



06-03-2013, 10:54 PM

It had been a few days now since she had returned to Seracia, having found herself back here without even trying to. It was her legs, they carried her to where ever. As if they had a mind of their own. She was gone for two weeks after the death of her brother, Octavian, having had a huge impact on the small and fragile female. Then it took another two weeks of hard work from Bronze to have the girl gain weight for the Winter, regain her strength and ease her mind. Since he had found her he helped her resist the urge to want to slash at her legs, the cuts having scabbed over and nearly healed, turning into smooth scarred skin.

Snow had begun to fall this cold morning, the black and grey female standing outside of the barn she had made her den in. She stood there, tail hanging behind her, body calm, head pointed up to the sky. Grey orbs watched the white sky drop its flakes, blanketing her body in a thin layer. She was alone, something unusual, for she was usually accompanied by Bronze. The thought of him caused her head to lower, sighing heavily, a small stream of vapor forming around her lips. The male had changed, and what bothered Loccian was that she didn't know why. She barely had enough time to catch him to ask before he was off on a walk.

With a shake of her head the female padded away from the barn, head low, tail flicking behind her. She was not sure what she was doing, but she could not stay in her den much longer, it was driving her nuts. Even with frequent prey being brought to her, the female was still a bit thin, but had enough meat on her to where her ribs were barely visible beneath her flesh. She trembled as she walked, but she tried ignoring it.



06-10-2013, 12:41 PM
She had awoken late at night, next to a cold body with no warmth. Her brown colored mother was not making a sound, her chest was not rising, nor falling. The silence at first made the pup think that her mother was sleeping, but when her father entered the den. She could feel that something was terribly wrong. The healthy pup looked up at her father and began to press her paws against her mother who was not moving at all. Reficul was confused, she had never experienced something like this before. Her distraught cries would only bring her father much pain though, for the male knew himself he did not have the courage nor the skill to raise a female pup on his own. Both he and his mate had been using all their strength to feed Ref, and they ended up being starving almost themselves. Ref's brown tipped tail flicked as she looked up at her dad. "Why isn't she moving dad?" she shivered as the male picked her up by the scruff. That was how the night went, before the snow had started. Her dad had dragged her away from her loving mother. In the confusion of her cries, they reached the nearest pack by the morning. Ref was terrified, Father had not spoken a word to her, and she knew in the back of her head that her mother wasn't there anymore. It was like the animals she had seen her father bring for her to eat for the first time. How could something have no life in it any longer. What was this foreign concept to her that scared her so much. Something she didn't understand but wanted to even though it hurt her so much. Finally her father set her down at the borders of Seracia.

"DAD, where are you going DAD!" It was cold, and her father did only say one thing to her. "I'm sorry Ref, this way you'll be safe." The male had chosen his daughters life over his selfish wants to raise her himself. As he started to walk away. Ref could do nothing but watch whining and crying out loud. She was being left alone, why? She was so confused. Ref didn't know what to do. The two month old pup covered her eyes with her paws as what seems like hours passed and white flakes began to fall from the sky. The cold, she didn't like it at all. Being alone either, confused and afraid as the distraught pup looked up at the white stuff she knew nothing about. It tasted like frozen water. Her father had told her before when something became too cold it went frozen. Was that what happened to mother, and had father been afraid that would happen to him to so he left her behind. Ref cried out in small barks and howls hoping her father would come back before something bigger came along to gobble her up. She didn't even know why he dropped her off at a random spot. Was there something here supposed to protect her. Ref continued to cry out though, with all the energy she had.



06-10-2013, 01:04 PM

She wasn't sure how long she had been out, just walking, had ot of been a few hours at least for when she finally came to a stop her legs were aching. With a heavy sigh she hung her head, sitting back on her haunches, letting the cold of winter brush against her body. Flakes collecting in her fur. Slowly she lifted her head to the sky, storm grey orbs gazing upon the dark clouds that had gathered long ago. It was quiet, something she wasn't sure she liked about Winter. One could hear many things from a farther distance, many things like, the cries of a child.

Ears shot up at it, eyes going wide and dropping from the sky to scan the terrain. It would be difficult to catch her scent with the snow, it didn't linger as long as on earth, just as an annoyance as rain. There it was again. The shewolf pushed herself up quickly, tail lashed behind her, head turning left and right to try and pinpoint where the cries were coming from.

Another cry, got it! Without even thinking about it she was off, paws drumming against the ground, breaking through the thin blanket of snow with ease. She threw herself forward, wanting to reach the pup as soon as possible. There were many predators out there that would love to snatch up a pup, eagles, bears, other wolves. And she was determined to reach it first, to hopefully protect the little thing and get it to safety.

A few minutes passed before she was finally able to spot the pup, sitting on the borders. Quickly Loccian came to a stop, breathing heavily, but before she just threw herself at the pup she scanned the area. There were no signs of predators or what may be the pups parents.

After catching her breath the small wolf moved forward carefully, trying to keep herself calm, to look friendly to the youngster. Hello little one, are you lost? She asked gently, keeping her head low and forming a small smile on her lips. As she got closer she could see the pup was decently taken care of, black pelt with brown here and there. She was a beautiful little thing. She came to a stop, standing just a few feet from the pup.


Awesome table by Lu <3


06-10-2013, 01:16 PM
Ref ears pulled back the floppy things pulled against her fluffy body. Her bi colored eyes glowed a bit as she came to face another wolf, but she had never encountered another wolf before, just her parents. Lost? What was lost? Ref didn't know as she began to whine silently again and lowered her head. She wasn't sure what was going on. "Mommy and Daddy left me behind." She said simply, hoping the larger creature would understand. There was warmth there, coming off of her fur. Warm like her mother had been, the girl wrapped her tail shivering as she let out another whine. What was she going to do now? What was this feeling she hated so much. She didn't know she was feeling hurt, feeling alone. A feeling she had never been faced with before. "Mom wasn't moving....and Dad brought be here and then left." Ref looked out in the forest, hoping to see some sign of the black wolf. Her eyes hoping just a little more that her nightmare would end soon. Ref wasn't sure what to do, as she lowered her head. She looked up at the other wolf, "You aren't going to hurt me are you?" She asked innocently.



06-10-2013, 01:39 PM

Loccian watched in silence as the pup began to whine, lowering her head when the shewolf had approached. Mommy and Daddy left me behind. Her small voice spoke up, causing Loccian's throat to tighten, eyes go wide. Why, why would parents leave their child out here all alone? Why would they leave her here to be potentially killed by something intent on making her its prey? But then it hit her, maybe they left her because they died? Or maybe they just couldn't support both her and themselves. Poor things.

Seeing the pup shivering made the shewolf want to lay down beside her, curl up in a ball to keep her warm, but she wasn't sure the pup would like being so close to a stranger. Who knew if she even encountered wolves who weren't her parents. Mom wasn't moving... and Dad brought me here and then left. Her heart dropped, her question answered. The mother must have died, and not being able to take care of the pup, the father left her. All she could do was slowly shake her head, her grey eyes looking in the same direction as the pup. She was on her own now.

I will not hurt you little one, never will. She answered her in a gentle tone, taking a few steps forward so that she was standing just in front of the pup before lowering her head to be leveled with hers. What is your name darling? I am Loccian, a friend. Getting a name would be the first step to trying to gain the pup's trust, she just hoped she would cooperate and go with her, and not ask about if her parents would come back.


Awesome table by Lu <3


06-10-2013, 01:58 PM
There was slight comfort when she felt the bigger wolf get closer to her. The same warmth she had felt with her mother in these moments. Her eyes moved up to Loccain with promise, she wanted to trust this wolf because she had come to save her from this weird feeling. Why though? Why was she left here? Why had her father left her, and what did you call it when your mother was no longer moving? These questions ran through her head and she wished to ask this wolf them, Loccain. The name. "Loccain.....My name is Reficul...Dad would call me Ref, so you can call me that too if you like." Ref tried to sneak in a smile, maybe it was better not to think of those things. Maybe her father had something more important to attend to. The pain in his eyes when he had seen mom, she knew herself that he was doing this for her.

"Dad was only protecting me.....right?" She asked, that was all she wanted to know. She wanted to know if she had been a burden this entire time, if she should have been thankful for the love she had been given. The small pup waited anxiously for an answer from her new companion. From the new warmth that she felt was being given to her.



06-10-2013, 02:26 PM

Ears perked up as the pup gave her name, Reficul, it was pretty and unique. Just like her, it fit the pup well. Not only was it Reficul but her father had also called her Ref, and Loccian was able to call her that too. She smiled, leaning over and lightly running her tongue over the pup's ear. You have a pretty name Miss Reficul, your daddy chose well. She spoke gently, a warmth forming in her heart when the child smiled. That was good, it was better to stay happy, to not think about the bad things. Something Loccian should try doing more.

Dad was only protecting me..... right? The pup asked, bringing Loccian to move close to the pup, lowering herself just enough to wrap around her. Yes darling, he did not want you to get sick. He just wants you to be safe.... I will make sure you are safe, so you grow big and strong. She spoke in her ear with a smile, pulling away from the pup and taking a step forward. Your father will be proud of you. She had turned her head, looking over at the pup over her shoulder.

What she said was true. Loccian would help this child, give her food and shelter, and if she is willing, even teach her the art of healing. And if Ref wanted to learn how to hunt and fight, then she was sure Pontifex would not mind teaching her such skills. The more she thought about it, the more the warmth within her body began to spread. Perhaps this was what she needed to turn her life around, to ease the pain inflicted on her mind from her brothers death. This child, and Loccian, would both begin a new life. If she would allow her to take of her of course, to become her new mother.

Would you like to come with me Reficul? You will be safe as long as you stay by my side. She asked, still smiling with her tail swaying behind her. The snow had begun to come down harder, in bigger flakes. Within minutes the wind would pick up, the blanket of snow thickening until it reached her chest. They would need to hurry if they wanted to escape it.


Awesome table by Lu <3


06-10-2013, 04:26 PM
It was warm here, and it was nice. Ref liked this very much to be beside Loccain cuddled like so. She wagged her tail in a small tempo as she heard her words. So, this girl would raise her, just like her mother would have? Ref laughed a little bit, so she wasn't going to bother her parents anymore that was good. It still hurt, but it was good. "We'll get too cold if we stay out here right? You promised to protect me and raise me, then I'll hold you up to that promise." Ref smiled and gave a giggle. She swore she wouldn't be a bother to anyone anymore, she would make the best of everything and become stronger. She didn't know how but she would.



06-10-2013, 05:02 PM

She could not help but chuckle at the pup, her mood had lifted quite quickly, faster than Loccian had expected. It was good, perhaps she was just moving on, and wouldn't linger on the past. She would make sure to fuel this, give her a reason to keep moving on. To become strong. With her voice the shewolf gave a nod of her head, smiling. If we stay then we will become cold, still as stone. If we hurry then I can give you a warm place to sleep, and maybe catch something for you to eat before the wind picks up. With a swing of her tail, motioning the pup to follow, the woman was off. Paws carried her forward, a slow but steady pace for the pup to keep up.


After bringing Ref to her den, Loccian set out to bring a meal for the pup. IT took some time but she managed to come back within thirty minutes, carrying a rabbit and bird in her jaws. Panting lightly the shewolf approached, tail swaying behind her, squeezing through a hole in the wall. She moved down the barn, passing a few empty stalls before finally coming to a stop at hers, full of herbs on two of the three walls, the pup laying in the corner furthest from the entrance.

You get to choose. She said after setting the dead animals down before the pup, taking a step back and smiling, waiting for her to choose. Even if she seemed decently fed, Loccian wanted her to choose what she wanted, hopefully choosing the large squirrel. After your meal you should take a nap, I will have to tell my King about you, but I will be right here when you wake up. She sat back on her haunches before lowering the rest of her body to the ground, the stall filled with the sweet smell of herbs.


Awesome table by Lu <3


06-11-2013, 05:20 PM

Ref had spent her time looking around for a small while, curious about how she was going to live here. From using her nose there had been scents like Loccians all over the place. Did that mean that there was more than one Loccian here? Or wolves like Mom and Dad? Ref wasn't sure but she was positive that there was more than she would be able to handle. When she returned to her corner, the female had returned and this time with food. Ref tilted her head as she was presented with a choice. A rabbit, and a bird, no longer moving. The small pup sniffed them, was this what happened to mom? Probably so, as the wolf pup placed her mouth over the bird and started to eat it.

When I eat the bird, it'll become part of me and help me live. When mom returns to the earth it'll allow more room for things to grow. This is the circle right? We all help each other, even when we are no longer here. Ref thought to herself as she listened to her adopted mothers words. She gave a nod as she continued to eat. The leader of the pack, so there was lots of wolves here, maybe they would be as kind as the three she had come to know in her life. How bad could any of them be anyway.




06-11-2013, 07:05 PM

With a smile Loccian watched the pup sniff at the meals she had brought back, determining which one she would choose. While waiting, the shewolf crossed a leg over the other, laying her head over her paws. The girl chose the bird, and so, Loccian pulled a paw out from under her to reach out and pull the squirrel close to her but would not yet eat it.

I don't wanna force you Reficul, but if you would like, you can call me Loccian until your comfortable enough to call me mom. She spoke softly, nervousness in her voice. Grey eyes watched the pup for a reaction to her comment, waiting to see if it would bother the young girl at all which she didn't want to happen. Loccian wanted the girl to go at her own pace with things, not be rushed, get comfortable first. I don't want you to think I am trying to replace your mother, I will never be able to. I am here to help, take you in as my own. To become your second mother. She added one, hoping this wasn't too much for the pup and made sense. She wanted her to know that Loccian wasn't trying to replace Ref's mother, she never would be able to, she was just trying to become like another one that would watch over her.


Awesome table by Lu <3


06-11-2013, 09:21 PM

Reficul watched Loccian closely, and a smile arose on her face as she gave off a small giggle. She liked Loccian's name, mom or not it was a pretty name and it was different. "I like calling you Loccian, it's nice against my tongue. Like when you drink water? After being thirsty for such a long time. That's what your name is, it's the drink of water that makes your tongue all moist again." Ref wagged her tail back and forth as she wiggled over to the female. Nuzzling her fur. This was nice, and different, though she was curious, she wanted to ask so many things. But for now she was tired, and she was scared of anyone other than Loccian.

"I'll sleep now if you want, I am tired after all. Ref yawned as she said this. Her delicate pink tongue moving against the roof of her mouth as she curled up into the corner. Her two different colored eyes looking up at Loccian with that same sweet smile.




06-17-2013, 01:29 PM
ooc: Permission was given to pp Reficul. I also forgot what time of day it is so lets just say the sun is going down.

A warm smile crossed the shewolf's lips, the young female liked her name, saying it was like when you drink water. That is very sweet of you, thank you. She didn't get much compliments, especially on her name so it made her a bit happy when Reficul said she liked it. Even though they had only been together not that long, the child was really starting to grow on her. And as she watched the girl wiggle her way over, nuzzling into her fur, the feeling only grew. The darkness within her heart was slowly being pushed to the borders, being replaced with warmth.

The pup spoke up, saying she would sleep now if Loccian wanted, since she was already tired. I think it would be a good idea. You should get a nice sleep, I shall introduce you to our King in the morning so I want you fully awake then and feeling good. She spoke softly, lowering her head to rub her cheek gently against the pup's. She pulled away to look at her with a warm gaze, curling her body around the youngster to keep her warm from the Winter winds that sometimes seeped into the barn and rolled around her stall.

Within minutes the child gave in to sleep, her small body rising and falling with her breathing. Loccian waited an hour before finally moving, not wanting to wake Reficul. Carefully she pulled away, pulling some straw over as bedding before moving away. With her head low the shewolf walked down the length of the barn, reaching the end and giving a push of the door enough for her to squeeze through.

Once outside the small shewolf strolled away from the barn, tail wagging slowly behind her, grey eyes searching the place. She didn't wanna call Gerhardt while by the barn, didn't want to wake Reficul. So once she was a decent distance away she came to a stop, lifting her head to the sky and giving a short yet summoning call before sitting back on her haunches.


Awesome table by Lu <3


06-27-2013, 03:41 PM

A pensive smile lingered on his face as a shadow was thrown over his tri-colored bodice. Robin circled him like a bird of prey, clicking her beak and screeching occasionally. She wanted him to get up and get moving, though he had little intention of doing either. "Do you even know the meaning of the word rest, Robin?" The bird dove instantaneously, aiming sharp talons innocently for the scruff of his neck. Gerhardt gave a fake growl and snapped his fangs toward her. "Oh alright, you win.." With a groan he rose to his paws, shifting his weight between his four paws until he was properly balanced. "What is on the agenda today?" The bird angled and rose back into the sky, evidently proud of herself for what she'd just accomplished. We haven't hunted in a while. I could try to find us something if you're up for it? He took a step forward and then another. "Fine by me." The bird was off, winging her way toward the croplands. They seemed to be a favorite hunting ground for Robin. She always managed to spot something when she went there.

Gerhardt took off after her at a healthy trot, moving northward out of the southern forest and into the open gap of land that separated the forest and the croplands. His tail wavered behind him as a howl split the territory. Loccian. Immediately he changed his course, making a beeline for where she'd called from. The sound seemed to have come from the area near the barn. Luckily enough for him it wasn't that far away. As he neared he caught sight of her, a good distance from the barn but in the same general area. "Loccian." He tilted his head, examining her features for signs of alarm or other indicators of the reason for her call. "What seems to be the trouble?" The bird arrived just after he'd said this, perching on a nearby rock and angling her head toward them. Gerhardt inhaled, there was a new scent mingled with her fur.. was that part of the reason she'd called?


Robin speech



06-28-2013, 10:01 AM

It wasn't long after her call that Loccian gazed upon Gerhardt's form approaching. She straightened herself, taking a deep breath as he approached, ears swiveling forward as he called her name. Gerhardt She spoke softly, dipping her head respectfully to him. When he asked her what was the trouble the shewolf turned her head, grey orbs falling upon the direction of the barn for a few moments before returning to the king.

I have found a pup at the borders my king... She began, her gaze shifting over to the large eagle that perched on a rock a bit from them. She dipped her head to it before turning her attention back onto Gerhardt. She... she was abandoned by her father. From the sounds of it, her mother passed and he couldn't take care of her, so he dropped her off on the border. She explained to him, her head lowering, pressing her nose gently into her neck, taking in the scent of the child that had rubbed off onto her.

She would care for the child, raise her as her own. Locian would make sure she grew into a strong and healthy wolf, shouldn't be too hard since she had a thing with herbs. Not only that, but she wanted Reficul to be happy, to have friends and enjoy life. Didn't want her to be sad like she was. I would like for her to stay in Seracia... I called to seek your approval in adopting her. She raised her head to look into his gaze, she was serious about this.


Awesome table by Lu <3


07-08-2013, 07:48 AM

As she gestured toward the barn he followed her gaze, a puzzled glean in his eye. Was something amiss about the barn that he hadn?t noticed? He twisted his amethyst gaze over every inch that he could see, but it all looked normal to him ? nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Attention shifted back to Loccian as she spoke, informing him that she?d found a child at the borders. Interesting. An abandoned child had found its way to Seracia, how amusing. There was no more welcoming place to a child without parents than Seracia. In fact, a parentless child was the Prince of these lands. Loccian went on to explain that she wanted to adopt the child ? apparently female ? and raise her as her own. The King smiled. ?That is commendable, Loccian. I know the trials and joys of adoption, and I will certainly not deny you those same trials and joys. The child is welcome here, as are any that ever grace our borders. I am not a man who would ever stoop so low as to deny a pup.? He thought fondly of raising Maverick, Valkis, and Kamala, though Valkis had all but been erased from the better parts of his memory. That child had been trouble, and remained to be so even in his absence.




07-10-2013, 01:41 PM

Ears perked up at Gerhardt's voice, telling her the child was welcomed here and he knew the trials that happened after adoption. The young woman would keep that in mind, seeing as this was the first she has ever taken care of she would be coming to him every now and then for some advice. Loccian was a smart woman, she knew a lot on some things, but not everything. Especially when it came to children.

And he finished speaking the woman could not help but smile and dip her head to him, tail lowly wagging behind her. Thank you Gerhardt. I'm sure she will enjoy Seracia. Of course she would, it would be Reficul's new home. The child would grow up here, become a strong young woman. Loccian was already getting excited just thinking of what the child would get into, hunting, fighting, healing?

But then it occurred to her that she should explain what the pup looked like. Clearing her throat a nervous laugh escaped her jaws. Her name is Reficul, I would take you to her but she has already fallen asleep. She explained, hoping he was alright with that. Sh didn't want to wake the child after what she just went through. She is a grey child, and ear and leg brown with mismatched eyes. Very beautiful purple and green.


Awesome table by Lu <3


07-16-2013, 02:02 PM

He imagined that Loccian would be needing assistance from time to time with this new child. Pups could be a handful for two parents ( as he and Adette had learned quickly ) but with a single parent he assumed they would be even more difficult. Loccian was a competent wolf, but she wasn't a super hero. He returned her wag of the tail with a wag of his own and a jubilant smile. Another wolf had come to Seracia, and this one was a precious child. It is always a pleasure to welcome a new member to the Kingdom. It was, perhaps, the best part of his job.

She went on to explain what the child's name was. Reciful. He would have to log that into his memory for future use. If he ever ran across her he would need something to identify her. She went on to explain that she was sleeping, but Loccian gave an adequate enough description of her. She sounds lovely, I would very much like to meet her soon. He would keep his eye out for her in the mean time, so that he didn't unknowingly frighten her. You'd best be getting back to her, I'd hate for her to waken alone in a strange place. Who knew what traumas plagued her past. With a smile and a dip of his head, Gerhardt turned to go about his way. I look forward to seeing you both soon, Loccian. With that, he was gone.

Exit Gerhardt




07-17-2013, 11:37 AM
Ooc: crappy phone post

Loccian smiled at Gerhardt's words and once he gave her the go she dipped her head respectfully to him. Grey orbs watched him walk away, tail curling around, not helping but grinning. She was a mother now. Loccian would be takingcare of another life, raising it. This would make her think differently about her actions. It wasnt just for her now, it was all about Loccian AND Reficul. With a deep breath she stood up and turned back, heading to the stall so she could rest with her new family.

-exit loccian-