
where the red fern grows


08-06-2013, 06:46 PM

Decisions had been made, questions had been asked, and all arrows pointed to one individual: Pontifex. Inclining his head, the King let out a deafening howl for the man, intent upon summoning he and he alone. Pontifex had joined Seracia rather recently, only a few seasons ago. His arrival came just after his brother's death, and he had nobly asked for his brother's rank of Esquire in efforts to prove himself to the Kingdom. Gerhardt had obliged him the request, and Pontifex had gone above and beyond to prove himself. All of this had been told to him by his father, as had information on other members of the Kingdom. It was this information and careful study that led him to the decision he was about to inform the Esquire of.

As his howl tapered off, he let his head fall back to its natural level - slightly above where others carried their heads because he was indeed the King of these parts. Perhaps there was a bit of pride in his step, or the way he carried himself before settling, but the new monarch hardly cared about being prideful - he had a right to be, did he not? A smile crossed the russet man's features as he settled to his haunches, his back to the southern forest, tail curling around his hips. He had every intention of waiting here until Pontifex came, but a plant caught his eye and sent him traveling a few yards into the treeline. There, rising a foot and a half above the ground, was a fern that was of the same hue as his own coat. He'd never seen a red fern before, and it intrigued him greatly. Was this an omen? No, the King hardly believed in such things. He settled to the right of the fern, waiting for Pontifex to come.


Pontifex I


08-06-2013, 07:07 PM

Change was heavy in the air within Seracia. So many things had been going on within the man's home in such a short period of time. A few members had taken their leave, some met an untimely death, like the King Gerhardt's ex-wife Adette. He had been aware of the challenge to the amethyst eyed man's freedom and had hoped vehemently that the man who had granted him a place in his pack would come out victorious. And he had. It was unfortunate but the esquire had fallen sick for nearly a week and had been unable to attend to adette's burial as well as the pack meeting, though his sister had been kind enough to inform him of all the going ons. Gerhardt had passed down the crown to his russet prince Maverick, who had been wed to the Valhallan princess Epiphron, who was now ruling beside him as queen, expecting the first royal liter. Several members had been promoted, his sister among them and the man couldn't be any more proud. His pack was flourishing.

It was a day unlike any other, the esquire out and about across Seracia, patrolling the borders when a summoning call meant only for him erupted into the atmosphere; Maverick. His new king. Without a moment's hesitation the grey and black man was jogging in the direction of the call, golden gaze coming across the russet king's figure as he sat to the side of a tall russet plant. Pontifex dipped his head, ears tilting back against his skull, plume curled respectively between his hocks. Your majesty.. A bow was presented to his king, wondering what exactly his alpha was calling him to do this day.

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08-06-2013, 07:25 PM

He shifted, trying to decide how best to present the promotion to the Esquire. He knew Pontifex would likely be very excited about the change, so there wasn't much chance of upsetting him - but he still wanted to phrase it in the best way possible. His father had always been so eloquent. It was one thing that Maverick hoped he could carry on in his reign over the Kingdom. True, changes would be made, but it was essential that some things remained the same.

Pontifex arrived swiftly, probably having been patrolling or hunting. The King gave a final glance to the kindred fern before shifting his lime gaze upon the esquire, a smile upon his face. As Pontifex greeted him kindly, the King chided a loyal note. Ser, came the lyrics. I apologize if I interrupted anything of importance, but I have news I wish to give you. Seriousness overcame his face, though there was still a note of happiness in his lime eyes. I understand you were unable to attend the coronation meeting, and therefore will probably not be aware that we are now without a beta of any sort. After much discussion between the Queen and I, it occurs to us that no one is more capable than you. We would like to promote you to the title of Grand Duke, with responsibilities including patrolling, accepting new members, and also traveling to the battlefield from time to time in order to recruit new wolves to the Kingdom. Will you accept this title? It seemed that was as eloquent as he could put it, and so he fell silent to allow Pontifex to process what he'd just said. For now he would be Seracia's only beta, until such a time as when one of his children was chosen as heir and Kamala was returned to her former title as Grand Duchess. Maverick felt confident he could pull off the job with ease, and so he was not worried in the slightest.


Pontifex I


08-06-2013, 07:53 PM

The esquire had aided the once king Gerhardt on several occasions, the search party for the missing woman and the bull hunt being two of the most prevalent instances. Gerhardt had gone completely on faith when he'd awarded Pontifex with his deceased brother's title within the pack. The man had known it was a lot to ask of being a stranger, but Ger had put his trust in him and the man had tried his hardest to now let his superior down. He'd helped the once king out as much as he could, with whatever he could, his way of proving his loyalties to his new pack. Regular border patrols had become part of the man's routine and so far he had not failed in his self-appointed job. He was rather sad that Gerhardt would no longer hold the crown, but if Maverick was anything like his father, he would be an excellent King.

The russet king held a smile across his dark lips, lime gaze even with his gold one. Sir, I apologize if I interrupted anything of importance, but I have news I wish to give you. The same warm smile curled the black and grey man's lips as he nodded, dismissing the King's worry. No sir, I was simply patrolling the borders as always. The esquire fell quiet as the King continued to speak, taking Pontifex completely by surprise. The King and Queen wanted to promote him to Grand Duke. The man was floored. Grand Duke. That was one of the highest positions in the pack, next to the king and queen. Maverick and his wife thought him more than capable to handle the new position. And who was he to argue with his superiors? Thank you my lord, I humbly accept my new position with the promise of never failing you and upholding our home's reputation. I am beyond honored. Thank you again my king. A deep bow was presented to the russet King, unable to believe that he was being given such a important position.

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08-08-2013, 02:00 PM

The Esquire, now Grand Duke should he accept the position, explained that he had only been patrolling and that there had been no interruption. Good. The King allowed things to process, interested in Pontifex's reaction to the decision that had been made. Of course he expected there to be shock, as Pontifex really was several ranks below Grand Duke, but he also expected gratitude - of which Pontifex had always demonstrated. Both of these came as the Grand Duke thanked the King for his new position and bowed to him. Maverick dipped his head in unison with Pontifex's bow. You earned it, Pontifex. I couldn't imagine anyone better for the job. Every word was true. There were few that Seracia held in higher esteem than Pontifex, very few. He had labored long and hard, and had earned the title that was now being bestowed upon him. Lime eyes shifted over the darkened frame of the man. My father will be proud to hear of your promotion, it was a rather idle statement to make, one that had been rolling around in his head. But he felt it was justified to mention it, and so he had. Truthfully, he knew not when his father would hear of the change. He didn't know how long Gerhardt might tarry outside of the Kingdom, or if he'd ever return at all. The once-King had left in a sorrowed state, and even his son couldn't venture a guess as to whether or not he'd ever be the same again.


Pontifex I


08-13-2013, 11:32 AM

He had never expected to be handed such an important title; ever. Even after Gerhardt had presented him with Octavian's title of Esquire, the black and grey man had figured he would spend the rest of his days here in Seracia proving to the amethyst eyed king that he was not someone who took such things for granted. And he had been completely fine with that. He was just happy that the once king had allowed him to become part of the pack. But it seemed Gerhardt had spoken much with his son before handing him the crown, and Pontifex had most likely been one of those subjects to be discussed. He was beyond honored that the recently appointed russet King had made such a big decision to promote him. Pontifex would take his new title with gratitude and once again push himself to demonstrate his gratitude through whatever help he could become to the kingdom. He would not let Maverick down, just as he had not let his father before him down.

You earned it, Pontifex. I couldn't imagine anyone better for the job. The now Grand Duke stood a little bit taller, his tail wagging at half mast proudly behind him, his head just a tad bit higher than how he usually carried it, though not enough to surpass his King's. I don't know how I will ever repay you sire for having such trust in me, but I will work everyday until the end of my days to serve you and this pack to the best of my abilities. I swear it. Nothing but honest truth rang in his words as he let them fall free from his inky lips, golden gaze riveted to the King's, ears flicking forward with attention at the next words. My father will be proud to hear of your promotion. The ex-King. It had been quite some time since he had seen his once King and the man was beginning to worry some about Gerhardt. I will forever be in his gratitude, as well as yours sir. But if I may ask and not overstep any boundaries, how is sir Gerhardt? I haven't seen much of him around and I can admit I begin to worry some about him. He didn't know the ex-King personally, but that didn't mean that he couldn't care about him. He was still his pack mate, an extension of his family.

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08-21-2013, 08:01 AM

like no king was before

The new King found that he rather enjoyed this part of his job. It was wondrous to see the light in Pontifex's eyes, to see how he seemed so overjoyed with the prospect of being named Grand Duke of Seracia. It was a great honor, as Seracia had any number of decent wolves who could have been groomed for the job - but there was none more prepared than Pontifex. The smile remained on his russet-tinged lips as the man thanked him and swore his fealty to the Kingdom. Such was why he had been chosen, for his loyalty and willingness to work hard for the title he had earned. A title wasn't about achievement, it was about commitment. Pontifex understood this. "There is not a thing you could ask me that would overstep your bounds, ser. My father is doing alright - or so I've been told. Regrettably I haven't seen hide or hair of him since his return, but I can say that he has come back to the Kingdom. I hope to reunite with him soon and check on him personally." He hoped he would see his father before the children came, but it was unlikely with the way things were going. Every spare second was spent with Epiphron, as was necessary during her pregnancy, and any other time was spent patrolling and doing other duties required of a King. His father would understand how busy he was, but at some point the sire and son really ought to get together and talk. The King sighed, dipping his head slightly. It was time he got on with his business. "As much as I hate to leave a good conversation, it's high time I get a few things done and check on my wife. Good day to you, Pontifex." With a last fleeting smile and a blur of russet, the King headed off into the distance.

Exit Maverick unless stopped.

{Table coded by Lu}

Pontifex I


08-21-2013, 02:13 PM

There is not a thing you could ask me that would overstep your bounds, ser. My father is doing alright - or so I've been told. Regrettably I haven't seen hide or hair of him since his return, but I can say that he has come back to the Kingdom. I hope to reunite with him soon and check on him personally. He was glad to hear that Gerhardt was doing alright, and even more so now that he had returned to the kingdom. Perhaps someday soon he would run into the ex-king again and they could have a talk, just two men and not an ex-king and newly appointed grand duke. I am very glad to hear that Gerhardt is doing well. Please send him a greeting from my part when you see him sir. He could sense that the conversation was beginning to draw to a close, a sigh and dip of the head indicating to the Grand Duke as much. As much as I hate to leave a good conversation, it's high time I get a few things done and check on my wife. Oh his wife! He had completely forgotten that the royal family was expecting their first litter. The Grand Duke would be sure to visit the little tykes once they were born and congratulate the new parents. Yes of course sir. Good day to you too. A small dip of the head was given to the king, taking his own leave in the opposite direction, a new bounce to his step. Grand Duke. Who would've thought.

End Thread

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