
When I'm all choked up, but you're okay



4 Years
Extra large
08-06-2019, 10:26 PM
Had she known she would be mostly left to her own devices in a world she had no clue about, Dea probably would have stayed away. She was definitely not alright, her belly was growing larger every day, and she was moody, to say the least. It was an odd sensation, being alone in a pack full of wolves, knowing company was a breath away but not wanting to actively seek attention. Dea was a monster of the shadows, a hellish demon queen, and she was, piddling her days away with remedial tasks. She missed Archon, and wanted to run to him, but something held her back. Something felt...different. A sense of dread filled her from head to tail, making her cold even on warm days. A deep foreboding took over and it seemed to destroy her from within.

Dea had expected her pregnancy to be much different than it had been. While she had made a promise not to leave his side, it would seem that Archon had all but forgotten her. She had tied her life to his, but now she felt like dirty washing hung out to dry. The gentle swaying of her rounded belly as she walked only served to remind her how truly alone she felt in this alien world of hierarchy. It was almost as though she were walking through the ravine with her mother once again. Vianni had no intention of coming back for her once the rocks fell, though Dea had made it out alone. Growling softly at the memory, Dea kicked a rock with a swipe of her paw, her dark pink gaze staring hateful daggers after the stone bounced away a few yards.

Why would he drag her here just to leave her at the doorstep? Did she really have to be here, or could she simply leave? If she left, she would feel like a coward and she knew it, her guilt would eat her alive. Gently, she lowered her frame onto a smooth rock next to the lake, looking into the still waters and eyeing her reflection. "Guess this joke is on you, Demon Queen." She said sarcastically, swatting at her face in the lake and growling. Demons didn't get to be loved, they were to be feared. She had been raised as a veritable weapon, but here she was lovesick and unsure of how to handle her new feelings or her new surroundings. Misery dogged her, and she realized she was pining over the absense of something she never even had to begin with. She felt...dirty. Used.

She had a promise to keep and it was too late to back out now. So Dea was stuck, left to her own devices in a world she had no experience with. With a sad and heavy sigh, Dea hung her head over her paws and stared, letting a few tears shed into the water to ripple away. It had to be pregnancy making her needy, making her emotional, but other things factored heavily into the demon's mood. For a wolf who had only been in a family group made of siblings and her parents, Dea was not used to social structures or rules that were not her own. Hell, she had barely gotten used to the idea of having the band members around her.

Shifting in her stomach drew her back to reality, and where she used to smile, now she wanted to weep. "I wanted better for you..." She whispered in a softly broken voice that didn't feel like hers, her children shifted in her womb, bringing a sad smile to her face. Something was eating at her, but she couldn't figure it out. Perhaps it was the pregnancy making her so, but she couldn't shake the feeling of impending doom from her frame. What would her next step be?
Bite warning! Dea is a wolf capable of extreme violence, she only has mercy on her family. Thread cautiously!

The character you are currently reading is Dea, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
If you would like a thread, just let Bird know via Discord or PM Dea's profile!



4 Years
Extra large
08-07-2019, 10:12 AM

Rosemary prowled toward the lake, his head low in a distinctly predatory gaze as he sauntered forward with all the grace of a dancer. He passed by a noticeably pregnant woman he had never seen before then turned his head away to drink. He could hear her sighing and her heartbroken words and he felt a touch of sorrow for her.

“What’s the matter little dove?” He cooed, turning his full attention toward her and moving closer to stand at a cautious distance from her, his tail waving slightly as he waited for an answer to give him the passing resemblance of a friendly face.  




4 Years
Extra large
08-07-2019, 10:40 AM (This post was last modified: 08-08-2019, 02:15 PM by Dea.)
She was so involved in her thoughts that she hadn't truly seen the dark mass of a wolf come up to the lake. It was something she was made terribly aware of when he spoke and she nearly leapt out of her skin. What's the matter, little dove? What a loaded question. What wasn't the matter? She was pregnant, moody, and had expected to be fawned over by the object of her desires. With a hefty sigh, Dea gave the seemingly concerned wolf a small smile, unsure of how to answer him. Her melancholy was deep rooted, but she could at least share one of her concerns with him. "I have never been a pack wolf. I am here because of a promise I made to the wolf I follow...I am unsure about how the dynamics work." In short, she was nervous and lost. "I am saddened by something that should come naturally to a wolf, but...I have always been alone."

She felt as though she would always be alone. The thought tore her up inside and she felt more tears well up in her rosey gaze, though she blinked them away. It felt better to have someone to speak with, even if it wasn't the whole truth and she didn't know the wolf at all. "The name is Dea, by the way. I followed Archon here, but I am not sure of the path ahead of me." She gave the information freely, there was no need to hide it. Dea was here, and she would remain here if she had to. Small bumps appeared along her stomach, pups pushing against her sides as she spoke. They seemed to enjoy the deceptive sweetness of her voice, making her look at her sides as they moved within her. "He is their father, but I have not seen as much of him since my arrival." She seemed confused in that moment, not quite sure why she felt compelled to tell this male her secrets. Dea was being overly dramatic, but was unsure of why. Perhaps hormones were getting in the way, or it could have been insecurity about not understanding the ways of pack wolves. She had wanted to cling to Archon as if he were her last breath, adjusting to this new life wasn't easy.

Pregnancy hormones would be the death of her, she was sure of it. Luckily, her time would come soon, and she could gain some semblance of normal again.
Bite warning! Dea is a wolf capable of extreme violence, she only has mercy on her family. Thread cautiously!

The character you are currently reading is Dea, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
If you would like a thread, just let Bird know via Discord or PM Dea's profile!



4 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
08-08-2019, 01:36 PM
Archon had made a point to try to see both of the mothers of his children on a daily basis, going so far as to postpone all sermons until their birth just so he could dedicate time to serving them and spending time with them. For Deathbelle, those times had led to a deepening of their love, but for Dea... Archon just wasn't sure. She seemed so scared and timid, unlike anything he had seen from her or expected of a demon queen. He had expected her to be strong and eager and to rise through the ranks quickly and gracefully.

This was the second time now that she had pushed away from their conjoined path and it was beginning to make Archon worry. What if she decided after the pups were born that pack life wasn't for her? What if she decided the pups weren't for her? Or God? There were now many insecurities that passed through Archon's mind and he tried to shake them as he sorted them out.

He came to see her just as she finished speaking to another pack wolf. A grimace crossed his face as he came closer to the two. His eyes stayed on Dea, his brows knitting together, "I don't understand. I have sought you out endlessly, and you know you can always come to me, Dea." He looked to the other male for a moment, "Any moments alone were supposed to give you the space you used to desire, although perhaps I should be more vigilant over those I love."