



8 Years
12-10-2019, 06:22 PM

Since coming back to the southern regions of Boreas the phantom hadn't done much exploration. The journey took a lot out of him and there was little desire to venture away from the confines of Ashen. But, Hannibal was not one to dwell in one place for long. Pale paw pads carried his athletic yet slim form through the familiar forest. The same forest where his time in Boreas had began. Memories of Erovrare, Tyranis, Nephthys, and Mordecai filled his mind. Feelings of sorrow and mourning filled him as he maneuvered through the region. No longer were there scents of his loved ones and pack mates. Prey, travelers, and wild scents replaced such. It painted him to think back to those times and what had happened since. Hannibal always imagined that was his low point in life. Yet, things just seemed to get worse.

Steps stopped as the ghoul reached what was once his den. It bordered the river separating the shrine and the forest. T'was an old fox hole held together by the long roots of a massive tree. Pale eyes consumed the sight and visions of his young family residing within came back. Hannibal's eyes seemed to sting slightly as the thoughts of Mordecai and Nephthys. Where could they be? He hoped with all his might that Mordi was alive and well. - With a light shake of his head the male took a seat at the shore of the river. He was about four tail lengths away from the water and his eyes were trained forward. Unmoving the beast sat in complete silence.


This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



2 Years
12-11-2019, 10:08 PM (This post was last modified: 12-11-2019, 10:15 PM by Koloskivi.)
The crunch crunch crunching of dead foliage under his feet made his eye twitch, not because it annoyed it but because it was so loud to the point where he couldn't hear himself think. Koloskivi gritted his teeth and stomped on the leaves as he walked; they crunched louder. Swaying trees gave off an eerie impression of false confidence. The beast had entered the forest thinking nothing of it, but now the void had been filled with polished doubt. But he wouldn't surrender himself to the towering trees, wouldn't fall to the empty threats the spat and spoke at him. He gathered himself and padded on, letting the courage that once blanketed his soul slip from his grasp. Koloskivi heard the crunching of a separate pair of paws under dead leaves but he dismissed it; didn't acknowledge the fact the someone was there. Forby, the sooner he was out of this place the sooner he could wrap himself in the comforting idea that he didn't have a heart attack in there. The beast gave a small glimpse upward towards the fastigiate branches that pierced the sky like a wooden spear. Koloskivi shook himself off, dust from the sullen trees that had dropped from their wooden homes before now flew from the beast's fur, recklessly flying in all directions like a dust bomb. A sneeze pulled at his lips and nosed but he desperately tried to swallow the feeling; tried to swallow the noise that would reveal him to anyone and everyone.

Slowing his pace to a trudge, the beast drew in a heavy breath. His eyes digested the sight of ghostly being. Koloskivi's breath hot against the oddly cold air. The beast's amber eyes grew wide as he walked closer to the being; revealing to him that it had a wolf like structure but something about it seemed quite off. His mouth grew dry as he contemplated the words that would soon spill from his black lips. Koloskivi's paws carried him effortlessly towards the creature until he sat beside it. Glancing at it, then at the ground below he said with his accent in full effect. "Privet neznakomets," he smiled slightly. "Vat are you lookingk at?"

OOC: Translation- "Hello there stranger".