
I Fart In Your General Direction




9 Years

The Ooze ParticipantDouble Master
03-04-2020, 06:02 PM
ooc: This is for the seasonal prompt. Please no would-be rescuers, my boy needs his points!

That Sea is just a Gambler at Heart

Dómari worked his way along the inside of the wall that formed the western border of the Vericona Plains. It was strange how easily he'd fallen back into the routine of patrolling the packs borders. Autumn was in the air but despite the morning being a bit on the cool side it was shaping up to be a beautiful day. The sky was blue and clear and the sun was shining and warming up his back as he walked. Dómari still wasn't quite used to the wall but thankfully he was just tall enough to see over without it impeding his vision too terribly. Though, to look over he would have to occasionally pause and really look. It slowed his patrol down but the wall seemed to make Aurielle happy so he didn't complain. Maybe he could patrol on top of the wall?

Grinning at his sudden idea Dómari nimbly leapt up on top of the wall. His tail waved for a moment as he stabilized himself and then he carried on his patrol with a big dopey grin on his face. This was more like it! Unimpeded vision and he was rather enjoying being high up as he walked.



10 Years
Extra large

Valentines 2020
04-10-2020, 02:07 PM (This post was last modified: 04-30-2020, 11:34 PM by Tealah.)
Now, Chaos had been having a swell little vacation for himself since Tyrian had taken over, but frankly he was starting to feel guilty about the whole thing. He'd told Tyrian he'd help him with the pack and instead had gotten a wild hair and taken off. But he'd been alpha on and off for years now, and regardless of who was running the pack now he still felt a strange sense of responsibility for it. So to make up for him being an asshole and leaving Tyr high and dry for a while, he'd taken it upon himself to do a bit of a scout to see how the other packs are doing. He certainly didn't want to make it worse for Tyr by actively trespassing and causing trouble with another pack, but checking them out and spying on them could only help.

He couldn't help but grin remembering that was exactly the excuse his mother had used to get his father to go on a little expedition to a certain pack's boat. Just go check things out, spy on them a little, intimidate them with their bold daring. It'd be fuuuun. Well it certainly had been, hadn't it? Since it had resulted in his birth later.

Of course, the ridiculous little wall that Regulus had started around his pack that his daughter had made even sillier by building onto it had annoyed Chaos from the start, and it made it a damned lot harder to do an efficient spy, not to mention just the principle of the whole thing made him itchy. So to facilitate his spying and scratch that itch he'd decided to do his spying on top of the stupid wall. He'd seen a sentry up on the wall near one of the openings so he'd been careful to avoid the pass throughs just in case they all had one, and made his way onto the wall well out of sight to sprawl out in a shadowy spot to lay motionless, watching the pack lands. Hopefully his own shadowy, vaguely-rock-colored pelt would let him remain more or less invisible from the ground while he made his observations.

WC: 361
Total: 561

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!
Unless otherwise mentioned as absent, assume that both Great Horned owl companions are nearby
Chaos speaks in a strong lisp, which I am usually too lazy to write



9 Years

The Ooze ParticipantDouble Master
04-10-2020, 06:16 PM
That Sea is just a Gambler at Heart

Dómari continued on his way, tail held high. He couldn't believe what a lovely day it was and he wished dearly that some of his family were here to see it. "Hey Dom! How's the patrol going?" He turned to see Áskell scampering across the ground towards him. The quick black fox leapt upon the stone wall and was joined shortly by his pale brother Lynvarr who trailed along on the ground beneath them. "It goes slowly, but its a nice day for a walk."

He continued along the wall, the foxes in tow. After his patrol he had the rest of the day off but he hadn't quite decided what he wanted to do with his time. He did have a few hides that were tanning. Those would need to be checked on and he was going to look into drying some meat to try and preserve it. This might be a good afternoon to work on that project. The sun was warm enough to dry the meat and hopefully the cooler weather would deter insects though that was still a particular nuisance that would have to be dealt with. Then again… bugs could just be extra protein if he could get them stuck to the meat.

Dómari was wondering about this when he noticed something lumpy and dark up ahead. His eyes narrowed and then widened. It was a wolf! Dómari cleared his throat. "Excuse me, this wall is Valhallas pack border. You need to step down onto the- oh it's you again!" Dómari scowled at the man who had trespassed on their border before. "Don't even lie about not being able to smell the markings I did them just yesterday now will you please just go away if you don't have any business with Valhalla."

WC: 298
Total: 794



10 Years
Extra large

Valentines 2020
04-21-2020, 07:32 AM (This post was last modified: 04-30-2020, 11:35 PM by Tealah.)
Nothing particularly interesting was happening in his view, though a little flock of woolly sheep grazed in the distance and he idly considered swooping in and making off with some of them for Tyrian. His baby brother's herds were his pride and joy, and maybe Chaos could add to them as a way to apologize for his less than stellar performance as a leadership mentor...

He came back to himself blinking as a voice began to harangue him for his position atop the wall, as if it wasn't perfectly clear to the smallest pup that he knew he wasn't supposed to be there. Shifting to bring the other wall-perching wolf into his view, he had to laugh out loud. Look, a familiar face!

"Oh its you again," he echoed back mockingly. "Lucky me, I get the one normal wolf from Regulus's flock of freaks. Of course I have business with Valhalla," he added slyly. "But now I just have so many questions. What did you do to convince Aurielle the Magical Unicorn Princess to keep a drab little owl like you on when she took over from the old man? Ooooh let me guess... you're fucking her! Tell me..." he lowered his voice conspiratorially, "is it true what all her other lovers say? Does her cunt really glow like the rest of her?"

He couldn't resist tweaking the too-serious Valhalla wolf, who was probably as uptight as his alpha. He couldn't help the mocking laugh that rolled out of his chest at the thought, though, because he knew the plain little wolf facing him on the wall couldn't possibly actually be fucking the Valhalla alpha - for one thing he wasn't pretty enough to match Her Royal Crotchlight in looks so there was no way she'd let him between those overly furry legs, and if she were getting fucked on the regular she probably wouldn't be such a pretentious bitch every time she got around someone.

Word Count: 326
total: 1185

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!
Unless otherwise mentioned as absent, assume that both Great Horned owl companions are nearby
Chaos speaks in a strong lisp, which I am usually too lazy to write



9 Years

The Ooze ParticipantDouble Master
04-21-2020, 11:26 AM
That Sea is just a Gambler at Heart

As soon as the insolent stranger opened his mouth Dómari's ears flicked back in annoyance. With each word he felt anger starting to burn hot in his heart. How dare this ass hole just show up on their border and spout such filth? Dómari couldn't find the words to express his fury so he did the next best thing. His defenses set and he charged at the man. His head dove down sharply as he sought to grasp the left side of the man's head. Seeking for his upper fangs to land behind the man's ear and his lower fangs on the man's left cheek. Dómari hoped to snap his fangs together to shred both ear and flesh while keeping his head tucked enough to spare his own neck.

Dómari put his fury behind his jaws, unsure how to use his weight when his opponent was already sprawled out on the wall without risking his jaws overshooting their target.

Dómari Xanilov vs Chaos for Maim (shredding left ear into three pieces [or removed if Tea prefers])
Round 1/2
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Large
Build: Heavy
Offensive Battle Accessory: Leather harness with shoulder spikes
Defensive Battle Accessory: Deer hide cape
Companion 1: Red fox, Male - Battle
Companion 2: Red fox, Male - Battle
Skills: Expert Fighter & Expert Hunter
Specialty: N/A



10 Years
Extra large

Valentines 2020
04-30-2020, 04:11 PM
The other male lunged for him, and Chaos, who'd been surreptitiously shifting his weight off his belly, dug his claws into the stone wall and slammed himself upwards to meet him, shoulder aimed for the other wolf's chest. From his supine position he hoped to use his momentum and weight to throw the other wolf off the wall and to the ground Valhalla had laid their claim to. Maybe he'd get real lucky and Domari would land badly and break a leg. But just in case it didn't go the lucky route, Chaos turned his head and sought to slice his long fangs deeply into the skin and muscle overtop the other male's shoulders in an attempt to leave long parallel scars to remember him by. He was careful not to try to grip him because if the male fell and Chaos was chewing on him, he'd pull Chaos down with him and then he risked breaking his own neck.

Chaos vs Domari for Maim (scarring over shoulders)

Round 1/1

Age: over 1 year

Size: extra-large

Build: medium

Offensive Accessory: N/A

Defensive Accessory: N/A

Companion 1: male great-horned owl - flying

Companion 2: female great-horned owl - battle

Mutation: saberteeth (attack)

Disability: N/A

Skills: Beginner Hunter & Intermediate Fighter

Specialty: N/A

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!
Unless otherwise mentioned as absent, assume that both Great Horned owl companions are nearby
Chaos speaks in a strong lisp, which I am usually too lazy to write

The Judge


05-03-2020, 09:01 PM (This post was last modified: 05-21-2020, 11:15 PM by Dragon Mod.)

And the winner is...


DOMARI must give up by submitting, fleeing or passing out. CHAOS'S maim (scarring over shoulders) is successful!


Domari: 213.48
(33, 12, 76, 38 - Adjusted to 49.5, 14.4, 76, 38)

Chaos: 249.98
(45, 98, 34, 31 - Adjusted to 56.25, 102.9, 34, 34.1)
