
Stranger to see you again




Beginner Intellectual (5)

Master Fighter (245)

10 Years

Pride - PolysexualHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
04-19-2020, 03:33 PM (This post was last modified: 04-19-2020, 03:34 PM by Eraithus.)
As the days continued, Eraithus was getting more weary of finding his siblings. Part of him wanted badly to see them another part of him knew if it continued like this he would just have to accept the fact he would need to find another goal in his life. Joining a pack was not an option, perhaps he should seek out mates. However - who wanted to mate with a loner. There was security in a family unit in a pack. He wasn't even sure if a pack would be accepting of his polyamorous nature anyway. Plus he didn't take well to orders. These were all things to consider, simply because if he did happen to never find his siblings they too would want him to continue on in his life. They may have washed up here together but he couldn't be tethered to those who were lost.

This was things he thought about as he moved through the prairie it smelled great. Full of life and prey making him take in a deep breath and let it out. Eraithus honestly wished he could ask someone about it. What should he do? He was young, only a mere three years. He'd never been without his family nor his siblings until this very moment when they had been sent out as a right of passage to continue their family name. What if he never found love? What if he never sired any litters? Was he a failure then in the eyes of his fathers and mothers? He shook his head - friends were few and far between in these lands as he had only met a handful of wolves. A pack would get him closer to others - but he didn't think it was the right decision. Eraithus sat down and closed his eyes, it hadn't been that long for now he could continue looking for Hanmel and Neracu.



9 Years

The Ooze ParticipantDouble Master
04-19-2020, 03:48 PM
That Sea is just a Gambler at Heart

Dómari worked his way backwards slowly. He'd managed to catch a young pronghorn and was working his way over to a small cluster of trees on the prairie where he could get a little shade. His exertion coupled with the sun on his dark pelt was quickly causing him to over heat. Finally he arrived and dropped the kill. Oof! He took a few gulps of air and then bent his head to start chewing at the skin and flesh around the horns. Lynvarr insisted that the horns could be used to hold things and act like a cup. He set to gnawing and as he worked he looked out across the prairie where he spied a familiar looking form. Hey, that looked like the man he'd sparred not too long ago! "Hey, Eraithus!" he called out and stood up so that he'd be more recognizable. "How are you? Are you hungry?"

He bent his head figuring he could start on the skinning now and offer the other man a meal if he needed it. Dómari started at the belly rather than the neck, carefully working his way across to spill the creatures guts. If the man was in need of calories he could scarcely do better than the liver. Dómari lapped the blood off his face before continuing the cut up to the base of the neck.



Beginner Intellectual (5)

Master Fighter (245)

10 Years

Pride - PolysexualHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
04-19-2020, 03:56 PM
It was really no surprise when he heard Domari's voice, suddenly coming out of his rather thoughtful coma. He had caught a rather beautiful pronghorn and it made his heart flutter a bit. Eraithus was no hunter though he had to do it to survive, but he definitely could admire a catch when he saw one. Of course though it was what the older male was doing to the creature that confused him. Gnawing at the horns - it looked like he was looking to remove the skin off the animal. Well he did suppose it would make good nesting but where he came from it seemed so primal. Were these wolves crafty like monkeys? The thought suddenly crossed his mind that he could learn quiet a bit living in Boreas. Eraithus felt comfortable enough to approach with a smile he knew Domari was friendly or at least he thought he was to it would actually be nice to be able to talk to someone.

"Hello Domari, I'm doing well considering my circumstances right now." his thoughts did wander to his brother and sister again like a knott in his stomach. He normally just smiled and talked - but for once he had a troubled look on his face. Though to answer if he was hungry or not suddenly his stomach growled. He hated to admit he had lost a few pounds thanks to taking on a life as a loner. Finding food as a single wolf was a lot harder than he figured even if Boreas was lush with prey. Eraithus tried to hide his troubled thoughts over the assumption he was just hungry. "I'd hate to take such a beautiful kill of yours though. Don't you have a pack? This would be for them." he was a gentleman he couldn't take what belonged to someone else.



9 Years

The Ooze ParticipantDouble Master
04-19-2020, 04:17 PM
That Sea is just a Gambler at Heart

Dómari worked to pull the skin back on the side that was facing the sky, working to swiftly make the cuts from the underside down the legs. He was getting faster and more efficient with each animal he skinned. He grinned at Eraithus, licking the blood off his muzzle as best he could but frowned a bit at the mans words. "Oh? I take it you haven't had any luck finding your siblings?" He really wished he could help the other man but so far he hadn't heard much of anything that might be useful. Dómari finished pulling back on the hide and moved back toward the head.

He started working on the horns again but paused as Eraithus spoke. He nodded. "Yes, I have a pack and most of this will be for them including the hide and horns but I'm willing to part with the entrails if you like. It will make the kill lighter to carry back and well, I've already gutted it anyway, so help yourself!" He continued working on the skin around the horns until he managed to hook his fangs down underneath the sheaths. Carefully he began to pull back, trying to pop them off.



Beginner Intellectual (5)

Master Fighter (245)

10 Years

Pride - PolysexualHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
04-19-2020, 04:25 PM
Eraithus would shake his head to the man's words. "I've lost their scents too, doesn't seem to be anywhere around now since I washed up on Obsidian beach." it was right near here too. He did suppose he best admit his worries, Eraithus was looking for advice maybe a bit of consolation if he could so help it. It was strange interacting with wolves other than his family. "I've been thinking to myself, I don't want to waste the rest of my life looking for them. If I don't find them though I'm not sure what to do." he admitted. "I've never been away from family, though I know I'm far into adulthood so I shouldn't get hung up over such things." it was then that the wolf explained what he was planning for the pronghorn. The hide and the horns though, what use were of those?

"Interesting. What do you use the hide and the horns for I've never heard of a wolf making use of these things. I was wondering why it looked like you were skinning to the animal." Eraithus didn't want to pass up the opportunity to eat. The entrails could keep him going for a few days that was for sure they were packed full of protein. Carefull not to get in his way he moved to the part of the pronghorn that had already been skinned where the entrails were. Taking a large bite he felt his stomach happily taking in the meat. It wasn't like his addiction to wolf's blood he enjoyed food like any other of his own species. "I'm not fit to be in a pack, so I've been wondering what I should do should I never find my sister and brother because it's increasingly appearing like that might be the case." he would say between bites. It didn't take him long to finish though licking his muzzle free of blood as he sat down beside the carcass and watched Domari work.



9 Years

The Ooze ParticipantDouble Master
04-19-2020, 04:47 PM
That Sea is just a Gambler at Heart

Dómari pulled harder and popped one of the sheaths off. Perfect! He glanced over at Erai though as the man stated that he'd even lost his siblings scents. Dómari set the horn sheath down between his paws. "You could maybe trying visiting the alphas of packs around here and seeing if they know anything. Other than that I don't have any ideas." He chewed of the rougher ends of the horns as he thought but he really didn't have much in the way of a good idea. He set the horn aside and stared at it for a moment. He wasn't even really sure how to get the thing to stand up unless he partially buried it. Where had that fox gotten to?

Dómari padded back over to the deer carcass deciding to give his jaw a bit of a break. Chewing on the horns was rough on his teeth and he still didn't quite see what he'd do with the horn anyway. Manuvering the antelope he continued working on the hide, pulling it off the other side of the animal as Erai began to speak again. "I'll use the hide to trade or to give to another of my packmates to line their den this winter. As for the horns…. I don't know. My companion Lynvarr said you can use them to make cups to catch rain and put things in." Dómari finished pulling the hide loose and set it aside.

"Oh… why don't you think you're fit to be in a pack?" He'd been about to suggest the man try joining Valhalla.



Beginner Intellectual (5)

Master Fighter (245)

10 Years

Pride - PolysexualHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
04-19-2020, 05:14 PM (This post was last modified: 04-19-2020, 05:15 PM by Eraithus.)
Eraithus was interested in this work, he wasn't a hunter bit it was really interesting to say the least. A bit of pride filled him up when he was able to get the horns off. Causing the man's tail to give a soft steady wag and a smile, he was usually happy when others could succeed he always enjoyed seeing others grow and learn. Though he was sure Domari was twice his age. "I would consider it but as a loner I'm at risk to be claimed. Packs like Ashen would eat me up and I'm not too familiar with how anyone fights. Plus I hear Ashen has huge wolves I sparred with one of their yearlings myself." Large... he'd never seen wolves so damn big in his entire life.

"Interesting! My lands never thought of anything like that. We lined our dens occasionally with feathers but never hides. Don't know why we never thought of it though." he supposed it just never came to them. Or perhaps it was because prey was sacred, he remembered his father once telling him about that. Yet ever since the rock slide on a hunting patrol with his companions, the day his blood addiction started, he was aversed to hunting unless needed. It wasn't exactly a fun activity. "Oh well hopefully he can show you how it's done then that would definitely come in handy." especially if a sick wolf or weak one needed water. Eraithus nodded his head when Domari asked why he couldn't join a pack.

"Well you see I don't do well with being told to do really. I can be very loyal but the idea of being ordered around is kind of a put off. I have a very different culture from others, see my family was polyamorous meaning my father was married to three mates to each other. Two females and a male. I'm the same I believe that love can be spread to more than one wolf, not in just a procreate kind of way of course my father genuinely loved my mothers and other father and I'm the same. When I was travelling with my siblings we were met with nothing but disgust over this so I tend to just assume packs are dettered from such a thing." he said as he looked over Domari. "I understand that there's unity and protection in a pack but if I cannot give my full loyalty I do not see a reason to join a pack at this time. " he'd much rather run his own but he wouldn't tell Domari that. Eraithus wasn't even sure if he'd be a good alpha despite his father being a king.



9 Years

The Ooze ParticipantDouble Master
04-19-2020, 06:48 PM
That Sea is just a Gambler at Heart

Dómari moved back to the skull again, working his jaws over the eyes as he listened. He may as well tan the hide while the weather was nice. He crunched and chewed as he listened to Eraithus speak, hoping the other man wouldn't think him rude for continuing to work while they conversed. He'd always been a fidgeter. Holding still was nearly impossible and in fact he often listened better when he had something to occupy his paws. Dómari broke into the skull and with some more work exposed the brain. "That's a good point. I don't know many of the packs except for mine. Oh, and Lirim! They're our allies so they're probably pretty nice. I've never met anyone from Ashen though."

Oh shoot! He went out of order. He needed to finish scrapping the gunk off the hide before smearing on the brain. Dómari moved over to the shoulder and started ripping through the meat, digging down in toward the shoulder blade which he could then craft into a scraper. It beat licking a hide this size to death. His tongue worked fine on rabbits but this was simply too big. "Oh, feathers sound nice! I don't think I've ever seen that here." It was interesting how different cultures could be.

He kept working through the shoulder as he listened, trying to process what Eraithus was telling him. It wasn't something he ever really thought of but that wasn't surprising since there was really only one wolf he'd really had a crush on. That said he knew of pack leaders that had multiple mates though rarely of mixed genders. "I've heard of such practices but I'll be honest I don't know if there are any packs here that practice them. I only know of my own and well…" He shrugged. "The only mated wolves we had was just a man and woman pair. I don't think anyone else is married as far as I know. Maybe you could start your own pack or band?"



Beginner Intellectual (5)

Master Fighter (245)

10 Years

Pride - PolysexualHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
04-19-2020, 08:30 PM
Eraithus didn't think it rude for Domari to work at all. He hadn't realized it until now but it reminded him of when he would talk with his father a busy man who did many things. The pack had always been busy and something about how this wolf was handling the pronghorn was fascinating. Use of all the animal it was like the ultimate respect in a way, it was also easier somehow for him to concentrate on the conversation while at the same time observing a bit about what the hunter was doing. "Maybe I'll speak with Lirim then, but it's been almost two weeks since their scents have gone. Nobody has reported a oddly colored russet thick male nor a black and white specked female smaller than I. Though I know those descriptions probably could fit a lot of wolves. Or, maybe they've already stopped looking for me you know. I know if I were them they wouldn't want any of us getting caught up looking for each other for the rest of our lives. From what I hear Ashen has two packs, and they aren't the friendly type." at least he thought this was true.

Eraithus wagged his tail nodding his head to the comment about the feathers. "They were very soft and dove's frequented our valley. Masses of them so we were lucky. The pups enjoyed playing with the feathers in their nests." he laughed a little. Feeling a little homesick, but he could never go back. He had been hopelessly lost here and he would be hopelessly lost trying to get back home as a failure to his father. Oh well there was no use complaining about what used to be.

"I would be fine if I knew I wouldn't be constricted. My home pack was free feelings wolves did as they pleased as long as they didn't harm others or cause trouble for the pack. But... I don't know anyone in Boreas." He stopped for a moment, watching the male as he then mentioned maybe making his own pack or band. "Well... I would but that takes time, time and getting to know others. I've met maybe a handful of wolves so far and getting close to others has never really been my strong suit. Others tend to come and go they say I'm too nice. I tend to distance myself. You're the first one I've actually felt comfortable with getting to know and sharing a bit about myself. I'd like to consider you a friend now Domari." he wagged his tail and smiled. "And your way with prey is simply fascinating!"



9 Years

The Ooze ParticipantDouble Master
04-19-2020, 09:13 PM
That Sea is just a Gambler at Heart

Dómari chewed thoughtfully on the shoulder. He worked on peeling away as much of the muscle as he could until he got down to the joint. He tried to think if he'd seen anyone that fit Erai's description. None that he couldn't otherwise identify. But he hoped Lirim would be worth a shot. Dómari twisted his head and popped the joint. After wriggling it around a bit he pulled the shoulder blade free and set it down. "Well, you could give Lirim a shot and if they haven't any leads for you maybe you could consider starting your life anew. You're certainly welcome to come visit in Valhalla." Dómari frowned slightly at the news about Ashen. That didn't sound good. Two packs? Non-friendly? That made him nervous.

Dómari moved back to the skin, taking the shoulder blade with him. He started licking the hide, removing some of the parts that he wouldn't be able to get off with the scraper. All the while he listened and worked and wished he could provide more concrete answers. In a lot of ways he was different from Erai. He was used to taking orders and didn't really think much about things until they became relevant. He stopped licking the hide and looked up with a smile. "Thank you! I'd like to consider you a friend to. I don't really have to many friends outside the pack…" His voice wavered for a moment before his tone grew more serious. "I can't understand your exact feelings but I do know what it's like to be separated from your siblings. I searched for my brother for years before coming back to Valhalla. Some times it's just not meant to be."



Beginner Intellectual (5)

Master Fighter (245)

10 Years

Pride - PolysexualHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
04-19-2020, 11:25 PM
Starting his life anew, Eraithus didn't know what to do. There was many options and honestly the possibilities were endless in his opinion. He could be ambitious like Domari said, or he could settle and let someone make decisions for him. Could he live the rest of his life as a loner? He didn't like the hunger that was for certain. Perhaps if he did get to know a pack better if they would let him mary whome and however many he'd like and let him be a fighter, as long as he hid his secret, then he could live a rather fulfilling life until he died surrounded by his children. The daydream made him shake his head to return to reality. "I will give Lirim a try then. Maybe if I just visited and got a feel for things. Starting a new does sound nice even if I don't know where I'm going exactly." he almost thought about this out loud. It was not a definite he was joining Valhalla after all how did he even know he'd get along with the alpha?

Never had a friend outside of the pack well the same went for him in all honesty. He'd never made friends with loners - so making a friend with a pack wolf he was not in was refreshing. Not that he cared about what went on inside another pack at the moment anyway so at least Domari didn't have to deal with him pressing for information. "It's... relieving and also sad to hear you say this. I'm sure though that if my brother or sister were to find me there would be no ill feelings to see I tried to make a settlement of myself." he nodded his head. "Talking to you helped a lot, your advice eased my worries a bit." he gave a sigh and stretched his shoulders a bit. "Sometime you'll have to teach me how to skin an animal like that." he was no hunter but knowing it could come in handy.



9 Years

The Ooze ParticipantDouble Master
04-20-2020, 06:12 PM
That Sea is just a Gambler at Heart

Dómari picked up the scraper and began to gnaw and chew at it, working to get the random bits of flesh off of it and get it worked into a slightly better shape so he could finish getting the gunk off the hide. He stopped and smiled though as Erai mentioned he'd give Lirim a try. "Yea, you've got to start somewhere and Lirim is as good as anyway. At least there you won't have to worry about being hurt or abducted." Apart from his own it was the only pack he could really vouch for. Dómari worked a bit more on the scrapper until he had it how he wanted it.

Standing on the hide Dómari bent his head with the scrapper held firmly between his jaws. he stretched the hide with his two front paws and started scraping. Thankfully the skinning had been reasonably clean and he didn't have that much gunk to clean off. When he was done he moved the brain back onto the hide and started smearing it out to all corners of it, all the while listening as Erai spoke. He smiled. "Thanks, honestly your comments help me to. I'd like to think there aren't any hard feelings and there probably aren't. My mother expected us to all go our separate ways and seek our fortunes anyway. I wish you luck in Lirim and if you ever want to take me up on a skinning and tanning lesson feel free to call at our border!"




Beginner Intellectual (5)

Master Fighter (245)

10 Years

Pride - PolysexualHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
04-20-2020, 09:56 PM
Eraithus was partially sad that their meeting had come to an end. However he had eaten his fill, said his piece and it seemed like Domari was just about done with what he was doing as well. While Eraithus currently had all the time in the world his new friend had a pack to worry about he couldn't be around a loner all the time. Then again it was only because he'd never had his friends elsewhere that he thought it strange. He'd always been part of a pack unit after all. Besides he best head to Lirim like his plan and then try to think of what to do after that.

"It takes a lot of getting used to, I used to be surrounded by friends and family my entire life. Now without my siblings too... I'm all alone. But it's a good time to reflect and I appreciate your doings Domari! I'll be sure to come by here after Lirim even if there is good news and bad news. Thank you." he nodded his head and smiled. Giving a wag of his tail to show his happiness and in a sense that he simply couldn't help it. He turned and started to make his way across the land.
