
Archbelle babies!



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
07-06-2019, 01:58 PM (This post was last modified: 07-09-2019, 02:38 PM by Archon.)
The puppies you’ve all been waiting for! We’re going to offer up to 3 slots after Iko and I have grabbed ours. These are major plots puppies so we expect high activity! Good luck, get creative, have fun! Will be due August 5th.

Deathbelle Ravage Klein x Archon Abraxas

Siblings: Venom Klein Abraxas Toxicity Klein Abraxas

Suggested Names: Poison, Contagious, Infectious, Infective, Pathogenic, Pathogen, Pestilential, Deleterious, Injurious, Malignant, Nocuous, Noxious, Virulent.

Alignment: True Neutral- Neutral Evil with a preference in Lawful Evil due to the nature of their religion which they are expected (by Archon) to follow. As adults, I’m open for anything as long as its IC!
Height/Build: 25% off height so make those big babies!

Disclaimer: These pups will be taught the Abraxas Religion through both frequent sermons as well as in day-to-day life. Archon’s views may be a little different than those from Risen, so if you have any questions, hit Iko up via PM or Discord or ask in character!

We will reclaim pups, their designs, their purchases (height, markings, etc), and any art attached to them after one ooc month of inactivity unless something has been previously arranged with Iko or Kat.

Use of these designs outside of Ardent is strictly prohibited!

Kat might make avatars for everyone too, maybe, my owed list is long.


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13. more to come?

<b>Name:</b> Must have middle name of Klein, last name Abraxas
<b>Sex:</b> Either
<b>Alignment:</b> True Neutral to Neutral Evil
<b>Height/Build:</b> Height on the Larger side, build any
<b>Appearance:</b> Mention first pick and second if applying for a design above! 100+ words.
<b>Personality:</b> 150+ words.
<b>Plot Ideas:</b> Any long term plots you’d like to explore? Or just a general idea of where you project your pup might go.
<b>Purchases:</b> Can you afford an extra pup pass?

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



4 Years
Other species

Christmas 2019Trick 2019
07-07-2019, 10:57 PM (This post was last modified: 08-05-2019, 09:31 PM by Cannival.)
Name: Pestilence Klein Abraxas

Sex: Female

Alignment: Lawful Evil

Skills: Fighting & Healing

Height/Build: Finally sorted and gems gathered - 42" in height.
1st Choice: #11

Pestilence will inherit the coloring of her fur from mostly from her father, along with her sharp blue-green eyes.  Her fur ranges from a dark brown thick around her neck, the color of which extending also to her muzzle. The dark patches appear again on her legs, tail, and on both her sides. A base coat of a lighter woodsy brown covers most of the rest of her body, with a few blocks of almost cream that color her hips, her leg, and her paw. Stripes of various colors blend throughout her entire coat, their colors ranging from black to grey.

2nd Choice: #12

The most distinctive feature of Pestilence is her striking pink eyes, contrasted brilliantly against the spotty black marking surrounding them. At base, her coat is a mix of beige and greys that wash together throughout the entirety of her body. In amongst various areas, the grey deepens and saturates to a hardy chocolate tone that is found on her forepaws and upon her tail. Stripes of various colors blend throughout her entire coat, their colors ranging from black to brown and then to white.

Build Regardless of Design:
Pestilence leans toward her father’s size, standing at (HOPEFULLY TALL HEIGHT HERE) once fully grown. However she will not grow to look brutish, as lean muscle will build upon her like rope. This combined with a high metabolism and frequent exercise will keep her thin but strong like tightly wound cable. Her toned frame will be covered in thick luxurious fur that makes her look heavier than he really is and do well to hide her strength at first glance.

Personality: Pestilence will grow to learn as much as she can from both her mother and father, and then adapt the lessons given to her to fit her world view. She is a femininst through and through, inspired by her mother’s accomplishments in her newly founded pack. She will be very proud of her heritage - both Abraxas and Klein - though not fully devote herself to her father’s religion as she will not be able to handle the idea that her mother (a mortal ) is anything other than equal to her father (a descendant from God.) Although she is not set upon her faith, the Abraxas-Klein cannot help but wonder if there may very well be a throne in heaven waiting for her and her bloodline as her father preaches. She respects strong women and will fawn over the powerful ladies in her bloodline in hopes to one day emulate them and her mother. Regardless of her iffy relations to the Abraxas culture, Pestilence does indeed look up to Archon. She hopes to pull from his unyielding strength and use it to become the best fighter she can be to go forth in the lands and dominate.

Plot Ideas: Plot ideas are difficult for pups for me, simply because I try not to decide how exactly they’ll grow. I like to RP new characters as often as I can so that I can keep myself open to interactions that nurture their personalities IC. I do think she’ll grow to be a lesbian, so there could be conflict there if Archon or Deathbelle will have issue with it. (Potentially she may fight the idea of having kids ((though still likely one day will.)) I’m unsure if Archon would be bothered by this seeing as the Abraxas want to spread the bloodline.) I also am thinking of what her stance on slavery would be, and I feel like she would be the outlier in not 100% being down for captives. At least, not female captives. Pestilence would be more likely to be secretly very nice to the women Deathbelle enslaves, whereas she might push harder for unruly male wolves to be caught and humiliated.

Purchases: Yes.



4 Years
Extra small

Treat 2019Christmas 2019Promptober 2019
07-08-2019, 05:16 PM
Name: Calamity Klein Abraxas
Sex: Female
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Skills: Intellect x Fighting
Height/Build: 36” - Light
At first glance, Cal is much smaller than her siblings. Before you even notice her height, however, your eyes might settle on her forehead. Just above her purple eyes lie a pair of gnarled and twisted horns. Like a ram’s, they will grow into a curl as the seasons pass - but like a deer, they will grow velvet and rut in the fall. When her horns shed, Cal is short-tempered and irritable, which is wildly out of character. She will spend most of the fall season picking fights and sparring as needed to vent her frustration.

But back to her height. Cal will always be slimmer and shorter than her siblings, a dwarf among giants. Her coat is shorter and fine than the average wolf, much like the velvet she grows on her bone spurs. She overheats more easily than usual due to her coat, and summer will forever be the bane of her years.

Appearance Pick #1 (Design #4): Her base coat is a dark, dusty grey. Along her back and snaking her limbs is pitch black dappling, lending her coat some additional depth. If not for the dip of white on her front paws, chest, tail tip, shining blaze on her face, Calamity would blend in well with the shadows. Beneath her eyes are darker shades of black, making her purple irises seem sunken.

Appearance Pick #2 (Design #7): Her base coat is an off-cream color, and all four legs are dipped in shadows of black and grey. Calamity’s eyes are a shining pale purple, peering out of a dark grey face. The female’s ears and muzzle are darker black points and she has soft grey eyebrows that arch over her gaze.
Personality: From a young age, her horns will be the subject of discussion (and possibly ridicule or other spiritual speculations, depends on how her parents react). As such, she will try twice as hard at any task placed before him. She has an insatiable need to prove herself to the point of near madness. It is likely she will put herself in several dangerous situations as she grows up, and she will routinely take on more than he can handle.

Cal is naturally a nervous girl. These bouts of anxiety will be disguised by experiencing bouts of involuntary selective mutism. To some, they may make her appear cold and unreadable, but it’s just the result of an elevated panic response. These episodes frustrate her immensely, but she does her best to push down those feelings and retain a cool exterior.

She is always interrogating the world around her, from her religion to the leadership choices of her mother. It is often ingratiating and frustrating, but Cal is just gathering information. She is calculating by nature and often at odds with her spiritual side. As she grows, she will learn to marry her religion and questioning nature into a formidable combination, as proselytizing as her father ever was.
Plot Ideas: I’d like her to be an oracle of sorts, the spiritual leader of Ashen. She will study closely under Archon and pose plenty of questions to the religion - imagine your typical 14-year-old atheist - but will eventually come to terms as a devout believer.
Purchases: Yeah, I’ll be donating for the minor mutation for the horns, which was cleared by Nyx (but may need additional clearance, unsure). And I can afford the pup pass.

[Image: eris-sig-gif.gif][Image: theo-sig-gif.gif][Image: idalia-sig-gif.gif][Image: dag-sig-gif.gif][Image: rags-sig-gif-1.gif][Image: luce-sig-gif.gif][Image: calamity-sig-gif.gif]



4 Years
Extra large
07-10-2019, 03:28 PM (This post was last modified: 07-20-2019, 11:11 AM by Dea.)
Name: Plague Klein Abraxas
Sex: Male
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Skills: Intelligence & Healing
Height/Build: Dire boy, 45" & Medium
Appearance: Plague will be a rather tall, handsome male with a muscular and athletic physique. He is well proportioned and muscled, with strong jaws and thick bones. Pretty usual structure otherwise that is common in most dire wolves, though maybe more athletic in appearance. He has smooth medium length fur, but slightly longer on his spine area. The boy also possesses black spikes that grow as he grows, the longest ones being between his shoulder blades and about 8 inches long when he reaches full adulthood. The shortest would be between his ears at like 2 inches long, gradually growing longer as they reached his shoulders, and spines that go down his shoulders a bit (also 2 - 3 inches long - lengthening as the go up toward the spine). The ones on his tail would be about 4 - 6 inches long. These spines lay against his skin when he is relaxed, and lift like his hackles when he is upset or otherwise threatened. Plague also smells of bergamot and sage, which to most is a quite relaxing and pleasing scent that seems to ease anxiety and stress.

His eyes are a deep forest green, with other shades flecked in here and there for depth. Plague's coat starts off rather dramatically with a stark, snowy white. This is only sparsely covered with markings, the first of which appear on his face. A deep, dark brown that is almost black underlines both of his eyes, the underlining on the left side is longer down the muzzle than the right. A muted brown can be seen merging into the mahogany of his nape, as well as on his left thigh extending from the dark chocolate of his paw to the mahogany of his hips, it can also be found in a small splash on his stomach. Mahogany is found on the nape of his neck and just a touch on his hips, both splotchy markings appearing more on the left than the right. Dark chocolate covers his left hind paw and extends up the front of his hind limb toward his "knee" and a bit on his stomach, surrounded by the muted brown mentioned earlier. Plague has pink skin.

Bright, shockingly violet eyes set in a dramatic dark mask. Dark chocolate brown creates a mask over this boy's face and ears though they never touch. This same color also covers a small portion of the front of the right leg where it brindles together with a mahogany color, and the left hind leg up to the "knee" where it is blended with flecks of mahogany. Ashen grey/brown takes up the majority of his face and head with a lighter patch in the middle of his forehead. This color trails down his neck and left shoulder to follow his spine and trickle down his foreleg. The left forepaw is tipped in mahogany. The ashen brown color moves down Plague's spine and left hip to wrap around the left hind leg and up on his belly a bit. This is all capped by mahogany which blends in flecks and brindles with the ash brown color over his nape, left shoulder, spine and hips. The rest of him is a dazzling, clean white.

Personality: Plague is just that, a plague. As a puppy he will always be a pest to his siblings, and sometimes his parents. His inquisitive nature will make him ask so many questions about life and gods and how he is expected to behave. The boy will always be one to test boundaries and the patience of most adults he meets. Plague will eventually grow out of this, becoming a more serious and dedicated wolf than his puppy years. He likes to be first to most events, and feels sad if he isn't, as If there was a pressure on him to be there first. He is not one to shy away from meals, and with good reason. He tends to give this "I'll choke you" look to anyone who gets on his nerves, though with the extraordinary patience he has, it seems impossible to annoy him. Plague is not a wolf to cross however. As he gets larger and larger, he becomes more devout to his father's god and will often seek to cull the weak from any surrounding area, with good sense. He will know better than to bring the Klein empire harm. The rest will come from in game development, but he will certainly not be boring!

Plot Ideas: Of course, he will want to be a great healer. He will also want to climb the ladder of the empire to hopefully one day maybe earn the crown, or at least a prominent position in the pack. As a devout follower and healer, he only wants what is best for the empire. Aside from that he is an open book! Loads of mayhem mostly.

Purchases: Yes. I can get them ^_^

Notes: If you would prefer him not to have a mutation, just let me know ^_^
Bite warning! Dea is a wolf capable of extreme violence, she only has mercy on her family. Thread cautiously!

The character you are currently reading is Dea, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
If you would like a thread, just let Bird know via Discord or PM Dea's profile!



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
07-15-2019, 10:59 AM (This post was last modified: 08-03-2019, 02:44 AM by Acere.)
Name: Noxious Klein-Abraxas
Sex: Female
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Skills: Fighting x Intellect
Height/Build: 34" but I can possibly do 42"+ light - medium build
Appearance: 10; 3
Wrapped in earthen colors, Nox takes after her father more in appearance than her mother. Her coat imitates that of iron-oxide, a rusty hue adorning her powerful frame. A faded silvery hue on her face, back, underside, and left hind leg give the appearance that the color has been drained from her bodice. But she's okay with that, because she believes that God made her perfect in his eye. Mottled and striped beautifully from head to toe, the Fallen God spared no expense when he painted her. She almost resembles a tigress and she carries all the cunning, power, and strength of one. Her fur is soft and silky, plush tail carried over her hips as she always shows a dominant posture towards most. Crown is held high, deep green eyes always scrutinizing those she feels are below her.
Loyal to her crown and to her God, Noxious takes her fathers teachings quite seriously. Like him, she's a religious fanatic (no offense), and will do everything in her power to carry out the will of her Fallen God. She was born from him, shaped and molded into perfection and her heart and soul belong to him. Mortals are simply objects to be used to reach higher goals, and those who don't bend to the will of her God are cast aside like the filth they are. One might even say that if she could marry the Fallen God, she probably would. The babe is a queen in all her rights, not only from birthright but because of the blood she shares. She can be a competitive individual and her brash attitude may lead her into disputes with some, though she generally gets along with everyone unless there's an immediate reason for her to dislike someone. She doesn't like to be disrespected, and the second she feels she is disrespected at all, she won't hesitate to knock you down a peg.
Plot Ideas: Likely to turn into a zealot about her Fallen God, might end up getting into disputes with others about it, maybe. Guess that depends on what happens ICly but I'd definitely like for her to strictly follow the religious path like her daddy!
Purchases: Yes


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
08-05-2019, 09:44 PM
After too much deliberation (Sorry we’re late!) And sorry we couldn’t include everyone.

Relevantkoala with Pestilence and Design #11

Xarae with Calamity and Design #4

Bird with Plague and Design #1

Thank you for your app Dragon <3 I’m sorry we couldn’t offer you one as well

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.