
The day of the hunter

fighting Prompt



5 Years

Pride - BisexualMammoth HunterPromptober 2019
08-22-2019, 07:46 PM (This post was last modified: 08-26-2019, 03:15 PM by Hela.)

Feminine paws moved across the lonely terrain as her eyes or pink pierced the landscape, looking for something a prey perhaps. Her expression was calm, serene. But no one should trust that relative peaceful expression, it could hide a less pleasant fellow. No, Hela wasn't truly kind, she only pretended to be, it was a tool she used for getting to her goal, to make others do what she wants. It was hard to unmask her, she was excellent in what she did, hiding her true self was an art. An art she dominated through these years and even as a pup she didn't find it hard to play nice even if she really wasn't. All were the product of her thirst of power, of showing the world who she was, who she could be. She was a strategist, one who counted with a touch for convincing, for reaching the best point of a person and then use it for her own benefit. And as she marched, she thought about her stance here. She was staying behind on the ranks, she wasn't in a beneficial position. She needed to rise, she needed to claim her spot on the heavens of Ashen, but how? How could she do so? Well, she would take her time to plan, to take advantage of any chance that could come.

But as she kept going, the sound of steps caught her attention. Her ears switched around in an attempt of locating the source. And there at the distance, a cougar was spotted. Almost trespassing the borders. Well, Hela wasn't going to allow such foolishness. But she wasn't a fool, she wasn't going to run and attack without a plan. No, Crow didn't play without some brain behind each move. And in a lethal silence hides behind a bush, making sure she was driving against the wind so her scent couldn't betray her position. Lowering her ears and body crunches ahead. And there start building plans.

A smirk revealed her porcelain teeth.

oc: Word count: 337




Advanced Fighter (100)

Advanced Intellectual (85)

11 Years
Dragon Mod

Trick 2019
08-28-2019, 10:33 AM

The scent of her sister drew the Angel forth. She hadn't really spent much time with Hela since she'd been too busy brooding over the way the Klein pack was being run. It was not their father's pack, that much was certain. Eyes of black and rose narrowed as her tail lashed irritably at her hocks, the babe attempting to calm the twitching of her lip everytime she thought about. Something needed to change. The spirits demanded it. What that was, however, was unclear. They weren't being direct with her and instead chose to assault her with a cacophony of noise. Her ears flattened against her head as they screamed. She'd take matters into her own paws if they'd just shut up and tell her what they wanted... but for now, she would just have to put up with their loud demands whether she liked it or not. Gods only knew what they wanted, and she usually did too when they weren't bantering like small children over a bone. The babe heaved a heavy sigh before the wind shifted, bringing her the scent of something that did not belong. She had half a mind to ignore it, maybe the creature could eat that fanatics pups...but the slightly better part of her decided that no. It wasn't their fault.

She stalked forward through the foliage, her small bodice easily concealed and there near the borders, a mountain lion sniffing around. Was it looking for an easy meal? It was likely it smelled the pups that caused their numbers to rise so quickly. She eyed the beast, the priestess simply watching it to see if it would take the chance to trespass. Her sister was nearly forgotten before a bit of movement caught her eye. Not too far from her she saw Hela watching the beast as well. With as much silence as she could, she slipped away from her position. Quietly. Slowly. Careful not to draw the cat's eye as she slunk over to where her sister hid. "What do you think? Should we chase it off?" She asked quietly, eyes never leaving the beast in question.

WC: 356
"Can you see me?"



5 Years

Pride - BisexualMammoth HunterPromptober 2019
08-29-2019, 11:18 AM
The black wolf kept with her evaluation, an evaluation of the situation and possible tactics she could implement, she was determined to get this. But would she just chase it off? Or maybe kill it? Both had their danger, but the danger wasn't a fear for her, and if she killed it, she could put to use the skin and other body parts, but would she be ready for the task? For the challenge? Well Hela could, she had nothing to lose really, she had her strength and intellect. Her smile was the proof of her determination, of her will to prove her strength and tenacity, she was going to prover her pack who Hela Klein was capable of.

But soon, a familiar scent reached her nose, someone she didn't know much but was family still. Pandora, her older sister, the one who like her didn't very agree with having so many younglings in the pack, for her they retarded their real goals, the goals of an empire, of power in a name. She stared in silence to the cougar but being aware of her sister's approach, her ear switched to Pandora's moves and just for brief instants, she would look at her, listening to her words.  "What do you think? Should we chase it off?" She took some brief minutes to analyze her question. "We could." She started, silent as possible. "But if we kill it, we could put its parts to better use. We could trade that skin or use it as armor,the claws could be turned in knives. What do you think? But chasing off could aswell." She said, in a whisper, her focus didn't leave the cat ahead who stopped walking, sniffing the air.

She lowered her body a bit more, she was ready for any choice her sister could do. For now, she contemplated her options, where to bit first, to where they could drive the feline too. The first priority was to get it away from the pack lands, and then they should discuss the cat's faith. Let it live or end with its life, that choice was now or never.

W: 346



Advanced Fighter (100)

Advanced Intellectual (85)

11 Years
Dragon Mod

Trick 2019
09-01-2019, 12:38 AM
"I like your style of thinking, Hela. The parts could be useful. Besides, a proud creature such as that would make us even prouder to wear." She grinned a wicked grin. "Let us take its life and show it the true power of the Kleins!" Without another word she charged from the bushes and aimed a surprise attack at the feline beast. The priestess threw her shoulder forward, aiming to slam it into the cougars hock and forcing its leg to buckle. It had been too slow to react to her assault and as soon as it had turned around to retaliate, the priestess was already out of range. She snarled at the beast, her bi-colored gaze cold and calculating as she danced on her feet. She was as graceful in battle as she was when she wasn't in a fight, and she'd show this thing the power and beauty of a real Klein.

As Hela came in for her own charge, Pandora would keep her own assault up. She didn't care which of the two made the killing blow as long as the beast fell before it managed to slip away from them. With Hela's distraction, Pandora swooped in again, teeth grabbing the hind leg she had previously injured and used her weight to drag it out and unbalance the beast. With an assault on both ends, it has trouble deciding which ti attack. And with its leg in Pandora's mouth, it couldn't quite keep its balance which made it difficult for it to reach her.

She wasn't doing this to protect those God forsaken pups or anyone else in the pack, really. She saw an opportunity to gain something from this encounter and she intended to get it. The knives Hela thought to use for knives was indeed a good idea, and the pelt would be useful as well. She held no remorse for creatures like this and much less for those she did not respect nor trust. It seemed half of the Ashen Empire was on that side of hers but she didn't care. The babe shook her head as viciously as she could, jaws clamping harder until she heard bone break and blood flood her mouth. The cougar cried in pain as it finally twisted enough to reach her. She danced away, years of practiced fighting earning her the speed she often used to her advantage. The cougar stood there, a hind leg dangling uselessly as it tried to figure out whether to flee, or to continue fighting.

Pandora would not give it the opportunity to flee, however. And she charged again only this time, she got hold of the other leg and dragged that one out, bringing the beast to the ground. With its other hind leg broken and this one in her grasp, it was unable to regain its footing and instead sought to swipe at the two sisters from the ground. A snarl sounded from Pandora, a message to Hela to finish the job.

WC: 498



5 Years

Pride - BisexualMammoth HunterPromptober 2019
09-02-2019, 02:53 PM
"I like your style of thinking, Hela. The parts could be useful. Besides, a proud creature such as that would make us even prouder to wear." She smirked in response, she was satisfied with her sibling's agreement with what she suggested. She couldn't be happier over that, she loved when others followed her ideas, it made her feel great. With time, she hoped to start building an image of her that could help her be more relevant on Ashen, with time she wanted to be seen as the worthy wolf she was. She wanted to prove what this Klein was capable of. "Let us take its life and show it the true power of the Kleins!" "You couldn't have said it any better." She said smiling and ready for attack.

And quickly, Pandora raced toward the feline, with ferocity and the mere reason for killing it. Without waiting any longer, she charged to wanting to help her sister to bring the big cat down. And like her sister, she wasn't doing this to protect the youth that had invaded the empire, but for her own benefit. And like that, she played as the distraction while Pandora attacked it.

After some minutes, the cougar was on its knees, as most of its limbs were useless. And the snarl from her sister was enough for understanding the message. And with lethal force bites on its neck, in the region between the head and neck. And in a brutal manner, shakes her head widely aiming to break it. Killing the cat on the process. "Easy" Licking the blood from her lips looks at Pandora. "Take your pick dear sister." She asked.