
Festival of Champions Information


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
03-30-2020, 07:13 PM (This post was last modified: 04-03-2020, 01:44 PM by Acere.)

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! The festival of Champions is about to begin!

Below you'll find everything you need to know about this tournament, including but not limited to rules & regulations, participants, & prizes!

Rules & Regulations

1. 2 round dominance fights with strict default times! To keep this going smoothly, default times will be enforced. That's right folks, you are restricted to the sites 3-day default rule! absolutely no extensions! Pay attention to the day so you don't risk getting defaulted! Once the default timer ends, that's it! I will be watching these closely! *please note since timezones and whatnot are different, I don't care too much about the timestamps. You get 3 days to respons to your opponent but after that, yer out!

2. What you signed up with is what you're using for this tournament! I understand the tournament has been pushed way back and most characters have surpassed the skills, etc. that they initially signed up with, but for the sake of not having to redo everything (brackets, digging through chars, etc), then we will be going by the form that was filled out during initial sign-ups! The only exception to this and the only thing that can be changed is age. Everything else must stay the same! Please, please, please refer to your characters sign up form Here! No other edits will be allowed! Thanks for your understanding!

3. Double elimination! So you will get more than one chance for your character to continue forward in the tournament!

4. Each division winner will move up to fight the winner of the next division until there's One. Wolf. Standing. But don't worry, the winner of each division will still win a prize...and of course, the champion will win a grand prize!

5. Keep in mind this is the first tournament I've done so bear with me as I use it as a test (and working out kinks) to see what works for the future!

That's it for rules! Simple & easy right!?

Champions Grand Prize: Choice of Mutation Inheritance Pass, Dire wolf pass, or $25 donation.
1st place winners of each division: Choice of battle accessory, large companion, or Small companion battle upgrade. (In the event winners already have these things, prizes may be switched for something else).
Runner ups for each division: 200 gems.

*I had planned on doing all monetary prizes, but due to unforeseen circumstances IRL, this is the best I can do this time around. Thank you for your understanding.

Participant Brackets

All participants have been sorted into their brackets according to skill level at time of sign up! The threads for each fight will be posted! You have within the default time limit to make your first post (much like the sites winter tournament).

This thread will be updated for each round accordingly, have fun!

Beginner Division
Beginner Division Participants

Intermediate Division
Intermediate Division Participants

Advanced Division
Advanced Division Participants

Expert Division
Expert Division Participants

Master Division
Master Division Participants

**If there's any questions feel free to dm me!