
all we ever knew




Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
07-11-2019, 03:45 PM
The day was swiftly coming to an end. Deathbelle blinked back the brightness that still beamed into her palace. If only she had something to hang over the entrance, a large thick hide perhaps? Maybe one of the desert oryx, they were pretty creatures. Those horns could almost be put to use as rods to help hold the pelt in place. She would have to speak to Rosemary and see if he had any ideas. He was a crafter. The Empress yawned again and found her feet. She was awake somewhat early, but was glad for it.

She slipped past the entrance to make her way up the pathway that led to the top of the gorge. She made her way towards the ocean, there wasn’t much beach and it wasn’t particularly nice either. The shore was made up of small water rounded stones littered with huge boulders and rocks that were similarly weathered. However, Belle had realized quickly that this had to be one of the best places in Boreas to watch the sun slip behind the horizon. With no hesitation she made her way onto a large rock formation, it was relatively safe against stray ocean waves.

The sea breeze blew into her face, refreshing and helping to bring her from sleep drunk state. Deathbelle carefully draped herself over the rocks and her ivory tail began to flick absently at the dark stone beneath her. She sighed heavily as she tried to settle her nauseated stomach. Most days she was fine, but as she settled down her stomach rebelled against her. She whined softly and put a paw to her temple as she tried to settle herself. She should have taken one of Luce’s tonics before heading out.

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



8 Years
07-14-2019, 03:32 PM

Hannibal had finished his late afternoon patrol through the territory. The Right Hand checked up on the food stores, a few resting pack members, Banshee, as well as some of the more trafficked borders to check for foreign scents. He would likely ensue another patrol in a few hours when the pack was a bit more lively and the moon was high. Perhaps a bit of hunting with Banshee as well, there was no set agenda. But, as he slinked towards the Ashen Abode the male noticed his leader's fresh scent  traveling towards the beach. Her fresh tracks could be seen as well. Hannibal slowed his steps and focused on the smells. It seemed to him she was alone for the time being. Curiosity spiked within the albino's mind as well as thoughts of the impending subjects they would need to discuss.

As the Klein Prince followed her path he thought over what he would need to tell her of. First of all, he would report that their borders and food piles were doing just dandy. But, he would also need to inform her of the duty he performed with Circe. It had been the Abraxas' idea. Archon and Circe decided mingling the bloodlines beyond Belle's litter would be beneficial and the beast had agreed. This meant, if their precious God willed, that Circe may be showing signs of pregnancy soon. Belle's litter could potentially have some royal cousins to grow up with. The thought made Hannibal's heart swell but ache all the same. Each time he thought over another potential litter of his own he thought of his missing spawn Rec and Mordi.

Hannibal shook the negative thoughts as his eyes settled upon the delightful sight of his Empress sun bathing. A pale gaze swept across the rocky shore and took note that she was in fact alone, as far as he could see. The albino moved to grow closer while carefully placing his large paws upon the sea sprayed boulders. The Klein was not silent in his approach for he wouldn't wish to spook his expecting sister. "Empress.." A sly smile slipped across his pink moist lips with ease. Tips of his ivory fangs could be seen. "How are you feeling?" Perhaps the most important question. One of which was asked a lot but Belle carried pure royalty in her belly. If they did not make it he was pretty sure the entire pack would be heart broken.


This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
07-14-2019, 05:18 PM
The sinking sun bathed the Empress in its soft pink glow, her lidded eyes shielded her magenta gaze as she sat regally despite the nausea that plagued her. Mismatched ears swiveled at the sound of approaching paws, her suffering features shifted to take in the always welcome form of Hannibal. She was half surprised he followed her out here, but wouldn’t complain about his actions either. He smiled and offered his greeting, her own lips pulling back to show her grin. Hannibal asked the question she heard so many times since announcing the pregnancy already, but they were music to her ears. Belle loved the added attention she received with the litter growing inside her. They were much anticipated, and much beloved already.

”Hannibal,” her voice was a little strained as she continued to struggle with her nausea. ”I’m not feeling top shape yet.” The Empress muttered displeasedly. ”These pups are certainly making me work for it.” She huffed as she made room on her rock for Hannibal to sit close. ”Luce says despite my discomfort they are growing magnificently.” As was accented by the growing of the bump of her belly.

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



8 Years
07-14-2019, 05:42 PM

The sting of the setting sun caused his pink eye to strain slightly. The bright beaming orb descending into the horizon was something he despised greatly. Hannibal hid his displeasure mostly but he remained squinting. Ashen lashes fluttered instinctually but his lips continued to curl upward in a handsome smile. The plump Empress beckoned him with a twinge of discomfort in her voice. A low whine could be heard from the Hand as he slithered to her side. Hannibal lowered himself into a lounging position with his rear angled towards her own rump. His tail was able to flick at her own and their rear paws may have touched. But, there was maybe half a tail length between their heads.

The beast crossed his front legs and allowed his paws to rest against the warm stone bellow. Eyes flicked along her dappled bodice before settling upon her gleaming gaze. "Pregnancy suits you, Belle." A compliment for noble femmes. "Your body is magnificent and you are incredibly strong. I could never imagine having little pups growing within my belly." A smirk could be seen, "Little Gods, even." Perhaps he was playing at Archon's religion or another minor compliment to the lifeforms within her womb.

The male's smirk fizzled into a lasting grin. It was time to get down to business. Their lives were busy and with Belle fat with pups he would have to bear a lot of the weight of the pack on his shoulders for the coming months. After their conversation the male would have a lot of other duties to fufill. Including calling upon Circe and Dutch.. "We have much to discuss." His voice was deep with a twinge of husk. "I want to inform you of a potential litter Circe and I may be expecting." Hannibal observed her for any initial reactions. "The Abraxas siblings, Archon and Circe, thought it would be important to further blend our bloodlines with another litter. Circe went into heat prematurely and they assumed it was a sign from God." He could have rolled his eyes, but he withheld his dismay. "Thus, I was called upon to fulfill my duty." A pause. "As of right now I am unaware if Circe is expecting but I plan on checking up on her soon. Despite the unknown, I thought my Empress had the right to know of the plans that are in motion. If she is not with pup we may very well try until she is."


This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
07-14-2019, 06:44 PM
Her Hand lowered himself comfortably beside her and the Empress didn’t hesitate to reach out and offer him an affectionate nudge to his cheek. Which was the wrong move and she felt herself take on another onslaught of dizzy nausea. She recovered somewhat quickly, well enough to take in the compliment that would have been better appreciated if she were feeling better. ”Thank you, Hannibal.” Her words were soft as she returned her magenta gaze to his handsome face. ”Mother of gods.” Deathbelled mused pleasantly. ”I am enjoying it mostly, except for this being sick.” She pushed herself to far as she spoke and turned her head as she gagged dangerously.

Nothing was brought forth and she recovered, turning her attention back to her Hand as he offered the need to discuss important matters. Her stomach dropped as he spoke to her, though she tried her best to hide her reaction her white ears grew visibly more red in the fading sunlight. She couldn’t react, because this was exactly as Belle had done to him. She used the sudden nausea as an excuse to look away from him. Hannibal would be in the arms of Archon’s sister Circe. While she couldn’t deny the sound reasoning, what if Hannibal strayed down the same path she sought.

Belle recovered and returned her purple gaze to his bicolored eyes. He spoke bluntly, but at length of their plans, intentions, and the expected results. Abraxas and Klein further united by ties of blood. The stark way he spoke of Circe soothed her only slightly, her attempt to keep everything business like had failed. Maybe she had ought to warn her brother.

”I am not displeased.” she started, her gut reaction fading. He spoke of duty, and she knew very well it was a worthy endeavor despite her feelings. Her feelings didn’t matter much though, duty trumped feelings and emotions. A lesson that hurt more than anything else.. The Empress banished Seer from her thoughts and returned to Hannibal. ”Though it pains me to think of you with her, I can’t deny the benefits of your children also flourishing within Ashen.” She hadn’t been able to spend as much time with her niece, but she planned to have some herb gathering or lessons with her soon.

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



8 Years
07-18-2019, 11:25 AM

Hannibal watched his sister closely with narrowed yet gentle eyes. Lashes fluttered in contrast again the pale optics as his gaze flicked along her beautiful form. It seemed despite the females that seemed to flock to him his need was only in the babe he couldn't have. Yet, he was beginning to catch on that Deathbelle was just as much of a temptress as Nephthys had been. A Viper with many in her clutch. Hannibal picked up on the needy gazes of the males beneath her. He was not the only one yearning the Empresses love.

The royal Klein finally spoke and he offered a firm nod. It all came down to duty. They both bedded other Wolves for 'duty.' Though, he suspected Belle did not dislike the act just as Hannibal hadn't. He really held not true desire for Circe and he had a suspicion he was not her type. But, Nevertheless the two alphas were in a similar boat, just Hannibal didn't have to carry the offspring as his superior did.

Belle voiced her distaste but in no way was it unwarranted. Just as Hannibal didn't like the idea of his sister with Archon, the delusional religious nut-brain that took him captive, but he couldn't do much about it. As she wouldn't do anything about Hannibal bedding other femmes. "I enjoy the idea of both of our litters growing up together in our new home." A grin could be seen as he connected his gaze with her own. "Also, Circe and I have no romantic connection.. So you must not allow the image of our relations plague your thoughts. You must preserve that precious mind for the difficult times ahead. Our litters will be born at the brink of winter and it will take a lot to maintain everyone's health." Hannibal had some plans to help with that, "I have a few plans for that subject if I may?"


This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
07-18-2019, 03:00 PM
Deathbelle allowed only one wolf to know her in more intimate ways, the father of her children was as of yet the only one to have touched her. Despite this she felt herself falling for the three most important men in her life. She ached for Sirius, but he spurned her twice now and her hope of truly calling him hers was sorrowful and fleeting. Archon, the tall, reserved once-band leader who had shown her a softness that she would have never expected. He was soft and sweet to her, admitting he would spend his life with her. Is it what she wanted though? Is it what would be proper? Should she deny a real commitment so that she could explore this relationship with her dear brother? What would Hamiclar have wanted from her?

She banished the thoughts from her mind as Hannibal replied, the ocean tousled her fur and the ocean breeze was slowly soothing her stomach. As well as her half-sibling’s own words, he was not romantically interested in Circe, and beyond duty she shouldn’t dwell on such thoughts. Hannibal was loyal to her, and she knew he would never leave her again.

”You put my mind at ease, brother.” Belle murmured softly and leaned against his shoulder. Her head tilted against his neck and she sighed heavily into his side. ”Please go on, what ideas do you have?” They were close to the desert and only need fear the night’s cold. Auster was a short journey away, and their weather seemed to be opposite to that of Boreas.

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.