
Wretched Cats!

solo seasonal prompt/Saren



1 Year
08-08-2019, 02:03 PM

The god's garden was something totally different from the castle. Still being on the smaller side the garden was much like a jungle to the young Abraxas. He was getting himself lost in the foliage of the garden while being careful of what plants he touched. His mom had warned him that this could be a dangerous place and quite a few plants were dangerous to his health. He was just amazed by all the colors, shapes, and even smells of the various plants and it made him wonder who or what exactly started this garden. The heavy pup was moving along quietly when an odd yowl stopped him in his tracks. He had never heard such a sound and wondered what creature it came from. his eyes caught sight of movement ahead of him in the row and Dion without second thought took off after the figure, a grin spread across his face. Once making to the end of the row he stopped and looked around for the figure he had been fallowing. He didn't see it and wondered if it had dashed down another row. Then a very loud and angry yowl made his eyes shoot forward and upward to land on a figure just about his size (a feral cat!). It was hissing and spitting at him from it's perch on the wall.

Dion was a bit confused at why it was hanging out up there. He was so caught up watching it that he didn't notice the other cats that began to gather behind him. They had been quiet and he didn't know of their presence until one sprang upon him landing on his back. His body was quick to react and he spun himself in a circle, kicking and jumping in an attempt to get the creature off him. The cat's claws dug deep into his thick fur and began to prick his skin as it tried to hold on. He moved himself closer to the wall and without warning reared up on his hind legs and fell backwards, towards the wall. The cat yowled as it hit the wall and shoved into as Dion's body came with him, distracting the cat enough for him to let go and Dion did his best to get back to his feet despite being dizzy from going in circles. He charged the second cat and it dashed away from him as the third cat launched itself at Dion, biting down on his left from leg. Snarling the boy snapped his jaws around the back of the cat's neck and bit down hard, harder then the bite the cat currently had. When he had enough bite pressure on the cat it let go and Dion roughly began to shake the creature looking to further the damage, as much as his puppy teeth could. He did have some adult teeth already so he hoped that would help.

He then flung the cat away and it took off, not planning on returning. Two cats down and two were left, the one still sitting up on the wall out of his reach. Dion's leg burned from the bite he received, but it only made him more angry towards these cats. He had done nothing to provoke them, yet they were still attacking him. His blue eyes looked around for the third cat, who had dashed back into the rows of plant life in the garden. Growling he looked back up to the cat on the wall, shooting it a challenging stare, daring it to come down here away from it's spot of safety. When it didn't move he turned his attention to hunting down the third cat and stalked through the rows of plants. He was quiet as he moved, eyes and ears alert as he searched for the cat, aiming to tech it a lesson just like he had with the first two. Nearing the middle of the garden where there was an opening he spotted the cat who had managed to get tangled up on one of the viney plants. Dion sprang forward, jumping on the back of the cat before it managed to roll around. Biting down on the back of it's neck he roughly yanked it free from the vine before violently shaking it as well and growling while doing so.

He was mad and he was showing these cats that he was mad. They had no right to be here, nor attack him for no reason while he was on his packs turf. They were trespassing and they needed to be taught a lesson. He would drop the cat, but quickly bite down on one of it's front legs, shaking it again. It yowled and somehow managed to bite down on the top of his muzzle, which hurt worse then the leg bite. He let go with a puppy snarl and then grabbed a hold of the cat by it's throat, forcing it to let go of him. This was the end of cat number three as Dion crushed it's windpipe and suffocated it. He carried it's lifeless body back to the cat on the wall, who was still sitting there. Dropping the body Dion's body spoke of dominance as he gave another challenging glare towards the original cat he had fallowed. He dared him to come down here, but instead it disappeared over the other side, retreating from the garden. He huffed and dropped back onto his haunches before bending down and licking the stinging bite wound on his leg.




3 Years

Valentines 2020
08-08-2019, 02:15 PM
Saren ventured into the garden once more, he still wasn’t done being fascinated with it. He hadn’t heard the tussle with the cats since he hadn’t been here when it happened, but he did see his brother on the ground licking his wounds. Saren rushed over to his brother “What happened?” He did his best to nudge Dion’s head away from the wound so he could get a better look at it. Saren was more interested in the concept of healing a wound though than he was caring for his brother. He had never gotten the chance to actually heal anyone, he was too excited.
[Image: dnxLkpo.png]