
Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me




7 Years
Toy size

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipChristmas 2019Treat 2019
04-14-2020, 02:59 AM
The winged youth had been making progress on what he had promised the band, though he had yet to give any lessons and that, in and of itself, was a concern to him. The winged male felt anxious at the thought of sharing his knowledge. Before… he had felt confident. But every time he thought he was ready to share his findings he clammed up.

He wasn’t used to trying to transport so many herbs from his stores like this either… thankfully Runa had been willing to help, otherwise that part of the bargain would have been near impossible to fulfill. Gavroche found himself grateful for the wild woman’s company. They hadn’t talked as much as he would have liked while he was seeking herbs and whatnot… but when it came down to it and they had needed to come together for sake of completing the bargain that would earn their freedoms it was almost like they worked together flawlessly.

Today Gavroche found himself relaxing in the sunlight on the beach. His tiny body was stretched out, including his flightless wings, to catch as much sunlight as possible. The herb stores were getting to where they needed to be… but there were still some herbs Gav wanted to find before the season was over. His chest rose and fell in a light cadence with eyes closed.

For now he just wanted a moment to relax his mind. That was necessary at times after all… if you didn’t take care of your mind then your body was going to fall apart.


04-22-2020, 09:27 PM
She'd been out hunting in the surrounding territory, though she was hunting more for herself and her winged companion as opposed to the band. They had moved to the northern cove but she still kept an arm's length from them, only helping out here and there when she was required to. While it wasn't the worst time being in a band, she despised the circumstances in which she had to stay. The season where she could leave couldn't come fast enough, and that's really all she was waiting for. She had a plump snow hare clamped in her jaws and she was on her way back to the beach to reunite with Gavroche. She hadn't spoken much to him, either. But that was just how she was. She didn't ever really feel relaxed around the band enough to just let herself relax. To just...return to the way she was before this. But even before all of this, she supposed she wasn't as uptight and as wild, but she had lived among a clan that trusted each other.

This was different.

Spotting Gav, she approached him and dropped the hare on the sand beside him. "Eat." Whether he was hungry right now or not, she would leave it there for him to eat eventually. She sat down beside him, gazing out at the water as the breeze ruffled her fur and the longer extensions of it around her face. How much longer did they have to stay here?



7 Years
Toy size

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipChristmas 2019Treat 2019
05-21-2020, 02:52 PM

Someone came closer and instinctively the tiny male tensed as he looked up. Seeing Runa, however, his demeanor changed. He relaxed, tail wagging back and forth ever so slightly.

"Runa!" He greeted happily. Even if she was quiet she made their stay bearable. He wasn't alone… and her making sure he ate was definitely a blessing.

"Thank you." He dipped his head and pulled the hare closer to dig in. He had a habit of getting so focused on organizing his herbs and prepping them that he didn't always notice his hunger until he finally had some food.

Once he had swallowed a couple mouthful he looked over at the female thoughtfully. "Just a bit longer now… I still have to hold a healing lesson for the band." He frowned some. "It will be nice to not need to worry about the debt to them."

His gaze fell to his paws and for a long moment he was silent.

"Do you… know where you are going after this? When you're free?" He asked softly.