
Baby Steps

Pups first day out



7 Years
Extra large
07-07-2019, 01:50 AM (This post was last modified: 01-23-2021, 07:29 PM by Torin.)
((Once all the kids and Derecho are posted I'd like to open this thread up to members who wanna come meet the pups))

The truth was Torin wasn't ready to let his children out of the den yet, he wanted to keep them inside and away from a world he knew were not going to be friendly to them, from the eyes of strangers who would judge them before they'd so much as had a chance to prove themselves yet. So maybe he was overly protective of his little ones, they were so perfect in his eyes even as they started to talk and to wander and to eat solid foods. Maybe he was also worried because Lili and Lachlan were already hard to keep still and he knew as soon as he let them free of the den there would be no stopping them, off they'd go.

Still he knew he couldn't keep them cooped up forever and he and Derecho had agreed today would be the day. Much as he wanted to keep them for himself, keep his cuddles with his twin girls and the silent bonding between himself and Paddy all for himself and his mate he knew they needed to go, to learn, to meet new people and things. So he'd gotten up early and caught a rabbit, resolving to bring them a little treat to help keep them focused and not racing off in all directions. They'd only been given chunks of meat that he or Derecho had separated out for them and it was time they had their first proper chance at a meal. As the man approached his den a scent told him something was wrong. He dropped the rabbit near the mouth of the den and sniffed the air without the rabbit clogging his senses.

Lili, her scent was strong near the mouth of the den and Torin could trace her wandering away, luckily not far, tucked into a nearby brush. Torin shoved his muzzle into the foliage and easily fished his daughter out. Lili immediately started to chatter at him, bombarding him with questions and Torin suppressed the urge to roll his eyes. He dropped her at his paws as he came to rest beyond the mouth of the den. The girl started towards the rabbit and Torin quickly placed his paw in front of her and scooped his daughter back towards him. "Lili, you were told not to leave the den without us." He began, quickly adopting the stern tone he'd had to learn with his children. "But you didn't listen, so you're going to sit here and wait quietly, your siblings are going to get to pick whatever part of the rabbit they want and then you'll be allowed to have it. You're not going to play or run off until after everyone is up and fed, understood?" Lili nodded sullenly and pouted at his paws. Torin stifled a chuckle and decided to allow her to stew in her punishment, not waking his mate or other children as he'd originally planned.

"Silent Treatment" & Deep thoughts

Avatar by Nerfusia
[Image: jBaYOuX.png]
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3



3 Years

Valentines 2020Christmas 2019
07-07-2019, 02:02 AM (This post was last modified: 12-11-2019, 07:12 PM by Lili.)

Reclaiming my time.

The girl had been jostled gently awake when her father had left the den, and instantly Lili was awake. She carefully extracted herself from her siblings and padded excitedly to the mouth of the den. Then she stopped, hesitation washing over the girl. She hopped from paw to paw, still feeling the energy of her excitement like a live wire inside her. Lili cast a glance back at her mother and siblings sleeping still in the den, she knew she wasn't allowed outside yet but they'd all be told the night before that today they'd finally get to explore outside. They couldn't really get to angry at her for leaving could they?

Resolved the girl pushed her way into the early morning light, and for a moment the girl was awestruck, things were so much brighter, so much noiser, the world smelt so much more. Lili grinned widly, her bright blue gaze swinging around wildly and the girl was filled with questions. Her attention was suddenly taken by a rustling in a nearby thing. A strange fuzzy appendage flashed into the green and the girl instinctually darted after it. But by the time she got herself into the bush whatever she'd been chasing was gone.

But another sound, and a familiar scent told her daddy was back! Lili spun around to peer out of the foliage, stiffling her excited giggling as she considered sneaking up on him and suprising him, as they often did in the den. But it seemed today her father wasn't playing, as soon as he dropped something at his paws, something white and smelling like food, he marched over to her hiding spot and plucked her out.

Instantly all the questions Lili had been holding on to spilled out. "Mornin' Dada! Why's the sky so pretty? What's that noise from the tree? When will momma and everyone else getting up? Why does the ground tickle so much?" And so on and so forth, she only got a few more questions out when her father put her down at his paws. Instantly Lili forgot all her unanswered questions when she spotted the white fuzzy thing her dad had brought. She started to move towards it when her dad pulled her back and started to talk in the voice she knew meant she was in trouble.

Lili nodded in response to his question. "Yes Dada." She said sullenly, settling onto her haunches. Only really keeping her patience for a few seconds before she was filled with more questions but knowing she wasn't allowed to talk, knowing it'd only make things worse. So instead she sat, mostly fidgeting, as she felt like she'd burst from boredom and curiosity.

"A mile a minute" & No filter

Art by Akage-Kitsu
[Image: w96z6ZA.png]
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3



3 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantValentines 2020
07-07-2019, 10:31 AM

"Papa! Papa!" Siobhan burst out the moment Torin arrived. she had been busy grooming her delicate pup fur because she wanted to look her very best for... well, anything really. but since Papa was here, she'd gladly say she wanted to look her very best for him. with her little tail wagging, she'd rise to her clumsy paws and stumble toward him. she had been aware of Lili's absence but decided to not get involved. if she did, she may be the one that he was talking to in such a bad way. she called this bad way 'Serious Dad Voice'. oof, it was almost scary.

a pink tongue rolled from her mouth as she waited for him to acknowledge her and be done. he brought them something. maybe to play with. maybe to eat. but Siobhan already knew what part she wanted from the rabbit. "I wants... the poofy tail!" she launched into at once, eyes shining brightly at the thing that was obviously not to play with but to eat. she'd inch closer, pawing at the rabbit's body with a tentative limb. "I can have it, right? right?" because her Papa was kind and wise and wouldn't deny her simple request, right?



4 Years

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
07-09-2019, 09:35 AM (This post was last modified: 07-09-2019, 10:10 AM by Lachlan.)

The red marked pup enjoyed his sleep. He was still fast asleep when Siobhan raced out at the den. Her cries of joy caused him to blink his icy blue eyes open, he was slow to shed the dream like state he was in. Yawning widely he stretched out pretty white paws as consciousness took hold of him. Lili and Sio were outside? Blinking back the last strands of sleep the small pup lifted himself to his feet and eagerly headed for the entrance of the den.

He blinked back the brightness as he took in the scene before him. Lachlan hadn’t seen much of the sky yet, and it took his attention for a long moment. His little white chin fell from red lips as he lost himself in his thoughts, but his sister’s voice distracted him enough to return to his father. He was outside and it was already wonderful. Now he had a purpose as his bright eyes found the rabbit, they widened with fear and curiosity and he approached with caution.

His limbs were bench as he crouch walked towards the present, eyes barely glancing at his sisters. ”What’s it?” He whispered, unable to tear his gaze from the dead thing brought to them. Was this food? Was this a toy?




5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship1KAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
07-09-2019, 01:40 PM

Big pink eyes fluttered into view as the small pup wake from her slumber. The sounds of pitter patter and squeaky voices came from outside. It took a moment for Aryn to blink away the sleepy fog surrounding her eyes and a little yawn came forth. Suddenly the fact that voices that belonged to her siblings was coming from outside resonated within her little head. Aryn perked up and stammered to her paws. Skinny legs stretched as she tried to wiggle out the sleepy fatigue. Another yawn was heard before the pup swiftly skittered to the mouth of the den.

A nearly blinding wave of sunshine stung her pink eyes before her gaze settled on the sight of her siblings and their father. Instantly her greyscale tail went haywire. The little flag waved back and forth, going likely as fast as it could go. Not hearing Torin's instructions on waiting quietly the babe barreled forward with a yip of glee. "Hey! What's happenin'?!" Her eyes bounced from each of her siblings before moving down to the dead animal. Paws dug into the earth to stop her small form from ramming into the carcass. Aryn's head tilted as she studied the dead body, "It has the red.." Referring to blood the pup spoke in a hushed more inquisitive voice.

"Aryn Speaks"