
well that's mildly disturbing

just me



Advanced Fighter (70)

Beginner Healer (0)

3 Years
Dire wolf
11-16-2019, 09:22 PM
When she had snuck out of pack lands, Torrent certainly hadn't planned on witnessing a fucking volcano erupting.

She hadn't been able to sleep, a problem that had plagued her for most of her young life, so she'd gone wandering. Being tired of being in pack lands, she'd quietly left the lands without telling anyone. Not that the lands adjacent to the range she'd grown up in were all that different from the land itself, except that there were more trees. She'd managed to make her way to the base of the volcano when an uneasy feeling stopped her, raising her hackles and fluffing her tail. Something was wrong...

And then it had happened.

The ground had lurched beneath her paws, sending her tumbling with a scream to the ground that suddenly seemed to be several feet below her. Everything was lit with a strange red glow, and as she scrabbled to grip the earth her horrified gaze was drawn upwards to the mountain towering above her.



8 Years

Treat 2019
11-16-2019, 10:13 PM (This post was last modified: 11-16-2019, 10:42 PM by Enrico.)
Enrico had been on patrol with Asriel when he had spotted one of the pack's young wolves leaving pack lands. It wasn't necessarily unknown, nor was it usually a big deal for them to do so... during the day. In the middle of the night, it wasn't so easily dismissed as their parents' problem.

So with a disgruntled sigh he'd left off his patrol and, with the cat by his side, followed her trail away from the pack. He had nearly caught up with her when the air seemed to still, some danger tingling at his senses. He could hear Asriel snarl quietly beside him, and even the girl in front of them seemed to sense something, for she bristled.

And then the world went insane.

The land dropped from beneath his paws, only to rush up once again and slam into him. "The volcano!" he heard Asriel snarl, and he jerked his head up to see the mountain blowing its top. Molten fire was rolling down the mountainside towards the Legion pup.

It would have been easy enough to simply leave the pup there and run, and some deep visceral part of Enrico truly wanted to. But coldhearted as he'd been in his life, the very idea of leaving a child to fend for themselves against a fucking volcano didn't sit right with him.

Breathing curses beneath his breath he leaped forward to grasp the girl's scruff in his jaws and drag her backward. Already she was larger than him, but surprise gave him the edge in this case and he was able to throw her behind him away from the danger. "Run!" he snarled, turning to do the same.

Only to find his way blocked by the oozing river of lava had completely cut him off from his escape route. Across the molten stone his closest friend, the snow leopard, stared with horror as he was forced to skid to a halt. "Enrico!" Asriel hissed, eyes darting about for an escape.

Enrico, too, was looking - but the magma had surrounded him, had cut him off not only from his friend but from any hope of escape. The Legion pup was staring at him with blank, frightened eyes, crouched just beyond the frantic leopard. Enrico swallowed hard, then accepted it. "Get her to safety, Asriel," he said quietly. "I will catch up with you when I can. Stay with her. Take care of her." He met the leopard's eyes firmly, willing him just once to be obedient instead of the independent cat that he was.



Advanced Fighter (70)

Beginner Healer (0)

3 Years
Dire wolf
11-16-2019, 10:41 PM
Torrent had been almost as shocked by the sudden feel of jaws clasped around her scruff as she'd been by the volcano, and she found herself flung backwards as though she were a much younger pup. She landed and rolled, and found herself barely missing a glowing, fiery river flowing towards her. Torrent yelped and threw herself back from the heat, passing a big white feline as he slid to a stop by the river. She crouched behind the feline, staring blankly at the river. She couldn't help the fact that every limb seemed to be trembling. The wolf who had thrown her was speaking to the feline, but she wasn't registering what they were saying, until suddenly the cat was in her face. "Run," he urged her, dragging at her scruff, tugging her away from the river that was inevitably moving towards them.

She found her paws moving, carrying her away from the river and the wolf who stood there, watching them calmly as they raced away. The feline that half-dragged her resolutely kept his gaze forward. The trees finally swallowed the sight of the river of fire and the wolf there, but they couldn't hide the sullen red glow or the heaving earth that chased them back towards Legion's borders.