
furious fanged folly




6 Years
11-06-2019, 11:24 PM

Banshee's wounds were healing nicely thanks to Ashen's healers. Despite the turmoil in the Empire it seemed they had the lock down on good healers. Which was a promising factor since a lot of Banshee's own aspirations included being a medic. Though, she wished to also improve her fighting skills. The babe could be named overly ambitious due to her desire to be a true jack of all trades. Which would only be possible if she could manage to stay out of trouble for more then a few weeks at a time.

Since her sappy 'breakthrough' with Iroh she had been feeling a bit better. It seems with her slightly improved metal state her physical state had increased as well. As if allowing herself to heal in all ways. Thus, she was much more open to moving around and getting to know her temporary home. Banshee had never seen the Oasis before being moved here by Sirius and his posse. It was a truly beautiful region seemingly untouched by the ash.

The Klein girl's day dreaming came to a stop as she came upon her destination. Blue eyes took in the Alpha's den and a warm brow raised in thought. 'Do I dare intrude?' Banshee was never one to shy away from a dicy situation. Thus, the fanged babe slipped into the den a few steps and let forth her gentle tones, "Sirius?" She knew him as Sirius rather then a formal title such as Warlord.




The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
11-08-2019, 12:15 AM
Sirius chafed at the time spent indoors, of waiting and resting when there was so much he needed to do within the pack. He was suppose to be starting the Armada down the right track, not being laid up in bed, and struggling to move.

It made any distraction welcome, even if more often than not he was a grumpy bastard about it. Anything to keep his mind occupied, the Tyrant took some time crafting, whittling away at sticks as he made large spears. He had a vague idea of taking them hunting for fish in the deeper waters near the sea.

He was just putting down his latest finished one, scraping wood from his teeth, when he would hear the approach of the young wolf. He folded his good paw over the stick, lifting his head to the den entrance. “In here Banshee” he said. His den had a two-part system, to give Zee some privacy from the dangerous sleeper. He waited until Banshee appeared before he nodded his head for her to take a seat. “How are you settling in?”



6 Years
11-09-2019, 10:51 PM

As Banshee approached she heard the gentle etching of wood. Though, with her call forth to the Warlord the noises ceased. In return the yearling heard the baritone vocals of her new leader. Banshee moved closer to the sound of his invitation inside and she dipped her head in a slight nod as she approached. Her bright blue eyes took in the sight of his weapons in the making and his injured leg.

The babe stopped a few tail lengths away to keep a polite amount of distance between them before lowing down on her haunches to sit. As she moved her cuts from the thorns shifted and stung but mostly at this point they itched. The lacerations were healing nicely which came with generous scabbing. Soon the scabs would flake off at their own pace but in the mean time Banshee had to refrain from scratching them all open. Which she had done naughtily to a few on her back when she couldn't reel herself in.

Banshee let her eyes move to Seer's own blue gaze and she finally responded to his question. "So far so good." Overall she was feeling very neutral. She was still surrounded by 'family' but felt so very alone. That being said, she'd never voice anything of the sort to the male before her. They were not close and at that point the only Wolf she felt comfortable to express feelings to would be her friend Iroh. - The gal shifted slightly before flicking her nose towards his leg, "You have looked better.." Banshee offered a slightly sassy smirk, "I can't imagine you are doing well with being cooped up." Perhaps she was overstepping her bounds but the babe couldn't help but to remember when the Warlord was a mere bodyguard. It was hard for her to think of him as an alpha. That didn't mean she didn't respect him but her ability to jest with him came slightly more naturally. "I've come to you to speak of my future. I want to improve on my fighting and healing skills. But, most importantly I wish to help Ashen the best I can." Banshee wanted to keep busy, otherwise she feared she claw herself into a dark hole again.




The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
11-09-2019, 11:00 PM
He smirked back at the young wolf, never one to take offense at sass - so long as it was directed at himself. His protective streak made him a little less reasonable when it came to those he loved. “I’ve felt better, too” he promised the yearling who had taken a seat a short length away from him. Close enough for an easy conversation, with enough distance that no one felt like they were intruding.

“Not in the least. If you start hearing wild noises in the night it’s probably just me stretching my lungs” he said, a slight smirk coming into play on his lips. He was a grumpy, bored bastard but he wasn’t always unapproachable. He pushed his stick aside, looking at the young woman with an appraising eye. “Always a good endeavor. Here’s a thought for you, I’m extending an offer for you to take on a dual-apprenticeship. Fighting with me, healing with Io. Once you’ve picked up some more experience in both fields, we can find a place for you in the pack that you feel you belong. For now, you can be an apprentice. What’s your thoughts?”



6 Years
11-11-2019, 05:03 PM

Banshee watched the larger male in slight admiration. She was aware of his previous status as a bodyguard and/or servant for Deathbelle. Perhaps even below that before coming to Boreas. Now, the brute was a Warlord.. Still beneath Death but risen high enough to grasp a crown for his self. With the new recruits the male could easily depart from Ashen and make the Armada his own force. But, she was well aware that would not happen. They would reign as an Empire as long as Belle could keep her throne.

The babe let forth a genuine giggle as she listened to his drama. It was evident he was not doing well with being a 'home body' but she was sure he would bounce back in not time. With a light shake of her head Banshee raised a brow, "If I were you I'd take the time to heal and perhaps even relax." She smirked gently, "That is if you can." If he didn't they would have a never ending cycle of injuries to deal with. Would he risk being weakened by his own impatience?

The conversation shifted into a higher gear as the Warlord began to speak on her inquire. Her russet toned ears flicked ever so slightly as she took in his vocals. As he finished Banshee took only a moment to think over his suggestion before nodding towards him. "That sounds perfect." She enjoyed the prospect of focusing on two skills rather then just one. Previously she had been focusing on only healing.. Which she had enjoyed but Banshee was riddled with energy and ambition when she wasn't dealing with her emotions. Learning how to fight and defend herself beneath the Warlord may be the solution to her issue. "Maybe one day I'll be able to knock you on your bum." Banshee wriggled her brows in a playful and teasing manner. "Will Io be okay with teaching me?" Ban hadn't spent much time with the strange femme since returning.




The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
11-11-2019, 05:13 PM

Sirius snorted softly, partly amused, partly exasperated at the reminder of how long he was going to be cooped up for. He tossed a paw to the scattered spears about his feet. “The pack will have plenty of random, sharp instruments by the time I'm healed. Perhaps I ought to dig a few pits around the Armada's borders and lay a few traps” he mused aloud, after all it already wasn’t a pack for babies to be crawling in.

He shook his head from the thought, letting his attention return to the young woman before him. She would happily take on his offer to learn both healing and fighting. “No time like the present” he joked, gesturing to his injured leg. Of course, if he did get into a fight, no doubt both Death and Io would have his ears, or perhaps more tender body parts. “I’m sure she will be, i’ll speak it over with her” he said, trusting in the easy nature of his adopted sister. “Why don’t you take a seat and we can discuss theory and crafting in the meanwhile” there was no time like the present, and no doubt the wolf who had been trapped for so long would like things to shift into a normal, comfortable routine of learning. Besides, he didn’t tolerate idleness, even in himself, broken leg and all.




6 Years
11-11-2019, 05:27 PM

Banshee's lips were stained with a rather amused grin. This had been the only time, besides her night with Iroh, that she had felt anything other then neutral or sorrow. Perhaps she was somehow inclined to enjoy the company of oversized males with a soft side. Banshee hadn't truly seen the Warlord's soft side but he was definitely much less stern as she was use to. Thus, she let forth a small snicker as he spoke of laying traps at their borders. "Oh and fall into one of these pits and break another bone?" Banshee shook her head with a toothy smirk, "Why not task someone else with it? I am sure one of these Kleins can dig a mean pit." A very subtle tease at her own kin.

Their conversation down shifted only slightly as they settled a bit. With his guidance the girl sat slightly closer to get a better look at the weapons he had been crafting, but still at a polite distance. She never wished to impede on his personal space. Banshee flicked her gaze back to the Warlord with a much more serious and focused expression. With a healthy twinge of curiosity. "I'd like that." Her tail flicked eagerly, "I've never put much thought into crafting weaponry. It always seemed so advanced."




The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
11-11-2019, 05:36 PM
He scoffed and playfully cuffed her about the air, the gesture too soft to cause her any pain. “Respect your elders’ he ordered. “We’re old farts the believe the wind only blows one way” his eyes were dancing, and she would see the joke for what it was. It was true that the Warlord had had more of a stick up his ass when he had been a guard, intent only on protecting his Empress, both her body and her image, demanding respect in others. He was a little more lax about how he received it himself now that he was a leader in his own right.

He snorted further at her mention of the Klein’s. Something else that would have riled him up, before their mistreatment of Zee had turned him a little sour. His respect was for Deathbelle and some few in the family that had earned it, not so much the rest.
“Got anyone in mind?”

“It’s easier than you would expect, and we have a natural advantage, if you withstand the feeling of your teeth scraping into something. Of course, best get use to that, your fangs will be a strong advantage to bite down to bone” he said, indicating her fangs. ”here” he said, tossing her a stick. “Wood is one of the easiest things to mold. We can move on to more difficult tools later. He placed a finished speer next to her stick. [b] “You’ll want to go at it at an angle, like this.” he demonstrated. “To whittle at the point faster than the base” he began to lecture her slowly on how to craft a sharp point on the stick.



6 Years
11-11-2019, 08:20 PM

At first Banshee was taken a back by her Warlord's order but as she listened further and his facial expression breathed amusement she let forth a slightly tentative giggle. It was funny how she was a bit nervous and tippy toeing around the male when he had been a lesser not that long ago. The gal was meant to be royalty yet the only crown in the room belonged to the man who was once a servant to her family. Not that Banshee ever expected much from others when it came to respect. Perhaps if her father had been successful in his endeavors to retrieve a throne then maybe she would be some sort of prissy princess. But instead the blue eyes babe was a loner in the midst of her blood trying to find her place in the world like everyone else.

Banshee was snapped out of her worrisome thoughts as he asked her a question. This called for the yearling to offer a brow raise before emitting a soft hum of pondering. She had seen a few newer Kleins around but hadn't met any of them. One a massive slate beast and the other a dappled albino. She didn't know either of them well enough to offer them up as tributes so Ban finally offered a shrug. "I could try." 'Have I ever dug a pit before?' She had helped her father clear out the brier but other then that she never did terrain editing. 'How hard could it be?'

As they moved onto wood working her focus shifted quite a bit. Rather then being nervous she was honed in on her desire to learn. Banshee consumed every tidbit of knowledge her mentor had to offer. He exposed the great advantages of their fangs. It's obvious that the massive teeth were incredibly useful when it came to battle or hunting but never did she think of the crafting side of things. Using them as carving tools rather then potentially harming the smaller teeth beneath her lips. Or even getting splinters in her gums. Banshee was captivated as she watched his example before giving it a go. The babe put one large paw on the stick and the other on the ground to use as stability. She then leaned down and began to grind her fangs against the wood as he had shown her. At first she was rather gentle as if unsure of how much pressure to put down. But, as she saw not much was happening Ban began to press down harder and she watched as the wood peeled away. Her eyes twinkled with curiosity before pausing and looking to Sirius for a moment. "It is an unpleasant feelings.." A shrug. "But, the outcome weighs out the discomfort it seems." Banshee went back to it, accepting any instruction or tips he may have to offer.




The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
11-12-2019, 12:18 AM

“Offering yourself? Bold” he mused, still teasing her. She needed a little bit of lightness in her life, and he knew she had never been one to snap to attention or treat those ranked above her with respect if she didn’t have to. She was a little like ee in that regard, only her first disrespect had been on Deathbelle, something that was always likely to set them off on the wrong foot. Now with her father gone, and him being the one to save her, he felt a connection to the girl. He had respected her daddy, even if she didn’t. He owed it to the old bastard who had given him a shot, to return the favour in her daughter.

She set herself to the task of whittling with ease, and began to form a point on the stick he had given her. He continued to drive one into his demonstration stick, finishing before her and placing it on the ground. Once she was done, he had a look at her work. “It’s good, a very good start. You’ve chipped away slightly too much at this side, which would affect the overall integrity, but I believe it will still work as desired.”

He mused, inspecting her stick thoroughly, before rolling it back to her. “You’ll get used to the feeling, your fangs are going to come in handy in many ways” he commented, as one who had utilised them all his life. “Now I want you to even out the bumps and places I've chopped off twigs, you’ll need it for balance, I'll show you why after.” he said, eyes twinkling with amusement.




6 Years
11-12-2019, 07:39 PM

The opportunity to do something with her life and unveil herself from her father's shadow was enlightening for the babe. No matter how others may have perceived Banshee she felt like an ant beneath the paws of giants at times. Preciously she had been her father's first born and presumed the heir to his 'rightful throne' but now that Deathbelle had the Klein crown she felt like she didn't belong anywhere. That was until Sirius had found her and she had found Iroh again. Between the two males she had been given a glimmer of hope that one day she could be her own Wolf and not just Hannibal's daughter.

All of those nasty insecurities and worries were literally whittled away. Banshee worked with caution but as she went on her movements became slightly more natural. Of course her first spear would look shabby and flawed. But, hopefully as time went on and she practiced away the babe would get better. Thus, as she finished with the spear and her mentor took a look at it she cracked the tiniest of smiles. Ban felt a sense of accomplishment as he mildly critiqued her work. Obviously it was far from perfect, but as he mentioned it would get the job done. "Noted."

Banshee moved the spear closer to herself as he passed it back after the inspection. Beaming blue eyes flicked from the tool to his own searing optics as she took in his vocals. He clued her in on the fact that she would indeed get use to the grinding feeling on her fangs as well as eluding to the many other uses of the mutation. Banshee was finding uses for her fangs with each and every day. Now that the pain of them growing in had subsided she had full use of them. "I will be happy to learn how to truly take full advantage of them." An idle tongue flipped across her teeth and flicked at a fang before their focus changed to the spear once again.

Sirius instructed her to begin smoothing out the tool by going over the tiny stumps where twigs once grew and the natural curvaceous bumps. Banshee leaned down to begin grinding down the wood with her fangs. The odd feeling began to feel a bit more normal as time went on. Every now and again the yearling would tilt her head to switch fangs or take a peek at her work to find a new stump to grind down. She was sure to not cut any corners. This was not a race nor did she feel the need to hurry. Sirius had a broken leg and had nothing better to do at the moment. Banshee was there to take full advantage of their mutual willingness to practice.




The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
11-14-2019, 03:27 AM
“Good” Sirius said at her eagerness to utilize her fangs to their full potential. “from curing furs, to drilling holes in leather and crafting weapons, you’ll find them extremely useful. They will be a tool in war as well, which I will get to once I'm back on my feet” he gestured to his mending leg. It was starting to take his weight in small doses, but walking was still painful. Anything strenuous like fighting was out of bounds at the moment, lest he incur the wrath of his healer sister.

He watched her even out her spear as he finished off the last pieces of bumps in his own. He crossed his paws and waited for her to finish, which wouldn’t be long. “Good” he said again, glancing at her stick without moving it this time, he could see it was right for the job at hand. “Grab those patches of leather and a second spear, lets go have some fun.” the warlord said, grabbing a few sticks of his own and his fibre-strung rope. He had kept himself plenty busy the last few weeks.



6 Years
11-27-2019, 04:00 PM

Banshee continued running her elongated fangs over the now smooth stick to whittle away at any raised bits. She was focused with curious eyes that rarely wandered from her own spear. But, as her mentor spoke one could see her tail flick in excitement. He was broadening her horizons when it came to her fangs. She obviously knew of her advantages now that she had them but he was informing her of so much more. "I want to learn how to do all of that." Ban was ambitious by default and that trait was coming out more and more.

As she finished the babe raised her head and looked over her work. Now looking at the big picture she could see flaws and bits she may have whittled a bit too much but overall it was a spear. Banshee looked to he Warlord as he spoke again. The hulking male let forth one word of acceptance before moving onto their next venture. Banshee did as she was instructed by grabbing a second spear and some leather in her jaws, careful not to squeeze down hard enough to puncture anything. She then followed him with eager yet patient steps.




The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
01-02-2020, 07:12 PM
“And you will” he agreed easily. If there was one thing that stayed true about the tyrant, it would be how much he loved to take an apprentice under his wing. Banshee might have been the newest, but he would build her up to be a force that would make even Venom pause. He considered in the future pitting the two against each other, and liked the idea of competition to make everything a little more serious for them both.

At his direction, Banshee grabbed the things he requested, and eagerly followed. Sirius got to his feet, wincing at putting weight on his healing limb, before tucking it up against his other back leg, so as not to overly jostle it, before he took Banshee out of the pack, out of the territory, and towards Faller’s Fjord. His second choice, but he wouldn’t drag the young woman through the Briar just yet. Facing her past would come a little bit later. He took a seat near the impressive drop, and waited for his apprentice to put down the things she had carried.