
Taken pt.1


08-23-2013, 09:16 AM


The cat came winding along the cliffside as nimble and natural as a squirrel in the trees. Course it was a metaphor that Silverback would've snapped at. She could not be compared to prey, when she was the hunter. The predator. The master. All others were were lower life forms. The only individual that could rival a cat lord in raw ability was perhaps one of the mammoth bears that roamed the lands occasionally, but even so, those were just brutes; Silverback was something far more powerful and beautiful. Not to mention cunning.

There was a group of wolves somewhere around here - this much she knew, but honestly she wasn't caring. They'd chosen a place that, while wonderfully defensable against other wolves, was perfect for her own purposes. The endless track of cliffs that lined the coast on either side of the cove, might have been a deathtrap to a canine, but it was a sunday stroll to her species. Silverback had smelled pups in the area, and have taken it into her mind to catch herself a young thing and raise it as her own. It needn't know the difference, and she could teach it all sorts of wonderful tricks - raising it above the level of it's breed. As it was unlikely she'd ever be able to bear any children of her own - the idea seemed perfectly justified in her mind. She had a need and the other creatures on this planet were only there to fulfill it.

Of course, if the young ones seemed too heavily guarded, she wasn't going to try anything stupid. She'd make her observations and be on her way - waiting until a better opportunity presented itself. Then again, if some other obliging wolf were to come her way... perhaps she'd snag them. It was so much fun to go shopping.

Silent paws tread across the dark stone as she drew nearer to the tail tip of the cove. She could see the southern part of the beach from here - littered with tidal pools and well out of sight and sound from the main part. The tide was a bit high at the moment though, and Silverback didn't fancy getting her paws wet for nothing, she'd wait paciently for a little while and see what came her way.



08-23-2013, 09:32 AM
Bi-colored eyes scanned behind the dame as she wandered towards the cliffs by the cove. Keki wondered why no one came her, but maybe this could be her special place. She liked the thought of that, special place. Where the tide pools littered the ground with all sorts of life. It was high tide and she relished the squelch of the wet sand between her paw pads. The fur on her feet was wet but she could care less. Paw prints were left behind her in the damp sand. Yet the femme didn't think anyone would follow her. It was her children's both season and they were all yearlings now. It saddened her though, Pericles and Tiberious had gone off somewhere, she knew not where though. Had they left her like she thought her children would do? The irony of it was that the only child who remained close to the nest was Kairos. She hated herself for disliking the thought. He reminded her of his father. Keki loved him still...but she still feared him deep down.

Her predictions had came true though, her sons had seemed to abandon her. Now what did she have left? Family yes but herself and her sister now. Back to square one she supposed. But Keki wasn't getting any younger now even though she wasn't even close to old. And yet she was still as beautiful as ever. Walking through the tide pools she leaned down every now and then to look into them. Some contained mussels and clams while others contained other life forms. The female took a moment to crack a clam open and devour it's inside. Licking her maw as the salt water dripped from her chin she looked up at the cliffs. Why had no one attempted on climb these? Was it Ben possible? Why not give it a go. With her bi-colored eyes hiding a look of determination she scrambled on too of a rock nearby that was as big as her. Carefully balancing on it she lifted her forepaws to reach for the nearby cliffside. It seemed rather easy to maneuver on down here but up further the cliffs were higher as looked like they were harder to climb. This was fun a heart racing way.

Yet with a shrug she kept on going and pathetically made her way to the next flat surface. Looking over the side she saw a rather deep tide pool. Looking back at her white and gray unusually soft fur she wondered if it was worth getting wet and jumping in. With a sigh and a smile the dame sat on her haunches and looked around the cove. She wondered what would happen in her life next. It seemed like after two of her children seemed to disappear the world had stopped. It was too bad sort of broke her heart. All she had left was one son now; she guessed she should spend some more time with him as much as it pained her on the inside guiltily.


08-23-2013, 09:51 AM


Silverback, from her perch, was soon assaulted by the stench of wet dog wafting up above the salt and sand. She was rather invisible where she was - overshadowed and pressed pressed against the walls with plenty of curves of stone to hide behind. Her coat had been hand painted by the creator to make her hard to spot while hunting - and hunting was exactly what she was doing. Soon enough the wolf came into view and the cat was surprised by how lovely it was. It was a wolf, yes, and she hardly ever thought them much to look at, but this once was rather pretty. It was a delicate white thing with a darker grey underbelly and a diamond-back like pattern along her spine. Most unusual.

The silver siren had come to the beach for a pup, but it was hard to pass up so pretty a song bird. She was loathe to show her presence to one of the pack wolves, but perhaps she'd risk it. After all that wouldn't matter if the one who saw her was taken with her. She hadn't quite made up her mind though; She'd talk to this one and see.

She was just about to begin a descent when, low and behold, the mutt began climbing up towards here. It made it's slow but steady way up along some of the lower, chunkier rocks, and even seemed to consider a little bit of diving, before it sat down, most serenely.

Yes Silverback would definitely talk with this one. Perhaps it would prove entertaining. There was the slightest skittering of pebbles as the massive cat seemed to fly across a space of twenty or so paces, but the next moment she was crouching pretty as you please on a rock ledge just above the wolf's head. "Top of the morning, little wanderer," she purred, hooking her big fuzzy paws over the stone lip, and laying down comfortably. "No need to be frightened," she said ever so gently, perfectly aware that her first reaction would probably be one of shock and fear. "It's not as though all cats and dogs must hate eachother. I lived beside a pack of your species one - in the mountain range beyond the snowfalls." There, not a bad ice-breaker.



08-23-2013, 10:03 AM
Keki sat one the ledge as she licked at her laws to try and dry them off. Bi-colored eyes watched the water and her gray lined ears perked up at a tiny ripple as a pebble fell into the water. But just a few tiny ripples from tiny stones...ever so tiny. She thought nothing of it before a voice piped up behind her. Rigid did her body go for she hadn't expected anyone to be here. The feminine voice behind her greeted her good morning as they called her a little wanderer. Little? She wasn't little...turning around she saw why she was called little. A big cat was behind her perched on the rock above her. The cat said she didn't need to be afraid so she wasn't....but just cautious now. It started a conversation; saying it lives by here. Was that a good thing or a bad thing? Keki couldn't quite tell yet.

" nice. I didn't know we had a neighbor...but it's nice to meet you. My name is Keki Menapache...what may yours be so I may greet you properly?" she said with an innocent batter of her beautiful bi-colored eyes of blues.

The dame wasn't sure if she liked being here alone now with a big cat. Next conversation she would say she had to go...

Looking now at the creature she wondered if there were more like this "beast". Should she be concerned? With a small friendly smile upon her face the lady sites for the animal to answer. Swaying her tail back and forth ever so softly she seemed to be patiently waiting with her ears ready to listen. When she got back should she warn the others about this..this neighbor? The question was is this cat as nice as it seemed to be?


08-23-2013, 10:17 AM


Silverback watched the girl with thinly vieled amusement. She was a polite one at least. Rather reminded her of her own Nuka. They were affronted and horrifed and angry at first when captured, but eventually they came to appreciate the work of art that was to be their warden and life long companion. Silverback was perfectly willing to have a nice conversation with this one though. It would make things come as less of a shock - she didn't want anything to wilt the petals of this lovely flower. Just look at those eyes. She could almost be jealous.

The little thing had a flighty side to her though, despite the polite words of greeting. The cat lashed her tail back and forth but a smile remained on her short muzzle. She'd play along. "I'm Silverback. Just Silverback. No fancy last names. Not enough of us to need the distinguishing I suppose." She chuckled dryly. "But no I'm not a neighbor, I wander around too much for that. So you needn't be worried about me hanging around too much." Her smile became wider, showing a hint of fang. It was clear that there would be no hiding thoughts from this cat. She could see that the wolf was uneasy and didn't exactly like the idea of having her around. But it was equally clear that Silverback didn't care. If anything, she enjoyed making the girl uncomfortable - especially since it seemed so easy to do.



08-26-2013, 12:13 PM
Eyes narrowed slightly but quickly recovered. This cat didn't seem to be out of the bag just yet. Keki's tail nervous swayed back and forth against the rocks as she sat on her haunches. After a moment or two passed the feminine feline replied with her name, Silverback. Well the name surely suited her due to her appearance. She continued saying she didn't have it need a fancy last name due to the amount of her kind. Shortly after that she said she want a neighbor and that she Anders around too much for that. With a nod Keki began to speak.

"Your name suits you very well Silverback, and it's a easier to meet you. But...I'm afraid as soon as I have met you I must go. You see I-I have to go find my ummm son, yes I must go find him. I wouldn't want him to get into any trouble would I?" she said in an almost shaky voice as she stood up and started making her way down the rocks.

Keki reached the bottom and felt better that her paws sunk into the soft wet sand.

"I'm afraid this is a bit rude of my but I hope you understand...maybe another time Silverback?" she called over her shoulder as the dame walked fast as if her life depended on it, well it felt like it did.

The female grew hot with anxiety as she wished the cat would stay up on her perch. What if she were to follow her to the others? What if she were to attack her? No, stop worrying! The dame figured she would find her son and keep him as close to her as possible, she didn't want him wandering around with a big cat on the loose. Maybe she should find her little brother too, Cross. Well he wasn't so little anymore physically.

Keki's paws squelched in the wet sand as she walked away at a fast pace. Right, left, right, left. Keep on going, don't look back.


08-26-2013, 01:05 PM


The white-grey fae was working hard to make a polite exit of a scene that obviously stressed her. Her attempts had gone from adorable to irritating. The fae was a terrible liar. Utterly pathetic. There wasn?t anything to stop Silverback from pouncing now, but she chose to wait. With a word, she watched the fae give her last ados and then turn to shamble away from the cliff edge. She was back on the beach ? going off a quick, stiff legged walk. Silverback?s toothy smile widened. Oh this was going to be fun.

Any snowleopard can make a leap of twenty or thirty feet without batting an eye or chipping a claw. It?s something they have to train for when they?re little, but by the time theyr?e adults such things come naturally. To those blessed with great ability ? or, in Silverback?s case, with longer legs and back ? jumps of up to fifty feet or farther have been recorded. And heaven only knew what such creature do in the dark. Silverback was at liberty to let the she-wolf walk a good ten yards- let her think she was going to get away ? when she would plant her hind legs, coil every muscle in her silken body, and pounce

The huntress hit her prey like a bullseye ? but she was careful not to use all of her weight and force in the landing. A furry bag of broken bones was no good to her except as a meal. Silverback didn?t want the wolf dead. She just wanted her. The snow leopard?s pounce was enough to beat anyone into the ground, and the wolf would feel the coarse cut of the sand and the hot breath of the predator over her before a blow to the back of the head would knock her into unconsciousness. Silverback made sure to use a sheathed paw, and again, not to hit with full force.

(ooc: prior permission given for powerplay)
