pull themselves above Ra’s mistakes. Nephthys shifted again, her smoothe form returning to her proud height as she took his gaze. Liquid metal eyes watched her as she spoke the word of the pharaoh. ”Will you allow me the honor or calling you my brother?”

Thoth nodded softly, his own hopeful smile playing on his gold touched lips. The path he was meant to walk revealed itself slowly, but as he stumbled his way back to it relief held him tight. ”Of course, Nephthys.” He whispered back, lulled as they pledged to be an anchor for the other, a hope in the darkness, a home for their hearts. ”Of course, Pharaoh.” He lowered his head again as he promised his loyalty to her.


Where My Demons Hide



7 Years
04-21-2019, 08:23 AM
Seduce my mind
and you can have my body
That is all she needed to know, that is all she wanted for their family; to know that they got each other back and come hell and high water, they will be there for one another. The bronze-kissed mistress knew it was a long shot to even dream about it but maybe it was possible, some day, some time, when they will grow stronger and her family will reach some sort of stability. His agreement made her auditory system erect, pround on top of her regalia as her fiery gaze pierced the younglings very soul, digging a hole as deep as an abyss through his mantra, through his spirit. You are home now, Toth. she graced his ears with her purrs, soft like a breeze and yet it hold a serious meaning. The Ithuriel were a notorious and infamous breed of devil incarnates, of Fallen celestial beings that were thrown out of their rightful pedestal only to be cursed and caged within the mortal realm and vessels. Sensous beings, murderous and vain; they could fight one another, disagree and throw the knives but they would not betray the blood and she will make sure of it. Meet me here tomorrow night, blood. Such a ocassion requires celebration. her cheek brushed along his own for the last time before she departed towards her three spawns. She had been gone for far too long and thought Alphonse was watching over them she did not want to risk it. A turn of her heels was all it took for mile-long limbs to carry her greacefully across the land, calculating paws places stratefically one in front of the other.



Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together



2 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
04-21-2019, 03:54 PM
Build your own pyramids
write your own hieroglyphs

Her gaze seemed pleased as Thoth so easily agreed to her desires. She straightened proudly, her graceful movements mirroring her words. ”You are home now, Toth.” The words brought him comfort, more than he expected. The boy visibly relaxed, he would have lowered himself fully to the ground had her gaze commanded him not to. ”Meet me here tomorrow night, blood. Such a ocassion requires celebration.” She offered him more soft affections before slipping past him. He thought he’d caught the scent of pups on her, and didn’t doubt that was where her destination lay.

”I’ll be waiting.” He murmured in reply despite her form already diappearing into the brilliant forest beyond. Thoth found himself smiling hopfully, his life had found the meaning he was looking for. He would follow his sister Nephthys as Pharaoh to prove the Ithuriel name was stronger than Ra.

Golden and Silver eyes glanced towards the sun as it continued to shine brightly through the purple-pink flowers. There was still much to be learned about this place.



Where My Demons Hide