
Tag alongs

cubs/pups anyone?


06-23-2019, 01:42 PM

The Rules:

  • I reserve the right to reclaim these guys should they be set inactive or should you fall inactive with them/leave the site for more than a month.
  • The design unless owned by you(you have the option to purchase it if its one of them here) is to remain with the character and remain on site only.
  • These characters without proper development should be in the neutral to good range. Please note that if you wish to use a preplanned rape plot Adonis by all rights can and will seek to destroy/maim the rapist.
  • All characters adopted here will not be truly fathered by Adonis but rather adopted so their history is up to you.
  • Adonis will likely ally himself with either Winterfell or Abaven(most likely Abaven), so these kids will be expected to do the same.
  • Each design here is available to be bought should you get the character, but if you would like a different option i have these here available as well. The designs here will cost $5 via paypal or a donation of $5 in my name to Ardent, the equivalent in gems is also allowed.
  • These are open adopts, but Adonis comes from a clan/pride where they accept all species of animal and none are inferior. Please keep this in mind. Adonis also has adopted each of these here, so they should see each other as siblings in a way. When Adonis has adopted the character is up to you.
  • You may adopt a character who is a year old or younger here, but remember that a rouge pup pass is needed for any younger than a year. I can purchase up to two of the rouge pup passes if any one needs help with that. Adonis is 2 years and born in winter so he will be 3 years soon, but none of these character would of been adopted by him until he was a year and a half so keep this in mind.
  • Only the wolves/canines will require rogue pup passes, if you adopt another species they can be brought in as a cub/pup without the purchase of the pass. If i like an app for another species enough I may instead help you to pay for the other species. This would be only one large species pass or 2 small species passes. Please do not be afraid to ask for the help.


These designs belong to Asena unless you purchase them from me so they will stay on site and remain with the character adopted. Each design has a premade seperate file please just use the number for the design you wish to apply for.

[b]OOC Name:[/b]
[b]Pup or cub?:[/b]
[b]Plot Ideas:[/b]
[b]RP Sample:[/b]
[b]Can you afford the rogue pup pass?:[/b] (for wolves only)
[b]If its another species can you afford the pass?:[/b]



1 Year
06-23-2019, 10:09 PM (This post was last modified: 06-28-2019, 10:23 AM by Muses.)

OOC Name: hero
Name: Dova
Gender: Female
Pup or cub?: pup
Design: click
Appearance: Feeble ghost, spring water nymph; a pale brown child with eyes like the sky, from a clear day to a starry night. Cataracts in her right eye eliminate her sight, save for shadows and spirits. Softer than pussy willow, more delicate than baby's breath, and as sweet as honey, she is an absolute delight. Seraphic, ethereal, and far too fragile, her place upon this world is dubious, and she appears ready to slip back to the heavens at any moment.

Her thick fur, similar to that of a chinchilla, consists of warm tones, cropped closer along her undersides and face, where the pigment is slightly darker, more de-saturated. The bridge of her nose and the backs of her heels are painted a medium brown, while her ears and eye shadow are adorned with nut brown hues. Over her uneven cream toe socks are dark brown ticks. Small pallid patches can be found elsewhere, such as the little heart shaped blossom upon her breast, her cheeks, and the pips above her eyes. A single black freckle sits high on her left cheekbone. A ridge of rough, upright fur, slightly darker than the rest of her torso, runs along the length of her spine, from the base of her cotton tail, right up to her nape. There, it turns into a small precious faux-hawk.

Personality: A heart that beats steady, a love that's devout; purity and innocence in the form of a child. She gives adoration and admiration, all of herself without want for reciprocation. Amicable and agreeable, she is steadfast in her opinions of others (always good), mildly curious about how the world works, and has a tendency to fall in love several times a day. As any child, she is naturally naive, and inclined to mimic those around her.

A social butterfly, she tries not to spend much time alone, though her choice of company is not always typical. Even at a young age, she is surprisingly respectful of all lifeforms, from bugs, to predators even larger than wolves. Although adventurous, she can be hesitant, careful to avoid obviously extreme or risky activities, yet gravitates towards risky or extreme individuals. At times, it can be difficult to tell whether she's intuitive, or just very lucky. She can always be relied on for a warm smile and kind words.

Plot Ideas: Dova and Sinclair have come to Ardent in a rather unusual manner. Growing up in the same pack, they became fast friends, getting into as much trouble as anyone could expect from two teetering puppies. With a voracious appetite for adventure, they snuck out one day, exploring a nearby cave when suddenly the floor gave way beneath them. Unable to return the way they came, they wandered, hungry and afraid, trekking along miles of tunnel passages. Tragedy nearly struck when they encountered a fox, who thought the whelps would make excellent snacks.

Just in the nick of time, Adonis came on scene, chasing the fox away. He helped the two find their way back out of the caverns, and even tried to help them find their way back home. As the days drew out and became weeks, it became clear that their search was futile, and the tiger took on the role of their guardian.

RP Sample: Dova yawned, lagging well behind her guardian. It was difficult for a young pup to travel so far, but she had nothing to complain about. The sights were endless, and she was able to learn something new every single day. Clumsily veering off to her right, she bumped the meaty part of her shoulder against Sinclair, relieved to feel his solid mass beside her. Turning her head, she presented him with a wide smile, the corners of her mismatched eyes crinkled. Yet to eat breakfast, with her tummy rumbling impatiently, she was feeling rather mischievous. "Race ya to the lake!" She chirped at him, before taking off, her little stump of a tail wiggling excitedly.

Despite being significantly smaller than her companion, she made short work of closing the gap between them and their guardian. The lumbering tiger quickly came into her line of sight, his ivory tipped, rope-like tail just enough of a distraction that she momentarily forgot about the friendly competition she had instigated. The sound of leaves rustling in the wind, or perhaps Sinclair's footsteps, reminded her that she had somewhere to be. With renewed vigor, she scampered past Adonis, promptly disappearing into the field of towering grass and reeds that surrounded the lake.

Gemstones: 230/700 (300 for regular shaped marking, 400 for rogue puppy)


06-25-2019, 08:32 PM
Gonna bump this



06-26-2019, 01:45 PM (This post was last modified: 07-01-2019, 09:40 AM by Sinclair.)
[Image: griffin-sinclair.png]
OOC Name: Kai
Name: Sinclair
Gender: Male
Pup or cub?: Pup
Design: click
Sinclair is a large pup, growing steadily with each passing day. He stands on large paws, which hold up an even sturdier frame. He is a splatter of different colors, muddling his origins. His base coat is as white as snow, giving him the appearance of someone who might hail from the most Northern reaches of the world. Yet, just above and below there are various shades of grey; both on his belly and his back. Even down the neck and up to his muzzle is there a dark grey that further hides helps to camouflage his appearance in the wilderness.

Upon the crown his head that spreads into his ears and shoulders there is blood red fur; giving him the look of sprouted wildfire upon his body. He wears these colors like a crown that belong to a king. This same red can be easily found on the edges of his tail, manifesting like an Indian paintbrush flower.

His gaze is pale green and noticeable piercing, and stands out in all the red, white and grey.

Personality: Sinclair is a naive and adventurous soul. He acts upon impulse and does what he believes is good. He is extremely free spirited and lacks any sense of responsibility that an adult might have. This lack of impulse control is what often gets him into trouble. He is kind, although tactless and is oft to follow a moral code he has made up for himself even if it may not align with what others believe to be true.

His short life thus far has taught him to be his own compass in a world that is erratic, constantly changing and dangerous for someone his size and age. The youth is no coward, either - often placing himself in dangerous situations to fiercely protect those he loves without understanding the potential consequences for his actions.

Talkative and curious, the boy will talk anyone's ear off - at least anyone who would listen or give him the time of day. He thrives in and seeks attention from adults or those bigger than him, hoping to find wisdom to continue building on his ever-muddling and childish moral compass. He is a mish-mash of beliefs and ideals that fail to come together in any manner that dares to make sense. For these reasons he also contemplative and pensive, often staring at stars in the night. From these moments of silence he figures out what he believes is right and wrong.

Sinclair has an intense desire to help, and works hard for both himself and those he deems as worthy of his help. He is quick to make friends, but is just as quick and fleeting to run when things go slightly sour.

Plot Ideas: Sinclair - and his best friend Dova - appeared in Ardent without meaning to. The two grew up in the same pack, close as peas in one singular pod. Their births only separated by a single season with Sinclair being slightly older. They were natural and fast friends. Their mutually adventurous, free-spirited, and benevolent natures had them getting into a great deal of trouble from the moment they were able to barely crawl. Although this behavior was highly acceptable, and expected, what was not expected by the pack was the need to explore and push the boundaries of every nook and cranny in their small world that they dared to make bigger.

The two youngsters would stumble upon a cavern entrance that they would be brave enough to explore, unfortunately the floor would give in beneath their paws. They would fall into darkness quite ruffled. Unable to climb up the fallen walls of the cave they would journey further hoping to find a way out. Wandering for an unknown amount of time, but it was enough time to become hungry and afraid. Miles and miles within the dark tunnels, bumping into walls, water, moss, and each other along the way.

A grown fox would attempt to make a meal of them when Adonis came upon the scene, easily chasing the fox away. He would manage to help the two pups out of the seemingly endless caverns - being kind enough even to try and help them find their way back home to their pack.

Days turned to weeks, and the search came to end. The pups could not help Adonis find the pack, and Adonis could not find it either and instead the tiger would take on the role of the guardian. It was lucky and tragic all at the same time.

RP Sample: It was not uncommon to find Sinclair right next to Dova, or just behind her. Weaving back and forth as if he wanted to make sure that any predators would not dare sneak up behind her. The pup was always alert, his pale green eyes taking in the sights around them whilst his ears pivoted reacting with little real precision to each sound that occurred. Sinclair would continue his weaving motion tirelessly when he started to notice Dova veer off the trail he was maintaining behind her and he trotted into her lackadaisically. Their shoulders bumping together. Sinclair blinked at her exclamation having not expected it. Granted, he expected very little usually.

Sinclair immediately took it as a challenge, however and just as Dova dashed away he would also run. A clumsy mess he tried to keep some semblance of order and traction as he lumbered after Dova. He was larger than Dova and was able to close the distance with fewer steps, but he was not as fast. Sinclair's larger paws made it harder to act with any grace.

Adonis' form came into view, but unlike Dova who became distracted there was a sense of competitive concentration upon the pups face as he cleared her and the tiger guardian. But only momentarily as Dova would run after him soon after. Large ears pivoting to hear the loud chaotic crinkling of the leaves behind him. The two were at an uneven pace for a moment, but Dova would catch up and the two would disappear together into the grass and reeds paw to paw, shoulder to shoulder.

Can you afford the rogue pup pass?: negative
If its another species can you afford the pass?: n/a


06-28-2019, 11:00 AM
Alright hero I love her Dova is all yours, post in the gemstore and purchase her passes I will cover wat you cannot(the other 70 of her marking pass and the rogue pup pass) then go ahead and put her into acceptance


07-01-2019, 10:31 AM
Alright Sinclair is accepted, I will give you an open character pass for him and you will get a new member item worth 400 gems so that should cover the rogue pup pass