
Grow this Garden with Love




Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Intermediate Healer (40)

11 Years
Extra small

Pride - Pansexual
01-16-2020, 05:39 PM (This post was last modified: 01-30-2020, 06:56 PM by Samara.)

Samara Klein

Summer was now upon them, though it felt more like spring. Life finally seeming to spring back from the apocolypse that had decended upon them. As such Samara had a vested interest in trying to get her supplies back up, Rhyme could benefit from relaxants and she was low on pain killers for herself.

More than that she had reason to suspect that it would be helpful to find more projects to get Rhyme's mind off of his grief. So the small woman woke up early that morning, scouting for an open patch of land, close to the Cavaliere man's den but far enough away it would require him to actually leave his den. Samara found a little patch of land in the plains that was a bit loamy, she gently pulled all the new grass growths out in the small patch, feeling a bit bad for destroying life just as it was starting to come back. The woman had a few small bundles of seeds she'd gathered before the volcano. She'd always planned to grow a little personal garden and the woman was very glad for her foresight. She gently placed her bundles on the bare patch of earth and moved off to get Rhyme.

"Rhyme?" She called gently into his den, sniffing cautiously. "Mr. Cavaliere I was hoping I could employ you in aiding me in a bit of a personal project." She said, adopting a too polite, too innocent tone to try and get him to join her. The reality was she was hoping giving him something to look after that needed him to survive would help to bring the man back into the light, even if a little. His children might once have served that purpose but they were old enough now they didn't need him as they once had though she had no doubt that they needed him in ways he couldn't give them right now.

WC: 321

"Speech", Thoughts & You

[Image: X7DSVIv.png]
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
01-21-2020, 05:31 PM
The more time he had alone the easier it was to fall back into the welcome hallucinations of events he willed into existence instead of events that were happening in the real world. He had been so blinded by his desire for the unreal he couldn’t see the bright future that tried to find him. Samara was spending all her time devoted to him, and her hard work was not going without reward. Rhyme was becoming more stable and he was letting himself get lost in the dream world less and less.

More than a whole day passed since he had seen Shaye’s haunting, and his mind lingered on the tiny she wolf more now. The summer season was upon them, they were another year older and his age weighed on him heavily. He was sleeping now, it was easier sometimes than being awake. Having to suffer through the guilt and pain of his current state. More than once during the day he contemplated his worthlessness and drain on Abaven. He needed to get up, he needed to do something. Rhyme was doing nothing for Shaye’s memory in his current situation.

Samara’s voice brought him to consciousness, her words were sweet as he brought his head up. Rhyme focused on the dainty woman and pushed himself out of the den. Though he enjoyed her next to him she was obviously sure that he needed to join her outdoors. Rhyme’s tall frame was pulled none too fast from the hole he was recovering in to be greeted by her bright smile. Her grin was easier to come than his own, and he still had yet to crack the first smile after tragedy.

She was trying to give him a job, something to do for her after she had already done so much for him. Had she not found him that day he wondered where he would be. Possibly reunited with Shaye in ways he hadn’t ever intended. If he was needed here he would stay, but he had to find his purpose. He had to choose the path towards light. ”Project?” He asked softly as she managed to make his tail wag softly at his ankles.




Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Intermediate Healer (40)

11 Years
Extra small

Pride - Pansexual
01-30-2020, 07:38 PM

Samara Klein

Samara wouldn't rush the man as she slowly pulled himself from the den. The fact he was able to do as much with just her prodding was a good sign. If she'd had to go in there and try to coax him out slowly it would have meant she needed to be doing more. And she would have, at the drop of a hat, but that he was willing to help her with so little protest meant a great deal towards his recovery.

Rhyme questioned after her "project" and the woman nodded, her grin widening as she saw his weak attempt at a tail wag. She gestured with her muzzle and started slowly off towards the plot of land she'd cleared. "I figured it'd do a lot of good for the pack to have a bit of an herb garden. No doubt there's a bit of a scramble to try and replenish stores and having some of the less common plants on hand even during better times will likely be an asset. Besides I've always found that having a garden has given me a place I can go to think and be alone while still giving me something to do." What she didn't mention of course was that she was also hoping that giving the man something that he would have to actually put time and effort into to keep alive. "So I figured you and I could make that our project."

She's lead him to the patch of land, and settle herself down near the pile of herbs she'd left then she turned to grin up at him. "And if you don't mind I was going to ask you to get your paws dirty for me." She gestured to the untilled soil with her head, a mischevious glint in her eyes. Yes, this project was mostly designed to help Rhyme but that didn't mean she couldn't have some fun with it. "I need to prepare what we do have for planting and make sure we're not missing anything vital." She said, giving him a wink.

WC: 1036/2500

"Speech", Thoughts & You

[Image: X7DSVIv.png]
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
01-31-2020, 05:51 PM
Rhyme’s grasp on reality was fuzzy, he didn’t quite understand how far he had fallen or the leaps and bounds he was taking to recover. What he did know was that his heart hurt, and it hurt a little bit less when he was with Samara. She grinned as his tall frame emerged from the den. She was a bright ray of sunshine in his dark and stormy world. Rhyme followed behind her as she began to explain what she had in mind for them today. For the future as well it seemed, something Rhyme had nearly forgotten about. There was a future ahead of them even without Shaye.

However much he hated admitting her loss and how deeply the cut went. Even though he was coming to accept reality the sheer weight of the fact tried to crush him every day. The harder he focused on Samara the more he yearned to see Shaye again. He swallowed back his emotions as icy paws carried him after the dainty healer and to where her herb garden was planned. Maybe the garden would be a key to his full recovery, this was not a wolf. The garden needed consistent care, something he wouldn’t have to think very hard about but would also keep his mind and paws occupied. Like Samara intended for him to do right now.

She grinned as she motioned to the land, Rhyme landed her a side long glance. His mind brought completely to the moment with Samara, the fog within him lifted. He even felt his heart flutter at her playful wink. He sighed softly and the corners of his lips pulled back in a shy smile. Without hesitating the once alpha got to work. ”What do you plan to put here?” He asked as dark paw pads met dirt and he began to break the soil.