
Winterfell's Resident Foxes

Two for adoption!


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
06-22-2019, 12:11 AM (This post was last modified: 06-22-2019, 10:38 AM by Acere.)

Hey ya'll! So I've been thinking long and hard about this and I decided I want to do it! I would really love to make Ace's fox companions actual playable characters on Ardent! I feel the pair may be suited better as playable character as opposed to just being simple companions, mostly because I tend to mention them alot in his posts and they're always off doing their own antics as well, so heck it. They get their own life too, why not? XD

The story behind their existence and how they came to be with Ace is fairly simple. He found them when they were very young kits at the top of Fenrir's Maw, alone together in the den their mother had left them in while she went to find food. Except...she never came back. Acere stumbled upon her dead body, the vixen killed by one of the many packs of coyotes that live around the Maw. Shortly after, he found the two kits huddled in their den. Starving, cold, and desperate for warmth and it didn't take them very long to cling to Acere and thus, their life began with him. They've been with him ever since, raised and taught by him, they haven't left his side very much. The trio share an incredibly close bond, and the foxes see Ace as a parental figure. In fact, he's the only real parent they know considering they were likely too young to remember anything about their mother. While they've given Ace more than enough headaches, they share a very strong bond and the twins are almost never seen away from each other.

Finn||Male||23"||Red Fox

He's pretty outgoing, bold, and generally fearless! Nothing really scares him and he's not afraid of a dare. He loves his sister, though he often tends to tease her from time to time just like any brother would! He's got a penchant for fighting and likes to brawl from time to time. He was taught by one of the best of the best, after all! Despite his teasing mannerisms, he's very, very protective of his sister.

Lumi||Female||20"||Silver Fox

Lumi is a bit opposite from her brother. She can be outgoing when following his lead, but is a little more shy and isn't likely to approach strangers on her own, whereas her brother will run right up to their faces and ask a million questions. With her? She generally tends to let her brother take the lead, but if there is something going on that she is interested in, then her shyness seems to disappear. Lumi is more intellectual than her brawler of a brother. She's sweet and likely to be softspoken. She worries constantly about her brother and the family of wolves she has come to love, too. There are times when her brother manages to rev her up and her personality becomes more outgoing, but until then, she's usually busy observing. She's fought alongside Ace and her brother, though she doesn't take the head on approach. Her fighting style is different than her brothers as she prefers a get in and get out sort of approach.

I've included a base personality based on what I've discovered while writing them from time to time, but you're not required to stick completely to what's there. Feel free to come up with your own personalities, but please try and keep their traits in mind. Finn has very much been a brawler, bold, and outgoing while Lumi is more a tactician and intellectual, etc etc.

They're also highly likely to stay in Winterfell with Acere, but it's understandable if they wanna leave should ic events take them somewhere else. Acere absolutely loves and adores them and see's them as if they were his very own children, so he'll always be protective of them.

-If he/she falls inactive, then I reserve the right to reclaim without warning. This post here basically serves as that warning. This includes inactivity for more than a month, setting inactive, etc.
-I'd like for the designs to remain as they are, and they're for ardent use only! Designs belong to me as well since I'm the one that designed them. If you purchase art for the design, it ought to stay with the character whether that character stays with you or not.  (this can also be discussed if it happens). If you absolutely must change the design, let me know so I can approve beforehand. These two are pretty special and I don't really want to change them up too much..
-Neither are likely to be evil. Period. Ace has taught them very well since they were young kits, so unless some drastic things happened icly then they should not be evil whatsoever.
-The names can be changed if you absolutely don't like their current names.
-Both are 1yr old born in Autumn.
-If you do not want them anymore, PLEASE let me know instead of just killing them off. If you do this because you're just "bored" or some crap then I probably won't adopt to you again.

I'm accepting apps for both BECAUSE I'd like to see if there's interest. I'm more than likely going to play one, but that's dependent on which one gets adopted. I, personally, don't mind playing either one. I will ALSO pay for the canine pass required to play a fox on site! Also bear in mind that since these are canine characters, they can join packs and have ranks like a regular member (yay!)

Plot Twist
I've decided last night as I was falling asleep that there will be a 3rd sibling! Anything goes for this surprise littermate since it has never been mentioned by Finn and Lumi. The story behind why is that they were too young to remember coupled with fear and confusion after their mother never came back home. This sibling (against mom's instructions) snuck out and followed her while she went to find food. It never made it's presence known, so when their mother got ambushed by coyotes and killed, this sibling was there to witness it all from its hiding place. This guy, of course, was frightened and once the coast was clear he took off but obviously, not back to the den. It's very likely he got lost and could have been picked up by someone else/others and taken in, kidnapped, stolen away, enslaved, what have you.

Everything about this sibling is open, that means name, gender, design, personality, alignment, etc. Want an evil fox? Maybe some bad guys picked him up and trained him to be a merciless soldier. Maybe he got enslaved and finally managed to escape and is cold and resentful towards everyone, and possibly his siblings when they do find and remember one another (the plots are endless!) On the other hand, if you want something more not so evil then maybe a motherly figure picked him up and took care of him. Whatever you choose! At some point, they should come across their other two siblings. Whatever happens between them is dependent on how this mystery sibling turns out, so have fun!

OOC name:
Character: Which one are you applying for? Finn or Lumi? Or mystery sibling?
Name: Keeping it the same or changing it?
Personality: (Finn and Lumi's base traits should be kept in mind, mystery sibling is completely open)
Rp sample:
Plans/potential plots?: (you can leave this blank)