
Asante sana Squash banana



4 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
05-20-2019, 08:29 PM
The barrel bodied boy was getting bigger, he had reached his second season and six months looked well on him. He was slowly coming into his proportions, but he still clung heavily to his awkward long legs and round body. His face was lengthening, and he was looking more and more like a real Abraxas every day.

His patience was obvious in his slow gait as he navigated the garden he was born int. He didn’t crush a single plant, a practice he had been working on since he’d been scolded for running over some important species. The image was a stark contrast to the pup that Pyrrhic had taken under his wing a season ago. Though his appearance was changing quickly Iroh still felt a high motivation and excitement to train and become a General one day.

Though it was colder this time of yearIroh wasn’t bothered, he walked calmly to the tree line. Before he saw them Iroh could hear the noise of the horde. He had no intention of confronting them and shifted his direction, but as he moved the noise continued to follow. The more he avoided the closer they came.

Eventually he was in the middle of them. He couldn’t see them still as they flashed through the foliage, but finally one stopped before him. She had a bright face, though it wasn’t near as impressive as Benkos her high rank was obvious. Her fur was a bit lighter than many of the Mandrills Iroh had encountered, a soft warm brown gray accentuated by her bright blue face and creamy yellow chest. Her eyes were a striking lightning yellow, and her intelligence was obvious in a single glance. Iroh felt captivated as she seemed to look him over, a judging glance here and there.

As soon as she appeared she was gone again though, and with her went the tornado of invisible primates. Iroh was left standing on his own, dumbstruck about what had just happened.
Where My Demons Hide



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantVolcanoCritical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
05-24-2019, 10:54 PM
Pyrrhic had been thinking about the future of the Abraxas a lot lately. His father had drilled it into him since he was a child that strength came from unity, but as he was getting more and more responsibility it was becoming clearer that unity was a difficult thing to maintain. Personalities varied too much. What struck one as logical might offend another, what was too harsh a punishment for one was inevitably too harsh for another. Ruling was a balancing act, he decided.

So what then could unite wildly different wolves? Passion, loyalty and conviction. Being passionate about their mission, being loyal to the ultimate cause, being convicted of the righteousness of their purpose. If he was to succeed he needed to foster those traits in those around him. He would have their devotion by being devoted to them. And he would start with the most receptive of the Abraxas. Pups were sponges; they soaked up the world around them. It made sense to get to know his cousins while they were young and to form relationships with them from the start.

To that end he had come up with a plan that would allow him to be better connected to at least one young cousin and to ensure that Iroh had a good teacher with him always. Growing up, Pyrrhich had benefited greatly from Benkos' teachings and the mandrill had helped shape his personality for (in Pyrrhic's opinion) the better. Iroh deserved a companion like that and it wad for that reason that Pyrrhic had found him one.

Her name was Sarabi and according to Benkos she would be perfect for Iroh. The mandrill was one of the highest ranking females in Benkos harem and her guile had secured her a permanent place at Benkos' side. Her crafting ability set her apart from the rest - it was this that had first caught his eye and prompted him to raid for her - and she had proven to be an exceptional mother. She had birthed him nothing but sons (twins at that) and though the youngest was still untried, the rest were all successful chiefs.

Pyrrhic observed the exchange between Sarabi and Iroh and then approached the young Abraxas after the horde had disappeared. "What do you think of them?"

Pyrrhic has a male mandrill companion named Benkos. Unless he's mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Pyrrhic.



4 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
05-28-2019, 06:32 PM
Iroh wasn’t allowed too long to stand and process what had just happened. Usually the mandrills gave him a wide enough birth, he’d never been so close save for when Benkos was around. Pyrrhic found his way to his side, Iroh’s blue and lavender gaze shifted to his cousin’s intimidating form. The young Abraxas lifted his head a little higher and wagged his tail softly at his ankles. Of all the wolves in his life Iroh respected Pyrrhic the most, he never talked down to him and was always encouraging him in the right direction.

”They’re amazing, Pyrrhic.” He told him honestly, having a healthy respect for Benkos as well as his cousin. ”They’re a lot like wolves aren’t they?” The mandrills lived in large family groups with hierarchies similar to those that governed the lives of Iroh’s own family. He hadn’t put much thought into them before this, only really appreciating Benkos and his scary wicked teeth.
Where My Demons Hide



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantVolcanoCritical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
06-02-2019, 03:03 PM
Iroh seemed enthralled with the primates. Pyrrhic could relate. He was about Iroh's age when he met Benkos and he remembered quite clearly how he'd felt when the horde had suddenly enveloped him. Though he'd done his best to hide it he'd been terrified of the loud and intimidating monkeys; of how they'd circled him and taken turns pulling his tail.

Pyrrhic nodded. "They are. Well, like our family, anyway. They're smart and strong, and they're conquerors. Did you see any of the little monkeys with them? The mandrills conquer and convert them kinda like what we do with mortals." He glanced over his shoulder in search of Benkos who he knew lurked nearby.

"You know, I was about your age when I met Benkos. I'm really glad I did because I've learned a lot from him." Benkos ruled with an iron fist. He was just, fair and merciful when he needed to be. Pyrrhic looked up to him and was grateful for his tutelage. His father was a good teacher too, but Risen wasn't made up of the same kind of aggressive, power-hungry creatures Kabanga was. Pyrrhic had seen Benkos kill rivals and stamp out dissent. Through Benkos he'd learned not to hesitate. To be swift in his judgements and fearless in the face of things that made him squeamish.

His expression was grave as he sought out Iroh's gaze. "I want you to have the kind of teacher I had because I want you to be the best General that Risen has ever seen. So..." He glanced over his shoulder again. This time Benkos was there, approaching with Sarabi at his side. The male mandrill stopped at Pyrrhic's side but Sarabi continued forward, her gaze never once leaving Iroh's face. "This is Sarabi."

Pyrrhic has a male mandrill companion named Benkos. Unless he's mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Pyrrhic.



4 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
06-06-2019, 03:14 PM
The boy had a much gentler introduction to the Horde, though it was likely only Sarabi and her two youngest sons had been the majority of the comotion. Iroh had been too focused on the brightly colored female to take much notice of the other primates that shifted through the trees like magic. He listened to Pyrrhic’s explanation, that indeed the Horde was much like their own Empire. They conquered and they converted, just like an Abraxas. His cousin shared a similar respect for the long toothed creature, and made vocal that admiration.

Iroh’s bright blue and amethyst eyes met Pyrrhic’s as he sought him out, his words were encouraging and Iroh felt his chest puff out with pride. He would be the best General Risen had ever seen, silently he’d promise his cousin that. He followed the Heir’s gaze towards the impressive primate and the smaller she-ape that had found him earlier. Their eyes locked and Iroh couldn’t look away as she came closer. At first she remained on all four of her limbs, but when she was closer she lifted herself up to look the boy over.

”Hello, Sarabi I’m…” The young Abaraxas wasn’t sure what to expect but Sarabi was suddenly very handsy. Her fingered paws were thrust into the plush fur of his cheeks as she took his head into her hands. Iroh’s eyes widened in surprise but he remained still as she examined him closely. She moved down his left side, poking and prodding here or there as she made her full assessment. He felt uncomfortable as she examined under his tail and between his legs, but her invasive behavior was finished as she scaled his back and took her place.

”He’ll do.” She spoke, her voice oddly sweet as she looked back to Pyrrhic and Benkos. Iroh wasn’t sure what to do or say, he felt incredibly honored but also a little insulted. ”Thanks?” He offered, confused and a little intimidated by the high ranking she mandrill.
Where My Demons Hide



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantVolcanoCritical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
06-22-2019, 09:11 PM
Pyrrhic was quiet as he watched Sarabi look Iroh over. He hadn't interacted with her much but she struck him as the kind of stoic individual who would be good for Iroh. Benkos had assured him that she was the best and that he couldn't think of a better match.

Iroh looked a little uncomfortable as Sarabi checked him all over. As Pyrrhic had found out quite quickly, there was no place for embarrassment in Kabanga. The mandrills weren't shy. They groomed one another, bathed, relieved themselves, they even mated out in the open with no regard for whose shoulder they were brushing up against or for what naive young eyes were watching. The only thing he hadn't seen was one giving birth even though he knew many had been born since he'd befriended Benkos.

It had been explained to him that what he was seeing was life. Everyone did all the things he'd seen and heard, so why hide them unless there was an advantage?

The boy's discomfort seemed to grow as Sarabi took a look at his undercarriage. Pyrrhic very nearly took pity on him and called the mandrill off, but he decided against it at the last second and held his tongue. Perhaps later he'd take Iroh aside and prep him a little bit for what he was in store for. Not only was the horde without modesty, but they could be downright savage with one another, especially to the newly captured mandrills.

"He'll do." she said after completing her inspection. Iroh still seemed a little unsure of the situation so Pyrrhic offered him a smile. "Her approval is a difficult thing to earn." To Sarabi, he said, "Prepare him well. He's going to do great things when he grows up."

Pyrrhic has a male mandrill companion named Benkos. Unless he's mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Pyrrhic.



4 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
06-25-2019, 04:51 PM
The young Abraxas knew that his cheeks were flushing beneath his dark fur, and he was glad that he held no light colored fur on his body. Sarabi seemed to settle quite easily on his shoulders. She was much smaller than Benkos, and Iroh wasn’t nearly bothered by her weight. He turned his head and looked back up at the primate, her brightly colored face reminiscent of the color of his eyes. Iroh turned back to his cousin Pyrrhic as he tried to explain her behavior, her approval was a hard thing to earn.

Sarabi nodded, the corners of her lips pulling up amusedly as she looked down at her wolf pup. Her sons were all impressive warlords, this boy would be as well. ”Grow up fast he will, I am sure.” She ran her fingers through the thick black fur of his scruff, quite liking her new royal litter. ”I’ll still be training with you though, right Pyrrhic?” he asked, unsure if he liked the idea of his cousin being replaced completely with the female mandrill.
Where My Demons Hide



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantVolcanoCritical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
06-28-2019, 04:24 PM
Sarabi's words were reassuring. In the coming wars Pyrrhic would need all the strong Abraxas he could get. In the right paws Iroh could be great. He just needed a good teacher or two to foster his good qualities and to instill in him unswerving loyalty. If Sarabi was anything like Benkos had promised then Iroh was in good paws and someday soon Pyrrhic would have a great general.

"Of course!" He still had a lot to learn himself, but Pyrrhic was ready and willing to share everything he knew. Here was an opportunity to make a general that was perfect for his vision of Risen. He would be a fool to pass it up. "We're a team, aren't we?"

He glanced between Sarabi and Iroh, then said, "Perhaps for now we should let you two get acquainted?" He would leave the decision to part ways up to Iroh. If the boy was comfortable with being left with the primate already then he would go. If he would rather Pyrrhic hang out with him for awhile, Pyrrhic was happy to do that too. All he wanted was for his cousin to bond with his new companion and he would gladly do whatever it took to ensure their relationship was off to a good start.

Pyrrhic has a male mandrill companion named Benkos. Unless he's mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Pyrrhic.



4 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
07-02-2019, 09:24 AM
Iroh was still young yet, and didn’t realize how high his dreams were going to lead him. He couldn't comprehend how important he would be to his cousin or the Empire as a whole. The boy was ready to devote himself though, he had known little else but the desire to please the lord Abraxas. Sarabi would be his guide, the knowledgeable primate who stood at Benkos side. With their help the pup would surely grow up into a valuable and loyal asset.

He relaxed as Pyr reassured him of his status, they were a team and their learning would continue together. ”Oh yes, Pyrrhic!” Iroh smiled at his cousin and looked back to Sarabi on his back as she petted him absently. ”Yes, young Pyrrhic I think you should.” The she mandrill offered before Iroh could speak. His blue and lavender gaze returned to his cousin as he slowly lost the look of concern. He’d quickly grow into his relationship with the mandrill queen. ”Give me a day or so with him, and then we shall really delve into his training.” She promised as her hands groomed the thick of his scruff. Iroh couldn’t help but to look excited because he could feel the emotion bubbling in his chest. He really was going to be a General and Sarabi would help guide him there.
Where My Demons Hide