
Today Was A Fairytale



08-12-2013, 09:39 PM

The sun beat down on him, but he didn't mind it. It was strong, but the gentle breeze cooled him off, creating the perfect balance of temperature. He had scented his brother going this way, wondering if he had gone to find herbs or to just be alone. Caerul walked across the dark green grass, the setting felt calm and serene. He felt a whole lot better now then he did before, when they were frantically trying to find their sister. But now she was safe, and in the care of his brother, Alsander. And now, he wandered, exploring the place that would quite possibly be their new home now. Emerald eyes swept the lands, his brothers scent began to waft all over the place now. He was unsure exactly where the scent led, so he stopped where he was. Oh well, guess I'll just relax here for a while. He thought.

He marched his way down a small slope towards a cluster of trees, and there he settled himself down in the shade. The windswept grasses waved gently in the wind, the gentle rustling of their blades reached his ears and producing a calming effect on him. He wondered what the future would hold now...They had found their father, been reunited, and possibly found a new home. He stared up at the sky, the clouds drifting lazily across the blue background. He hadn't really said much to his Father since they found him. He didn't really know what to say...

They had spent such a long time looking for him. The siblings putting their own personal lives aside for the sake of each other...Caerul was five years old now, and it wouldn't be long before he hit six. Just two more seasons, and they would be six...He shuddered. He felt like his life had no meaning...he had never fallen in love, never had a relationship with anyone other then his siblings, and had never even really tried to get into a relationship because he was always busy with his family. He sighed, lying his head on his paws, and staring up at the sky...he began to feel a hollow emptiness within him. He felt...alone. Even though he wasn't truly alone because of his brothers and sister, it was a different kind of that they couldn't fill.



08-12-2013, 10:07 PM

White paws carried the dark female through the trees. She had needed time away from the pack, time to let the sorrow and hurt out. She could only hold up this facade for so long. She needed to seek solitude, to find a place where someone might not find her. Head hung low, blue eye fixed on her paws as she walked slowly. She had come a long way from home, hoping to out run the pain. But no matter the distance it was still there with here. She could not shake off this black cloud. How could she? For all she is and was, there was nothing she could do. She would never heal at this rate. what had happened to her would forever leave a wound on her heart. She had been betrayed in the worst ways. To have you love turn their back on you for your sister. To make the excuse that he did it for her, knowing she would help care for her sister's pups. The burning jealous of her sister that knew the truth abouth them, ending it all by killing her own pups. And to top it off, Imena was blamed for it, chased out, cursed.

She had thought if she ran far enough she could heal or at least became numb. That perhaps she could forget what had happened. But no, she was plagued with nightmares of those little pups dying over and over. Cursed in thinking maybe she was just not needed, worthless. A soul who was meant to wonder alone. Even now in Valhalla she still felt like an outsider. She still had yet to fully know her packmates. She knew Erani, Cael, Demonio, and alil of Chryanthe. Other than running into them she spent most of her time alone. She was afraid someone might ask her what was wrong, inisit she tell them the truth. Part of her was not ready to open up to anyone, yet she seeked one soul to tell.

She came to a stop, flopping down next to a small puddle or rain water. Blue eyes, the color of a clear sky, stared right back at her. Her mind wondered to the past, replaying everything. Her body shook with grief and depression, so strong she couldnt stop it. But tears never fell, she refused to cry. Head tucked in as eyes closed, breathing in shuddering shallow breathes. How long would this continue? Would she have to bare this pain till she died?



10 Years
Athena I
08-12-2013, 10:52 PM (This post was last modified: 08-12-2013, 10:53 PM by Cael.)

This new home of theirs was rich in herbs. Everywhere he turned he was finding helpful herbs of various sorts. It was a healer's dream! He picked various ones and sat them down in front of Elva, his little helper. "Here. Will you run these back to the den please, Elva?" he asked with a smile. The little arctic fox, gray and white with her shedded down summer coat, nodded eagerly and snatched up the latest haul, prancing away toward the home he now shared with Imena. Watching his little friend walk away made him wonder if this was what having children was like. He had been caring for Elva since he had found her almost a month ago, nursing her back to health and taking her under his wing, teaching her little tidbits of knowledge about herbs and healing when she asked. It was a lovely thing, having someone that was always there by his side, looking up to him with endless love. Elva had taken to him like a fish to water and he had to admit he was quite fond of the little fox as well.

But the druid wondered if Elva was going to be the only companion he would ever have. He and his siblings were a mere two seasons from being six and none of them had found mates or had children. Granted, they had willingly dedicated their lives to each other, but there was a sacrifice that had to be made and apparently that sacrifice had been their personal lives. The only wolves he had made friends with since he arrived were his own family and Imena. A smile crossed his muzzle when he thought of the little black-hued fea. She had such a kind heart... but he felt like there was something hiding under the surface, something bothering her. He had been trying to give her space and let her tell him when she was ready, but she had told him nothing yet. He did hold her as a dear friend though and he was readily concerned for her. He padded off into the woods, content in the fact that Elva would find him again if she wished.

Just as if by the magic of his thoughts, as he came around the trunk of a particularly large tree, there was the hunched form of Imena several yards away. His tail wagged gently and he opened his mouth to call out to her, but he stopped himself when he noticed the gentle shake in her body. His brows pulled together with worry. He padded closer, coming around to her right side so he didn't surprise her with his approach. "Imena?" he asked gently as he reached her, taking a seat on his haunches beside her. "Is everything okay?"




08-12-2013, 11:33 PM

Thoughts swirled themselves around him. What would he do? What could he do? He was half his life expectancy now...who would want someone his age? The usually composed Caerul sighed, brows furrowing in deep sadness. He felt like he would die alone, without wife and child. Without ever knowing what it was like to fall in love, without ever knowing the joys of being a father. Ah, but perhaps it was meant to be so. Everyone they had come across, they were never around too long. He and his siblings were always on the move. Searching for his father...but now that hey had found him, what would happen now? Could they finally start to seek out a life for themselves? He loved his siblings, loved them like they were a part of him. They had always been together, always needed each other and were hardly ever apart for long. But times would change eventually he thought. Claire would want to find someone, a mate, and what if he wasn't in Valhalla? What if that man was somewhere else? Another pack? A rogue? He sighed...the exhale rather heavy. It wasn't his decision who Claire would see in the future...but he wouldn't stand by and let someone mistreat her either. He would advise her, make sure she got someone who would treat her like a princess.

Shaking his head, he stopped thinking about those things. Claire's life was not his, but he hoped she would find happiness as she was still very young. He stared into the open space before him, focusing on nothing. A short distance away, a blurred figure came into view, and when he realized this he focused again. Ears perked, eyes followed the small figure as it trotted daintily across the land. He lifted his head for a better look, head following the small creature. With a slight tilt, he realized it was Cael's companion, Elva. What was she doing here? Was Cael nearby? He rose to his feet, walking forward a bit as the fox disappeared over the slope. He looked in the direction from where she had come from, and wondered if his brother was out looking for herbs again. He decided he would follow Elva's scent and see if he could follow it back to Cael. He wanted someone to talk to, to express his frustrations about what he was feeling inside.

It wasn't long before the scent trail led him closer and closer to his brother. He could smell the strong scent of freshly dug earth, the tang of crushed herbs, and finally the smell of Cael. It was unmistakable, as always. Always smelling of herbs and berries, sometimes he detected a hint of spices underneath the other smells. He tracked his brother into the woods, which was a fairly short distance from where Caerul was originally just outside the treeline in the open space. He passed ferns and other plant life, catching a glimpse of different herbs whose smells he recognized from when Cael used them. Soon enough, he had found him. His brother was straight ahead, his slender and graceful form unmistakable to Caerul. He made his way over quietly, knowing that Cael would recognize his presence. He stopped just beside the trunk of the tree upon arriving, ears tilted forward as his emerald eyes hid the troubled thoughts he had been having. "Good day brother, how are you?" He asked cheerily. That's when he detected another presence. Looking around, he looked to where his brother was facing and spotted the she-wolf. Curious, he wondered why she was there and why she was shaking like that..."And...who might you be?" He asked her in a polite voice.



08-13-2013, 12:20 AM

She might have said she would not cry but her body sought other means of expressing how she felt. Her silent trembles and shallow breathing was her way of crying. It was a a habit from being a pup, when if you cried, you were weak and shunned. There were few and rare times she did not know what was around her. She would not know Cael was there till he spoke. She jumped, eyes flying open. She had thought he was out with Elva. She had thought he was within pack territory. His appearance startled her, making her fur fluff out. She turned a blue gaze of suffering to him. There was no way she could hide now, no way to cover the truth up with lies. Her mouth felt dry, her heart raced thrumming like the wings of a hummingbird. She couldn't think of anything to say, just stare helplessly up at him. Like a storm finally breaking she moved to him, seeking comfort. Only him and Demonio were the only two she considered as her friends so far. Two wolves she knew she could trust. "Oh..Cael..I can't hold in the pain anymore.." She choked out.

Another wolf joined them, standing by Cael. She froze and stared at the grey and white male. His scent confirmed his words on being Cael's brother. At once she went to turn her head away from them, trying desparately to lock down her emotions. To numb the pain and push it back into it's closet. But she could not. For too long had she tried to suppress it, bury it and deny it. Refusing to let others see her suffering. But it was to late. The storm clouds could not take back it's shed rain to hold for another day. Her body still shook and she kept her face turned away from them. She wanted to spill everything out. She wanted the comfort, the healing. Tail curled around her tightly as she tried to even her breathing. Maybe it was time she releashed her bureden. To let the bird out of the cage and have a chance to fly. She shifed closer to Cael, seeking warmth and his friendship and to hide her face from his brother. Oh what a great way to meet someone.



10 Years
Athena I
08-13-2013, 06:41 PM

The druid drew more and more concerned for his friend as she jumped at his presence, apparently unaware of his approaching her. The look in her blue eyes broke his tender heart. His two-toned gaze watched her with worry as she choked out her words, "Oh..Cael..I can't hold in the pain anymore.." He had just opened his mouth to ask her what was wrong when his sensitive nose caught the familiar scent of his brother, Caerul. What was he doing out here? He turned his head to look at him as he approached, subconsciously angling his body to block Imena from the monochromatic form of his sibling. He knew Cearul would never mean any harm to the little fea, but he knew Imena was in a vulnerable place right now and he wanted to protect her, or at least give her a moment to collect herself.

He gave Caerul a smile and dipped his head. "Good day to you as well, brother. I'm doing well, how are you?" Despite his shift to block Imena from view, Caerul still spotted her, asking who she was. Cael glanced to her, seeing her eyes now turned away from them. She did shift closer to him for comfort and he brushed his tail along her back gently before turning his gaze back to Caerul, pulling a smile back onto his muzzle. "This is Imena. She's a healer in Valhalla as well. She'd like to be a denmother in fact," he added, turning a fond gaze back to the little, black-hued fea.




08-14-2013, 01:12 AM

Emerald eyes caught a glimpse of the young Fae when she stood and moved closer to his brother. His ears splayed to the sides slightly, wondering if he had interrupted a moment or something between the two...he knew his brother was living with his girl, they were both healers after all and training under Erani. He flicked his tail a little, beginning to feel a little more sad. Here his brother was, closer to someone then Caerul had ever been...asides from his family anyway. He felt bad now, thinking he had intruded upon their privacy. What if they were doing Healer training? Or some other healer stuff? He inwardly shrugged, feeling suddenly bad. The girl was hiding from him, not even answering his question when he was trying to be polite and nice. Nobody really seemed to want to talk to him these days. It was as if he was a walking plague, an invisible soul seeking an honest relationship with someone. Though he didn't get to see her face really, Caerul swore he had caught a glimpse of...sorrow or something on the girls face. But he refrained from prying.

The soft words of his brother reached the two toned mans ears, distracting him momentarily from the turmoil of thoughts in his head. He nodded back, greeting his brother in return. His ears pricked as he noticed the exchange between the pair, curiosity peaking in him as he wondered what kind of relationship the pair shared. Surely it wasn't anything more then friendship? Otherwise, Cael would have told him. Not because he had to, but because they were always so close and shared things like that with each other. Surely that wouldn't change...would it?

Cael's attention returned to the she-wolf after Caerul learned her name from him. He glanced at her, then returned his attention to Cael. "Imena eh? That is quite a pretty name there lass. I am Caerul, Cael's brother." He greeted gently to her. Emerald eyes sought out his brothers mismatched ones as he then continued, "Glad you're well brother. I was just out for a walk and...thinking. At this, a brief flash of emotion sparked in his eyes but was gone as soon as it had come, he tried to refrain from talking about it...not while Imena was here. He hardly knew her, and didn't want his secrets spilled to unknown ears. Plus, he figured he would sound very pathetic in front of her, in front of anyone but his brothers really if he said anything now. "I saw Elva passing by and figured you might be out here, so I thought I'd come find you and...well, here I am. I...actually wanted to talk to you about something. But, that can wait. It seems your friend here has something troubling her."

He had stated that last part more then questioned it. He saw it for a brief moment before she had turned from him. Though he wouldn't press her, he would instead allow her to be open about it if she so wished. Whether he and the she-wolf became friends or not, he hoped that they was one thing his heart truly desired among many things. A friend. Someone to love. Children to love. A happy all seemed so far away...would it ever happen to Caerul?



08-15-2013, 08:22 PM

She wished she could just wither away like a dying plant. To turn brown, bent and drooping till nothing was left. She just wanted to hide now and was almost ready to turn and race back toe den. But as Cael blocked her from his brother she was greatful and stayed in place. She had her face all creased up as she tried to focus and calm down. But there was no use. A plant could turn brown and only hope for water but was unable to get the life needing water. Cael?s tail was soothing, it made her release her breath that she had been holding. She could hear their conversation somewhere distant. Was her brother blind? Could he not sense the turmoil rolling off of her? Or was it simply he would ignore it for her benefit, leaving her the choice on whether to speak or it or not. Ears twitched at his comment on her name. Head lifted up slowly to have sky blue eyes peek over Cael?s back.

Blue eyes whose depths was like a blue storm, swirling and twisting with raw emotions. Could she trust him? Recently Cael did or he would have sent his brother off by now right? She studied him for a moment, he was handsome like his brother. But what was he like? She sighed softly, her heart ached so bad. What was it like to still be friends with your siblings? To know you could always trust them? Her body still gave small tremors as she moved out of hiding from behind Cael. Eyes fell down to the puddle she had been staring into. For a few heart beats she was somewhere else. Haunches sat down between the two of them. First her eyes sought Cael?s silently hoping he knew she would finally spill the beans so to say. ?Thank you Caerul?it is a pleasure to meet you. I wish it could have been on a better day. I?m trusting Cael that I can say whatever I would to him, to you as well??She said in a hoarse voice.

She took a deep shaking breath, eyes closing. Where should she start? The beginning? She supposed it would be best to tell it all from the start. Might as well tell it all right? ?I grew up in a pack where Healers were only a rank higher than the Omegas. I had no problem with that. This pack was very?strict on the strongest only survive. You show weakness of any kind and you were shunned from the pack. As I grew older..i fell in love. It was not to be allowed. For he was the heir. Only high ranking members could ever mate. He knew I adored pups, wished for my own. As his parents, the current alphas passed away he too their place. As you could guess, we could not be together. It was the law, disobey and get chased off. But I had not?expected him to do what he did?My sister, she was jealous of us. She had been the only one to know of our love. He?he took her as his mate. It destroyed me, to be tossed aside so easily. It time she bore his pups. Another hit, another part of me dying. As den mother, I had to help care for them. I would never ever hold the pups against what their parents did. He had told me..he did it for me. Gave me something I could not have. I know he was just making excuses. But I could not get mad at him. My sister?jealously ruled her life. She still saw me as a threat. When the pack went out to hunt, I stayed behind with the little whelps. A?a bear came. We had seen the bear often enough and had to always chase it off. So..I did what I had to. It seemed to take forever to get the bear away from the den.? She paused, bowing her head. Just retelling it made all the emotions feel like brand new. It was a long moment before she could find her voice to finish. ?She came when I was driving the bear away. Retraced her steps so as not to be detected. She..she killed every one of those pups. When I returned she had whipped up a story saying I did it. It did not help that blood from the bear tainted my teeth. They believed her, refused to scent what really had happened. They chased me out, cursed me. Called me a pup killer, cursed me to never ever join a pack again?.? She stopped. Tears silently fell down her muzzle. She shook as if a leaf in a winter breeze, barely hanging on.



10 Years
Athena I
08-22-2013, 08:46 PM

Of course Cael trusted his brother. He would trust the monochromatic brute with his life and maybe even Imena's life, but he was still a little uneasy when she mentioned trusting Caerul to hear whatever she would have told Cael alone. The druid glanced to his brother, pushing his weariness away. There was really no need to feel so unsure about this, Caerul was an extremely trustworthy man. Turning his two-toned gaze back to his friend, he turned his ears forward attentively to listen to her story, finally getting to understand the shadows that hung around her constantly.

The tale she wove was a heartbreaking one. The healer had only wanted to care for others, especially for pups. Every road block imaginable had been put in front of her and every stable thing in her life had been torn away. She wanted some of the simplest parts of life, love and a family, and she hadn't been able to have them. She trembled with the weight of her sorrow, quiet tears rolling from her beautiful eyes. He wanted to reach out and comfort her, lick the tears from her cheeks, tell her everything was going to be alright. Since his brother was watching her as well, he settled for gently resting his shoulder against hers and brushing his tail along her back comfortingly. With a gentle voice, he told her, "But, Imena, you have joined another pack. You have Valhalla and you have me and Cearul... We're here for you now."




08-22-2013, 11:47 PM (This post was last modified: 08-22-2013, 11:48 PM by Caerul.)

The man listened carefully and intently to the words of the girl weighed down before him. Though not weighed down externally, but a great deal inside. His brows furrowed in concern for her, her tale pulled at his heart and soul. How tragic...she only wanted one thing in life, and it was ripped from her. By her own family at that! That part of the story had infuriated him, and he vowed that if he ever saw those two then he would see to it that they saw redemption and the errors of their ways. How could someone do that to such a sweet looking wolf!? Though he had barely just met her, there was indeed something about the girl that pulled him towards her. He wanted to help her, to protect her from harm and pain that befell her poor soul. He would do what he could, even if from afar.

He turned when his brother spoke, and in the process caught the movement that he made as well. His brother it seemed, was close to her. He wondered if it was just from the fact that it was a healers bond, or something more...but if it was more, then surely Cael would have mentioned it to him and Alsander at least. Returning his gaze to Imena, he nodded. "Aye, you have Valhalla now. As do we, we're all family and we will do everything in our power to protect and aid you, Miss Imena. Trust my word when I say that I will not allow you any more pains, past,.present or future." he vowed to her.

He leaned forward and boldly licked the top of her head, an attempt to comfort. It was often what he did to his sister when she was upset and it seemed to help. He thought he would try for a nuzzle as we but refrained. He felt a little uncomfortable with Cael watching, and so just stuck with a quick lick to her crown. He dearly hoped that she would find happiness and get what she wanted. Her story would remain in his mind for a long time...he got a hopeful feeling, praying, that she would allow him to help her. To protect her.




08-26-2013, 03:59 PM

Her vision was blurry as she stared down at her paws. She felt Cael's shoulder press into her with his tail moving soothingly down her back in comfort. She took a deep shakey breath, ears perking at his words. She lifted her head to stare at him, eyes searching his. Could she truely trust both males? Could she risk opeing herself up again? Caerul spoke next and followed it with a lick to her forehead. Her eyes closed and she leaned into the caress, a soft low whine pulling forth from her. It was not a whine of pain or sorrow, but loving and trusting. She would trust them, what else did she have to lose?

"I trust you both, i truly do. But im not to sure about the pack yet..that..that will take time. I wish i had a family like you two. The only one i ever trusted and would risk my life for was my adoptive sister Nalani. I know she would do the same for me.." She replied. She thought back to the old colored sister she had. That woman could be dangerous but ith good intentions. They had often nick named her the "Tornado". It had been fitting for the brown female. Imena missed her, more so than her blood relatives."Just dont ever cause her harm or trouble. She's a wolf thatis unmistakable. Brown with...darker brown mottled pattern. Her eyes are pink with a soft yellow ring one the outside....she is very dr to me.." She added and looked at Caerul. She didnt want either of them to hrm she "sister" should she ever appear.

She turned to Cael and licked his cheek before doing the same to his brother Caerul. Both made her feel so much stronger inside. She did not feel afraid around them, able to speak her mind. Some how she already trusted them with her life. She knew she could rely on both the males. But it would be hard to feel that way towards the pack.She knew there were many numbers in Valhalla she had yet to meet.