

ft yurei, seasonal prompt



4 Years
07-02-2019, 01:02 PM
He happened to be walking by when he saw it.

Peaceful, the bay was home to plenty of tropical species. Fish, birds… even little hermit crabs. Benedict had come here to try and relax. He felt Abaven could do without him for a few hours; his rank was low and he hadn’t been involved a lot regarding pack life. Bidding farewell to the border, he wandered east until he reached the bay. It was a lovely sight if not for the smell of washed-up fish. Walking forward, he noticed the sheer amount of them. Some were already baked from the sun, but the others were in the waves still. Washing up before washing back to the ocean. He felt it was a waste to simply leave them there, but he didn’t have enough paws to carry most of them back.

He didn’t know why this had happened. They didn’t smell sickly nor could he say this was natural. But he’d make the most of it regardless. Abaven did need food after the fire, and Benedict had arrived at their border at a time where they needed active hunting done. He was all too eager to bring home some fish for the pack. Hoping some of his pack mates were close by, he’d send up a call for them. This wasn’t Abaven land, so if anyone else showed up to try and claim the fish… well, he’d either try to get as many as possible and split them with others. Benedict didn’t want to think about fighting another wolf for this food. There was plenty to go around. If not him, the fish would rot soon enough. Couldn’t have that. Not with hungry mouths that needed to be fed.

As he waited, the man began to gather the fish. Picking up a few in his jaws, he’d deposit them close to the grass and go back for more. He allowed the cool water to wash his paws as he trekked across the bay, going for the fish still in the water over the ones that had baked.

ooc words; 346 / 1500 words

to note; benedict speaks with a slight european accent



4 Years

Promptober 2019
07-02-2019, 03:20 PM (This post was last modified: 07-02-2019, 07:12 PM by Yurei.)

"When you try your best but you don't succeed
When you get what you want but not what you need
When you feel so tired but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse"

White limbs stepped in those rocky fields along the great sea, gentle waves crashed against them. The sun high in the sky promised a good time, the salty scents met Yurei's nostrils, her green eyes scanned the surroundings as her flattened ears made it clear she wasn't that relaxed. She behaved like this when she entered to unknown lands, she could never tell if no one lived here already, she could be a target to any who could be calling this place their territory. And to avoid it, the wolf always aimed to use her nose to detect smell marks. But in this coastal region, nothing made it clear, no scents were detected. If this place wasn't claimed it wouldn't be that bad, apart from loners, she knew some loners could be mean fellows at times.

As she walked, she felt the warm breeze mess with her snow-white coat, taking some of her nerves but someone like her would never be completely sure, she was afraid. She walked slowly, making her body look smaller, it was a common tactic for not calling unwanted fights.

After some time she spotted someone at the distance, who seemed to be collection something. Curious she would hide behind a rock and stare, and there she saw him entering the water. Fishing? Probably. She could leave now and forget about it, but part of it wanted to learn about fishing, but would her fear for people allow her? Would she be able to defeat fear for this time at least? Well, it was time for her to try, and so on she walked out of her former hiding spot and with a submissive pose she made her way toward the male trying to be silent. stepping inside the water. "How do you catch them?..let me know if i should depart..." She added as focus on the water under her.

"Speech." | you |


OC: Word count: 315

Stock by Bine.G
[Image: cute.png?width=493&height=406]

[Image: Yureichibi.png]
Her threads may contain triggering topics like depression and negativeness. Be aware when threading with her.

Casso may crash in any of her threads desíte the tag!

Yurei now has a Grey female wildcat as a companion. Unless stated she is always with her.

Yurei now wears a side back up almost all the time that has four pockets one up and three down.



4 Years
07-02-2019, 04:55 PM
The sea brought salty air and with it the inability to smell another being when they were further away. Benedict didn’t even see the woman until she was almost on top of him. Though her posture was easily submissive – which he didn’t like to see with women – he did start a bit. Getting over the initial shock of her presence, he’d crack a smile through the fish he held. Placing it on the sand, he’d turn and face her. “t’ fish are all… dead” he’d flick a tail to the beach, illustrating his point that they were just corpses. Not at all alive anymore. It’d be a waste to simply let them rot there. “they’re easy t’ catch right now. All ye hafta do is pick ‘em up. Want t’ help?” his accent was becoming more prompt these days. He didn’t know if it was a good thing or a bad thing. He thought he lost it a year ago.

He stood there, waiting for the woman to answer but then hurried into an explanation. “m’ pack, Abaven, could use t’ food. M’ collecting all this fish fer ‘em. Don’t rightly have t’ ability to carry ‘em all back” he didn’t expect her to also join him, but it was a nice thought. Between the two of them, they could carry much more. But this wolf was a loner – he could smell it on her coat, the lack of people – and sometimes loners didn’t do anything for free. “if ye help, ye can have half o’ the load?” he offered. Though he also didn’t know if she was going to be useful to this excursion. She could tell him to shove it. She could scoff at him. But he was just being honest; two sets of bodies was better than none. He planned to load a few carefully on his back and in his jaws and walk back. But that could be awkward. He’d much rather have help loading the fish on him.

Even if he smelt fishy afterward, Benedict knew his pack would appreciate the food.

ooc words; 1008 / 1500 words



4 Years

Promptober 2019
07-02-2019, 07:42 PM

"When you try your best but you don't succeed
When you get what you want but not what you need
When you feel so tired but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse"

The thrill of not knowing how would he react was eaten her inside out, she didn't want to even consider a violent way, with harassment from them. She was done of that, she didn't think she could manage more, and she didn't know how she would act if that was the case in this fine day where her path met this male's. But soon the male parted his jaws to speak, to which she paid attention to with all of her senses.“t’ fish are all… dead”, he started to say .“they’re easy t’ catch right now. All ye hafta do is pick ‘em up. Want t’ help?” Some of what he said wasn't too clear but she did take the pieces needed for understanding what she had to do. "So do I just catch them?" She asked shyly as her ears remained lowered in submission, she was a submissive female being dominant would never be part of who she was.

“m’ pack, Abaven, could use t’ food. M’ collecting all this fish fer ‘em. Don’t rightly have t’ ability to carry ‘em all back” "Pack?...." She shallowed dry as she heard him mention pack, packs was a symbol of pain and rejection for the ivory wolf. Her encounters with pack wolves were counted but all of them were a nightmare made true, she could remember their fear, their hate upon seeing her. As some did ignore her existence others insulted her in the worst manners one could imagine.

Her limbs started to lightly shake as fear accumulated within her veins, but even with that, she decided to still help them. She wanted to be useful for once. Cautiously she walked behind him to grab some fish, she did her best to don't touch him, fearing a sudden attack. Without saying anything, she didn't have the force to dare to speak. In silence, she picks some fish withing her jaws and drops them with those this male had collected previously.

“if ye help, ye can have half o’ the load?” What she would do with so many fish for herself? How was she going to carry them around? "You sure?..." She questioned, before catching more and placing them in a pile.

"Speech." | you |


OC: Word count: 1,378|1500

Stock by Bine.G
[Image: cute.png?width=493&height=406]

[Image: Yureichibi.png]
Her threads may contain triggering topics like depression and negativeness. Be aware when threading with her.

Casso may crash in any of her threads desíte the tag!

Yurei now has a Grey female wildcat as a companion. Unless stated she is always with her.

Yurei now wears a side back up almost all the time that has four pockets one up and three down.



4 Years
07-02-2019, 08:44 PM
“ye, just pick ‘em up” Benedict replied encouragingly, giving a nod and a smile to the woman. The fish couldn’t exactly resist when they were just lying there. She seemed uncertain and scared, and he tried not to overload her with information. She seemed a bit put off from the mention of the pack, to which he gave another confirming nod. “Abaven” he’d repeat, trying to make his voice clear. The man angled his ears to where the pack resided further inland. “Shaye n’ Rhyme are t’ alphas.” Though he was not sure she had ever met them before. He was in no position to recruit anyway, so he left it at that.

If he was a bold man, he would have pressed his pale nose to her side to comfort her. But he was not, and even thinking about it was too forward. He watched as she moved to the pile with a fish, dumping the catch there along with his group. She asked if he was sure, and he grunted confirmation. “I can’t carry ‘em all myself” heck, he couldn’t carry more than four in his jaws. Lowering his body to the ground, he’d allow her to lay the fish across his back. “if ye can put some fish on m’ back, I can carry ‘em back to Abaven.” he explained, lacking any containers or satchels to put them in. so what if he stunk like fish? It was for the pack.

“ye can have the rest” he’d add in, gesturing with his muzzle to the rest of the dead fish. “put lots on, n’ I’ll carry like… five back in m' jaws” Benedict wasn’t going to prolong the exposure if she was this terrified. He’d finish up here, report about the fish to Shaye or Rhyme and let the pack decide what to do with the rest.

ooc words; 1685 / 1500 words
we can wrap this up next ben post =D

to note; benedict speaks with a slight european accent



4 Years

Promptober 2019
07-03-2019, 04:58 PM

"When you try your best but you don't succeed
When you get what you want but not what you need
When you feel so tired but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse"

She kept doing her job, doing her best to forget her fear but never was something easy for her. Fear was like her twin, one who wouldn't leave her side once awakened, fear could stay for long, there were times in which she was on its mercy for days long. And there was nothing she could do to remove it from her soul. “ye, just pick ‘em up” He confirmed her. With any fish she got, she was regaining some value but it was still tiny, she wasn't going to speak much at this moment. She was too afraid to articulate words. “Abaven” The name of the pack it seemed. Yurei wanted to leave as soon as possible, she wanted to get lost and far from this place knowing a pack was nearby. And the idea of soon getting surrounded by it made her feel an immense wave of panic, but she had to stay as collected as possible until this task was done. Her fear made her ignore the alpha's names, she didn't want to have anything to do with a pack.

“I can’t carry ‘em all myself” He started to explain. She turned ahead to him in response. "if ye can put some fish on m’ back, I can carry ‘em back to Abaven.” She shallowed dry as stares at the fish and den at his back, but the sooner she did the quicker she could flee. And slowly and taking a breath starts picking and placing them on his back with shaky moves, trying to don't touch him. She felt like touching a dangerous thing, like if her life could end if contact was made. And soon she placed enough on his back. "Done..." She said as takes a few steps back from him.

"Speech." | you |


OC: Okie!

Stock by Bine.G
[Image: cute.png?width=493&height=406]

[Image: Yureichibi.png]
Her threads may contain triggering topics like depression and negativeness. Be aware when threading with her.

Casso may crash in any of her threads desíte the tag!

Yurei now has a Grey female wildcat as a companion. Unless stated she is always with her.

Yurei now wears a side back up almost all the time that has four pockets one up and three down.



4 Years
07-03-2019, 05:11 PM
as she busied herself with placing the fish on his back, Benedict tried not to wince as the water dripped down his back unpleasantly. he did like water. he liked fishing and swimming, but the thought of slimey fish on his fur was enough to resist a shudder. instead of focusing on that, he'd begin to pick up the other fish and arrange them in a way that he could easily pick them up. the woman proclaimed she was done, and he felt his back weigh down with plenty of the fish. "thank ye" he'd smile, carefully rising.

one or two fish did fall off of him, but the woman's stacking was impressive. he had about ten of them on his back in a row. but before he placed some in his mouth, he'd turn his neck to the other wolf. "whelp, should get 'long now." Benedict tried to make this as normal as possible when he was laden with the ocean critters. he picked the rest up, earning a jaw full of at least three good sized ones. he'd awkwardly nod as he more or less waddled back to Abaven. his gait was slow and steady; he didn't put it past any predator to attack him while he walked.

but hopefully, he'd be home soon. hopefully, all the fish would make it there. and hopefully, he could wash off the stench as soon as possible. it may have not been conventional, but it was the best way he could think to transport the fish without making multiple trips. the rest of the food lay at the shore for the woman to take. along the way, Benedict did stop to spit the bundle out and regain his strength by chewing on one of the fish he held. it was a very slow process back to Abaven and he needed some food to tide him over. whether the white woman at the shore ate any of the fish was beyond him.

she had looked totally terrified, and he could only hope she had the sense to calm down and eat before moving on.

ooc words; FIN / EXIT

to note; benedict speaks with a slight european accent



4 Years

Promptober 2019
07-03-2019, 07:54 PM (This post was last modified: 07-03-2019, 07:57 PM by Yurei.)

"When you try your best but you don't succeed
When you get what you want but not what you need
When you feel so tired but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse"

She felt weird, weird in how she managed to stay and don't run like she always did. And as the male thanked her ears pinned, it was the first time someone was grateful towards her, no one never did. But thank for what? She was a good for nothing, a wolf without anything good to offer, scared of everything and everyone she though no one will ever like her, and this time she did something. But something not that good in her opinion.

"whelp, should get 'long now." She nodded in silence, as observes the male walking away with all of those fish, and slowly stares at her part. But how will she eat all of them? Well, she was hungry, and fish wasn't that bad, right? But before anything, she made sure the wolf was gone, after that she lied down and started to eat them all. Now with a full stomach closes her eyes and finds herself in the land of dreams.

Exit via sleep---

"Speech." | you |



Stock by Bine.G
[Image: cute.png?width=493&height=406]

[Image: Yureichibi.png]
Her threads may contain triggering topics like depression and negativeness. Be aware when threading with her.

Casso may crash in any of her threads desíte the tag!

Yurei now has a Grey female wildcat as a companion. Unless stated she is always with her.

Yurei now wears a side back up almost all the time that has four pockets one up and three down.