
Needle in your side


07-17-2013, 12:56 PM

The smells of the Amenti pack grew stronger as the midnight male drew his muscular form closer to the territory border before stopping just inside the scented boundary. His white eyes traveled around his surroundings and his white banded ears listened for any sound of a patrol. His large ebony head then shot up toward the sky and released his bass note into the warm night air, calling to the alpha or who ever would answer his near challenging howl. When he lowered his head, a sly smirk crawled over his handsome features as he slowly began to pace back in forth with long confident strides that just screamed that he will be a needle in your side.

P.S- When it all goes down... I'll be there waiting...
Love Zalin-

sorry for the crappyness, im not very good at starting posts

Medusa i


5 Years
07-18-2013, 03:54 PM

Medusa arrived at the call with a lackadaisical pace that had become characteristic of her; she was a relaxed alpha, a woman who cared not for large displays of dominance. That didn?t mean she appeared weak either; no, the serpent was still poised as a true alphess, carrying herself with just enough authority to let one know of her rank. And yet, she was a Madame, not a ruler. Her job in this pack was to look after it, not to tell her wolves what they could do and what they could not do. Perhaps as she settled in she would change it; she had granted herself limited power, after all.
Such thoughts were brushed away as she gazed upon the male at her borders, finding him rather confident looking although not necessarily troublesome. ?Don?t you look ever impatient,? she purred, wondering if any other of her members would come to greet this joiner. So far the pack had been quiet, lacking in the commotion of many others, but she did not mind. Peace was good, and until she came upon a time of war, she would not fuss over trying to unite her members. ?Meudsa, Madame of Amenti. What is it you want, my sweet?? she inquired, awaiting his response.


07-19-2013, 03:40 PM

Finally the brute's summoning call was answered, he has grown slightly annoyed with being kept waiting, though what did he expect from a female. But as he let his white eyes wander shamelessly across the ebony dame's body that appeared before him, he thought about letting his irritation slide. Even though it was really nothing special, any female with the right curves captured the male's attentions. He was a physically fit male and rather liked giving in to satisfying his needs. Her purr about his impatience drew his ivory eyes back to her's and out of his rather crud imaginings, causing him to shrug at the comment. "I'm demanding, what can I say? Though Zalin is just fine." he rumbled with an amused gleam in his eye. "Well Madame Medusa." the name almost rolled off his cherry tongue as a hiss, "I would like to join the Amenti horde, hearing that it has recently changed hands into more capable one's as the crow's word flies." he chuckled softly, his white banded ears pulling back to his head as the sound bubbled from his throat, giving him a rather cute innocent look. His lips then pulled back into a full sly grin, showing his teeth as he inquired " So what do you say Madame? Care to take a brute like me into your mist? If anything I could make a lonely night less lonely for you." he laughed again, not caring if she took offense to his rude words, it was all good fun to him.

P.S- When it all goes down... I'll be there waiting...
Love Zalin-


07-19-2013, 07:02 PM (This post was last modified: 07-19-2013, 07:03 PM by Deteste.)

Patrols. It was a large part of his life and one that he admitted to enjoying. It was nice to have the time to one's self, especially now that he was in Amenti. The air was fresh among the redwoods now that it was spring. He had unwittingly adjusted to the change and was beginning to feel at home in the tall woodland. There was another caller and at the end of the cry Deteste was already on route to approach. It was strange how different this ritual was in Amenti and just how quickly Deteste had settled into it. There was no intriguing conversation or kind words to exchange. Any could join Amenti. What Deteste did watch carefully were those whom ascended the ranks and even in that situation he was wary to trust only holding Medusa and Laxago close to him.

At last Deteste spied the stranger in the distance and accompanying him was Medusa. She was an active leader and to Deteste's standards she was doing exceptionally well so far but he could not yet adjust to her... unorthodox method of casual interaction. So upon arriving and catching Zalin's raunchy jest he shed a sharp glance at the man and spoke, I'm afraid that won't be necessary. Deteste wasn't quite sure what he meant by these words and was somewhat surprised that he had said them but his expression remained languid. What most of these characters wanted was a reaction. An annoyance. Attention. And Deteste was especially good at not giving this to them. Granted that their antics did little to interest or bother him anyway. He turned to Medusa, nodding at her before speaking again Master of Amenti. the title was spoken flatly and only at the end of the claim did Deteste return his glance to the caller.

Medusa i


5 Years
07-20-2013, 06:36 PM

Oh, he was most certainly a piece of work. Zallin he said was his name, and she wondered what he was after in this pack. Medusa did not mind his intentions, so long as they did not hinder their allies or bring a plague of wrath upon them. Compliments spewed forth from his lips, making the Madame chuckle. ?Oh, don?t you sound like a man who greatly desires something,? she hummed, as if considering this point. She knew not what sort of alpha Newt had been before, nor if she was truly that much more capable than the woman. If anything, the giant had been more driven than Medusa had, with a pack that was more together. The harlot had a loose band of individuals who wished to protect one another, to socialize together, but who did not want to be bound by moral restraints.
He flirted with her, bold like she might assume he was. Before she could speak back, however, she found their company joined by Deteste. Looking over at the Master she chuckled, remembering her promise not to flirt with him but unable to resist a simple jealous? in her own head. ?It is rare that a woman like myself sees very many lonely nights,? she admitted, unashamed of her image as a whore. It was who she was, what she had been raised upon. Medusa would never be embarrassed by her roots, would never see any point in hiding it.

?I do not mind accepting you. We accept all, but do you not wish to hear of our pack, first?? she inquired, finding it somewhat strange that he would be so eager to join without hearing of the laws in this pack. For all this male knew, he had just subscribed to a life of slavery.


07-21-2013, 08:04 PM

Not soon after he spoke his words, did another black wolf join him and the fine lady, though this male seemed up tight, his expression none changing like his mother a just pissed on his evening meat. These type of wolves were all the same. Utterly Boring to Zalin. Oh yes, you think you're so collected and calm, we will see how long this last. the large brute thought to himself, his eyes dancing with excitement. Zalin himself, thought might need to do some pissing on the meat of this wolf. He chuckled at the thought before giving the male one of his sly smiles "Well hello, so nice for you to join us. I did not catch your name?" he said before turning his white orbs back to Medusa as she started talking. He shrug at her dismissal "Yes, a women like you I can see that." meaning it not as an insult just as a matter of fact. Though his sarcastic tone might have some believe it was. " I suppose I should be proper about this, cant be a lowly servant to stone wolf over here, now can we?" again he laughed, enjoying himself. He then sat his dark form down on his haunches and perked his white banded ears toward the female and said "Please, do tell me how your pack is run."

P.S- When it all goes down... I'll be there waiting...
Love Zalin-

just to get this in the air, this is just his personality, he is a annoying jerk, nothing against you guys =)


07-25-2013, 12:14 PM (This post was last modified: 07-25-2013, 12:16 PM by Deteste.)

Deteste was unused to Medusa's manner of life but it wasn't something he was attempting to shame. As he found himself pressed by his company he only laughed, a tight grin settling on his lips as he caught a lively glance from Medusa. He could almost feel the words held behind her dark lips. Playful, seductive. It humored him and it allowed him to relax. He appreciated Medusa's respect and he hoped she understood that he was in no way opposed to her nor ashamed of her. He allowed the conversation to settle before he spoke again, choosing his words carefully and eyeing the newcomer with a challenging gaze. He knew he was playing into the game but when it made no difference for Deteste there was much entertainment to get out of it. He wondered what Medusa would think of his uncharacteristic behavior. Deteste. he spoke, settling on his haunches beside the Madame. Yes. he echoed Zalin's response, And a woman like Medusa has more experienced and deserving lovers. Isn't that right? he turned to woman, winking.

This isn't about being proper. You're a stranger and you have no worth. We'll see where you stand when you prove yourself. there was a bite in the words but he only smiled and remained relaxed and gave a pause having been satisfied with the remark and giving Medusa the chance to explain her method of rule and the works of the new Amenti. He watched her with interest, hoping to have brought some light of entertainment to her expression.


Medusa i


5 Years
07-26-2013, 01:46 PM

Medusa was uncertain about how she wished to proceed. On one hand, she knew that as the Madame she needed to assert her authority. On the other, she personally didn?t care if that authority was respected by her own members. Medusa cared more for respect from other packs, for recognition that she was a ruler and that her forces were to be regarded with care and respect. Perhaps she would save the matter of asserting authority and dominance over members to Deteste, who seemed keen on that sort of thing. ?This is Deteste, defender of my honor,? she chuckled, shooting her fellow alpha a toothy smirk of sorts. He amused her, perhaps in a way that was dangerous considering the Master?s very possessive mate.
She was not keen to find herself amidst a pissing contest, although she did not seek to trample upon Deteste?s authority just yet. ?You would not be a servant, no, but neither will you find yourself high enough to disrespect my fellow leader,? she told him, the one serious demand she?d made in this entire ordeal. ?Amenti operates under very simple rules. Do what you wish, but realize that if you do not pull your weight that I have no reason to defend you from your enemies. Do not forsake our alliances. Currently, we are allies with Ludicael and Valhalla. Do not attack your own pack members, for obvious reasons,? she said.
?Otherwise, if you choose to join, you will be a Denizen at first. Feel free to challenge for any tier two or below rank,? she said, wondering if any of this would please this male.


08-01-2013, 04:47 PM

The sly smirk only grew wider as the other male bit his response back at him, oh this was just to fun. He couldn't stop himself from laughing as the other male wink at the she wolf, his ear folding back giving him that puppy look again. " Oh I am plenty experienced enough, but if the madame has others so be it. I will find others to satisfy my needs... willing or not." he laughed again and wiggled his eye brows. "No worth? I'd say more worth than your balls." he replied back his tone still light as ever, as if he was joking with the male before looking back at the she-wolf. "Forgive my tongue, it escapes me. My mother always said I had the most horrid humor." His tone friendly, but he already knew he had already done enough to prick the male's paw. He couldn't help inwardly laugh on how the male looked so proud at what was he thought was such a smart remark. " These terms sound fine to me, I will not mess with the alliances and being a saboteur I am skilled in poisons and traps. Any wolf you wish, will die slowly and guaranteed painfully and everyone will think it was just a unfortunate occurrence." he said matter of fact, though there was an underline hint that he could sway in alliance if he sought fit, but it was so slight, even the most cunning wolf would miss it.

P.S- When it all goes down... I'll be there waiting...
Love Zalin-