
A Silent Heart


08-18-2013, 01:48 AM

Silver paws walked the path that seemed to have been carved out by many in the past. She had been to the Northern parts before, but it was way before she heard about the new rulers in these parts. She wasn't sure how they would react to her being up here, but she figured if it came to a fight then she was pretty much capable of holding her own. She had heard things, terrible things about the new pack here. That they often would steal women from other packs, forcing them into their harem. She shuddered at the thought of being forced into such a life. Her mind had wandered to Pontifec, a Seracian warrior she had met that Spring. She intended on joining Seracia, with him. Though she hadn't said anything to him about the way she was feeling, she would eventually when the time came. She didn't want to feel like she was rushing into things, and above all, she wasn't even sure he felt the same about her...

So, here she was. Investigating another territory, not really going anywhere in particular. Her mind remained focused, as were the rest of her sensed. She was wary of this area, and would probably remain that way until she returned to Seracian grounds. Oh, but she was pretty far from the location...Seracia was in the Southern part of Alacritis, and she was on the opposite end now. Her nose began to pick up a scent, fairly fresh and new. She glanced around, all she could see was the water not far in the distance and the dull roar of the waterfall beyond. Who was out here?



08-18-2013, 02:21 AM

As always silence followed in the young woman's wake, covering her like a veil and spreading as her paws slowly pressed into the sand, slowly carrying her onwards. She didn't know where she was going, she didn't know why she was walking but she found it hard to stop now a days. She found herself moving at a dejected and yet somehow purposeful pace. She was in the north and that's all that mattered, somehow she had survived off of bugs, berries and occasionally the good will of others but the north was not a very accommodating place to a six month old pup. But she stayed in the area because she knew Aerom was here. As long as she could on occasion cross his path she was happy, content to know that her family was near. But generally she avoided the rest of the wolves who wandered this area. She had made a few exceptions, like the older male who had approached her with the rabbit, but generally she prefered to be alone.

Except of course on days like today when her stomach rumbled, the sound and feeling vibrating all the way through her rib cage. Did every pup go through what she and Aerom were going through? Was she lacking some skill that every other pup was born with? Was it because her father hasn't been there when she was born? A sound behind her stopped the train wreck of thoughts waiting to happen along with her walk. It was pawfalls from what she could gather. And though she never felt especially social for some reason toward the young girl turned her head and cast her black blue eyes over her shoulder, catching sight of the strangely marked female.

Was everyone marked so intricately here?



08-23-2013, 08:47 PM

Silvery grey figure moved through the brush. She had decided to cautiously seek out the scent that she had detected just a bit ago. The river faded behind her as she quietly made her way across the ground, like a ghost in the shadows. She didn't have to go far before unusual sky blue orbs fell upon another life. This one a mixture of grays among other duller colors. She carefully moved forward, ears at attention and her eyes never blinking. This one seemed like nothing more then a young one, so her hesitation melted away to be replaced by curiosity as to why this young creature was out here alone. Judging by only the scent of the one she saw, she detected nothing else...nothing new anyway.

She stopped just feet away from her, her body posture in a non threatening manner as she approached. Curiosity became etched in her eyes as she looked down at the girl in front of her. Her ears flicked, keeping tab on any new sounds that might approach them. "Hello young one...what are you doing out here by yourself? Are you lost? My name is Pacifica, do not worry. I won't hurt you." Gentle words fell from her tongue like butterflies, she meant no harm to this girl and hoped that she knew that. It seemed to her, that the young cub before her seemed...occupied with thoughts. The look in her eyes betrayed as much, and she could also see trouble brewing within.

Her ears caught another sound, this one well known to the ghostly female and a small smile stretched her features. The stomach of the girl in front of her called for food, and she wondered how long it had been since she had eaten. She would wait for a response before inquiring about her hunger, perhaps she would be interested in allowing Pacifica to get her food. The river was nearby after all, and Pacifica was an expert at catching fish. Her thoughts wandered to when she had hunted with Pontifex...the memory of the trout that had assaulted her made her laugh inside, what she wouldn't do to be able to hide that memory from him...For now though, she returned her mind to the present. Focusing on this new stranger.
