
Shoot Me Down




5 Years
Extra large
Athena I

04-20-2020, 02:59 PM

"You'll just never learn will you?"

"Leave him alone. He killed them, did he not?"

"Sure, but look at him. He's a bloody mess. He should know how to fucking dodge by now."

"Stop it. He did his best."

"Are you so sure about that? No wolf of my blood should be so sloppy and weak."

The voices darted back and forth across his skull as if they didn't know he was listening while he used a tembling paw to splash water from the pool in front of him onto his bloody leg. A new wound joined the collection of healed scars that darted around his body, a jagged bite right at the top of his left foreleg. The blood had dripped down and nearly covered the entirety of the limp, the dark hue nearly blending in with his equally dark coloring and just making the fur there look wet and clumped. It wasn't until he started washing off the blood that it really became apparent how much blood he had lost. The water in front of him started to become tinged with red and the ground under his feet was speckled with blood as it dripped off of him.

"You're the one that got him into this to begin with! He wouldn't have even bothered with them if you hadn't pushed him to do it."

A pair of coyotes laid dead about a dozen feet behind him and he didn't care. It felt like a hollow victory and the blood splashed across his lips and chest did little to satisfy the demons that swirled in his brain. They continued to argue back and forth, shouting over his own thoughts till they felt drowned out entirely. His hackles bristled and he tried to block them out, but the sounds buzzed in his ears till even the sounds of the world around him began to disappear. The air felt heavy in his lungs and the trembling of his paws began to spread to his shoulders. It didn't matter how hard he tried to breathe, it felt like he couldn't get enough air into his tight, panicked chest.

His claws dug into the dirt under his feet and he stared at the blood tinted water blankly with his jaw tensed and teeth gritted together. Eventually his mind would tire itself out and he would be free to move once more, but until then he felt trapped in an endless loop. His vision began to grow blurred as the blood loss began to creep up on him, but he wouldn't close his eyes for more than a moment. If he did he could almost picture the wolves fighting among themselves in his brain, his mother stuck in the center of it all.

"Speech" Thought



3 Years
04-20-2020, 09:30 PM
Elizabeth had a hectic couple of weeks thus far. Between going to Valhalla and seeing her aunt her mind had been reeling. Finally though she had been able to have a place to hide her herbs. In and around the Valhallan territories. For now she figured hunting for some herbs in the sweetgrass basin was a good idea. However it seemed like the scent of blood was what was going to get her over anything. It wasn't just wolf blood it was another scent as well, naturally she followed it and what she came across was a scene.

If it had been anything other than coyotes she would have been quiet surprised. Catiously though she located the wolf responsible for the scent. It seemed like he was trying to clean himself off with water in the basin. He was bleeding... bleeding bad. "Oh." was all that could drip from her mouth. She didn't know what it was else but it seemed like he was having trouble with something else as well.

She stayed a few feet away, but tried to call out to him. "Do you need help sir? I'm a healer." hopefully the stranger would accept her help. Liz didn't know what was wrong but it didn't really disturb her either, the blood loss was probably getting to him as well. She had some herbs nearby and she could see willow bark up on the banks on the tree's. These went through her head as she made sure to take a few more steps forward.



5 Years
Extra large
Athena I

04-20-2020, 11:04 PM

The world felt foggy, but whether it was from the panic attack the voices that echoed inside his skull was causing or from the blood that seemed to refuse falling from the wound on his leg he didn't know. He wasn't even sure if the wound hurt any more. His body felt numb, but his heart continued to race, pounding against his rib cage as if he had been running a marathon. The longer he sat her the more muddled everything became till even his own thoughts began to feel like a low, humming buzz in the foggy background of his world. He hadn't experienced an episode this deeply since the encounter with the bear near the beginning of his first year, but this time his mother wasn't there to snap him out of it and heal his wounds. This time her voice was among the loudest of those that fought for his attention and for control over the others that had collected there. He kept trying to focus on her voice since it was the only comforting sound he could pick out in the chaos, but for every kind word she said to him, there was three others shouting over him, amplifying his doubts and fears louder than he could possibly comprehend.

A voice from the outside world cut though him like a knife, his mind suddenly falling silent in the presence of someone else. He was able to take a solid breath of air for the first time in several minutes and his dual-toned gaze flicked toward the woman that had approached him. He didn't register her words at first, the wheels in his mind still turning while they worked to catch back up to real life. A healer. She was a healer. She was offering him help. He felt sluggish and tired and it took a moment to register this even when he repeated it back to himself. He had no idea who she was, but seeing her blue gaze made the tension in his shoulders begin to soften. Blue was a kind, wise color. Even though she was a stranger, he immediately began to trust her because of this. It reminded him of his mother and that was enough for him in this moment.

Casso finally responded with a nod. He did need help. He wasn't sure if she could help him with what he really needed help with, but the wound he had sustained was one place to start. "Yes, please. Thank you," he added, his voice not much more than a deep, rough rasp. He glanced toward the injury for a moment, his jaw tightening while he became more acutely aware of himself and his situation.

"Speech" Thought



3 Years
04-21-2020, 12:10 AM
Concern shot through her at that point, she would focus on the physical for now. Her mother could have breaks occasionally and while it was a minor detail she had a feeling she had pulled this man out of one. Her memories served her, her mother didn't get them as severe as others but there was once a male who had gone what the pack would call crazy. The male hadn't shown symptoms until he was a year old and the family had stayed far away from him placing him in the healers care. Liz shoved down the memory - what did this place have that she could stop his bleeding to start. She didn't see any horsetail which was probably of where they were located. Nearly in the complete desert this little oasis still though had some interesting things.

She wasn't sure if she could move him yet, she looked at his wound on his left back leg with concern. The coyote's had taken a large bite out of him while not big considering this gentleman's size, their sharp teeth had punctured the skin especially around the loose parts near where his limb connected with his abdomen. Quick thinking she bundled up some of the grass of the basin - making it taught enough to move over and press it to the man's wound. The grass was soft enough, supple even, and would help with stopping the bleeding and then she could concentrate on treatment.

"Stay awake for me okay. Can you tell me your name?" the most important part was keeping his mind active, engaged. If her skills told her correctly it was important for the mind to have an activity when overly stressed or if anything else was going on. "My name is Elizabeth Adravendi, I just need to hold this here for a bit and then I'll get you some herbs." she looked around - Yarrow. Yes that would be perfect! It would help stimulate his blood flow considering the loss of blood was a problem. And also... something she didn't generally use. There was a cannabis plant nearby, she could crush it with a rock soak it in some water and feed it to him but she would have to ask permission for that one. For now she returned her concentration on the wound.



5 Years
Extra large
Athena I

04-21-2020, 12:44 AM

Casso was quiet while he watched the healer gather up some of the grasses near by before coming over to press them to his wound. The pressure made him wince from the sting it caused, but he barely paid attention to the physical pain. Seeing the way she hurried around and the way worry touched her blue gaze reminded him so much of his mother and how she would be when she was healing someone - himself included. She usually had a few choice scolding words for him about his careless actions while she was at it, but the actions were the same. His emotions were still riding high even though his mind was once again in the present. His vision still felt a tad out of focus, but he gave up trying to clear it for now.

"Casso... Casso Preator," he replied quietly to her question when she asked for his name, desperately trying to keep his focus on her to keep his mind from wandering away from him again. He just kept his gaze fixed on her blue eyes as if they were going to anchor him to the ground. However, when she spoke her name it immediately snapped him to the present and he looked at her with a shocked clarity. "Adravendi?" he muttered to himself, blinking and looking at her as if it was the first time he had seen her. Her scent wasn't similar to what his mother's had been, but he did know that there were a couple different branches from the same family tree. That hadn't seemed to matter to Zuriel so it certainly didn't matter to him.

His ears flicked back against his head while he continued to hold still for her to do her work, but his thoughts were racing though his head faster than he could understand him. Of all the wolves that could have crossed paths with him here, it had to be a blue-eyed healer that carried his mother's name. It felt too much like a sign for him to not notice. "My mother's last name was Adravendi," he explained, still speaking softly with a slight, dry rasp to his tone. "She passed away a while ago." It felt so factual when he spoke it and some days it felt like he had actually accepted it as fact, but in moments like this it still didn't feel real.

"Speech" Thought



3 Years
04-21-2020, 01:41 AM
Liz concentrated on the wound, but she was just as skilled to listen to him as well. He'd obviously had trouble breathing, a panic attack? It was a classic sign as such and as soon as she was certain the grass was soaked enough she removed it. Looking around she spotted a leaf - that would do as she fashioned the thing into a makeshift cup like structure. Scooping water and throughoughly making sure the wound was washed. It was teeth, the teeth marks fashioned upon his body. "It'll probably scar from the looks of it, not that I'm sure you mind." she laughed a bit. Seeing as he already had scars on his body it seemed he was someone who got into trouble often or at least fights.

Casso... this was not one of the names her mother had mentioned. Neither was Praetor, as Liz stopped to pull some of the yarrow from a bush. The white flowers delicately in her mouth the best would be for him to eat the entire flower and stem. Though she definitely didn't want to give him too much. A bundle of the flowers would do for now. "Take this, it'll help with the blood you lost. Though you shouldn't move around too much right now." she stated. It was then that he whispered her last name, did he reckognize it?

He then said his mother has the last name, she stiffened slightly. A relative in this state? It must have just meant he took his fathers last name. If she remembered correctly her father may have never had a surname but other males certainly did and if they were not married than the pups normally took the fathers surname or both. This must have been the case. "I'm sorry to hear about your mother. I got my last name from my mother as well, she passed a few seasons ago too. Her name was Heather Adravendi." It only confirmed her suspicions from earlier. "Were you... having a panic attack before I found you?" Liz tilted her head. Think back now - what did her mother tell her to usually give her during a break. There was cannabis but she had only used it a handful of times and it tended to make the patients.... well, made them strange to her. No she definitely would have to look for something else and that was fine.



5 Years
Extra large
Athena I

04-21-2020, 02:29 AM (This post was last modified: 04-21-2020, 02:30 AM by Casso.)

The fact that this injury would probably scar was the furthest thing from his mind. It was just one of many that already covered a large portion of his body. He tended to just assume that his wounds would leave scars and then let himself be pleasantly surprised if they didn’t. However, hearing the lightness in her tone and the humor she had when she mentioned it helped him relax a bit and allowed him to focus on something other than himself. He complied with everything she did to him or told him to do without question. For a moment he let go of the control he tried to have on every aspect of his life and just let her care for him. He didn’t have the strength or will to do anything else. He ate the bitter flowers she offered him, unable to name them even though he recognized them from his mother’s herbs.

He offered her a sympathetic glance when he heard that her mother had passed away as well. There was more and more that was showing parallels in their lives and it forced him to feel a kinship with her - no matter how morbid their similarities might be. He didn’t recognize her mother’s name, but there was sure to be many, many members of his family that he wasn’t aware of. The Adravendi family seemed very broad and wide spread in these lands.

When Elizabeth questioned whether he had been having a panic attack before she arrived, the darkly colored male could only nod as his ears flicked uncertainly. He wished that was all it was, but he couldn’t bring himself to say the cause for that panic attack. He couldn’t make himself utter the underlying reason for the tense panic that still lingered in the core of his being. She was family, but in so many ways she was still a stranger.

”Let her help you. Let her in. She can’t help you if she doesn’t know.”

That familiar voice made his fur bristle uneasily, making his jaw tense while he pulled in a shaky breath. His heart wouldn’t stop pounding against his chest no matter how much he tried to calm himself down. It just wouldn’t calm down.

”I... I hear voices sometimes,” he finally admitted in a quiet tone with a great deal of hesitancy. The only other wolf he had ever told had been his mother, but he so desperately wanted to feel better that he didn’t know what else to do. It hadn’t been this bad in a very long time and without Zuriel to sort it out... he was at a loss. ”After a fight or a kill or a injury like this it gets worse,” he added, his clouded gaze pleading with her to understand. ”It’s like loud, angry arguing and... and I panic.

"Speech" Thought



3 Years
04-21-2020, 10:29 AM
Elizabeth was heartbroken by his confession to say in the least. Her homeland was filled with wolves with issues like his although there had only been one male just like him. For some reason voices in the head seemed to attach to more males than it did females. Her mothers mental illness was more inside of her - her black outs consisting of foul words and charges at her friends and families almost unreckognizable. There was once a traveller to her lands, she claimed to be a healer of the mind. Of course Liz had taken the time to get some lessons from her but it was all limited. That was back when her pack mate was at his worst. Although a change in diet and a few herbs made his life managable. There was no cure for what ailed the mind.

"My mother had ailments of the mind, I remember when I was younger being so frightened of her during episodes." Elizabeth began, she was soft. A stranger he might have been but they shared blood, something about that drew her to care for him. Or maybe it was the healer inside of her yet she was no niave girl. She was now fully aware even if she grew close to Casso. There was a change he could snap and harm her further hurting his own phsyc because it wouldn't be his fault. This. This didn't stop her from wanting to get to know him better for some reason.

"She didn't hear voice, but there were times she was a completely different person. After she would have no memory of these black outs she had. She had no idea she snapped and tried to harm others, calling them names." Elizabeth desparately looked around. When Lavender caught her eye her heart calmed a bit - it was not a cure all. Yet for panic attacks and stressed hearts it did wonders. Now she only wished she had hot water to soak it in. The weather was getting cold already so she couldn't hope to leave it out in the sun for a while. She suddenly frowned - wishing she had a primate companion like Luta. Still she walked over and harvested a few of the stems and brought it back over to them.

"There was also once a man like you there. He heard voices, could become fairly violent without his control. While he could be a completely sweet man - there were times where he had chaotically killed some of our own." Elizabeth looked up at Casso in his eyes. "It wasn't his fault, and neither is most things you do Casso. Remember that." she sternly stated but hoping he didn't take it as a free pass to do anything he wanted. "I can however... give you advice on how to manage it. There is no cure for what ails your mind but there are things you can do to lessen the voices in your head. When we tried it with my packmate he once had told me. While it didn't get rid of the voices they became much softer and he had more control over his body. Some days were worse than others of course but it made him able to make friends on a more interpersonal level. We also perscribed him medicine like this to help with the panic attacks." she pointed to the lavender. "Though it's not very tasty to be eaten you usually soak it in water, it's called Lavender." Her tail wagged a bit. Hoping that she hadn't spoken too much and that he would agree to see what she would have to say. Although she wasn't sure if it would affect him like it had her pack mate, it seemed like with these sorts of things everyone was different.



5 Years
Extra large
Athena I

04-22-2020, 05:58 PM

He kept his ears perked toward her and his full attention on the healer beside him when while she continued to speak. Listening to her voice and letting himself put his attention besides himself helped. It broke up the constant stress and strain he felt over his entire body and let him take calm breaths into his lungs again. He sympathized and related with her when she shared that her mother had faced issues of her own and how it had scared her. His father had been the stem from which his own problems had grown from and he remembered the fear he had seen in his mother before she ran away with him and the small gathering of family she had been able to take with her. It had been hard for him to see, but it gave him a reference for what he didn't want to be. His heart was so torn because he knew what had ultimately happened to his father and how things had spiraled because of his illnesses, but a part of him was still so devoted to his Preator lineage. He thought back to the days when he was a pup with such fondness despite the darkness that had unknowingly been around him from the start.

His gaze followed her when she went to collect a few light purple flowers - another herb he vaguely remembered from his mother's collection. This one felt more familiar than the last, but he wasn't sure why just yet. A frown creased his expression and his ears flicked uncertainly when she told him that the man she had lived with that had similar problems to his own had eventually killed some of their wolves. Even though she tried to insist that it wasn't his fault, he couldn't help but feel like it was. A fear crept into his chest. Was that what he was destined to become? A killer? The man in her story and his father had both followed that path... How much could his own will power keep him from doing those things?

It was harder for him to focus on Elizabeth while she began to tell him things he could do to help manage this. His mind was already wandering toward the dark path he felt fated to follow, but seeing how hopeful she was that her advice would help him made the male want to listen. Her kind blue eyes made a slight smile tug onto his lips. There were still worries and concerns for himself lingering in the back of his mind, but it seemed that at least for the time being the noise in his head had gone quiet. The fragrant lavender found him as he took a slow, steading breath and it was the scent that finally triggered his memory. The day that his mother had found him bleeding heavily from his tangle with a bear, this had been one of the things she had used with him. He looked down at the purple flower and his ears folded back against his head as a confusing wave of emotions washed over him.

He could still picture the panic on her face that had eventually smoothed into that focused, calmed expression that she always had when she was hard at work. He remembered laying in her den with the strong scent of herbs around him while he tried to fight though a similar lapse like the one he had gone though today while she applied herbs to the wound on his shoulder. One of the first things she had done before she treated anything else was give him lavender and kept it around his head while she worked on the physical wounds. Casso brought his gaze back to Elizabeth's and he gave her a small, but grateful smile. "Thank you. I'm... I'm glad you found me." With the memory from his past to focus on, the tension had almost entirely fallen from his shoulders. The herb she had given him earlier for the blood loss seemed to be doing its work since the light head feeling that had lingered on him before had dissipated, leaving him simply feeling tired and worn.

A heavy sigh passed his lips and he began to pull himself to his paws, wincing when he felt the pain from his leg. He hadn't noticed it much when he had received the wound initially, but now that his clouded mind wasn't there as a distraction he could feel it in all of its painful glory. He wasn't knew to having injuries by any means and it was far from the worst one he had ever sustained, but it didn't mean that it didn't sting all the same. "Well, this will certainly put a kink in my plans," he commented, giving her a slight smirk as he chuckled quietly. His own personality began to slowly come back to the forefront, feeling more like himself by the minute. He never really knew how long those episodes would last, but he took a slight, fleeting comfort in knowing that he usually had a longer, quieter lull after one that was as intense as that one was. "I was on the way to find my aunt and cousin before all this... She was going to a pack near here to find her brother when we separated. At least I hope it's near here." He wasn't exactly sure where it was since he hadn't been this far west before, but if he was following her description then he should be very close. He glanced down toward the wound that Elizabeth had helped to treat with a frown. The last thing he wanted was to face Baine with a fresh wound after insisting that he would be fine before she left him. "I don't want to show up like this though... Maybe I'll just rest near here till this starts to heal up a bit."

"Speech" Thought



3 Years
04-23-2020, 02:19 AM
Elizabeth felt that his mind was drifting. She didn't know Casso very well and she knew relative or not that she should be cautious. Like she said the male had gone crazy what was to say Casso would not harm her in his wrong state of mind. Not that she would blame him no - but she was far too young to consider herself capable of dying just yet. She quickly worked to soak the lavender in some water. It was not ideal but if she left it for a few moments he could drink it for the effects. "Me as well, I came out from my pack lands to see if I could get the lay of the land. That's when I smelled the blood." she stated as she watched the small leaf with bundle of lavender swish around in the small amount of water. She didn't want to do it but she was tempted to make him eat the small purple leaves along with the water.

"But now listen to me Casso. Try this, this is what we told that male to do in the pack to ease his symptoms. Fish, fish are high in a protein that helps calm the mind. A traveller once told us that the oils on a fish helped those with disease of the mind. Eating a fish once or twice a weak might calm down those voices in your head. Might as well give it a shot it won't hurt to have a new meal every now and again." he didn't have to listen to her either. Yet she was hoping this small remedy would help him. As she looked him in the eye he explained how he'd been looking for his aunt and cousin here. A pack nearby? "You don't mean Valhalla do you?" she shifted her brew before gesturing for Casso to consume it.

"I'm not sure if Valhalla would mind honestly. I'm a healer there though fresh. I only recently came to Boreas to begin with with my siblings." she knew Kaizer was around. Her brother and other sister she didn't know yet though. Liz was happy, apparant by the wagging of her tail as she smiled towards the male. She was happy to help.



5 Years
Extra large
Athena I

04-24-2020, 11:03 AM

Casso listened obediently when Elizabeth told him to listen, taking in all of her recommendations for ways he might be able to manage his issues a bit better. He hadn't really put much time or effort into practicing his fishing skills since the few times that he had done it the task had been slow moving and a bit boring, but if she was so certain that it could give him a bit of relief then perhaps it was worth revisiting. Perhaps now would be a great time to give it a go since he wouldn't be hunting any fast moving or larger prey for a little while with his leg injured like this. He looked at the water that was currently infusing with the lavender with a curious glance, making notes of how she was preparing it in case he ever wanted to do this for himself. It was sure to be something he would need again in the future.

His ears flicked forward with interest when she asked if the pack he was referring to was called Valhalla. His head tipped slightly in thought and he tried to remember if his mother or aunt had ever referred to their old pack with that name. It seemed familiar, but he wasn't entirely certain. His memories tended to be a bit lost and foggy unless there was some kind of trauma or strong emotion to help pin them down. "It might be... I'm not entirely sure what the name of it was. My mother and aunt grew up there though and my uncle Regulus should still be there if aunt Baine was right." He had no reason to doubt his aunt and the validity of her statements, but there was always the possibility of Regulus having passed away before they arrived or that maybe the pack the remembered was no more. He wouldn't know for sure until he found them or if Elizabeth was able to confirm he was on the right path.

When she explained that she had recently joined Valhalla as a healer for them, he paused with a small, thoughtful frown. He had been fine with simply waiting here for his wound to heal up a bit, but considering that Elizabeth would be going back to the pack after this he worried that he might be found out before he was ready to face them. He didn't like having to ask her to keep a secret, but he wasn't sure if he would have much of a choice. "If you don't mind... Could you avoid telling them I'm here? I'll come find them soon enough, it's just... I swore to my aunt that I would be fine on my own and I don't want her to see me like this." If she did tell one of his family members that he was hiding out near by then he wouldn't be angry with her, but if he could just have a week or two to get himself in order first he would be incredibly grateful. He wasn't sure if she'd even run into his aunt in that time, but he wanted to be sure he covered his bases just in case. "My aunt Baine... she knows about me and my issues, but she's the only one now that my mother is gone... Well, and you now too, I guess." That slight curve of a smile returned to his muzzle as he gave her an apologetic glance. He hated sharing his problems. If they had met any other way he would have never shared so much about himself, but there was nothing to be done about it now.

"Speech" Thought



3 Years
04-24-2020, 11:01 PM
She felt like she had invaded his privacy by trying to offer a bit of help. The white wolf found herself feeling a soft pang of anxiety in her heart. Liz already wanted to get to know Casso a bit better - to pick his brain a bit so to speak. She knew that this was however unrealistic. She wasn't dumb but this feeling in her gut told her she didn't want to stop treating him. It had been a long time since she had met someone who felt the danger of having something wrong with your head. It sounded cruel but she understood him better than most others she kept at a legs length away from her. She wasn't the entirely pessimistic type but she wanted to help.

"I think I heard the name Regulus, but I'm so new that I only really know Aurielle the alpha and my relative." she said as she shifted a bit. Her tail curling around her paws. A nervous habit as she started to feel a little uncomfortable. She didn't know why but she felt like she had made it a bit awkward. She still smiled at him though. "I won't say a word Casso. You're an adult you can handle yourself. Of course that's obvious enough. Injuries are a normal part of life." at least that's what she had seen in her life during times of war. Boreas was.... peaceful and she was happy to get used to that.

"Baine hmm. It's important to confide in others that's for sure. Plus I also don't disclose my patients to others so it's between us. I uhh.... if you ever need help you can talk to me. Even if it's just for a chat okay! I'm not judgemental and I've seen the worst in others. I - just want to help where I can." she swallowed as she stood up to stretch her limbs. There wasn't much else she could do for him. She had treated his wound and it would probably be better if another healer saw him. "Be careful with that wound, it could get infected very easily being a coyote bite. It's important to keep it clean and another healer can perscribe you some medicine I'd hope." she took another look at the bite. It'd be okay if he just kept it clean she hoped.



5 Years
Extra large
Athena I

04-29-2020, 01:38 AM

He hadn't necessarily been concerned that she would have run back to Valhalla and found his family to tell them about what had happened, but it did relieve him bit when she confirmed that she would keep the information to herself. He couldn't help but smile a little when she rambled for a bit about how she would be there to help, even if he just wanted to chat. If she was indeed living in the pack that he was looking for then he had no doubt that they would eventually cross paths again. Besides... he quite enjoyed her presence. Being around her seemed to be oddly calming. Sometimes he would push others away that had noticed some flaw in the armor he liked to wear, but she had seen clear under that armor at this point. There was no chip or gap in it that had tipped her off - he had his protective persona clean blown off before she even approached him. She knew more about him than most at this point so there was no way to take all that back now. He might as well enjoy having someone he could be himself around.

Casso nodded in understanding when she mentioned keeping the coyote bite clean and perhaps finding someone that could give him more medicine for it. "Yes ma'am," he replied dutifully with a bit of humor to his rumbling tone. The complete flip in his personality and demeanor didn't occur to him, instead just thinking to himself how happy he was to be feeling more stable and back to what he considered normal. He was terrible at keeping a conversation going and was struggling to find a reason for her to stay here. Part of him wondered if it wouldn't be better for him to just go back to Valhalla with her now, but the embarrassment of showing up in front of Baine with this fresh wound kept him held in place. After a beat of silence he decided to add, "You handled everything very well." A soft curve of a smile touched his lips as he complimented her skills. "I know I can be... a lot. I remember my mother even being a little shaken sometimes... and she had many years of being a healer and dealing with my father behind her."

"Speech" Thought



3 Years
05-04-2020, 03:33 AM
Elizabeth had the urge to keep him here, but for what reason? It didn't matter, it was probably her starved attention for her family. She remembered missing her mom very much now and the flashes of her memory when she died were sometimes too much. She wouldn't say they destroyed her but it was enough to have her sigh softly while trying to cover it up in case Casso noticed. When he said that she had handled it well she felt a bit of pride explode in her chest. She stood up straight and smiled at the young male. "I want to be the best healer there is and if that means treating what goes on in the head then I'll try my best to treat what I can't see." she stated. Now she was even more motivated to dabble in such things should others need it. Casso had been enough to trigger that for sure.

The way he spoke about his mother and father almost felt like a form of mourning. She felt the same sometimes, but she didn't know maybe it was just a part of a conversation. "My uhh... father was not the kindest man at times. While he was never physically abusive we lived in a harsh and unforgiving land before I came to Boreas. It was a vast desert with little food and little water." her tail flicked a little. "My mother would sometimes have fits. Almost like she was another person. Violent and scary but we handled it." Elizabeth sighed closing her eyes. "Anyway. I suppose I best be on my way. I don't want to be away from the pack lands too long as a new member it might look suspicious." she grinned and stood up. Ready for Casso to say his goodbyes before she headed back.