
so critical



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
04-03-2020, 05:08 PM (This post was last modified: 04-03-2020, 05:11 PM by Roan.)
Roan appeared at the border of the Armada and met up with Sirius and Resin and (the four of them?) continued onward towards the direction where he first met Iolaire. Where she found him broken and bleeding in that cave bear’s den. They would go now and finally take its life where it took the life of his sister and countless other wolves.

By the time they reached those hallowed grounds night was beginning to fall. Roan didn’t take the chance to go right up to the cave, he stopped a mile from their destination. They needed to rest and they needed a game plan. ”Alright, we’re nearly there.” Roan couldn’t keep his eye from the direction of the cave as he tried to hand over leadership to Sirius. ”Sirius, do you have a plan?” If the three wizened warriors could not figure out a good action plan they deserved what the bear gave them.

As his Wife Iolaire may enter any of his threads.



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
04-03-2020, 05:21 PM
The controlling, protective Alpha could only let this fight happen if he took lead. His need to protect those in his pack superseded any other option. He had fought a few times now with Roan, and the healed warrior had impressed him enough that Sirius had finally agreed that it was time. He knew Roan needed to do this, and he would not have asked the scarred man to stand down. All the same, he was glad to have Resin at his side. The old scarred warrior might not be in her prime, but she was formidable, and clever. She was heavy set, and well she did not meet his height, she was the closest in this merry band to Sirius’s weight class.

Io was closer to all this then he would have liked. He allowed it only because he knew what she felt for Roan, and it would have been cruel to ask her to say in the safety of the territory. She was support only, but he couldn’t help shooting occasionally, worried glances at his beautiful sister. If the bear got close to her, he would throw all common sense in the wind to save her. She was, in this group, his greatest weakness.

“I’ll draw him out” Sirius said, nodding to Roan as he asked for his plan. “I want you two on either side, wait for him to show, and once he’s engaged with me, go for vitals, go for easy crippling, leg tendons, ect.” he looked to both warriors to ensure they understood.



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
04-03-2020, 05:56 PM
The call came from her daughter's man. He wanted to take out the bear that had taken the life of his sibling, which was fair. The maned woman had agreed to help him per Iolaire's request, and so when he called, she abandoned her patrolling duties and she came, though at her own pace. When she arrived, the other two were there. No... three.

"You aren't going in." The woman shot her single eyed gaze at her daughter. Just as Sirius had been thinking, Iolaire would be a liability. She would bring weakness and divided thought. They couldn't have that and she was sure that her daughter would understand. "We'll call for you when we're ready."

Sirius laid out a plan at Roan's request and, even though she didn't like being dictated to, it was one that she could agree to. "I'll take its legs." With her specialized teeth, it was easy to sever tendons with a single bite. Had she not done the same with a crazed, wolf-hungry tiger not weeks ago?
[Image: GreYdcM.gif]



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
04-04-2020, 07:22 AM
He left his fear at the border of the Armada’s lands, there was no room for the emotion. He was all focused on his game. Roan stood tall, and gave Iolaire one last kiss before the plan was laid out before them. Roan wanted to be in charge, this was his bear to kill. However, Sirius was his alpha, and the fanged warlord needed to be the one to call the shots. This was an exercise in trust, he had to trust Sirius and Resin both.

The alpha was quick to set up his plan, and it seemed simple enough and Roan couldn’t disagree with any of it. Sirrius was the biggest, and the most likely to get the massive cave bear’s attention. Roan nodded affirmatively, Resin was quick to mention that she would take on the bear’s rear legs. He couldn’t deny she had an excellent point. ”I want its throat.” He offered with a strong conviction. Roan wanted to claim the bear’s life like he wasn’t able to so long ago. He’d get his revenge for Dapple, he’d present his wedding gift to his future wife, and he would finally be able to move on.

Roan didn’t hesitate to follow Sirius towards the entrance of the cave, he positioned himself to the side of the cave. He set his defenses and readied himself for the beast to be lured out.

As his Wife Iolaire may enter any of his threads.



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
04-05-2020, 12:16 AM
He would give the wolf who could be described almost as his adopted mother an approving nod. Perhaps Io would listen to her as she did not to him.

They all added their touches to the plan, and Sirius grinned, and gave Roan a rough nudge with his shoulder, showing a hint of camaraderie with the motion. He knew that Roan needed the kill shot, and if the man found a way to take it, Sirius would only aid him. He was putting himself in the path of the greatest danger, because he could not bear it to be any other way. He trusted these two wolves to have his back, and do the damage.

The amusement faded, and seriousness overtook all as the Warlord moved forward. He made no effort to hide his passage, letting his heavy feet hit the earth hard, and his breathing echo across the chamber of the cave. Once his two companions had had a moment to move to the sides, he would raise his head and howl one predator to another. A challenge that could not be ignored.



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
04-06-2020, 02:50 AM
The men howled, alerting the ursine to their presence, but Resin was quiet. She prompted the pair down the ramp and into the main, sunlit chamber. It would make a good battleground and would make it more difficult for the bear to escape. She knew that Iolaire would be up top somewhere. She wasn't going to risk having a giant, injured bear running straight into the small fae.

Down at the bottom of the wide, open chamber, the giantess prepared herself. In her mind, she flipped a switch. War mode activated. She stared off into the darkness ahead. The acrid stench of bear was thick in the air. It was here. She knew it was here. And then, from the darkness, came that familiar panting groan. It was coming.

"Ready yourselves," the one-eyed woman growled. Widening her stance, she continued to watch the darkness. It seemed as though it took forever, but eventually a shape moved within the shadows. It was a hulking beast. Larger than any bear she'd ever seen. It was old and covered with scars. This bear knew battle. This wouldn't be easy and for that, Resin was glad. Though she was old, the woman enjoyed a challenge. Her pulse began to race, blood pumping through her corded muscles. Behind her, she couldn't stop her tail from lashing back and forth. She was ready.
[Image: GreYdcM.gif]



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
04-07-2020, 02:32 PM
Roan knew it was foolish to try and go out of his way to take the kill shot, he would be in the same amount of danger as the other two. Especially with Sirius at the front. Roan could focus on no greater desire in those moments. At the back of his mind he knew that he must return to his dear Iolaire, but his foremost thought was how best to enact his revenge. The corner of his lip pulled back in amusement as Sirius nudged him understandingly.

The three wolves got themselves into position, physically and mentally. Roan shed all thoughts of past or future, because the present was the only thing that mattered. She took in a deep breath, steadied himself, and Sirius called out lone and hauntingly. Only a few heartbeats passed when the bear appeared before them, it’s eyes fixed on the warlord that had disturbed its slumber. Roan quietly pressed himself against the rock face, blending into the shadow at the creature lumbered past him.

It had eyes only for Sirius, and however slow its movement Roan couldn’t forget the speed that the beast had shown in its attack towards himself and his sister. Dapple hadn’t been fast enough either, but he was here now. She would be avenged. The great creature aimed an attack at Sirius, rearing up in the cavern and slashing impossibly long claws in his direction. Roan acted as the bear did.

From behind Roan aimed to mount the creature’s back as it fell back to all fours. He’d grasp tightly to the back of its neck and he’d hold on for dear life. At least to the point where he could get his final grasp.

As his Wife Iolaire may enter any of his threads.



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
04-08-2020, 03:12 PM

He flicked his ears the barest bit, to show he had heard his warrior. All of his attention was faced towards him, he was poised, and waiting, braced for the coming battle. His bloodlust was rising, and there was delight in his eyes that he hid from the wolves hidden on either side of him. It had been so long since he had been able to enjoy a battle, to test his mettle against something great.

It lumbered towards them, the great beast of a creature, with paws the size of a regular wolves head. Sirius lowered himself ever so slightly, centering himself as he spread out his balance. The creature drew closer, and slashed, and Sirius dove forward, under the swinging attack of the bears hands. Roan was closing in on the side of the bear, and he heard and felt more than saw as his wolf mounted the creatures back in a crazy move the Warlord might have used once or twice in his life.

Sirius went for an under attack to distract it from the wolf clinging to its hide. He slashed first at its paw, and then straight at its genitals - taking a page form Bird’s playbook, as he slashed even as he ran, dipping between the center of its legs and out the other side.




8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
04-09-2020, 07:26 PM
As the boys went over the top with their initial assaults, Resin was more cautious. She watched the way that the old bear moved. She watched its mannerisms. The wide scars along her left shoulder and chest were from a bear. She knew all too well what they were capable of. On its hind legs, the beast was gargantuan. On all fours, it was less so, but still just as threatening. There was only one clear course of action.

While the boys kept the ursine's attention, the old warrior made her way behind it. It was much too easy to do, but she simply sank her teeth into the bears left heel and thrashed her head back and forth. The tendon snapped like a branch and the bear lost usage of the limb. It screamed as only a bear can and spun, ignoring the wolf on its back and the one at its front. Head on, it did its best to charge at the maned woman, but she sidestepped and curled her way back behind it once more.
[Image: GreYdcM.gif]



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
04-11-2020, 09:18 AM
The three giant warriors faced off against the massive cave bear that had claimed countless members of their species. It was a killer, it seemed to almost prefer the taste of wolf. They had a duty, not only to avenge his sister, but remove the scourge from this world. Roan was focused completely, not only was he trying to keep himself from harm but the other two wolves with him as well. The only moment that existed was now, and with his teeth firmly in the creatures side Roan held on tight.

As Sirius gathered the bears attention with an underhanded attack Roan wouldn’t let its attention stray from him for very long. He bit down harder, puncturing the creature’s thick hide and he clawed without mercy. Roan knew when Resin struck, as the creature screamed in agony and all of its focus was shifted to her. The silver marked man ripped at the bear’s neck, while Resin had all of its fury Roan was going to do as much damage as possible. As the pain shifted from its leg to its throat the bear’s attention would return to him.

Roan barely had a chance to react as the creature reached up on its back and pulled the massive warrior down with its skull length claws. The silver marked man cried out as he was slammed to the ground. His breath was driven from his lungs and he was suddenly returned to the moment in time he had last fought the creature. Dapple’s scream pierced his ears as he struggled to find his paws again.

As his Wife Iolaire may enter any of his threads.



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
04-14-2020, 04:56 PM
Sirius, who had come out the other side with a little bit of squeezing, would see Resin at its back. He saw her go for a tendon, and spared time to give her a brief nod, before leaping back into the frey. The titanic Warlord would charge, ducking beneath a great blow the quick bear tried to throw his way. He had left Marshal outside, keeping an eye on Io, so he didn’t get hampered by the smaller walls of the cave. Bast was hidden in the shadows, playing support to anyone who needed her help.

At that moment Roan would be tossed, and Sirius threw himself over his warrior, snarling at the bear in case he got any thoughts of mauling the wolf well he was down. Sirius would take the brunt of the attacks if he had to, he would not let any of his people die. As he stood over Roan, Bast would leap into the fray, offering another distraction to the bear as she leaped at its back with the flexibility of a cat, climbing it with her long claws. She was a mountain cat, and climbing the bear was hardly an issue.



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
04-14-2020, 05:33 PM
With the bear hobbled, it couldn't move as quickly. That was a blessing, but not a big enough one. The beast reached up and picked Roan from its shoulders as if he was no more than an ant. The big man went crashing to the ground and Resin winced. She could hear his gasps for air even over the rough, pained panting of the bear.

Sirius leaped into the beasts line of sight, protecting the fallen wolf. Bast was soon launched into the fray and the beast groaned, but it continued moving towards the two men. It reared again, standing for a moment on its useless leg. It was going to crush them beneath its weight. With a curse, the giantess raced around the side of the bear, launching herself forward, she caught the side of its face in her jaws, one sharp canine slipping into its eye socket. The creature roared and sunk is long teeth into her neck and shoulder. The woman yelped with her mouth full, but didn't let go.

Dropping back to the ground with the beast, Resin found her footing. The bear let go to get a better hold and the one eyed woman let go as well. There weren't many options from the position that she was in, so she lunged under the bears chin and bit into its lower jaw. The cave bear ended up screwing itself over. One gigantic paw hit the maned fae square in the side, sending her flying. In doing that, Resin ripped off the majority of the demons bottom jaw. Missing an eye, a leg and now jawless, the bear spun in a panic, not knowing what to do. It was losing blood fast.

After her flight, Resin struck the cave wall. Hard. Her head snapped back, skull colliding with stone. Stars swam before her eye, then everything went black.
[Image: GreYdcM.gif]



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
04-15-2020, 07:33 AM
Roan was laid on his back and suddenly Sirius was over him, protecting his vulnerable position from the enraged bear. Roan struggled to regain his breath and his feet, he couldn’t remain on the ground or he would perish. Thankfully Bast was also there to offer a distraction, and as the bear turned from the silver marked warrior he was able to bring himself to his paws. As he did the man looked up and all he could see was bear, the huge creature loomed over himself and Sirius. Before he could react Resin did.

The silver marked warrior roared as Resin leapt at the massive creature. Roan didn’t leave the woman on her own. As her teeth wrapped onto its skull Roan attacked its other side. He didn’t make it to its face and didn’t catch its attention like he wished to. Resin struck again, and to Roan’s horror threw the woman across the cavern.

The smell of hot blood filled Roan’s senses and rage ensued. Not thinking the man took to the bear once more. With its lifeblood pouring out the creature’s fight was lessening and as Roan’s huge jaws wrapped around its neck the wolf would be covered with the boiling hot liquid as he squeezed at his throat and cut off its air supply.

Weakly the bear paws at roan, but it caused nothing more than shallow cuts along his neck, with one final squeeze Roan pinched off the cae bear’s life force. With one final struggle the bear slumped to the ground and finally faded from its violent existence. Roan had killed the bear and his sister was finally avenged.

He dropped the creature, adrenaline raced through his veins but he hadn’t forgotten about Resin. Before anything else he lifted his head and called out for his future wife. They had a need for her. More than he wanted to admit. As Io was called, Roan turned his attention to Resin, he was only comforted by the subtle rising and fall of her chest.

As his Wife Iolaire may enter any of his threads.



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
04-17-2020, 11:49 PM
The bear came upon them, and Sirius did not flinch. He held steady, ready to launch himself at the very face of the bear to keep it off the wolf he protected. He would not waver in his pursuit to protect what was his, and Roan was very much that. His sister's lover, his pack member. He would not be going to Io today to give news of her loved ones demise.

Before he could put himself in the worst possible danger, Resin did. Sirius howled in anger as she launched herself at the bear, and was thrown into the wall. He was torn between finishing the fight, and going to Resin.

Roan went for the bear, and Sirius could see that Resin had weakened it enough for Roan to take that kill shot. Sirius needed no more persuading. He ran to Resin’s side and checked her injuries. He was hardly a professional healer, but he had been in combat enough to know how to keep someone alive until help arrived. He checked her head, fearing the worst there, and felt where her head had impacted. He was faintly aware of Roan calling to Io, and was grateful.

Her chest rose, and fell, and stuttered, and he realised instantly that something was wrong. He moved her as gently and quickly as he could, move her to the ground, and tilting her head to the side. He then began to perform compressions on her stomach. He could not afford to be careful of her ribs. He pushed her heart, and breathed air into her muzzle. Once, twice, and she breathed on her own once more. There wasn’t time to assess anything else, Io was there and pushing him aside, and he allowed the expert to take over. He would turn his attention to the dead bear. Angry he couldn’t kill it himself, that it couldn’t die again and again.