
Creative Skill Prompt Title!


Valkyrie 1


5 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantCritical Fail!Trick 2019
06-24-2019, 07:49 PM
Valkyrie had decided to venture south for awhile. She knew there was a pack in Auster and she wanted to check them out. Being all on their lonesome the pack surely had acquired a fair bit of wealth. Lacking neighbors who might covet their possessions, they likely had grown lazy too. The potential gain was worth the trip to Auster and back again, so Valkyrie had brought Eisleif with her to scope the pack out. She'd come to Boreas intent on staying in Boreas and working it as her grandparents had, but she would go where the opportunities were. If this lone pack in Auster proved valuable, then she'd just have to add it to the rotation.

Not that they were actively rolling between targets at the moment. Hjarrandi had hit an unfortunate spell. Five of its members had disappeared leaving only herself, Eisleif, Eldi, Deion and Alfrun. Without those strong fighters they were in no shape to raid. Still, Valkyrie was determined to keep up to date on potential targets and their assets. Soon enough, she was sure, they would be ready to go raiding.

The raider pair were currently taking a much needed break. Their journey so far had been taxing; scaling the fjords that led into the shimmering isle was no small feat. It was best, in Valkyrie's opinion, that they be rested before they scouted out the pack. That way if necessary they could beat a hasty retreat or fight without too severe a disadvantage.

Valkyrie strolled lazily to one of the grove's many trees. She leaped up and placed her forepaws against it before stretching downwards and sinking her claws into the bark. Big chunks of bark cracked and flaked under her claws, and Valkyrie was finding the soft thump of pieces hitting the ground satisfying when a rustling up above caused her to still and glance heavenwards.

Almost immediately her gaze zeroed in on a pair of unflinching yellow eyes. They stared back at her, clearly peeved, and then began to move towards her rapidly. Valkyrie had just enough time to backpedal and bark out a warning for Eisleif before the jaguar exploded out of the leaves. It hit the ground hard; its heavy body seeming to shake the ground beneath her. Unsure if it was after a fight or simply warning her off, Valkyrie continued to back up. She wasn't keen on fighting a jaguar of all things, but she would if she had to.

WC: 409


This character has a noticeable Icelandic accent!
Valkyrie also has a female melanistic japanese macaque named Inga. Unless she's mentioned IC it's safe to assume she's not with her master.
It can be assumed that Valkyrie has a bear skull mask hanging from a strap around her neck at all times.



8 Years

Treat 2019
06-25-2019, 07:15 PM
Eisleif had felt her joints going stiff and her muscles begin to atrophy. Hymn had surely gotten her blood flowing, but she craved the promise that Valkyrie had offered her. She knew their destiny was on the horizon and she tried to be patient. When she was asked to come along on the scouting trip she hadn’t hesitated in the least. The trip had been anything but easy, but she had never claimed or wished for an easy way in life.

Now though, the older viking leaned back to relax. Rest was a necessity, and she took no embarrassment in reveling in it. A heavy sigh left her, but her ears continued to swivel. She may have relaxed but she was never totally unaware. She heard claws on bark and assumed the noise was her niece. Her stump of a tail wagged at her silver hips as birds sang and the sun reached its zenith. The light dappled the striped she wolf as she practiced a bit of breathing meditation she had picked up.

Until she heard the warning bark. First the woman was frustrated at being caught unawares. They should have scouted the area better before she allowed herself to relax. Two, she was upset she was missing out on some much needed relaxation. However, her battle hardened form was quick to react and she was at Valkyrie’s shoulder. Eisleif mirrored her niece’s movements and kept herself fluid enough that she wouldn’t get in the younger Finnvi’s way and Valk wouldn’t get into her way.

Their opponent was a huge tom jaguar. Eisleif felt her lips pull up in a snarl, unsure if it was about to attack or not. While she might have enjoyed the thrill the risk they were about to face was great. Its claws were incredibly sharp and its bite force even more intimidating. Despite its shorter stance the cat was thick with muscle. It had the strength of more than two wolves. Hackles raised as her tiny tail lashed at the fluffy fur of her thighs. Despite the danger she still felt a smile lingering on her lips, there had always been a love for danger in the woman’s life. Another chance to bond over a fight with her niece as well.

Eventually she let herself move away from Valkyrie, so there was enough space between them for at least two jaguars nose to tail. If it did decide to attack there would be blood all around.


Valkyrie 1


5 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantCritical Fail!Trick 2019
06-27-2019, 08:57 PM
With a grim expression Valkyrie watched as the hefty tom cat leaped from the tree. He was spitting mad at having been woken up and didn't seem too worried about facing two wolves. Vengeance, it seemed, was a higher priority than safety to the big cat. His eyes were wide; so wide his irises were nothing more than slivers of gold around the hollow black of his pupils. The branches overhead, swaying on the breeze, occasionally allowed bright rays of light to break through and fall over the jaguar's face causing his pupils to flash lime green as they reflected the light back.

His mouth was agape, pink tongue lolling and lips peeled back as he tasted the air and assessed the wolves who now squared off with him. Valkyire could tell he was a young thing. His teeth were pearly white without so much as a hint of yellowing at their bases and his face, though wide, clearly masculine, and flecked with a few small scars, had a youthful hollowness that suggested most of the energy accumulated over the last few months had gone into growing up instead of filling out.

She could guess at his motives. Perhaps he had something to prove or was motivated by a naive pride that demanded he strut and posture. Regardless, he was watching. Assessing. Clearly trying to decide how far he should push and what might make the wolves leave.

Valkyrie sensed more than felt or heard Eisleif approach. In an instant the elder Finnvi's ghostly form was at her side. She could see Eisleif out of the corner of her eye and was grateful for her presence, but she refused to take her eyes of the cat lest he see an opening and take advantage of it.

After a beat Eisleif moved away; presumably distancing herself from her niece so that the hefty cat would have to bounce between them to successfully counter their movements or strike. Perhaps because she was the last to move, the jaguar fixed on Eisleif for a moment and feinted an attack by lurching forward and swatting at the air in front of him. It was a test to see what they would do and nothing more; it was clear he hadn't sought real contact.

Valkyrie was quick to respond in kind. She charged forward a couple feet with a growl in her throat and a snarl on her lips to snap at air before retreating with her tail held high over her back. This feint brought the cat around to face her. He growled, the sound a low rumble in this throat, and over his back Valkyrie could see his tail lashing angrily, but he didn't charge at her. Yet. She could tell he was thinking about; trying to decide just what he could get away with.

WC: 471
TC: 1,293


This character has a noticeable Icelandic accent!
Valkyrie also has a female melanistic japanese macaque named Inga. Unless she's mentioned IC it's safe to assume she's not with her master.
It can be assumed that Valkyrie has a bear skull mask hanging from a strap around her neck at all times.



8 Years

Treat 2019
06-28-2019, 06:21 PM
Eis wouldn’t let her blue gaze leave the thick cat as her body shifted, it was a wise move as the tom swiped at her with deadly sharp claws. Eisleif didn’t flinch as much as the cat hoped for, her pearly teeth flashed in kind as she snapped them in similar fashion. Valkyrie was the one to react, her form shifted swiftly as she flew forwards with a menacing growl of her own. Her chocolate brown form puffed up angrily and even Eisleif felt the intimidation. The jaguar’s frustration was obvious in the way his tail lashed behind him. The tension in the air was palpable, if she had a spear she could have pierced it.

Her own stump of a tail flicked at her fluffy silver and black hips. Eisleif sought the great cat’s eyes, its thought process bubbling forth in its bright eyes as its gaze shifted from one she wolf to another. While he could have killed either of them alone, though not without a horrendous fight, he was realizing that he was outmaneuvered, he didn’t have the experience to lay down his anger to the she wolves. Eisleif growled deeply again, wondering if the cat might even understand her. ”Get out of here, cat.” It was both insult and command. ”You are clearly outmatched.”

The jaguar seemed to mull over her words as its eyes narrowed, slowly the decision would be made. The cat began to back away, its eyes never leaving the two women as it made an attempt to disappear into the forest.
