
Broken, Broken Bells

Drifa, Acere ?



Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
12-20-2019, 12:38 AM (This post was last modified: 12-20-2019, 12:56 AM by Bellamy.)
Ooc:: Set after this thread.


“Bells we have you waiting in this den for a reason…” Whiskers’ voice was worried as she saw the she-wolf start to rise yet again. “You really should rest until the healer gets here.” The badger’s brow furrowed. “You’re acting odd… and it’s not just the injury… the way you looked at Acere’s daughter, freezing up like that…”

“She’s lost it, Whiskers. Broken.” The devil, curled up at one side of the den yawned and set his head on his paws. “If she wants to run off and avoid treatment like some whelp then let her damned leg get infected and start to rot. Her fault she got stabbed in the first place.”

Whiskers scoffed. “You act as though you don’t care when you say that but if something actually happened to her like that you’d feel awful.”

Bellamy wasn’t really listening to either of them. Her gaze was fixed on the floor of the den as she trembled on her legs and her mind raced to process what all had happened in a short amount of time.

What had been meant to be simply finding Acere had landed her in a bit of a spot. She had not only trespassed on claimed lands but brought harm to one of his members. She was sentenced to time here to not only heal but, in return for her actions and the aid, but also aid the pack as a member to help hunt and whatnot… and… it left her wondering…

...was this “punishment” just a nicer way of declaring her a slave? 

...did Acere plan to keep her here? 

Maybe it was all a lie. He played her like a fool, baited her for a sort of trap… she shuddered, pain from her leg causing the female to grit her teeth. But more than anything she felt sick, twisting knots of fear.

If she was being made a slave… why didn’t she fight? Why didn’t she resist? 

She had swore she would never serve someone else like this. 

Never, ever again.

It caused her breath to come out in sharp pants, pupils dilated as her fear began to lead to panic.

“I can’t stay here…” Her words came out suddenly… the anxiety in them causing Whiskers to look at her wolfen companion with more concern.

“Bells you can’t just…” She trailed off, seeing the wild look in the she-wolf’s eyes.

She was terrified.

“I can’t live like that again… I won’t… I…” Her voice cracked as she whined.

She squeezed her eyes shut and kept her ears pinned against her skull.

She couldn’t think.

She couldn’t move.

What was she going to do...?


Physical Injuries / Things to Note::
-Deep gash upon her left foreleg caused by getting impaled by one of Incendio's antler prongs. Worsened / torn more via a bite. Caused a fair bit of blood loss? [Don't delay getting treatment kids, it's not smart.]
-Weakened physical state causing her to tremble with effort just to stand -- not just her fear!

Mental State::
-Terrified and near ready to hyperventilate or "attempt" to bolt. High levels of anxiety.
-Delirious from blood loss. Making her mind a bit paranoid and jump to irrational extremes of her worst fears.
Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.



9 Years

Double MasterTreat 2019Promptober 2019
12-20-2019, 06:51 PM

Drífa moved as swiftly as her old bones would let her. Vial after vial, fresh herbs, and jars of ointments stuffed into her pack. The elder swiftly shoulder her back and stepped out into the hall, her claws clicking across the steel of the ship until slipped into the hush of the cool northern spring. The clouds were moving in again, threatening rain. Halla loped along next to her.

"We have a case?"

Drífa turned her head to the macaque without slowing her pace, offering a quick nod. She didn't know the whole story, only that there was a young wolf, who had trespassed and was now a new member that needed assistance. She could ask Acere about the details later but for now she had a patient and that patient needed tending to regardless of their circumstances. The pines loomed about her until she reached the den of the new wolf.

"Hello? My name is Drífa. I'm the Archemaster, a healer of Winterfell. May I enter?" She could smell the blood and was anxious to get to work but she knew better than to just barge in without introducing herself first.

"I talk" | 'I think'


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
12-22-2019, 01:21 PM
Well, things hadn't gone quite as expected for Bellamy's first visit to Winterfell, and he had to was his fault. Or he felt that way, anyway. He had forgotten to tell his members that if she came by to let him know, but of course with his mind on so many other things...well...he should've remembered that her way of life was so much different than theirs. She had wandered into the territory and young Incendio had found her, thought her a trespasser, and did what he was supposed to do. In a way, he was proud of his nephew for doing his duty. On the other hand, he felt bad Belle had been in that situation.

And all because he forgot.

He felt bad, so after the confrontation he had sent Belle to see a healer and Incendio went off to see Ignis for his wounds to be tended. He didn't think it wise at the moment for the pair to be around each other for the time being, and he would apologize on his nephews behalf. Belle he knew, was aggressive by nature. But she had been raised that way...he didn't blame her for not being the wiser, and judging by how she had reacted the first time they met, he figured she just didn't know any better.

He approached the den in time to find that Drifa had just arrived and the alabaster King nodded a greeting to her, "Hello Drifa, thank you for coming. It's uh..." How should he put it? "A bit of a tricky situation." When he glanced towards the den he could practically feel all sorts of things coming from it in waves. Primarily...fear. He knew a bit of her history, so he thought it best to fill Drifa in on some of it for everyones safety. "Your patient should I put this...unaccustomed to our customs. She trespassed without realizing it, and Incendio attacked her thinking she was hostile. I neglected to inform everyone of our guest, so I take the blame for that. She's also...well...wary of us. She may act with aggression, so she needs a gentle and calm hand," He didn't doubt Drifa would be just that. He didn't know her well, but as a healer, he trusted her to know what to do.

With that said, he turned his attention to the den and spoke from his position, not daring to go in and make her feel cornered. "Belle? It's me, Acere. Drifa is our healer, and she would like to look at your injuries and patch you up so that they don't worsen. You can trust her," He didn't expect her to take his word for it, but he wanted her to know she wasn't in danger. "I also apologize on behalf of my nephew. I neglected to inform the pack you might be stopping by for a visit...I'm sorry about that. We're here to help when you are ready." While he wasn't a healer, he'd help Drifa if she needed it.



Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
12-22-2019, 01:45 PM
Whiskers watched her companion with a worried look upon her face. Even Ears, who liked to pick fun and even be a jerk at times seemed to be worried as he looked at the she wolf. She was rambling, sounding half out of it… she was terrified, not understanding… and so worried about being forced to that life she was in before. It caused her anxiety, that fear, to roll off of her body in waves. The more she stood there, trembling, looking so damn helpless… the devil groaned. He didn’t like this at all. He had never seen Bells scared before, and certainly not to this extent. Hell she looked damn near ready to cry. This wasn’t like her at all. Even his snarkier comments had died on his lips and he wasn’t really sure what he could do for her.

A voice, feminine, reached those in the den and Bells recoiled as though she’d been struck, giving a yelp as she tried to reel back too fast and agitated the wound. It caused her to stumble and fall back against the wall of the den, eyes widened as she looked at the den entrance with horror. “G-go away!” Her voice cracked, practically pleading as her courage failed her. The truth of what she was, just how broken she was, being laid out before wolves she had no reason to trust. She was stupid, stupid and naive for coming here. For showing weakness… they were going to hurt her. She’d be made a slave again… she would never, ever truly be free.

“Bells shh…” Whiskers dared to come closer. She knew how flightly a panicked creature could be. Though she was not as older as the wolves outside the den among their trio she was the oldest… and she felt it her responsibility to care for both Bellamy and Ears as though they were her kids. The badger watched her with sympathy, trying to soothe the young female. “It’s going to be okay… we’re not going to let anything happen… Ears and I are here… it’s okay… I promise it will be okay.”

Ears groaned again and popped out of the den in the next moment. He had heard Acere, but given how Bellamy was reacting he doubted she registered a single word the male said. The devil shifted uneasily on his paws and decided the best way to get the situation across was to come out and say it.

“Sorry, but your words aren’t gonna get through to her right now. She’s scared out of her damned mind.” The devil frowned, glancing at Acere. “It’s not your fault either. Your packmate did the right thing, and to be fair Whiskers tried to warn her. In her eagerness to locate you she ran off before Whiskers could get the warning out. She just doesn’t understand what’s going on and she’s… a mess.” He fidgeted uncomfortably. “I’ve never seen her scared before… Never seen her cry. I mean sure she’d get sad and stuff but…” He turned his gaze to the healer. “Drifa right? Do you have something I could take in the den to try and get her to eat or something? She needs to calm down before you’ll even be able to get near her. She’s pressed against the back wall like it’s the only thing she has to keep her safe.” He glanced towards the den.

“Whiskers is in there trying to talk to her… and block her exit. If she finds an opening she going to try and run.”
Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.



9 Years

Double MasterTreat 2019Promptober 2019
12-22-2019, 09:30 PM

A startled yelp was her answer and then a demand that she go away. Drífa's ears flicked back as she summoned her patience. Ok, so this was going to be less straight forward than she hoped.

"I will not enter if you do not wish me to, but I should like very much to help if I can." Thankfully, Acere arrived to elaborate on the situation and her brow lifted in surprise. A wolf that didn't understand pack borders? Now that was strange. Even among nomadic groups that did not believe in such things there was an understanding that other wolves did claim territory and trespassing was just asking for trouble. "Ah, I see. So you met her before she showed up here. That's good to know, she might listen more to you than a complete stranger."

Acere spoke out, trying to reach the young woman under their care. Drífa thought he chose his words well but moments later a strange creature she hadn't ever seen before wandered out. It was like some sort of strange cross between a rodent and a raccoon. She packed away her amazement, that could be addressed another time and she nodded swiftly. "Yes, that is exactly what I was thinking." She carefully slipped her pack off her shoulders and nimbly used her teeth to open the top. Reaching in she pulled out a bundle wrapped in leather and opened it to reveal a mostly plucked sage grouse. Halla had done the plucking, a choice Drífa made as she did not know how weak her patient would be. No wolf needed to be fussing over pulling out feathers in a weakened state and she hoped the young bird would be easier to manage than a deer leg. "I have this sage grouse I can add some herbs under the skin that could help calm her if you're sure she'll eat. Otherwise I do have a bowl I could add some water to and add in a tincture." Halla walked over to the pack and began pulling out a wide assortment of herbs from lavender to a particular kind of mushroom she'd forgotten the name of but she was sure Drífa knew.

"Otherwise, my only other recommendation would be to try and get her to breathe. To hold her tongue in the middle of her mouth and breathe in deeply and hold it for 7 seconds, breath out and then hold for 7 seconds again." Breathing was certainly no cure but it was one little thing that could help weaken the maddening cycle of the girls mind. It was something Drífa was taught long ago, she just wished she could remember to do it herself when memories of her lost loved ones came flooding into her in the middle of the night. "Or… if worse comes to worse, I do have something else but I'd rather not use it if I don't have to." It wasn't very nice, but it was useful for occasions that required a slap in the face. She had some hot chiles. It wouldn't take much of the volatile peppers to put a wolf in a world of hurt but sometimes the pain was all that was needed to distract from the racing mind and break one out of a dangerous loop long enough for other methods to be administered. Her teacher would not have approved but Drífa was trained on the battlefield. She'd use what she had to.

"I talk" | 'I think'


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
02-11-2020, 01:16 AM
"We have met before not far from here...her life before coming here seemed rather harsh, and her knowledge of traditional packs is lacking to say the least." From what he learned, she had never known a gentle hand from anyone other than her companions. He was somewhat surprised when the badger emerged from the den, then again could he really claim he was surprised? He had an idea of Belle's temperament, the situations she was and wasn't used to gauging by what he'd learned of her up till now. He listened as the badger filled them in on what was going on with the agitated and obviously frightened she-wolf, and part of him felt bad for her. "If she decides to flee then she may, though I'd rather her not with that wound..." He murmured. He glanced at Drifa as she spoke up and then started pulling things out of her pack and explaining what she could use.

He watched her with intense curiosity, the remedies she said she could do and even the breathing exercise was something he hadn't known about until now. He would pay attention to what she said, and perhaps pass the knowledge on to those who might need it, and even for himself. After all, old dogs could still learn new tricks, right? But what got him most curious was the last one. She didn't say what it was, but for some reason it amused him. "Bellamy, we're not here to hurt you. If you want to leave then you are free to do so, after we get your leg bandaged up and before it gets infected. I promise we won't keep you here if that's not what you wish, you're a free wolf, not a prisoner." He felt his attempt at trying to reassure her might be in vain, but he could try, right?



Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
02-29-2020, 02:02 AM
Ooc:: Forgive long post guys! Just trying to get this moving since it's older.

Ears blinked as the woman brought out a grouse from the pack she had been wearing a few moments before. Curiously he sniffed, taking note how the feathered prey was already plucked... good. At her words though Ears spoke confidently.

"Bells will eat. Even if I have to convince her myself it's fine." He was sure the healer would understand his meaning; even if he had to take a bit of the grouse to show Bellamy it was safe to eat he would do so. He was willing to make any sacrifice it took if it meant that she'd be safe and happier... she deserved that.

"I'm going to do everything I can to help her." Ears spoke calmly, confidently, as his gaze shifted to Acere. The alpha spoke and he listened, frowning at his words. "If she flees with this injury she'll use lose of the leg at best. It'll get infected. I'm no healer but you can tell with how deep it is... and knowing how reckless she is? There is zero chance she'd be able to keep use of it like that." He gave a soft sigh.

He turned his head towards the den as he heard whimpering from with, a whine from Bells that he couldn't quite make out though he was sure she was pleading with Whiskers within the den. She was scared, so scared...

"Those damned beasts in Lyenne hurt her badly, Acere." His words were grave. "As much as she carries herself with pride Bellamy has a broken spirit. She reacts with aggression because she doesn't want to be a slave again. She has a heart if you can find it... but so many don't care to make that attempt... not with the damage done." His gaze softened as he remembered their meeting.

"She saved my life when we first met. Those "guarding" the slaves thought to use me for sport... but Bells stood her ground over me. She suffered a bad beating from multiple men, as tall as you though even bulkier... males who had nothing but darkness in their hearts. Not once did she cry. She didn't move, refused to let them get to me as she sheltered my body with her own." The devil spoke with admiration. "That's why I'll fight for her to get a happier ending. She is far more selfless than you'd think. She needs to find a place she can belong, with her own kind..." He frowned.

"...and any other alpha could have just enslaved her. Her worst fears could have come to life all because she doesn't understand due to the chaotic 'laws' of Lyenne. She doesn't deserve that." He shifted on his paws. "I'd like to ask we try at the very least to keep her here until she heals and aids your pack. I feel that maybe, just maybe this could be what she needs now. But only if she has the chance to see it and decide for herself." He glanced towards the den.

"I'm sorry to ask a lot of your pack... but it would mean far more than anything I could even begin to offer if you can help her." The devil felt odd. Being heartfelt like this was not his strong suit... but that was how much Bellamy meant to him. He would pick up the grouse once it was ready and went back into the den with hope for the best.


Inside the den Bellamy had settled down onto her belly at long last. She was quivering still, her terror still clear as tears rolled down her cheeks and she whined, pleading with Whiskers to let her leave. The badger held firm, however, of the same mindset that she was lost... she was going to be a slave once more. She was aware of the voices outside, ears pinned against her skull as she shuddered.

"I want to go..." She whimpered.

"I want to go home…" Her words sounded so heartbroken that even Whiskers paused for a moment. The badger then pressed her nose to Bells' cheek, cooing to her comfortingly.

"Shhh child." She said softly.

She didn't know what Bellamy meant by home; they didn't have one. Unless she meant where she had grown up... not that the female had mentioned remembering her childhood prior to that day.

"It's going to be okay... we're going to get you fixed up and then, once we help out this pack, you can make your choice to stay or go." She smiled some as she spoke. "See? Even Acere has said it just now... you are a free wolf, Bells. Not a prisoner, not here... not anywhere ever again. It's okay."

Ears came into the den and set the grouse down near his friend and took a deep breath. "Why don't you try taking a deep breath? You can breathe in deep, hold your tongue in the middle of your mouth and keep the breath held in for seven seconds or so. Help clear your head, and then we can eat. Look, plucked and everything! You're probably starved." The devil hated trying to trick her... but if Bells knew the food was drugged, for her benefit or not, she'd never take it.

Bells did as suggested though her breath was only held for about half that amount of time before she reached for the prey. She tore into it hungrily, gobbling down the meat and herb mixture. It didn't take long for the herbs to take effect and for Bells to begin relaxing, most of the meal consumed before she set her head on her good leg and stopped shivering.

"You two..." She spoke softly to her companions.

"Please don't leave me... I..." She closed her eyes.

"I'm scared." Bellamy confessed.

Whiskers moved closer to her and laid by Bells side, leaving enough room so that when the healer came in she'd be able to get to the injured leg.

"We're not going anywhere, Bells. You're stuck with us."

"Yeah! We'll be a pain in your ass forever." Ears slipped into something more his nature, giving a cocky grin. "You'll never get rid of us."

This caused the she wolf to smile some.


"Oi! Drifa, Acere, I think you guys can come in now."

Bellamy tensed a little but gave a small nod when Ears looked at her. She'd trust her companions... even if she was afraid they would help make sure she saw the truth.
Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.



9 Years

Double MasterTreat 2019Promptober 2019
02-29-2020, 02:41 PM

Drífa nodded as Acere spoke, taking in the information. She settled down patiently as Acere called down to Belle. In the mean time she started ruffling through her bundle, keen to get some items prepped and make sure she had everything they'd need so she could work as quickly and efficiently as possible. She pulled out a bundle of periwinkle and a sprig of yarrow. Both would help slow bleeding and help against infection. If the wound was as bad as Acere said then she wanted a potent concoction. Drífa also pulled out some of her meadowsweet to help with the pain. She quickly worked on chewing the herbs into a paste and adding them to a jar that Halla held out to her. It would work as the main ingredient in a poultice for wounds.

As she worked Drífa listened to the companions, gleaning as much information as she could from their statements. It seemed that Bellamy lived a rather terrible life. She felt for the woman even though she had yet to really meet her. One of the companions, a creature unfamiliar to her, took the grouse and disappeared into the den. Drífa settled down to wait and at last she and Acere were called in.

Drífa entered slowly and meekly, doing her best to show she wasn't a threat. "Hello there, I'm Drífa. I'm just going to take a look at your wound and see if we can get you feeling better." She felt the need to state her name again just to join her voice to her face and form. "I have my companion Halla with me." Drífa moved aside to allow the macaque in. "May I take a closer look at your leg?" She could smell the blood and at a far away glance she was guessing they'd have to stitch it.

"I talk" | 'I think'