
distance and meaning

for valkyrie



3 Years

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveChristmas 2019
07-01-2019, 03:01 PM

The thick fog clung tightly to the ground, even as the sun rose in the sky and its rays struggled to penetrate the thick canopy of leaves overhead. It was hard to tell from her position on the ground what time of the day it was - somehow it was still dreary, and if that wasn't making navigating this unfamiliar terrain than the thick tree roots certainly were. They climbed up from the forest floor like grasping hands, trying to trip her with every other step she made, but instead of feeling deterred by their attempts to send her sprawling, instead she felt a renewed sense of purpose. It was here she would flourish, as so many of her family had, though unlike them she'd serve her gods even more fervently than they could dream of.

Her arguable naive hopes were what had landed her here, in a land wildly unfamiliar to her. She'd heard tales of Boreas ever since she was a child - it was a land of plentiful opportunity, of wolves far more diverse than she could ever possibly imagine. It was here her grandfather had been born, and where she was told so many of her family still lived. One family member in particular had earned her curiosity, even if she'd never met the fiery woman herself. After a considerably amount of asking around and quiet research, she'd stolen away from the small group she'd known since birth and she'd somehow ended up.. here.

Hopefully she hadn't made a wrong turn somewhere. She'd been told Valkyrie wasn't far off from here, though it'd been hard to keep her bearings in this twisting forest. After slowing her pace, she tipped her head to the sky and let loose a call for her, wondering - and hoping - she might earn a place at her side. While serving her gods could surely be done on her own, being bolstered up by a group would surely make her endeavors even more profitable.. and admittedly the thought of raiding in the name of their gods was a thrilling thought for the young woman.

Valkyrie 1


5 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantCritical Fail!Trick 2019
07-01-2019, 06:56 PM
Valkyrie wove through the trees with her nose to the ground. The forest had been recently abandoned by a pack. Rumor had it that it had been lost in a challenge and the move had been rather sudden, and that was what had brought Valkyrie to it. If they'd left quickly they might have left things behind; things they normally would have taken with them if time had permitted it. Things she could use or sell. So far she'd found nothing of interest which was a shame, really.

Her head shot up as a howl for her drifted through the trees. She tilted her head to the side and eyed the direction the call had come from. How strange. The predatory side of her, the side of her that would think nothing of setting a trap for someone and then coaxing them into it, was skeptical. Of course she would investigate. The question was how she'd go about doing that safely.

In the end she settled on circling around behind the caller and then sneaking up on them. She kept the wind in her favor as she did so and she moved slowly, each step taken with the stealthy care of a big cat on the prowl. Valkyrie wouldn't be caught unawares but if fortune was on her side, the caller would be.

She soon saw a pale form through the trees and after a brief sizing up, Valkyrie ghosted closer to the woman, hopefully closing in on her from behind and catching her off guard. "It's not every day," she purred in a voice that hung somewhere between flirty and threatening. "A stranger calls me by name."

This character has a noticeable Icelandic accent!
Valkyrie also has a female melanistic japanese macaque named Inga. Unless she's mentioned IC it's safe to assume she's not with her master.
It can be assumed that Valkyrie has a bear skull mask hanging from a strap around her neck at all times.



3 Years

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveChristmas 2019
07-01-2019, 08:00 PM

Though by no means would Eyrun consider herself unobservant, she was in unfamiliar territory. Being caught unawares was a possibility, albeit one she hadn't exactly planned for. Though she was headstrong, she still was quite young and had a certain naivety, even in all her sureness. She waited for her call to drift on the wind, and lowered herself quietly as she waited, after finding a suitably dry spot on a mess of thick roots that extended from the forest floor.

Thinking she heard a rustling behind her, the woman spun her slender form around... only to be greeted by someone coming up on her from behind, catching her off-guard. Though she didn't jump, she looked a bit taken aback for a short moment, though upon getting a better look at her features her uncertain expression shifted into a wide grin. "And it's not every day run into a Finnvi I've never met before,," she echoed her tone, letting it linger somewhere between playful and icy-cold - though her gaze betrayed interest as she looked Valkyrie up and down. "Though if you're who I think you are, your purpose in these lands... intrigues me. Valkyrie, right?" Her eyes widened dramatically, hoping this female was exactly who she thought she was.

Valkyrie 1


5 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantCritical Fail!Trick 2019
07-06-2019, 11:31 AM
Valkyrie's expression remained unreadable as the stranger correctly labeled her as Finnvi. The yearling spoke as though she was familiar with her. She knew Valkyrie by name and was bold enough to not only call her but to keep throwing that bit of information in her face. Valkyrie was torn between being intrigued and annoyed by this casual one upping. She was sure there was a point to the teasing and if the girl was smart she'd get to it quickly. Valkyrie wasn't keen on someone having the jump on her.

The girl did it again. Her cryptic hinting rankled the young marauder. Valkyrie's eyes narrowed and she slipped forward with a predatory slink. She didn't like being made a fool of and the yearling was dangerously close to crossing that line. "If you are as familiar with my people as you hint at being, then you know we're not fond of being toyed with and we have little love for enigma. So, girl, it's in your best interest to explain yourself."

Valkyrie quirked a brow, the expression equal parts malicious humor and challenge. "Otherwise you'll be soon be addressing me as 'mistress'." If the girl ran Valkyrie would be on her in an instant. More lip would earn a similar reaction. If the stranger knew what was good for her she would explain herself swiftly.


This character has a noticeable Icelandic accent!
Valkyrie also has a female melanistic japanese macaque named Inga. Unless she's mentioned IC it's safe to assume she's not with her master.
It can be assumed that Valkyrie has a bear skull mask hanging from a strap around her neck at all times.



3 Years

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveChristmas 2019
07-09-2019, 07:33 AM (This post was last modified: 07-09-2019, 07:34 AM by Eyrún.)

Valkyrie's annoyance was palpable, and honestly Eyrun couldn't really blame her. She'd shown up here, presumably on Valkyrie's turf, proclaiming to know who she was, without giving much more information - any wolf in their right might would be at least slightly aggravated. But Valkyrie's reaction only further proved that this was exactly where she was meant to be, and hopefully Valkyrie felt the same, once she admitted who she was. "So you are Valkyrie, then," she started, her words only betraying a hint of amusement now, slightly calmed from her previously more playful tones. Eyrun didn't flinch as Valkyrie moved closer, though her gaze followed her. She hadn't been eager to profess her loyalty to the wrong person, but it was growing increasingly clear that this was precisely the wolf she'd been looking for.

"The name's Eyrun Finnvi. I doubt you've heard of my mother, but my grandfather was Kaprasius - perhaps that name rings a bell?" She wasn't entirely sure if it would or not, but it was clear now she was being forthright with Valkyrie. "I've heard you intend to make a name for yourself here. There's nothing for me back home - so I come with a similar purpose, and wish to join you," she started, her voice far more level now, any kind of laughter gone from her pale gaze. "I intend to bring honor to our family's name, in the eyes of our gods." There were other less important goals, too... to make the Finnvi name one to be feared as well as respected, and to hone her own skills, but in the end it was all for a much greater purpose.

Valkyrie 1


5 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantCritical Fail!Trick 2019
07-09-2019, 08:06 PM
Valkyrie was ready to spring. One wrong move, a hint of lip, and she would be on the yearling in a heartbeat. She didn't like being toyed with. Even if that wasn't the girl's intent, that's what it felt like and she would stand for it. Couldn't stand for it. Her pride simply wouldn't allow it.

She was surprised when the youth stepped towards her. Had Eyrun not been so at ease Valkyrie might have pounced preemptively to avoid being the recipient of a sudden attack.

And then finally, the explanation she had been waiting for. Suddenly everything was clear and Valkyrie released some of the tension that had been building in preparation of a strike. So she was family. That would explain the familiarity with which she addressed Valkyrie. The elder Finnvi straightened fully, every ounce of ill intent leaving her countenance. "I've heard of your grandfather. He was my grandmother's cousin and he fought beside her here in Boreas."

Valkyrie studied Eyrun a moment, but there really was no question of whether or not she'd let this distant relative join her. It was meant to be; Katja had had Kaprasius at her side. Valkyrie should have someone of his line with her as well. "You are blood of my blood and you are welcome in Hjarrandi, the band I have created here."

She jerked her head in the direction of the band, then said, "Come, cousin. I will take you to meet the others and we will celebrate your arrival because it undoubtedly foretells blessings."


This character has a noticeable Icelandic accent!
Valkyrie also has a female melanistic japanese macaque named Inga. Unless she's mentioned IC it's safe to assume she's not with her master.
It can be assumed that Valkyrie has a bear skull mask hanging from a strap around her neck at all times.



3 Years

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveChristmas 2019
07-15-2019, 03:20 PM

Weirdly enough, the brief moment of uncertainty - before Valkyrie knew who she was, and before she knew she was safe from any potential harm - well.. it thrilled her, rather than terrified her. All at once though, when she spoke, she felt Valkyrie relax, an air of camaraderie suddenly surrounding them both. It was a stark contrast to the tension that had just been hovering between them, and it allowed her to crack a more genuine smile rather than the goading smirk she'd worn before. "He did," she confirmed with a curt nod. She'd never known her grandfather, though knew he'd been quite eccentric... though loyal to his family and their gods, which was what truly counted. The excess was far less important, in her eyes.

"Thank you, Valkyrie," she spoke earnestly again, her voice serious despite the excited gleam in her eyes. "Serving our gods and making a name for our family.. nothing means more to me. It's why I'm here." Unless Valkyrie somehow strayed from the ideals she hoped she had, Eyrun could promise that loyalty would be unbreakable - and that she'd stop at nothing to stake out a place for themselves here, in Boreas. "Let's go, then.. tell me this celebration involves a feast, because I'm starving from the journey here," the young female admitted. It'd been a long, arduous journey, and she knew it would only get harder - but first, a bit of rest and celebration was definitely in order.

- exit Eyrun -