
let me ease your pains


08-14-2013, 11:18 PM

The red woman lay herself easily beside the hot springs, head tipped down and eyes closed as she breathed in the sweet sulfuric scent. So much like home, such a reminder of her childhood it was almost painful. But that pain was what constantly kept bringing her back here, what kept her coming to these hard shores and laying at their banks. A few times she had slipped into the hot waters and let their heat ease away any aches and pains her body had collected. But her time in there had been short. Today she had slipped away from her pack once more, the drama with her brother growing too much for her to bare. Such a bleeding heart and so useless now a days. Why couldn't he just man up, hunt down this male that had killed Secret and end it. Or stop his bitching and let it go? Everything was so cut and cry in the red woman's mind, so simple and easy. Why couldn't life be like that? She needed work, she needed to spar, she felt dormant, useless and almost worthless lately. She groaned, flopping dramatically to her side, rolling her shoulders as she pointed her toes and stretched her lengthy legs. It was rare that the woman encountered anyone here unless she called them to join her so she didn't worry too much about being in a less then defensive position.



08-14-2013, 11:36 PM
A sneer was permanent upon her scarred onyx lips. Her body was littered in rather gruesome reminders of her horrible past. The past that made the woman so broken, so insane. She did not even remember her past, other then the recent memories. The demoness had an unknown past because she was thrown from a cliff. She was met by a rock to the head that should have killed her. The drop was not that bad, but it was the impact. She came back quite confused and unable to remember anything. She was angry, she killed. She enjoyed every bit of it. The demoness slowed herself, but she thrived to taste the blood of foes and feel their flesh within her toes. Canttina was obviously broken.

She did not know what brought her to the springs. Though, she did not know why she went to most of the places she did. Her paws were met with warm earth. Sunny, empty, orbs flicked about before they landed on a red being. They widened as she discovered the heap was a Wolfy. She breathed in the scent of a female and instantly her mouth watered. Canttina rolled her shoulders and let forth a jagged breath. Her paws carried herself closer. The springs bubbled all around. She let her tongue roll from her jaws, droll dribbled from her maw. She then let her dark vocals fill the steamy air. "Why hello there, lovely." Her eyes wandered the beings body in hunger. "You are just .. delightful." Her eyes were full with a baking lust that could not be missed.


08-24-2013, 01:18 AM

Click click click went nails along the stone shelf that separated the boiling pools of liquid, steam rising dauntingly from them. The sound made the female slowly roll onto her stomach, head turning to look at the figure materializing from the steam. She was war torn and battered, scars covering her whole body. She was enchanting in her own way, the madness radiating attracting the red bitch like a moth to a flame. Enchanting... Words slithered from the woman's mouth and Vi was almost expecting them to burn holes in the ground where they would fall like acid on the stone. But they did not. Vi slowly pushed herself up, forepaws pushing to lift her into a seated position, sly smile slithering across her lips as gold eyes roamed the woman's frame. "Your one to talk darling," she purred, allowing herself to stand and shake out her pelt, riding herself of most of the dampness collected in her pelt. And then attention would turn back to the woman as she took a few tantalizing steps towards the temptress. 'What brings you to my humble abode?" Words were liquid silk, dripping from her tongue to dance towards the woman though for the moment she kept her distance, slightly wary. She didn't want her appearance to end up like this woman's...



09-23-2013, 09:52 PM

Her body nearly quivered with heat filled lust. She watched as the red woman twisted her way into a seated position. Their eyes matched with the intense interest and lust. They both wore sunny orbs, but Canttina's were much more scattered. The radiated with insanity. The vocals of the russet dame were let forth and Canttina nearly collapsed. Her lovely tones filled the air and swept their way into her delicate audits. But then, a question. The mahogany beast tilted her head, what did bring her? Relaxation? Boredom? Who knew. A shrug was seen as Canttina let forth her dark vocals into the air, "I came to soak within the steamy pools. But, I found this darling woman laying upon the ground, so luxurious and subtle. Now I feel the need to embrace her body." She spoke as if she was narrating. She was not afraid to tell the truth, and the truth was just that. She did need this woman, only she would wait for a response. Her head cocked and her body vibrating with need.