
bad to you


12-26-2019, 04:41 PM

words  "Speech"

It seemed like it had been ages that she had been on her own. Ordinarily this might bother any other wolf but Lotus wasn't like "any other wolf." She had grown up during tough times, she had learned how to survive on her own and sometimes that meant being willing to do anything and to take from anyone. She had a smart head on her shoulders and she knew how to go undetected despite the blinding paleness of her pelt and the pink pigmentation of her skin. Being an albino sure did make you stand out, or so she had been told when growing up. But Lotus didn't want to stand out, she would rather just blend in with everything around her. Being invisible was something she preferred and she did her best to keep things low key. The sky was a dark canvas above, her favorite time of day. Night time was when she truly felt at ease. It seemed others were more afraid of the dark, traffic was less busy she had noticed. It was easier for her to avoid contact with other individuals and Lotus liked that. But she knew in the back of her mind that a pack would suit her better than the life of a loner. Pack life provided stability and she was a good asset to any pack, she just needed to be convinced that pack life was worth her while. If it benefited her she would consider it, but if it was a nuisance she would turn her back immediately at any offers. This specific area she happened upon was probably one of the more interesting ones. The lake was covered in little shining fireflies, as if stars were dancing upon the water. She felt herself drawn to it despite not being into the more "romantic" things in life. Her paws led her to the edge of the lake, muzzle lowering for a quick drink before she raised it once more. Mismatched eyes watched as the bugs danced and the fur along her spine prickled out of instinct. It seemed any time she stopped, even for a moment, it was as if someone was watching her. Maybe it was slight paranoia rolling over from her childhood but either way she didn't like it. Her ears flattened against her head and she glanced over her shoulder, someone was out there - she could sense them.



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
12-26-2019, 05:06 PM

Hunting this close to the volcano was rare, so the scent of the caribou caught his attention. He had tracked it from the Tall Grass Plains, and followed it further East as it made its way around the lighter zones of the volcano’s radios. Was this a sign that the herds were returning to these abused lands? He felt as through the ash fell more seldomly, and his hopes of reclaiming his lands grew a little brighter.

With the Snow Leopard stalking to the side, and Marshal offering an aerial view from above, the Warlord was able to track his prey all the way to Firefly lake. He skirted around the abandoned territory of Abaven. He knew some of those pack wolves kept an eye upon it, even now. He didn’t fear the peace-loving weaklings, he simply didn’t want the distraction of running into them. After all, it hadn’t been that long ago that he had kidnapped two of their children.

The hunt after corning his prey, was quick, almost anti-climatic after the long walk. Bast offered the distraction, and he took it from the side. His unnatural, feline like claws offered him the advantage of grip as he leaped for its side and wrestled it to the ground. It might have been in a higher weight class then the Titan, but only just, and he had the advantage of gravity as he crashed it to its knees. His elongated saber-fangs found its throat, and tore without hesitation, and the creature bleed out the last of its life in silence, there, on its knees, in the dirt.

As he waited for its warm blood to run dry, Marshal let out a soft warning cry, informing the Warlord that they were no longer alone. Sirius got to his feet, standing protectively, possessively, over his prey as his eyes scanned the horizon to find what Marshal had seen.



12-26-2019, 07:26 PM

words  "Speech"

She had an uncanny ability to sense when another was near. Perhaps it was because she had gone so long on her own, she was just in tune with her surroundings enough to know when someone was lurking. She turned away from the water, even though it had been nice to finally have a quick drink, and allowed her paws to lead her towards the sound. Abruptly the smell of fresh blood hit her nose and instead of pausing Lotus continued towards the scent. She hadn't expected to run into anyone and oddly enough she hadn't noticed any prey within the area. Had she really been that out of it that she hadn't been paying attention? She was immediately angry with herself, normally she wasn't this foolish. But curiosity had always been an inner demon of hers and she couldn't resist. Paws crunched delicately against the ash covered ground and mismatched gems scanned her surroundings, she paused. Lotus had almost missed him and perhaps she would have if the moonlight didn't hit the blue marking on his face perfectly, as well as hitting those super elongated fangs of his. He stood protectively over his fresh kill and Lotus froze, refusing to get any closer to him. She knew better than to walk up on anyone, especially a stranger. For a minute there was a mexican standoff as the two stood staring at each other. She swore she could hear her heart beating furiously, the pounding rhythm like thunder in her ears. Part of her figured that she could out run him but then again she didn't want to turn her back on him. Especially considering he didn't seem to be alone. She decided perhaps her words would get her out of this odd situation she found herself in. "My apologies, I figured I was alone out here." She offered to him nonchalantly, an ear flicking atop her petite skull as she inhaled the blood infused air. She watched him almost curiously but otherwise offered him no other words, perhaps he would let her walk away unscathed and she could allow him to enjoy his meal. Then again, the food looked and smelled lovely and Lotus was reminded of just how alone she truly was. When had she had a fresh meal again? A week? Her stomach growled angrily as if to remind her and she swallowed the lump in her throat, she would need to find food after this. Pronto. 



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
12-26-2019, 07:42 PM (This post was last modified: 12-26-2019, 07:42 PM by Sirius.)

The white-toned stranger surprised him, with the delicate hues of snow that wrapped across her body, she could almost be mistaken for the ruling family of the Empire. Even the mismatched eyes seemed like something that would come from the bloodline of the Klein. They were a raunchy lot, and it wouldn’t surprise him to learn she was a distant relative of the family he had served.

She looked weary, but her voice was even and unafraid, when her gentle tones came forth. Sirius relaxed his stance, if just a little, surveying this smaller creature with curiosity. Marshal glided in the air above them, keeping watch, but not intruding. Bast had slunk into the shadows, always his secret weapon, and a last resort, if he should need this deadly advantage.

He could hear the sound of her stomach, as it rumbled, and he wondered how long she had been out here alone. He let the silence stretch out a little longer, thoughtful, curious, as he wondered if he could gain something from this meeting. “Not many venture this close to the Volcano. What brings you to Firefly lake?” he wondered, taking a seat before his kill, keeping himself between it, and the unkown.



12-27-2019, 08:22 AM

words  "Speech"

Lotus was never really one to be self conscious but with the way her stomach was grumbling she was aware that he might just hear it and the last thing she wanted was for this stranger to pity her. It was natural to go a few days without food, especially as a loner, and this wasn't something that Lotus was unfamiliar too. Eventually the feeling of hunger would taper off and she would be able to ignore the pangs that rang through her body; at least until she could locate an adequate source of food. For the most part she was a scavenger but if she could hunt something fresh for herself she would. 'Not many venture this close to the Volcano. What brings you to Firefly lake?' He questioned whilst still guarding his catch. She eyed him curiously for a moment longer before she responded, "Water. That and I figured not many others would come here given the 'big scary volcano'." She mused as she glanced over her shoulder for a brief second. Sure the idea of a Volcano could be daunting but Lotus wasn't very worried, plus her legs hadn't failed her yet. She had been able to outrun plenty of her problems in the past and this was no different. "And you?" What had he come here for? Surely it wasn't just for the kill, or maybe it was? He also seemed like he was quite a bit more familiar with this area then what she was. Part of her wanted to poke at him just a little bit more, to see if she could gain even the slightest bit of intel, but the loner in her knew the longer she stayed the more risky it would become. 



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
12-27-2019, 11:39 AM (This post was last modified: 12-27-2019, 01:58 PM by Sirius.)
Her nonchalant attitude of the volcano surprised him. So many had lost lives and land when it had erupted, and its continued spray of smoke and ash had kept most wolves far from its reach. Did she truly feel so unaffected by its wrath that she could be so fearless? The scent of the meat behind him was tandalising, and he shifted his weight once, twice a restlessly. What did this stranger want from him? A slice of his meat? He was not so careless as to give out his hard earnings at every open paw that waved his way.

Perhaps he would have no choice but to chase her off. At least then he could turn his attention on bringing this hunt back to his pack. He leaned his weight forward, feline-like claws sliding from their sheaths and digging into the earth before him. He got no further then that before Marshal let out a warning cry above him, and he froze, ears pulled forward. "Friends of yours?" He asked the wolf before him. If she had allies, that changed the game. They could begin to outnumber him, brute forces couldn't be his only tactic, he would have to be clever. Perhaps if he caught himself a hostage before the battle truly began...

Bast reappeared from the shadows to return to his side, growling softly, just off to the side of where he was looking. He shifted his attention, and he found them. A pack of Coyotes: skinny, rough looking creatures. They looked as through they hadnt had a decent meal in weeks, and he knew he would have to kill them to the last man or lose his dinner. His eyes shifted to the stranger. Would he have any help from her corner?


12-28-2019, 02:54 PM

words  "Speech"

It seemed that she would not get a response to her question as suddenly the bird that circled above them screeched loudly, a warning call of sorts. Her mismatched gems quickly darted, searching for the source of the interruption. Only a few feet from them was a group of ragtag coyotes, each scrawny and malnourished and obviously hungry for a free meal. This gentleman's food hadn't just attracted her. 'Friends of yours?' He asked her and she shook her head, "Definitely not." She spoke it bluntly, her words filled with mild disgust at the scavengers. She could only hope she hadn't looked as desperate as them. This left Lotus in an interesting predicament. Did she run off and allow him to fend for himself or did she stay and help him fight off the intruders? She let out a frustrated huff, Damn she just hoped this didn't bite her in the ass. A loud snarl erupted from her throat, first beginning like a low purr and then rising to a much louder hum. The fur along her spine prickled and her stub of a tail lifted behind her petite frame before she shifted so that her body could face them. Taking two steps towards them she pinned them with her stare, ears flat against her skull and fangs bared out of warning. If they knew what was good for them they would take off now and if not.. well it had been far too long since she had sank her teeth into anything and they would surely do. Lotus just hoped that this stranger wouldn't take her kindness as a weakness, after all it wasn't often she stuck her neck out for anyone.



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
12-30-2019, 03:27 PM

The Warlord smirked at her quick disassociation with the ragged, feral lot. A fleeting expression that gave way to seriousness. The Snow Leopard beside him took on a defensive posture, and he knew he could trust his companion to watch his back. Marshal’s lazy glide tightened, until he was circling only the immediate area above them.

The white wolf made a sound, somewhere between a huff and a growl as she set her own defenses. Interesting he thought, surprised and a little pleased that she had decided to stick with him. The skeptical part of him wondered if she was just trying to earn a meal, but the truth was he would give her that if she fought beside him.

The coyotes began to circle the two wolves and the leopard, five in total. Two rushed towards them from the front, one that had circled made a break for their backs. The other two held themselves in reserve. Bast turned her attention to the one coming up behind them. As it rushed her, she braced herself, and knocked its jump-attack to the side with a powerful blow. It cackled at her as it drew itself back to its feet, and the two of them locked into battle. “You take the right, i’ll take the left” he offered the white-coated stranger, as, with a snarl slipping past his elongated fangs, he charged at the coyote heading towards them.



12-31-2019, 03:29 PM

words  "Speech"

It was certainly odd taking up for a man that she didn't even know but Lotus almost felt obligated to do so. They had only shared a couple of words with one another before this intrusion and she was slightly determined to see the conversation through. Widening her stance Lotus squared her shoulders, her mismatched eyes watching each of the coyotes as they made their circle around both she and the stranger. Luckily for them this man had allies, the leopard keenly taking on an opponent from behind them. 'You take the right, I'll take the left.' Like a cog in a machine Lotus took his direction, immediately shifting herself so she could propel herself towards the coyote on the right. Nails dug into the ashen ground and teeth bared as she charged, though she was smart enough to keep her own neck slightly pinned as she reached out in an attempt to grab the coyote by the scruff. She was eager to taste fresh blood and really give this heathen a reason to take off. Her front paws reached out, attempting to scratch and maim the sensitive underbelly of the coyote meanwhile her own ears stayed pinned and eyes slightly scrunched to protect themselves. She did not pay much attention to the man and only focused on her prey, intent on giving them a message that wouldn't be forgotten. Get lost. Lotus just hoped that this shit would have SOME positives to it.



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
01-02-2020, 03:34 PM
The stranger needed no more prompting, racing forward at his direction. The warlord grinned, an adrenaline filled moment of joy as he worked together with a wolf he had never met before in his life. In that moment, they were comrades.

He had no more time to consider her as he met the coyote, it veered to the side in an attempt to get around the larger wolf, and Marshal dipped downwards, gliding beside its racing form, and letting loose a shrill cry. The coyote jumped in surprise, banking, and found itself in Sirius’s jaws.

The Warlord didn’t let the moment go to waste. He lashed out with his fangs, digging into its back leg as its jump of surprise took it just within his range. Fangs digging in hard enough to hit bone, he yanked with the force of his momentum, throwing the creature in front of him. He was about to go for its neck, when Marshal cried a warning. Sirius turned just in time to meet the swipe of the coyote on his forehead instead of his neck. He grunted in surprise, shoving the weight of his front legs on its body, collapsing it, and pulling its teeth free of his skin. He blinked blood from his eyes, as he dealt the killing blow.

The one he had maimed and tossed first was already limping away from him, and the one Bast engaged lay dead at her paws. He turned now to lotus to see how she had fared, thinking the last of the coyotes were sure to run now.


01-04-2020, 10:04 AM

words  "Speech"

Lotus had been completely focused on her coyote that she had tuned out both Sirius and his companions. A satisfied snarl erupted from her lungs when her teeth made contact with it's flesh and the resounding yelp that it uttered only drove her further in her quest to cause it pain. She dug her teeth down further, intending to rip into the muscles and cause as much damage as she could muster. The coyote attempted to turn to snap in self defense but by this point Lotus was already rushing forwards to barrel the creature over. Luckily she had been successful as it hadn't anticipated this move from her. The coyote tucked and rolled, whimpering and yelping in the process. And by the time it rose to its feet it could see the damage that had been caused around it and it didn't need much more reassuring to high tail it out of there. Tucking it's tail it took off, barely even looking behind it. Lotus allowed a satisfied smile to spread across her maw temporarily as she bent down to wipe the blood splatter off of her muzzle. Turning she glanced over at her stranger only to notice that he had acquired a small battle wound across his forehead. Blood had bubbled to the surface and was slowly beginning to trickle down his face. "Looks like you have a shiner there.. I can fix that for you.. Unless you prefer to have an open wound on your face? Now me personally.. I wouldn't keep it that way.. source of infection and all that." She offered to him nonchalantly with a small smirk before redirecting her gaze to both of his companions. "You have quite the friends.. please tell them I said thanks for the help." She offered before relaxing just slightly. Now she just needed to locate some good ol' Horsetail to clean him up if he wanted to be healed, that is.



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
01-04-2020, 10:59 AM
He grinned at Lotus, the thrill of the battle still running through him. The last of the coyotes - sorely regretting their decision to tangle with the wolves - had fled. The one he maimed slowest of all. He didnt expect it to live long without the speed of four legs. He felt no compassion or sorrow for the scavenger. Lotus, on the other hand, he was feeling a lot more charitable towards. She was no longer an insignificant unknown. She was someone who could hold her own in a fight, and watch his back. A valuable commodity in this world.

"You dont think it would look dashing? Doesn't every girl like a nice red scar leaking puss into a mans eye?" He said, fearlessly coming closer to his battle companion. "I would be much obliged if you could fix it, and welcome to you a meal" he said, indicating both his dead coyote and earlier hunt. He had every indication of offering her a place within his pack, also. But baby steps, right?


01-04-2020, 12:15 PM

words  "Speech"

She was happy to see that the remaining coyotes had fled and was satisfied that they had accomplished their mission. Focusing back on her stranger though she couldn't help but continue to stare at the open wound. It was an eye sore to the healer and her small case of OCD wanted her to fix it like.. now. But she couldn't just walk right up to his face and fix it without permission, that would certainly be an awkward predicament. 'You don't think it would look dashing? Doesn't every girl like a nice red scar leaking pus into a man's eye?' She couldn't help but smirk and even offer him a small chuckle, "Well with that logic.. if you would prefer to harbor a source of infection be my guest." She joked with him lightly but Lotus had a feeling this was just all in good fun. 'I would be much obliged if you could fix it, and welcome you to a meal.' To be fair, Lotus had almost completely forgotten about food with all of the antics that had gone on. "Well..stranger.. I accept your offer. I need to gather some Horsetail to bind that wound, in the meantime you sit here and look pretty. It's Lotus, by the way." She offered to him before turning on her haunches. She wouldn't leave him for long and she supposed if he wasn't here when she got back that it just simply wasn't meant to be. Her hanging around with him and sharing a meal and all. Now, to look for that Horsetail. Thankfully Lotus had remembered seeing some earlier by the lake, the plant did enjoy semi-aquatic areas - perhaps this was fate? She jogged the couple paces back to the lake and was relieved to see a nice cluster of the plant. Quickly grabbing it by the root she yanked it from the dampened soil before returning to her stranger. And she was pleasantly surprised to see that he had stayed put. "Try not to move." She spoke around the Horsetail in her mouth. Chomping down on the plant she chewed it up quickly before spitting it out onto a front paw. It created a decent poultice and she was pretty sure it would suffice in at least halting the blood flow. Inching forwards she rose herself upward and reached her paw out to gently pack the poultice upon his wound. She smeared it as gently as she could manage before retracting her paw. "There. Good as new. And lucky for you it should scar up nicely for all the ladies to see, minus the pus." She grinned before wiping her paw off on the ground. 



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
01-04-2020, 01:25 PM
She enthasised 'stranger'as she agreed to heal him. He was relaxed now, and Bast took a seat near him, cleaning blood from her white paws. She still purred softly from the compliment the stranger had given her. "And you can call me Sirius" he introduced himself, after receiving her own name in turn. "I'm sure it will be a great hardship, but I will persevere and remain pretty in your absence" he thought if the time Pesto had stained his white markings pink, and grimaced at the memory.

He didnt expect her to vanish on him, and he lost nothing if she did. She had already helped him chase off the coyotes, and the food from his hunt was behind him. And yet, he felt his eyes trailing her departure. He was a selfish, greedy beast, and he already wanted to own her.

He remained seat, not bothering to push the blood from his face as it continued to leak slowly from the open wound. The sound of Basts washing accompanied the silence, and he was not left waiting for long. His eyes brightened at the sight of her, and he knew in that moment he would not be letting her leave. She would accept his offer to join the Armada, willingly or not. He held himself still as the healer worked, he did move when she started her work however - to lean his face forward. His 45 inches of height didnt give the small wolf much of a vantage to reach his injury. Once he was at a height comfortable for her, she did her work. She seemed quite comfortable working on the wound, and wasn't the slightest bit put off about her up-close-and-personal look at his saber-fangs. They still gleaned with a hint of coyote blood. "Excellent. Thank you for your assistance. Feel free to help yourself to a meal. But well you do so, consider for me the prospect of joining my Armada. I need wolves who dont flinch in my ranks, and you fit the bill."


01-04-2020, 01:44 PM

words  "Speech"

'And you can call me Sirius. I'm sure it will be a great hardship, but I will persevere and remain pretty in your absence.' There was a sense of satisfaction that Lotus felt when she was finally able to obtain his name. He was no longer her stranger but Sirius. A name to a face, a much handsomer face now that he had a new scar upon it. She caught herself smiling slightly as she worked and quickly wiped her face of it, she didn't need this man to think that she was fawning over him. Lotus was just.. happy to have company again. And the fact that he was keeping her busy was surprisingly pleasant. 'Excellent. Thank you for your assistance. Feel free to help yourself to a meal. But while you do so, consider for me the prospect of joining my Armada. I need wolves who don't flinch in my ranks, and you fit the bill.' Initially Lotus had had no intentions of joining any packs, but Sirius offered a hard bargain. It also pleased her that he thought she was useful, of course she knew that she was but having someone else acknowledge that was.. different. "How could I say no when there is the great possibility that you will have many more wounds that need healing?" She mused before finally inching away from him as they had still been sitting rather close to one another. Tentatively she gripped a hearty portion from the dead coyote's underbelly, her fangs instantly ripping the flesh and carrying it a few paces from Sirius. She lowered herself to the ground then, front paws placing themselves on the meat as she began to tear at it. It had been so long since she had had a fresh meal and this food was still warm. It was heaven, it was everything that she needed. She glanced over at Sirius then, a small genuine smile offered to him before she swallowed her bite. "I accept your offer.. plus it can't be nearly as bad as being on my own." She spoke nonchalantly, her small stub of a tail giving a subtle wag before she continued to eat her meal.



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
01-04-2020, 03:22 PM
"Ah! It's like you know me already" he complimented of course, Io normally saw to his wounds, and the occasional stray he had brought home had patched him up. Truth was, he never backed down from a fight. His wild all-in tactic had lead him to many new scars. He was lucky his coat hid a great deal of thim, or his kids could play checkers on his skin.

He waited patiently as she grabbed herself a piece of his kill. To think, only a short time ago he had considered chasing her from it. Now he welcomed her to the meal with an easy grin. It was strange how easily things could change. She was no longer a stranger, she was HIS Lotus. A fact that was not refuted as she agreed to join his ranks. Excellent, once again the Armada grew.
"All wolves within my ranks must know the basics of fighting and self defense, but it seems that will be no issue for you" he continued. "Want to help me drag this beast back home and show you the place?" He patted the kill with a paw and raised a brow at the woman. Truth was, he would appreciate the hand dragging it.


01-05-2020, 09:27 AM

words  "Speech"

For the moment she felt a sense of contentment that she hadn't felt in a very long time. Her food was pleasantly filling her once empty stomach and she found herself very intrigued by both Sirius and the idea of his Armada. 'Ah! It's like you know me already.' At that Lotus couldn't help but smirk before responding, "What can I say.. it ain't much but it's honest work." She had finally finished her morsel of meat and was licking her chops as she watched Sirius for a few moments in silence. 'All wolves within my ranks must know the basics of fighting and self defense, but it seems that will be no issue for you. Want to help me drag this beast back home and show you the place?' She rose then, stretching once before walking closer to the male. "Sure, that sounds like a plan. I'd like to scope out my new home anyways." She spoke before reaching down to grab a leg of his prey. It would be much easier and faster to drag the prey back with both of them working together. "After you." She spoke with a nod and a subtle wag of her stub before waiting to follow him home.

/Exit (unless stopped)