
when can i see you again




Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
11-15-2019, 07:10 PM
The thought of being able to settle down with a woman like Iolaire encouraged many emotions to fill Deathbelle’s breast. Holding onto the little silver and coal she wolf as the world passed them by, but also to have her beside her as she led the Empire to further greatness. Her heart ached at the thought, because she was again forced into the realization that she was pining after a relationship that could never be.

Iolaire’s sweet voice was a comfort but Deathbelle still felt the weight of the words. She both wanted and didn’t the opportunity to call Iolaire hers. Sirius would never forgive her if she asked for the dainty woman to join her, not that she would even if given the chance. Belle grit her teeth and aimed to further bury her features into Io’s chest. ”It is lovely to think about.” She whispered into her fur. Deathbelle had been here too many times before. All she was allowed was a moment, a glimpse, a futile hope, of what might have been. What could have been, had she been any other wolf.

Her royal blood, the drive to further herself and her kin to greatness, were both a blessing and a curse. The Empress provided a home, structure, protection, for all who she called her blood. She lived for her people, she learned the hard way that she should not take the option to please herself. She’d taken Archon as her husband for herself, not for the Empire, and he was stolen from her grasp. Still, she was a selfish being at heart and couldn’t help herself when she said:

”Would you believe me, in this moment, if I told you I loved you?” She wasn’t sure if she believed herself, but the way Iolaire made her feel.. She wanted to indulge as long as she could and no other word described the whirling swirling emotions inside of her and the hulking regret she had at being unable to promise Io forever.

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
11-15-2019, 07:39 PM
The thought of living out her days with Deathbelle was a sweet one, but Iolaire was a realist. Most likely she would end her days old and alone. Allowing another to get so close wasn't something that she anticipated or expected. It was surprising that she was enjoying herself so much with the Empress. It had started out as wanting to help the woman and had blossmed into something more. If she gave into her girlish fantasies, the pair would be together and that would be that. The world wasn't a fantasy, however.

Deathbelle's voice sounded, pulling Iolaire from her reverie. At first she wasn't sure if she had heard her properly. The small woman simply stared for a second. Love, was it? Repositioning, Iolaire pulled Belle close, pressing their foreheads together. Partially out of affection and partially because she didn't want her partner to see the emotion on her face. Her voice was soft, breathy. "You haven't lied to me yet. I wouldn't expect you to now." It was a lovely sentiment. Iolaire didn't doubt that it was true. She hoped that it wasn't, but she didn't doubt it.

Pulling back, green and gold eyes searched lavender pools. There was pure, unadultered honesty there. No filter. No mask. "No matter what happens, promise that we'll always be friends at least. Always be there for one another when we need. That will be good enough for me." Perhaps a relationship of faith would be better than a relationship of love and devotion.

Iolaire couldn't make herself say it back. She just couldn't. If anyone threatened Deathbelle harm, she would come unglued and find a way to kill them. She would defend the woman to her last breath, just as she would her brother. But she couldn't make herself say the words. She just couldn't. Love hurt too much. It always ended poorly. For both of them, it seemed. She couldn't say it to the woman, but she could show her. Iolaire offered a gentle kiss, the most gentle between them so far. And into that kiss, she poured the emotion that she refused to name.
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
11-15-2019, 08:07 PM
Deathbelle brought it upon herself, she shouldn’t have allowed Iolaire so close in the beginning. She was weak, and Iolaire was so gentle. She’d been exactly what she needed in the moment. The pair were so far doing well with their promise. Belle should have figured involving herself in Seer’s sister would end exactly the way it had with him. Their love was real, Deathbelle could feel it clearly and pure, but it was not meant to be. Their friendship would last, but their hearts could never be joined.

”I promise, Io.” She whispered with misty eyes as both women realized their fantasy would never play out. They could have each other for a time, but destiny or fate had much different plans for them. Deathbelle was used to this hurt, and she couldn’t bring herself to blame her paramour. She wouldn’t attempt the words again, and Io didn’t repeat them either. Deathbelle couldn’t blame her, knowing they were forbidden to play out a fantasy she couldn’t begrudge her protecting herself as much as possible.

As much as the words hung unsaid above them the emotion and realness of what they felt was obvious in the way Iolaire put her lips to Deathbelle’s. The Empress closed her lilac gaze blissfully, only a single tear escaping her. She returned the gentle care put into the intimate motion, her heart beating fast once again. She’d fallen fast and hard, and again Deathbelle felt returned to square one. She always wanted what she could not have.

Deathbelle aimed to shift herself so she might hold Io more tightly to her while she could. If she soaked in as much of the woman as she could now would it hurt so bad when she couldn’t? ”If only, if only the woodpecker sighs,” she found herself singing, soft and sadly. A habit she hadn’t practiced much in a long time. ”the bark on the tree was as soft as the sky. As the wolf wait below, hungry and lonely. She cries to the moon, if only, if only.” She aimed to offer Io another soft kiss, her regret and passion obvious with every motion.

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
11-16-2019, 02:10 AM
The surprise evening had turned from joyous to melancholy. Deathbelle promised that they would always be friends. Always be there for one another. It was enough for Iolaire, but would it be enough for her lover? It didn't seem so. Sadness took hold of Belle and Iolaire found herself holding the woman tightly. This wasn't supposed to happen. She was supposed to be helping her, not harming her.

And then Belle began to sing.

Ears shot forward, catching each note. She poured such sadness into the song that a soft whine crept up from Io's throat. Her own eyes began getting wet. This wasn't good. Iolaire did not cry. It was against everything that she was. Everything that she had become. Blinking back the tears, she moved in again, wrapping her neck around Belle's once the song had ended. "Your voice is beautiful. Just like you. Thank you for sharing it with me." She nibbled the area beneath one ear gently. What on earth was this woman doing to her? Before she knew it, she was speaking again. "I could easily say that I love you as well." Dammit.

Sudden heat filled Iolaire's face. What in the hell had she done? She wasn't making this any better for either of them. Already she was hurting Deathbelle, she could tell. So why had she said it? Because it was true, of course. The woman deserved honesty. Maybe it was because she was so very, very tired, but Iolaire felt as though she was an open book; her heart laid bare for Belle to see. Eyes still a bit misty, she pulled back to search the other woman's face. A soft laugh pulled from her, the corner of those eyes crinkling slightly. "We're hopeless, aren't we?" It was more a statement than a question. They were indeed hopeless. No one could convince her otherwise.

Iolaire moved to wrap her small form as closely with Deathbelle's as she could manage. She got comfortable and hoped that her counterpart would as well. She hoped that they would spend the night together. If not in love, then in sleep. "Come. Sleep with me. Perhaps things won't feel as bleak in the morning." Leaning forward, she flicked her tongue between Belle's lovely lavender eyes playfully, trying to change the mood.
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
11-16-2019, 04:33 PM
The reaction to her song wasn’t one the Empress had expected. Io whined quietly, and as Deathbelle opened her lavender gaze she say the mist within Io’s green gold eyes. She shifted quickly though and Belle melted into her embrace as she offered up sweet admirations, Deathbelle felt her cheeks flush again. She couldn’t help the way Iolaire made her lips pull back into a smile. ”...I love you as well.” Belle whined softly in return, knowing the words were not easy. ”Io,” The Empress breathed her name. Knowing the words were going to hurt in the future Deathbelle couldn’t help but bask in them now. Her heart seemed whole for a single moment, but knowing this could never last, clipped its wings again.

Iolaire pulled back so their eyes could meet again. Deathbelle saw nothing but love and adoration in her sweet features. She still managed to laugh though, and despite herself Deathbelle smiled softly back. ”Utterly hopeless.” She agreed, her heart beating fast as it wrenched in her chest. The moments were bittersweet, but knowing they were finite made Belle appreciate them so much more.

The dark woman was against her again, as close as they could be. She settled comfortably and Deathbelle mirrored her. The pile of furs, the dying fire, and Iolaire’s sweet scent guaranteed her own comfort. She sighed into Io’s embrace, she didn't have to think about tomorrow because tonight was the only thing that mattered. ”Perhaps.” She closed her eyes blissfully as Io kissed her forehead. Another sigh left her as she tried to forget their conversation and focus on the woman in her arms.

”Nothing matters but right now.” Belle whispered quietly as she nuzzled into Io’s soft neck. She could feel her heart beating like a caged bird within her chest. She shifted slightly, running her nose through Io’s fur before finding her lips and offer her own passionate kiss. She didn’t want to see the end of their electrifying relationship, but she would never take for granted a single moment allowed with her lover. ”I want nothing more than to have you asleep in my arms.” She whispered after shifting her lips to Iolaire’s dark ear. She held the woman close and prayed that the morning wouldn’t come and their time together would last the ages.

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
11-16-2019, 04:59 PM
Hopeless indeed. Both knew that it would never work out, and yet they both yearned for it anyway. Iolaire only hoped that Deathbelle would be able to cope as well as she could. Io knew that she would be fine. Heartache was in her cards, after all. She was a seasoned pro. Belle knew her share of it, but she didn't seem to be able to cope as well. Hopefully their continued close friendship would be enough to keep the woman afloat.

Belle expressed her wants for the night and Io grinned. "As you wish." Physically and emotionally exhausted, the small woman was pretty sure that she'd be able to sleep, at least for a little bit. She curled her body against the larger wolf, depositing nuzzles and caresses as she did so. No matter what tomorrow brought, Io would always be there for Belle if she needed her.

The nibbles and nuzzles to her own body were lulling the small woman into a state of utter contentment. Two-toned eyes drifted close more often than not. Blinks were getting longer and longer. Eventually, Io rested her cheek against Belle's chest, the beating of the woman's heart, her lullaby.

-Time skip to morning-

As usual, Iolaire only slept for a short while. Gently, she extracted herself from Belle's embrace, careful not to wake the sleeping woman. Day had yet to show its face and the land was still dark. Quietly, she placed another piece of wood on the coals which ate it up hungrily. Belle would stay warm until she woke. It would be better if she left now, before an awkward goodbye. There wasn't a need for a goodbye anyway. They were going to remain friends, right? They would see one another often. Still... Iolaire nosed into her pack and pulled out a purple desert flower. She placed it beside Deathbelle. Giving the woman one last, lingering look. Iolaire left the cavern and disappeared into the night.

Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.