
I am the Reaper and death is my shadow

Armada Meeting, MANDATORY



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

6 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Critical Hit!Valentines 2020
04-20-2020, 10:09 PM

Mortis Fatalis

Mortis listened to his father's familiar voice as it boomed across the meeting area. He seemed impressed with the wolves that had shown up - and glancing around, Mortis could see that there were a lot of faces. He knew many of the wolves here, if not in person then at least in passing. He felt proud to be a part of something, to be in the middle of this press of wolves, and hear the great plans his father had for the pack.

And then... and then his father hit hard with something that made it all very real, and very much interesting and terrifying to the boy. Heir He wanted Mortis or Azure to be heir! He wasn’t sure what he thought about competing with his much more ruthless brother. What would competing entail? Part of him wanted to root for Azure, and help him out, another part of him was thrilled that he had even been considered.




3 Years
04-20-2020, 10:51 PM

Sirius' words filtered into her ears, and Hester twitched the one that had been halved the bear only a few weeks prior. It was quiet as she thought to herself. The concept of teaching, of mentoring appealed to her more than she'd thought it would; though she hardly allowed it to show, she was anxious to be involved in pack affairs. After being alone for so long, after being abandoned by her family, Hester craved the intimacy that being apart of a pack brought. She was starved for the interactions she'd had recently, and though she took them in stride as she did everything else, she knew the synergy had revitalized something within her.

The decision seemed to be made for her, then.

She nodded her head, speaking up from the back of the gathering. "I'll volunteer for the role of mentor," she said in a clear voice. Her eyes landed on Mortis, the spitting image of the pack's leader. "Little Mort has given me some idea as to how I might be suited for the job." 'Little' was hardly accurate. He was currently smaller than Hester, but given a season or two, the boy would tower above easily; still, she remembered the excitement in the youth's eyes as she'd told him about her and his father's encounter with the grizzly and wondered if she could, in fact, instill that same sense of wonder in another pup.

She nodded again. "I'll also take up the challenge of Reaper," she continued. She didn't know how she would measure up to the other warriors currently in the pack; even if she didn't win the position, it would be a good way to test her mettle.

She walks. "She speaks." She thinks.

Killian 2


2 Years
Extra large

04-20-2020, 11:12 PM

Killian watched the leaders with interest. Sirius carried on with an introduction as well as a promotion. He wasn't too familiar with Resin other then in passing but he figured if their Alpha deemed her fit for the rank then she was. Killian figured he would have to get a few training spars in with the older woman when there was time. Despite having some training under his belt he really needed to brush up more often. Killian was born with the mind for battle but that meant he needed to throw himself into spars more often. Perhaps offering himself to be some sort of trainer would aid in this. Helping the new warriors and himself at the same time.

What brought a tingle to the large male was the explanation of the Reaper rank. An opening for power and to broaden one's horizons. To have the opportunity to move up from a measly warrior to that of a leader. He knew there may be other Wolves that would try for the rank but he didn't wan't to be one to pass it up. "I am submitting myself for both the competition and a mentor role." Killian's blue eyes aimed towards the Warlord's as he listened to the rest of the Wolves speak up. The thought of a raid was exciting even if it was practice.



Missing from Armada

2 Years
04-21-2020, 12:10 AM

Up to this point, her meetings had been one-on-one with a handful of pack members. Now she was in the middle of the throng, wolves pressing on all sides of her. From six months of solitude, to this. Her ears twitched as her gaze swung every which way, taking in the scents, the faces, the sudden warmth under her skin.

Soon enough, her attention was called to the front, as Sirius began the meeting. She couldn’t help but feel a bolt of pride when the Warlord mentioned the new members, her tail thumping gleefully. And talk of the Reaper was interesting, for sure, but it that was a prize for the more experienced. She noted the wolves who offered themselves up, for this and the mentor position. Perhaps she could train with them later.

The Ashen Empire. The mention stilled her movements, and Mal’s ears swiveled forward. It wasn’t often that she’d heard discussion of their mother pack. It had seemed like a stable arrangement when the concept had been first introduced to her, though there were certain doubts that wouldn’t be uprooted anytime soon. A practice raid was very intriguing, though.

Curious green eyes slid over to Zeitgeist as the Alpha offered her aid. That could be useful… the girl was small herself, and so far she'd had the pleasure of only fighting wolves much, much bigger than her. She wondered what the woman could teach her. On that note, she would have to start training in earnest for the raid—now, winning, that was something she was looking forward to.




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

04-21-2020, 08:15 AM
Most of the meeting was boring, most of his attention was on Aslatiel as the words were spoken over his head. The boy tried to keep himself from distracting his sibling too much, but it was difficult not to mess with her tail. Knowing they would both get in trouble if she reacted too much he stopped right before his father turned his attention back to them.

Indy looked up at his father as he announced his brother’s sudden advancement in the hierarchy. Immediately his features fell. Ears slicked back against his head which lowered further beneath his shoulders. Instead of being happy and excited for his brothers he suddenly felt inadequate and a failure. Why hadn’t he been chosen to work towards future leadership? Was it because he wasn’t as good a hunter, fighter, or as wise as his brothers? Had he failed to spend enough time with his father? What did he do to be knocked from consideration?

Indigo’s emotions easily got away from him and as he felt his eyes sting with tears he quickly looked away from the crowd and tried to become as small as Aslatiel. Why did this announcement hurt so much?

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



Master Fighter (290)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

By the skin of my teethSnake EyesVengeanceMammoth HunterHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
04-21-2020, 09:03 AM
Dunkan Sarcova


Dunkan remained silent as more wolves joined, he just limited himself to just observe and keep his mouth closed. And soon he lost interest in them , retuning his gaze to he alpha,ready to take on whatever he wanted to discuss about. “I have a few points to get to today. First, I will be ranking Resin as a warrior-trainer, and anyone else who wishes to take this rank, speak now and I will take note. We’ve had an influx recently of new warriors in training, and needs all hands on deck to ensure everyone gains as much experience and knowledge as we can give them” That interested him but he was just starting the arts of combat so he didn't see it wise to take on the role without being more experienced. So for this time, he would remain the trainee rather than the trainer.

“Secondly, I will be announcing that the rank of ‘Reaper’ will be open, it brings a great deal of responsibility, power, and prestage, for those brave enough to reach for it. There will be competitions, and chances to prove yourself to me, I will get a list of those who aspire to this rank now, speak up! And I will announce what's required of you after the meeting, so please come see me.”

Again he was interested but he didn't feel ready yet, he was a student and wanted to work hard on being a good warrior before taking on another rank. “On a similar note, the Ashen Empire will be bringing their wolves to us to practice a Raid. you will treat it as the real deal, through I will see only dominance spars among you. Look sharp, because I expect us to win. Other packs have begun raiding, and not in play, so we may expect one to turn their gaze to us. We will be ready and in fighting shape.” 'Perfect,' He told himself as that would definitely help him with his training.

"Hello" | 'Thoughts' | 'Your speech'

He has a male Jaguar Named Urasa and a female red tailed hawk named Kaira ,They are always around him unless told otherwise
He wears a lion skull with mane and claw bracers.



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
04-21-2020, 04:56 PM
Words were said. Ranks were altered. Advancements were made. None of this really affected the young girl. As expected, her brothers would rise and begin training for leadership roles. Indigo was a softer sort and so she imagined that he would play a support role along with herself. It would be his job to heal the wounds of the leaders. It made sense to her. When he shrunk in on himself and seemed upset, however, she imagined that it didn't make sense to him. Casting a sidelong glance at him, Asla merely moved one charcoal dipped paw to rest upon one of her brother's much larger paws. Still sitting regally, her attention upon the throng before them, this was the support that she could give at the time. This subtle gesture of love and understanding.
[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
04-21-2020, 05:04 PM
Ears perked as the reason for the meeting was laid out. Her mother was given a promotion to warrior trainer and she grinned, knowing that it would make the older wolf happy. Resin was a wolf that needed something to do. This would keep her paws full. Plus, by training, she would be able to sit still, resting her injuries, while instructing others in the art of fighting. It was an ideal situation and she would have to praise Sirius for his decision later.

Once there was a lull in the conversation, the small healer raised her voice so that all might hear. "In addition to warrior training, I will be offering additional training to others for the position of battle medic. Training in healing wounds right on the edges of the battlefield. You can find me at the healing cottage." Nodding to Sirius and Zee, she shot them a wink. This practice raid would do well for all of them. It would prepare them. They would be forced to work together and become a cohesive team. Each would be a well oiled cog in the machine that was the Armada before the end. Each would have their place.
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
04-21-2020, 05:06 PM
Roan sat close beside Iolaire as the meeting started, his verdant gaze lingered on Sirius and his wife but his gaze trailed over the other wolves in the meeting. Not all of them had been there when the pack made its move here to the south. Silently the massive silver warrior looked to his warlord as he spoke, it was as though their agreement of a year mattered no longer. Roan was loyal to Sirius now because of mutual respect for one another and Iolaire. Roan eagerly followed the dire wolf now.

Sirius spoke briefly on his topics of choice, he needed mentors for the new wolves and young of the pack. The silver marked warrior would help where he could, and knew he’d volunteer his services to training. He was also very interested by the rank of Reaper. He had been content as a loner, going from job to job with nothing to tie him down. Now he had Iolaire, and he had a reason to put down his roots. He wanted to stand up beside Sirius in his responsibilities in the pack.

Roan was eager for the upcoming raid, excitement seemed to rustle through the ranks on that note. Everyone was ready for a good fight, and against their closest allies? They could exchange valuable feedback. As Sirius grew quiet two other wolves spoke of their desire and Roan hid a dark grin. ”You know you may use me wherever you see fit, Warlord.” He told Sirius as the voices grew quiet again, his deep voice lingered easily over the gathered wolves. ”It would be an honor to be considered for your Reaper position.”

As his Wife Iolaire may enter any of his threads.



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
04-21-2020, 05:06 PM
As her promotion was spoken aloud, the grizzled woman didn't move. She could feel the eyes of the others upon her, so she simply continued to sit tall and stare ahead at the alpha pair. There was no need for acknowledgment. The position had been agreed upon prior by the pair of them. Others spoke their piece, expressing interest in various positions. Her own daughter offered training for the healers of the pack to prepare them for actual battle healing. Everything was falling into place. She could smell the tension and anxiety from some of them, but that was to be expected. They would get over it or they would fail.
[Image: GreYdcM.gif]

Odette I


3 Years
Sylvia 1

04-22-2020, 07:12 PM

Odette Mooncrest

It seemed in only a few breaths half the pack had arrived, Odette scanning each one to see if she recognized their faces. Most of them she knew, veterans in the pack, but there were quite a few new arrivals she would have to introduce to herself later. Among those to arrive was the large brute Killian, her friendly warrior companion. Cerulean eyes lit up with joy as he lumbered his way over to Odette, making the woman smile. He mentioned stopping by the chicken coop on his way to the meeting, and Odette felt slightly saddened she didn't wait around for him. "I appreciate it. Though only time will tell just how long that peace lasts for." She would whisper, leaning into the male as she spoke so she would not bother the others gathering. The brief warmth from his frame was a foreign pleasure, one Odette would have indulged in for a moment longer if she was not aware of others around them. The fawn woman would sit straight again, heat rushing to her cheeks once she realized she might have lingered too long. What in the world is wrong with me?

Once all or most of the pack was gathered, the meeting began and Odette would sit quietly and listen as the Warlord made his decrees. Ah, warriors. While Odette was opening up to the idea of warriors, she was confused on why the whole pack was assembled if it was just going to be alerting warriors of new positions. As if hearing her confusion, the Warlord moved on to speak on the true purpose for this meeting; Ashen is going to raid the Armada. Worry flushed through the woman's chest as images of violence flashed through her mind. Eyes flickered to the male beside her, unsure how she would handle seeing Killian in action, and how she could coup if he was injured. When her eyes turned back to the royals, Odette let her eyes fall on the Queen. Would Odette fight in the mock raid? Would she be on the sidelines waiting for the aftermath to be over?

Suddenly Killian spoke up beside her, causing the smaller fae to nearly jump out of her skin. Worried eyes flashed towards him, but once she could see the calm and determination in his features, she suddenly realized that perhaps her worries were misplaced. Killian could handle himself, right? Once the attention had shifted to others speaking up, Odette would lean in close once more, trying her best to sound hopeful. "Good luck. I pity the wolf who has to face you." She would flash a playful grin before righting herself once more. She had to have faith in him, in all the warriors. The Armada was a group of incredibly strong wolves, and with the added warning in advanced, surely they would have the extra training to give them an upper hand in the battles to come?

Her mind was all but lost down the rabbit hole until Io spoke up, her voice breaking through the ocean of worry and panic. Battle medic? Odette had never heard of such a title, but her interest was peaked at the idea of being on the sidelines... but being useful. While she had her handmaiden duties, and the chickens to tend to, Odette was sure she could manage to squeeze in time to visit the cottage. Healing was always an interest for the woman, but she had not quite taken up the art. To learn from a wolf as extraordinary as Io, would be a great honor. Odette would sit quietly until the meeting was over, keeping an eye on the expert healer, hoping to catch her before she left the meeting to discuss training further.


Table by Sea
Art by Fox
Odette has a Sand Cat companion named Cordonia, and a Welsummer Rooster named Dash. Unless mentioned, it is safe to assume they are not  with her. 



6 Years
04-22-2020, 08:04 PM

Banshee sat idly as she listened to Sirius speak. As the leader spoke she couldn't help but to feel excitement and pride with each announcement. First Sirius announced a promotion and opened up a few more slots as mentors for other warriors. Banshee figured maybe one day she could train others. She had already trained her little brother on some weapon crafting. But, for now she figured she needed more experience under her belt. Her blue eyes flicked to the one eyed lady before looking back to the leaders.

As Sirius announced the Reaper rank was open she couldn't help but to feel intrigue. Banshee doubted she'd be considered for heir or anything else like his blood children. So she would need to try and make her own claim to power. The babe was inherently ambitious and with her new found excitement for battle it seemed only right to consider the competition. But, she would wait until the Warlord ceased his speech before she made any decisions.  

Excitement filled her chest as he informed them of the practice raid. The ability to fight against Ashen was something she looked forward to. Maybe she could get into some fights with Recluse or another close relative. She practically hummed with excitement as a toothy grin slipped across her lips. Banshee just knew the Armada would win. The positive thoughts seemed to soothe her when the announcement of heir was announced. She wasn't hurt at all for the two pups were promising. Hopefully one would obtain a crown and make the family proud.

Zee spoke up about her father and Belle sitting out and she felt a pang of annoyance. Banshee wanted to win against her father. To be able to hold a victory over his head. If they won she still could but it would be less satisfying. Nevertheless Banshee finally chose to speak up, "I will join the competition for Reaper as well."



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
04-24-2020, 02:26 PM (This post was last modified: 04-24-2020, 02:29 PM by Tamsyn.)

Tamsyn put her worries over Resin on the back burner for now. It wasn't going to do her any good if she missed what Sirius was telling them and there would be more than enough time to give her friend her attention later. It turned out that the first announcement was about Resin after all though and she gave the gray warrior a proud glance before looking around at the other wolves that had come to attend the meeting. She was curious if anyone else would be interested in being a trainer since she would most certainly be going to find them later if they did. Learning from Sirius had been amazing and she definitely wanted to train with him again, but learning from someone else would be super helpful too.

Her ears perked with interest when the Warlord mentioned a position called a Reaper would be available soon. He didn't explain what exactly it would entail, but it had her curious if nothing else. She hesitated for a moment as she thought it over. For all intents and purposes, she probably shouldn't be putting her name into the ring, but something made her want to step out of her comfort zone. There had been a lot of that in her life recently and so far it had been working out for her. When she had first joined the pack her biggest concern was that she wouldn't be able to really contribute to the pack, but now that she was learning how to fight and making more connections to the wolves here she was becoming less and less concerned about that. Now she just wanted to figure out what the best place in the pack for her would be.

Once the leaders were done speaking, Tamsyn pulled herself up a bit to try and sit a bit more confidently, hoping that if her physical appearance showed that then she would feel it more certainly on the inside. "I would like to participate in the competitions for Reaper as well," she told them, keeping her eyes on Sirius and Zee so she wouldn't be tempted to look at other wolves' reactions. Even if she didn't end up getting the position, it felt like a good way to push herself and maybe just prove to herself that she could. Everything felt like a learning experience for her now and this was one to add to her growing list. She wasn't sure how she would stack up to the others that had requested to be considered, but she felt like she would regret it if she didn't at least try.