
Behind Blue Eyes



4 Years
Dire wolf

Trick 2019Christmas 2019
05-23-2019, 02:04 PM

The death of her child broke her.

The death of her father was nothing compared to the feeling of burying one of her own children. She had no one to blame but herself -- she had been too… what? Scared to get a healer? Afraid to ask for help until it was too late? And what did that pride cost her?

Philomena fought with a bitterness and a rising self hatred in her heart. But she couldn’t sit around forever and beat herself up. She had let one child die… but there were three more out there somewhere. The Gods only knew where they were… but Philomena swore to herself she would prevent herself from having to bury another child.

The woman hadn’t slept in almost a full day so far. Desite No Face insisting the Philly sleep the woman refused to rest for more than short bursts at a time. Her mind was burning… how was she going to tell the other three that their sister was dead?

Philomena was almost completely silent the journey as well. Anytime No Face spoke to her the companion was either met with a look, shake of the head, or, at most, a grunt in response.

She wasn’t really sure where she could expect to find the kids. She had lost their trail and now wandered blind, combing over areas as she passed through them. Her blue eyes reflected pain and worry -- had her own parents felt this way when she had been with Rikeros?

Her ears pressed back against her skull.

Focus, she had to focus.

The woman flicked her head back, shifting the mane on her head as she surveyed the current area. Even with the shade from the trees it was hot… the area was in a drought. All of the East had been so far…

Philomena paused, an ear cocking towards rustling in the undergrowth. She turned towards it with narrowed eyes, snarling, only to see a hare dart out from the bushes and bolt past her.

The woman gave a soft snort.



  • Philomena's current avatar is by Risketch on DeviantArt.

  • Philomena has a bat hawk companion named No Face who is generally somewhere nearby if he is mentioned at all in a thread. If not mentioned, assume he is not there!