
Fractured memories [poseidon]


07-20-2013, 02:18 PM

Gray, it followed her gaze as the world was warped by rain and darkness. The sun had found no love with in the darkened sky. Her rays pushed threw the clouds but they stubbornly snuffed her joy out. She felt as if the world was mimicking her mood as she wandered. Drops seemed to miss her as her huge dark paws pushed into the fragile earth. It groaned and pushed as she walked closer and closer to the smell of water. Her body was moving but she was lost in her mind. Those eyes, lost to the touch of death, still looked at her in her sleep. Still asked her how could she? How could she fail them all? She felt her heart break over and over again at those eyes.

Soon enough the water came into view. The rain was plummeting into its depths and making small pounding sounds. She watched as the drops bounced up and down off the waters surface. Her mind reeled and she looked at the ground as the memories flooded her mind. Violet eyes like black diamonds glittering with blood as dark as coal looked with frozen horror as the world had gone from life to death. Violet eyes lingered in the darkness, the snow painted red, his heart leaking from his eyes as he stole one final look at the love that had changed him. Too little too late. Her head burned with the memories. The two becoming one. Who was alive and who had died? She whimpered as she slipped and fell against the water bank. Mud and water kissing her side as she struggled to get up. Her mind was fracturing again. Lothaire, where was he? He had faded into nothing as the world had gone from day to night.

She stood in the water, pushing her full length into its depths. The rain was still falling. Crying for her. She was broken. Numb. Lost. She felt so alone. She shivered against the cool waters and all buy sobbed. Everything was gone. She closed her eyes as the water consumed her. Everything was silent as she held her breath; let the water wash over her, wash away the thoughts.


07-21-2013, 01:01 AM
Poseiden walked stubornly down the creek shore. Snorting every so often as his paws sank into the water-soaked mud. Raindrops, carressing his skin and the water singing his sad lulaby of lonelieness. Being a real freak of nature had its downsides. One of witch, being making friends. The voice of a demon often scared away any friends and then his reputation as a pupkiller/executioner didn't help as well. Oh well, the past is the past and he was changing his ways.

He looked up through the haze of the incoming storm. A wimper of sorrow caught his attention. On the other side of the bank down stream a woman seemed to be having trouble getting up. The water, crashing into her as if she were a stone in the water. The woman had an aura of pain around her. Big and intimidateing she may be but emotional pain could break gjiants. And a shoulder to weep on built them. He aproached he gently as she basicly water-boarded herself.?

"Exuse me Miss. " His distorted voice rang out in a strangled, double-tone mess of lyrics. His throat giving them a distinct hollow sound. "wanna just. Talk?"


07-21-2013, 11:19 AM

When the world twisted and transcended into something far greater then anyone could comprehend it seemed the queen of the mad had chipped away with its unknown path. Silence was welcoming. The water flowed around her head. The haze of pain and longing, moments past by, fleeting heart beats that begged for one more embrace but knowing it would never come. She felt the heat of her lungs, burning for air, demanding she set herself free and stop this odd behavior. She could feel the persona pushing at her edges. It was testing her will and pushing to take over and ensure her survival. She wasn?t attempting to lose her life. No, she had far to many counting on her to care for them but for this one moment she wanted to grieve and not be so strong. He was dead and it was strangling her.

Finally the lack of air brought the behemoth to the surface. Her dark ears were glued to her head. Violet eyes refocused and found the figure of a stranger standing by the banks. Her body was still submerged but her head bobbed on the surface like an ever-watchful crocodile. His voice broke free. Speaking but the words didn?t touch her ears. The pain was all consuming and all she saw was a moving muzzle and rumbling sound. She shook her head sending splashes of water around her as she pushed against the bottom of the water and towards the bank. Her odd coat was a mixture of blacks, grays, and soft violets.

Soon enough the woman made her way towards the shore. Her violet eyes locked on the stranger and she allowed her body to shake back and forth. Ridding her coat of the weight of the water. What had he said? She didn?t know. She had tried to hear him but it was all a blur. Was tomorrow here already? Had they missed her so that they had sent someone new to find her? ?Who are you?? her voice was a mixture of femininity and masculinity, all rolled into one sound, it was an odd combination and though many knew her she was still mistaken from time to time for a male rather then her actual birth gender. She was an in-between. Lost in the world of woman and man and clearly her body was unable to pick one or the other.


07-25-2013, 09:33 PM
Poseiden's shoulders gave a gentle roll as he shifted his weight. The cascade of rough fur on his mane shifting as well. His dark obsidian eyes offered the woman a sweet gaze. He'd been so soliatry for so long, he'd needed someone to atleast have a convorsation with. Hopefully his voice wouldn't send her running for the hills. He shifted his head uncomfitorbly, his vocalchords were so tight that theynhurt to speak too much.?

"i was wondering if you wanted to just. Talk? What seems to be the burden ma'm?" his hidious, distorted voice fought to speak above the rain. The noise of drops hitting the rapidly moving water was abit loud and never seemed to shut up. ?But his eyes continued to drive into the violet lady... Atleast he hoped that was a lady. He sucked in a gentle breath that sounded like a sigh to try to test the air for hints of her sex. Yup, lady. He let the spent air out of his lungs, hearing the gentle rattle as it glided over his coiled vocalchords, the tight strings making his howls sound like nails on a chalkboard.

Perhaps her burden consisted of ?something big, the energy she put off was certainly large and weighting. Perhaps she needed someone who could ease her pain, a friend? Someone who could paint her black roses red again. Deep down, all he wanted to see from her was a smile. He hated seeing beautiful women frown. It bugged him more than anything. A wolf so cruel, known for killing the weak and newborn, loved seeing a smiling woman.