
Kickstart My Heart


06-18-2013, 09:02 AM
You can count on me like 1,2,3

Kai Aranna

I know when I need it I can count on you like 4,3,2

The girl had washed her fur to the best of her ability, though some of the dirt still remained, it would disappear over time. Now that she wasn?t a constant nomad day after day, she could actually care about her appearance, the Valhalla surroundings were a comfort to her. So far she had only met Thane; Thane was a nice man, a family man and a good friend in her opinion. It was all so exciting to be home, or at least have a place to call home in the first place. It was all that mattered, and now she had to serve the pack as best she could. She had done it before, just under different standards. Her fur now mostly white, her icy, aqua eyes calm as she walked around, almost wandering aimlessly, not really doing her job. She would get to that after she just got use to it all.

"It all appears to be too good to be true. " She told herself, but at the same time, she knew she would work hard for it all. She had been lucky enough that no male had forcefully approached her when she went into heat last autumn; and she kind of held onto her own wants from the past, for a family, a mate. Thane had described a great place for a family to grow up, and that was all she wanted, all that she could ask for.

Heartbreakers like you are hard to erase



06-18-2013, 10:06 AM
A girl with jet black fur was bounding through the lands, exploring, running. The feeling of the frozen earth against her pelt was thrilling, and she reveled in the way the cold wind whipped her face and ruffled her fur as she ran at full-speed. She was rather aerodynamic, a thin pup who was just a bit over half a year old, with long slender legs and a narrow muzzle, causing her to move with alarming speed for such a young creature.

The presence of another wolf went unnoticed to the youngster. The woman's pure white fur blended in expertly with the snow, and she only noticed her when she ran head-on into her. Her paws slipped from under her undersized frame, her entire body tumbling into the snow and dirt.

"Sorry! Sorry, ma'am!" She yipped as she clambered to all fours, hoping she hadn't hurt the woman or knocked her over. Her Valhallan manners were evident, by the worry that welled in her blue eyes and her concern that enveloped her innocent features. "Momma always tells me I need to pay more attention to where I'm going..."


06-18-2013, 10:29 AM
You can count on me like 1,2,3

Kai Aranna

I know when I need it I can count on you like 4,3,2

Her eyes lit up with surprise as she felt something run into her. Her issue was that she was always looking up, and not paying attention. The pup continued to apologize, but it was all quite alright. "Nothin' to be sorry for little one, you didn't hurt no one." She said softly, making sure the up was alright was her main concern. "Your momma is a wise women, but sometimes it doesn't hurt to lose yourself into the world around you. Are you alright? What is your name?" She asked, it was clear that this puppy was a Valhallian pup, she knew her way around the area and there was that distinct mannerism like the one she had noticed with Thane a while back.

Her sleek white fur stayed flat, no point in getting it all ruffled over a small little pup who didn't see her. She did blend in with the snow quite well after all. One thing was sure, she would get use to everything, and she should have seen the black little pup. Oh well, whats done is done. Her icy blue eyes held kindness and concern. Kickstart my heart, keep me alive a little longer. Was all that she thought, that was all she could think at the moment. The moment that she had waited for, the opportunity to help some of her new family.

Heartbreakers like you are hard to erase


06-18-2013, 10:49 AM (This post was last modified: 06-18-2013, 10:50 AM by Ryker.)

The boy ran with his tiny gray tipped tail waving in the air behind him. His small white lines ears were perked up as the pup seemed to frolic through the snow of winter. Now Ryker knew he shouldn't be out here right now but he couldn't stay in the den all winter right? His parents told him he had to stay in to get better. But the problem was that he wasn't; at least he didn't feel as sick before. The boy just had an annoying persistent cold. With a small sneeze as he ran, Ryker stopped in his tracks before looking around o see if anyone or anything heard it.

With a shirt the young make continued to romp around the area until his little nose cleared up a but that let him smell something. Wolves! He smelt more wolves! Maybe they would want to play with him! Ryker knew he had his brother and sister to play with but he wanted to look for some other wolves to play with too. Aqua blue eyes with an emerald green flint in each settled on two figures not too far from where he was. With a small yip of delight he took off as his white ties paws brought him closer and closer.

The closer he got the more he could see the wolves! There was a white wolf and a pup like him! How fun this would all be! Maybe they were going to play! Maybe he could join in! Ryker slowed down to a wal as he neared the two wolves. He looked back and forth between the pup and the white wolf. Remembering his manners that his father taught him the boy spoke up.

"Hello, my name is Ryker, Ryker Tsarev." he said before giving each kf them a cute friendly smile.

His tiny dark gray tipped tail wagged behind him as he looked up at the older wolf. Then he looked at the wolf near his age. Hopefully they would want to play...




06-18-2013, 10:55 AM
Despite the worry that instinctively bubbled up at the collision with this stranger, she also was clearly quite flustered. Her mama had told her, many times, she needed to watch what she was doing. Arella wasn't clumsy per say, simply excitable, and prone to quick movements and not realizing how fast she was moving or talking. Luckily, she was a small child, and her simply collision hadn't hurt the woman. Shaking her muzzle as though it might somehow make her feel better, she let out a soft sigh.

But then Kai began speaking, telling her she didn't have to worry. Arella immediately grinned, her tail beginning its slow wagging motion behind her. "Good," she stated, proud she hadn't hurt anyone. Little did she know, it would be damn near impossible for a small girl like her to do much damage without really trying -- and even that was debatable. "I'm good! I'm Arella. My momma's Erani and my daddy is Nova." The grin grew a bit, an obvious bit of pride sneaking into her expression.

She leaned in to sniff the woman slightly, but before she was able to get a good whiff of her scent -- though she was pretty sure she was from her own pack, maybe just new -- they were interrupted. Another child! This one a bit younger than her. She directed her gaze toward Ryker. He looked familiar, but she'd never really talked to him. "I'm Arella!" She repeated for the newcomer, her voice bubbling with happiness.


06-18-2013, 02:53 PM
You can count on me like 1,2,3

Kai Aranna

I know when I need it I can count on you like 4,3,2

Kai listened, though she had no idea who Nova and Erani were, she figured from the pride that they were higher up than the normal Epsilon ranks, and that she would be meeting them soon. Another pup came up, and she knew the last name of the pup to match Thane's. "It's nice to meet you Arella, I'm really new to Valhalla, I am Kai Aranna. You little one, Ryker, you are thane's child aren't you?" She said, knowing only Thane and these two pups was inconvenient since the pack was of 30 or more members. "Do you're parents know your out here?" She asked both of them, not wanting them to get in trouble for sneaking off on their parents. She knew that if these were her children, she would want to know where they are.

Silver, gold, amber, blue, green. All colors, colors that she knew, most to be eyes, though she had seen silver wolves before. These little puppies reminded her of some of the wolf pups Cilcar had killed, it almost worried her, she looked around making sure that he hadn't tracked her here. It was late term paranoia really, he was not for miles around. Her mind, was once again, off topic. Her mind always seemed to drift off topic, though she appeared to be astute and attentive of her surroundings. A small smile formed, these pups were kinda fun, maybe they wanted to play a game. After all they appeared to be out on an adventure.

Why would pups be out here if they weren't looking for a bit of excitement in their lives. Excitement that only a few games could provide in the minds of pups. She remembered once traveling through the depths of her mind, that was quite fun. But pups never thought like that, so for the time being, neither could she. "Wanna play a game?" She asked, trying to think of what, if anything, they could play.

Heartbreakers like you are hard to erase


06-19-2013, 01:00 PM (This post was last modified: 06-19-2013, 01:01 PM by Ryker.)

The boy's tiny gray tipped tail wagged in the air as he heard the other pup say that her name was Arella. Then the white wolf said that she was Kai Aranna. Then she asked if he was Thane's child.

"That's my fadder!(father!)" he replied with a smile and an excited wag of his tail.

Then she asked if their parents knew that they were out here. Tiny white lined ears pinned against his head for a moment before he replied.

"Weeellll(well)...daddy and mommy is asleep with my brother and they don't really know. You're not gonna tell on me are you?" he asked

Ryker then turned to look at Arella with his aqua blue gaze. The green flint in each eye shined as the sun hit his eyes. Ryker sometimes wished his eyes were all green instead of just having a green flint in each. His brother and sister had pure aqua blue while he had aqua blue with a green flint. But at the same time he also wanted pure aqua blue like their daddy too. Yet sometimes he wanted all emerald green like their mother. As the boy went aloof his tiny white lined ears perked up at the word play that Kai had said.

"I wanna play! I wanna play!" he said as he bounced up and down.

Remembering his manners the boy stopped and sat down on his haunches.

"I mean...yes please I would love to play." he said with a small smile

Ryker wondered what kind of game they would play. hide and seek? tag? wolf and hare? There were so many types of games the puppy knew that his gray tipped tail was wagging a mile a minute.

The pup's eyes shined as he looked up at Kai then to Arella, back to Kai then to Arella. Ryker could hardly wait!




06-20-2013, 09:53 AM
How exciting this all was! Arella's tail moved a mile a minute, as though she'd never been quite so thrilled in all her life. The truth was, she was this excited by nearly everything, and the prospect of play was always high on her list of things to do. Even Ryker seemed excited, though it was clear he was at least a full season younger than her.

"I don't know if Mama knows," she admitted honestly, her head cocking slightly to the side. "But she told me, so long as I'm with a Valhallan adult, then it's fine. And you're one of those, right?" she smelled of home, and she was wandering so freely in the lands... she must be an ally to them. And she seemed younger than her mom, but much older than her. "But it's alright, miss Kai. Mumma knows where to find me if she needs me." she beamed proudly at her. And even if Erani didn't, she would always come to her mother's call.

The she finally asked if they wanted to play a game. A soft bark escaped Arella's throat, her excitement over the idea unable to be contained once it begun to spill out. "Yes! Please!" She didn't need to ask what kind of game, for she was open-minded and down for whatever this Kai lady had in mind. She leaned over to watch Ryker, grinning at him, pleased with her company.


06-20-2013, 05:11 PM
You can count on me like 1,2,3

Kai Aranna

I know when I need it I can count on you like 4,3,2

Kai listened, Arella saying as long as she was with a Valhallian adult she was fine. Then Ryker, Thane's son, said that he was here without any way of his parents to know. That did not settle well with Kai, but she figured that she'd let it ass for now and return him to Thane after their game. "Yes I am, Arella. But I know barely anyone here, I am very new. Ryker's father excepted my into the pack only yesterday." She whispered, as if it were some grand secret that she was trusting them with. "Why don't we play a nice game of hide and seek, and then later I can get you two back to your parents." She suggested, she remembered having a blast in playing hide and seek as a child.

"I'll be it first." She said, loving the fact that she would have to find the pups. Or at least pretend it was difficult, however they knew the land far better than her. When she hid, she would bury herself in snow since she fit right in, and her brother always seemed to find her last. Some say that the real killer of men is happiness, but that isn't true. Men's ignorance led to their death. They weren't quite in the heart of Valhalla, more like a little ways from the border, hopefully they wouldn't wander across as they went to hide. She put her paws over her eyes and started to count, as her family had always done. "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight...." She began to count up to twenty. "Nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen...." She continued.

Heartbreakers like you are hard to erase


06-24-2013, 12:02 PM
The boy's tiny gray tipped tail wagged in the air as he hadn't listened to anything else other than the game Kai said. hide and seek! He loved hide and seek! Tiny white lines ears perked up as the wolf started to count. He glanced at Arella with a smile before bounding off to look for somewhere to hide. But when his gaze landed on the area around him everything was white! How was he supposed to hide with his black coat?

"hmm..." he said while he thought about what to do.

Maybe he could bury himself! But then looking back at his tracks in the snow the pup knew that that would give him away. So he ran around and around in a circle making even more tracks so maybe it would confuse Kai. A tiny giggle escaped his maw as he made more and more paw prints going this way and that in the snow. And eventually after there were a lot around Kai and him he used his tiny white toed paws to dig deep into the snow. Then Ryker lowered himself into the hole and put snow on top of him and left a hole for him to breathe.It wasn't long until the pup was all cooped up in his joke and quiet as a mouse that he listened for the footfall of Kai Aranna.

Hopefully he was clever enough to keep quiet so that she wouldn't know where he was. The not could see it now. She may be quite confused with all of the paw prints he made. What if she never found him! What if he stayed in here forever? Then Ryker wondered where Arella his or was going to hide. Hopefully she wouldn't give him away or something.



06-25-2013, 02:48 PM
Kai explained she was very new. Great! she thought with a broad grin, tail wagging with alarming speed behind her slender frame. Even though Valhalla was a rather large group of wolves, that did not stop her from finding herself thrilled to meet new faces what felt like each and every day.

Arella's ears perked with keen interest at the game that Kai had in store for them. Hide and seek! What a great game. The expression on her gentle features widened, her blue eyes glowing with unabashed excitement. Kai offered to be it first, and she agreed readily with an excited nod of her head. As soon as she closed her eyes, Arella set off, ignoring mostly where Ryker went off to. However, she borrowed his idea of wandering about a bit. The soft sound of the two pups' paw steps filled the ear, their small paws making the snow crunch beneath their slight weight.

Before long, and not too far away, Arella found a fallen log. She was lucky that it had fallen on top of the snow, rather than been lying there for long. It left here plenty of room to dig some of the snow out, and slide half her body under it. What a great hiding spot, she thought, totally unaware of the danger she could potentially face if the snow that supported the fallen tree collapsed and left her pinned beneath. But no.. it just seemed like a good hiding spot to her.


07-19-2013, 05:22 PM
[Sorry this sucks, trying to get readjusted to RP after being gone
You can count on me like 1,2,3

Kai Aranna

I know when I need it I can count on you like 4,3,2

Kai looked around, aiming to find the puppies quickly, a grin lit up her face. Her tail wagged as she started off towards Arella [unknowingly] and she looked behind a small bush that was there. No one was there. She looked around, and eventually she saw what appeared to be a black butt sticking out of a fallen log. She had a devious smile to her. "Found you little miss Arella." She said as she lightly tapped the lady's butt. She laughed a bit and looked around for Thane's boy Ryker. All she knew were that these pups were good at hiding from her.

Heartbreakers like you are hard to erase


07-23-2013, 10:41 AM
The pup stayed still in his hiding place. He didn't move nor squirm. The boy looked up as he waited to be found. A few words had reached his white lines ears. Kai had found Arella! He was next! Hopefully Arella wouldn't give him away. But then again the boy didn't mind if she xD or didn't. He won anyway...right? Or did Kai Aranna win. Ryker smiled as he lay hidden in his hole. But heat if no one found him? What if he was left in this hole forever? The boy stayed still but resisted the urge to squirm a bit.

What if....what if when they foun him he was only a pile of bones?!?!? A small shiver ran up his spine as he thought about that. No, of they didn't find him someone would right? His father or mother would. Or his brother or sister. Right? A small in audible sigh escaped his maw. The boy was getting rather tired just sitting in the snow. Then again his family was asleep, like he should be.

The snow was a but cold but the hole he was in insulated the warmth. It was nice in here...he liked it. But Ryker waited to be found. So he stayed where he was and didn't peep a sound or move.

OOC: sorry for short crappy post/ignore phone errors