
Beauty Before Violence



Master Fighter (310)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

10 Years
Extra large

Double MasterValentines 2020Treat 2019Promptober 2019
10-29-2019, 06:42 PM
dark mists are cloaking what the eyes can see

Winter was brutal but it would not dissuade Éldi from his journey north. The volcanic explosion had forced many packs into close contact with each other in the west, a region becoming far too populated for his taste, and so he trekked north. The air was bitterly cold but the clouds had finally departed leaving a clear and beautiful night sky. Winterfell was somewhere here in the far north but he had no intention of dropping by for a visit, at least not til it was time to raid. He had yet to converse with Valkyrie on the subject but Éldi fully intended to be a part of the raid. He was eager to prove himself, eager for bloodshed and he didn't care to be told to sit out just so she could enjoy her manipulations. He'd not hide behind Winterfell while they fought like some cowardly old woman!

Éldi settled down by the edge of Kennocha lake when he caught a sight of vibrant green out of the corner of his eye. Glancing up he saw the northern lights dancing across the sky and felt himself soothed at the sight of them. They were gorgeous to behold, ethereal and mystical. Had he the mind of a holy man he might try to interpret them but for now he opted to take a deep breath, settle down for a bit and enjoy the view.



2 Years
11-03-2019, 09:16 AM (This post was last modified: 11-03-2019, 09:26 AM by Koloskivi.)
The few inches that covered the ground engulfed Koloskivi's feet, though it only reached his ankles, it was still enough to make his huff from exhaustion. The winds down at sea level compared to the winds he was experiencing now was like a graceful hand against his cheek. These, these winds were like thorns against his face. The smell of soot burned Koloskivi's nose. What an odd smell, he thought. Why would soot be up here? He didnt have time to gawk at the night sky now, no matter how beautiful it was to see the skies splattered with colours like a 5 year olds' canvas. Koloskivi shook himself off and began to follow the sent of soot, the only thing that he could think of that brought soot was the volcano. It's smoke had reached the mountains and choked the sky.
      He couldn't think about that now; didnt want to think of that now. The beast blinked and to much of his surprise, brown against white caught his attention. Nothing about this brown was tree like, most trees around here were masked in their own hibernation; hardly recognizable and invisible to the untrained eye. Nothing about this brown was elk like, though he wished it was. A thought clawed at his skull for a couple moments... there's nothing wrong with cannibalism.. Koloskivi shook his head to rid it of this thought, never again did he want to think of that. The beast plodded over to the creature, only looking into the lake to see once again his flawed reflection. For the first time today, he looked to the sky as he sat be the brown animal. Flashes of blue, greens, purples, even hints of yellow leaped a crossed the sky. "Its beautiful isnt it," he murdered. "Some say when the sky is painted, its the All Mother playing with the Koy Fish."

[OOC: im sorry, was this meant for somebody else?]



Master Fighter (310)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

10 Years
Extra large

Double MasterValentines 2020Treat 2019Promptober 2019
11-10-2019, 12:11 AM
ooc: You're fine! It's an AW so that means it's open to anyone.

dark mists are cloaking what the eyes can see

Twisting tendrils of color continued to swirl above him as Éldi let his thoughts drift. He took the lights as a good sign despite the disaster of the volcanic explosion. They would raid come spring, at least he hoped they would and that a worthwhile target would be selected. A flutter of snow fell from a darkened branch to the ground. Éldi glanced up to see Askr, his raven resting on the branches above, the birds dark eyes reflecting the lights like tiny seeing pools. He had no idea where Kaler was. The bobcat had likely gone off hunting and was taking his time getting back to the group.

His ears flicked back as they picked up the sound of pawsteps crunching through snow. At first he thought it was Kaler returning but when he turned his head to look it was an unfamiliar male. Éldi stood and turned to face the other before nodding, a small grin passing across his maw. "It is indeed." The other male mentioned the All Mother and he wondered if Frigga existed in this male's religion as well. Was he from another tribe? The mention of koy fish was not familiar to him. He wasn't quite sure what those were. "I haven't heard the story connecting the lights to the All Mother other than that it is the swishing of her tail and that of her maidens as she dances through the sky. Would you tell me about these koy fish?"



2 Years
11-11-2019, 10:17 PM (This post was last modified: 11-11-2019, 10:47 PM by Koloskivi.)
He lifted his gaze higher; to the feathered companion to this wolf. Though he didn't fancy birds, this bird seemed almost docile. Friendly even; Koloskivi didn't want a companion. He didnt need one. Consumed by his pride, the beast would think he could make it out in this world on his own. But with each passing day; his mind grew more confused and more terrified. With each passing step his skull began to flake and his skin melted away; exposing him to what he really was. Th distant rumble of the volcano tore him back to reality. Koloskivi could feel the noise within his rib cage, rattling him to his core. The beast turned to the wolf beside him, looking at him with gleaming eyes.
      The All mother would be both overjoyed and disappointed; for they both had learned that not everyone knew whom she was. But through Koloskivi, her name would drip from another's tongue like sweet honey. "There are many different names for The All Mother; many different stories. Some might know her as the Mother of Lupis and others might know her as Mother Moon and so on. But many from where i am from know her as The All mother. She is like the doe to all deer; the queen to all bees; the water to all oceans," he chuckled slightly. "Hence the name. She is the one whom created the first wolf to ever kiss their paws on these land. The All Mother is mother to all whom seek her grace." Koloskivi thought to himself for a moment. The beast probably should have known that they didnt know what Koy Fish were; there aren't exactly any fish out here other than trout,salmon and occasionally bass. "Koy fish are the gems of water. Beautiful fish that bear the shades of painted skies," he glanced up at the sky once more. "Their tails gleaming against light and dark blues as their bodies glide effortlessly."



Master Fighter (310)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

10 Years
Extra large

Double MasterValentines 2020Treat 2019Promptober 2019
11-23-2019, 08:47 PM (This post was last modified: 11-23-2019, 08:50 PM by Éldi.)
dark mists are cloaking what the eyes can see

Éldi watched the northern lights for a few moments more before turning back to the stranger. He listened with partial interest and some curiosity. It would seem the All mother that Éldi knew and the All mother that this man spoke of were not quite the same. Shame. For a moment he wondered if this man might be from his own homeland but the answer confirmed he was of some other origin.

Koy fish seemed a curious thing to him and speaking of them made him hungry. "They sound lovely." And delicious. It was a shame the kennocha lake was no good for hunting or he'd offer to invite the stranger on a little hunting trip. "What brings you to this new land? Are you on some mission?" Éldi settled down on his haunches and pulled a folded deer hide closer to himself before bending his head to unwrap it. He'd been working on a few rabbit pelts for the next blót. He may as well get some work done while he talked. "I hope you don't mind. I have a few rabbit pelts I should probably finish. Unfortunately, this area isn't very good for hunting." He'd hoped to gather a few more rabbits and some dinner before he started his scrapping. Unfolding one of the hides he started working his tongue across it to scrape off the remaining flesh.