
Can you literally die of boredom?



6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
07-16-2019, 11:47 AM
Boredom set in hard on Justice's patrol that day, and at only midmorning so she knew she faced hours yet of unrelieved nothing. No envoys to greet, no dangerous raids to throw off, no suspicious lines to chase away. Not even a non-suspicious loner traveling nearby to break up the monotony. The appearance of another pack next door had provoked momentary alarm and excitement, but nothing had come of it and it too faded from interest. Besides, it was on the other side of Valhalla's territory.

She couldn't remember the last time a wolf had approached the borders looking to join - before Gwen died maybe? And that wolf had wandered off after Gwen's death as well so maybe that didnt even count - and she wasnt sure she could blame them. Valhalla lately felt like those really hot days in summer when nothing much moved or spoke except tumbleweeds and cicadas because it was just too damn hot to put in the effort, except that instead of being too damn hot it was just too damn boring. It felt like she was putting all this effort into patrolling and living here, only instead of making a difference to anyone's life her efforts just went away into this black pit with nothing to show for it. It made it hard to keep moving along the border, to keep her attention on looking for danger, when she knew that there was no point to it.

Still, she hunched in on herself and made herself keep going, though she smoldered with grumpy resentment and her attention kept wandering. There werent even enough trained warriors that she felt like she could ask them to get together to spar, because she wasn't sure anyone would even bother to show up. Laisren usually did, and now the three yearlings who were interested in fighting might show - maybe. But Paladin hadn't ever really participated in fight training, and Regulus didn't do much of anything at all even now that he was back. Aurielle might but... three adults and a couple half trained kids didn't make for a lot of variety. Not much point to it.

Just like everything else.