
A Special Hunt


Odette I


3 Years
Sylvia 1

04-14-2020, 06:37 PM

Odette Mooncrest

How long had it been since she had been free to roam the land? So long ago, she could barely remember a time before Armada... and oddly enough... she could barely stand the idea of running around the lands without their home. But she was constantly reminded she was not alone, as the towering shadow of her Warlord blanketed the smaller fae with a sense of comfort and security. Long gone were they days when she would cower and shake in his wake. Now she found his presence comforting and reassuring as they made their way across the center of Boreas. After their meeting, they had agreed to go on a hunt together, the first chance the woman would have to show her alpha she could rise above her station. Odette was so full of nerves and excitement, her stomach could barely decide if it wanted to flip in nausea or flutter in excitement.

In an effort to make the long journey shorter, Odette would offer a small smile to Sirius. "Your brood has grown exponentially. They are exceptionally talented too, you must be very proud!" Did it seem like she was trying too hard? Trying to please him too much? The woman's mind was in over drive and she needed to find a way to focus it, otherwise the hunt was sure to be a failure. She thought about each of his pups, and tried to focus on a particularly fond memory, perhaps one that not even Sirius knew about. Finally, she remembered her time with the princess, and nearly laughed at the memory of it. "Did you know your daughter has been fighting off the predators by my coup? I had no idea... for weeks!" Such a funny thing to suddenly remember, but she was easing into the journey as she thought about the tiny warrior fighting off beasts in the night.


Table by Sea
Art by Fox
Odette has a Sand Cat companion named Cordonia, and a Welsummer Rooster named Dash. Unless mentioned, it is safe to assume they are not  with her. 



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
04-14-2020, 09:39 PM
The Armada warlord had become a shepard for lost strays, and well some of the wolves he brought into the fold where reluctant, others came to him seeking safety. He wasnt quite sure how it happened, but he had promised his protection to those wolves that had become his. Odette was one of them. She was a slave, a hand maiden to his Wife, but Sirius thought she perhaps had more ambition then that, through she hadnt shown a tendancy to push the boundaries of her life yet.

The silence stretched on, until Odette broke it. Her question brought a smile to his stern lips. "Indeed" he agreed. "A father couldnt ask for better children" his litter had become so much his life that he had forgotten what it was like to be without them.

"Ha! Shes still at it?" He asked with a laugh. She had started very young, and her first attempted had come with a failure. She had lost a chicken, but ever since then his insomniac daughter had been their unofficial guard. She had come and found him to show him that dead chicken on the first day, and he had explained some life lessons to her.

Odette I


3 Years
Sylvia 1

04-15-2020, 08:59 AM

Odette Mooncrest

It was nice to hear the brute speak so fondly of his brood, causing a faint longing for the woman to perhaps have her own litter one day, if she be so lucky. But to reach such a status, Odette would need to prove herself worthy of such a position. Today, would at teh very least, be her first step in a long journey to that golden future she dreamed of. Drawn back into the conversation by Sirius's laugh caused her to nearly jump in surprise, but ended with her smiling brightly up at the man. "You knew?!" She would laugh, surprised that the alpha knew of such violent hobbies yet told the handmaiden none of it. What other secrets did he keep? What other offenses did his children commit?

Unsure what exactly to expect in the prairie, having never been there before, Odette wondered what game they would be trying to hunt down today. Would they be going after quantity or quality? As many hares as they can find or the biggest bison they can tackle down? Looking over to her alpha, she noted that the man was quite large, and would most likely not be swift enough to catch too many hares, which meant they would most likely be after larger game. But what would they end up tracking down? It could be anything as far as she knew. Curiosity getting the best of her, Odette sighed softly and turned to Sirius. "Do you know what kind of prey we will find in the Prairie? I've never been before." Perhaps he didn't know either, but it was worth asking in her opinion. If she could prepare herself better in any way, Odette would try. This wasn't just her test, this was also a chance to provide for their pack; for the pups and the warriors, the queen and the healers, for all of her friends.


Table by Sea
Art by Fox
Odette has a Sand Cat companion named Cordonia, and a Welsummer Rooster named Dash. Unless mentioned, it is safe to assume they are not  with her. 



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
04-15-2020, 04:54 PM
“Of course” he agreed easily. He tried to keep appraise of all the going-ons in his pack. He patrolled day and night, and kept his ear to the ground. He would certainly be remiss if he did not know what his own daughter got up to at night. “The Princess is a bloodthirsty little thing.” he said with fond amusement.

“There are Bisoin, deer, and other large game in the area. We’ll scout and decide from there” he explained easily, looking down at the smaller wolf. The walk from the Armada to the Prairie wasn’t terribly long. It took them through the Empress’s territory, and across a shallow stream. From there it was all across open grassy areas. He started to scout from there, keeping track of any scents he stumbled across. He was more of a fighter then a hunter, but he was forcing himself to learn to better his pack. “Do you have a preference in prey?” he asked the little slave that wished to be a hunter.

Odette I


3 Years
Sylvia 1

04-15-2020, 07:14 PM

Odette Mooncrest

No amount of self control could keep Odette from laughing at his statement. Bloodthirsty indeed! His entire brood was a bit wild and a tad strange in the woman's opinion, but the princess was a beast in her own right. The idea of her growing up to the size of her father... was enough to cause a chill to run down the woman's spine. But she would remain hopeful, that not only would the princess carry her mother's colors, but perhaps her mother's height as well. The boys... well one could tell by the size of their paws, they would be destined for great heights. Odette could only pray their violent ways would be dulled with age, and if not, she could pray for their opponents. A swift end for those who dared to face the brood of giants. Thinking on his pups, on how small and helpless they once seemed, realizing how far they've come already, it pegged a deeper question. Where did Sirius come from? Was he just a fraction of his lineage? Or was he the mortal version of a god? Either way, Odette honestly wouldn't be surprised. She was only happy to be walking along side with the beast, rather than standing in his way.

She would listen closely as the Alpha listed off their potential game, her interest peaking when asked on her preference. Deer would be a nice meal; there was plenty of meet, the hide could be tanned, and a buck would get them horns to craft into tools for the warriors. However, a bigger game, like a bison, could give them the exact same results, but with more meet and hide. Depending on any other game they might find, the bison seemed like the best option for their pack. However... there was a reason why hunters shied away from hunting the big game; it was a battle to the death... and bison fight back. Odette, though never knowing a wolf to fall during a hunt, was not too keen on having a first time. She gave a side ways glance to the beast beside her, his height and mass probably rivaling that of a young bison. Perhaps, they would have a good chance... if they choose well. Taking a deep breath, the inspiring huntress stared thoughtfully at the land around them. "Bison. While I don't find a difference in the taste, there is a difference in the benefits. Thinking of the pack, with growing numbers every day, the more we can get the better. Large hide can line several dens of our new comers. And I bet the warriors could make something useful from the horns."

She sighed softly opting to drop her nose to the ground and take a long inhale of the dirt. So many sense to be had, definitely a fair share of herds frequented the area. But for how long? Winter would come soon and herds often migrated to the most bountiful lands. With any luck, the pair could still find a lingering herd. Perking her ears to the land beyond, Odette would drop her voice to a softer octave. "Of course, there are dangers, as always. And though it would be the best option, the herds will give us what they give us." Perhaps there would be a bison herd, but who was to say there would be any sick or weak ready for harvest? Perhaps they would be forced to move on, and find a more appealing target. But that didn't stop the woman from expressing her desires, her greatest wish for the others. Odette wanted to be more than a slave so she can do more for her pack mates. If she wanted to think selfishly, she would have stayed in the shadows, and enjoyed the relax life tending to the queen, her brood, and the chickens. But it wasn't enough. She wanted to meet all of her pack mates, to support them, and to make her Alphas proud!


Table by Sea
Art by Fox
Odette has a Sand Cat companion named Cordonia, and a Welsummer Rooster named Dash. Unless mentioned, it is safe to assume they are not  with her. 



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
04-18-2020, 12:13 AM
Good girl he thought to himself, as the smaller hunter took to the idea of taking down a bison, instead of shying from it. He had hunted a fair few with Io once, but her way of going about it had been unique, and required special circumstances. He couldn’t rely on that happening again any time soon.

“This is true” he answered easily. This was more a test of mettle, then an immediate need to hunt. He was interested to see how it would play out with what they could find available to them. He was the heavier, stockier wolf who would be taking the brunt of the damage, but he expected Odette to be clever and quick in this hunt.

Sirius, unaware of her ambitions, would continue his assessment of her. The way she tracked, decided her prey, and went about taking it down. “We are almost there, take the lead.” He ordered, indicating for her to go ahead. The lush prairie rolled out before them. It was a sweet-smelling meadow with many herbs, a large water source, and wide open spaces. “Your in charge, I’ll go as you direct” he promised her. He might be her Alpha, but he would learn nothing by taking the lead.

Odette I


3 Years
Sylvia 1

04-23-2020, 09:17 PM

Well.. at least he seemed to agree with her. That was enough to let the fawn woman relax a bit, a slow breath being released as she did. Maybe she could actually do this? Perhaps this might actually go well? Odette let a small smile pull at her lips, her hopes filling her chest and giving her confidence she didn't know she had. Suddenly Sirius indicated they were almost to the hunting grounds, and he wanted her to take the lead. A nervous lump once again formed at the back of her throat, but the woman would nod her head, indicating she understood her mission, and forced her nerves to step aside so she could work. Light liver brown nose swooped down to the dirt before her, trying to get a understand of what type of prey could be around. It would take her a few tries; the woman would trot a few steps, duck her head low, sniff, and move again.

Soon enough she found the particular scent, something full of musk and testosterone. Bull. Stepping forward a bit more, Odette would paw at the ground and reveal a deeply imprinted hoof mark. Lifting her head, she would turn back to Sirius with a small grin. "Found something." She would call out before setting off along the tracks, keeping her head level with her shoulders as she trotted. It would take some time to track down the creatures, as one hoof track turned into many, going in different directions but their end goal all the same. Coming up to a small knoll over the prairie, Odette pulled herself to a halt. Fawn ears perked on top of her crown, she could hear the snorts and scuffles of beast nearby. Turning to her hunting partner, Odette motioned to the knoll but spoke softly. "I'm going to take a look."

Crawling up the knoll with her body crouched low, stomach tucked and yet barely grazing over the ground, Odette found herself on top of the lookout and found her eyes widen at the view. There were definitely bison. Loads of them. Massive cows and bulls grazing lazily through the open grassland, eager to fill their large stomachs with as much fresh food as possible before winter struck. Cerulean eyes scanned the nearby options; most of them were healthy and strong looking cows, a very protective looking bull, and a few well protected calves. Crap, it would not be wise to pick a fight with any of the young adults, even if she had Sirius to battle them. Something large but maybe not quite as youthful or strong... scanning eyes rolled over the backs of several bison before she caught sight of graying hairs. The female honed in on the creature, watching it move about unsteadily, with clearly aching joints. Confident in her choice, Odette slid back down the knoll, careful to not trip on the small rocks as she did so.

Walking back up to Sirius, Odette smiled softly. "Large bison herd just beyond this knoll. Looks fairly youthful, lots of calves and strong adults, but there is one older bull. Probably the old leader. He seems like a good fit." Not only would it make it easier for the hunting party of two to take down such a beast, but it would be better for the herd life as well. After spending so much time and effort into charting the perfect breeding pairs for her chickens, Odette had become acutely aware of the herd life structure, and how to properly cull members. "Since there is only two of us, and I'm probably the faster one, while you're definitely the stronger one, why don't I cut the bull from the group and try to push him towards you? Once you get a good opportunity, hop in and try to go for the jugular. I'll try to take him down by the legs while you're at it. "

Even though the alpha had given her the go ahead to lead the hunt, she still felt it important to get his approval. Perhaps it was just something ingrained into her mind after serving him and his queen for so long, or perhaps she simply wanted her hunting partner to be on the same page as her. Nevertheless, she thought it important to identify their jobs, so that they could work in harmony and have the best change of scoring a meal while also ending the bulls life in a swift manner. Death was a necessary part of the circle of life, but that didn't mean the apex predators had to be cruel in their hunts.


Art by Adillion, Table by Sea
Odette has a Sand Cat companion named Cordonia, and a Welsummer Rooster named Dash. Unless mentioned, it is safe to assume they are not  with her. 



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
04-23-2020, 09:48 PM

The larger wolf walked quietly beside the petite hunting-slave. He knew her ambition, and he applauded her for them. He wanted her to fight her way free, that was the whole point of the slave rank. To prove oneself. Only the lazy or useless remained a slave in the Armada, and he did not believe Odette to be either. He put a lot of responsibility in her, by giving her authority over the hunt, and he was looking forward to watching her succeed.

His attention was brought free of his thoughts, and towards the tawny wolf as she indicated she had found something. He sniffed where he indicated, and caught the scent of bull as she had. Giving a swift nod of approval, but otherwise keeping silent to let her work.

She followed the track, and he followed her, leading them up the crest of a small hill, where she indicated he should wait, so she could scout ahead. He pulled to a stop, crouching down in the grass so his towering height wouldn’t give them away. Giving her an easy grin before she departed.

He didn’t have to wait long before she returned to him, and reported her findings. “Sounds like a good challenge” the Warlord agreed. And good for the herd, as Odette indicated. They would both have to be careful not to upset the lead bull. Odette would have to be fast on her feet, and he would have to be prepared if she ended up in danger. He had his two companions fanned out in the grass and air behind them. Bast and Marshal were always close at hand when the Warlord was away from the pack.

“I’ll head into position now, and Odette? Don’t get hurt. I don’t feel like bringing that news home to my Wife.” He ordered, but there was a gentle teasing in his eyes as he pulled away from her, with one last nod, and went to get into position as she had dictated.


Odette I


3 Years
Sylvia 1

06-01-2020, 02:11 PM

Relief flooded the woman's chest to hear the Warlord was pleased with her assessment. At least she had learned something right, between her ridiculing family and her self-taught experiments with the chickens. At the sound of his warning to be cautious, mentioning Zee, the fawn female offered a nervous grin. "Wasn't planning on it, uh, Sir!" She laughed, trying to fake her courage and ease his worries all in one. Cerulean blue orbs would watch as the massive male moved off to get into position, her gaze trailing his form until it was no longer in sight. From there, Odette would slip her body up the knoll once more, settling close against the ground as she allowed herself to watch the herd for several minutes. She was attempting to learn the patterns of the herd members; who would lift their head to scout, who would be tending to the calves, and where the lead bull kept his sights. They moved together in a very harmonious fashion, a natural flow that mimicked starlings and their murmurations.

Suddenly she saw it; a moment where the lead bull would turn his attention from the bulk of the herd and focus on his offspring, there, Odette made her first move. It was like a ticking clock, where the female would slink her way along the ground, hiding along the tall grass as she made her approach. Blue orbs constantly turning between the the heads of the cattle; but her sights always tuned into the old bull she targeted. Odette would inch several feet forward, a painfully slow process, before stopping just before the lead bull turned his eyes. It was a very narrow window, and it took the woman a bit longer than she would have liked to reach her position. A spot where Odette could force the herd to run, and she would cut through the back end, separating the slow, including her elderly bull. With any luck... the leader would be more focused on the young, and less focused on Odette. She would watch for a few minutes more, until all heads seemed to turn from her direction, and she took off like a flash.

Outstretched paws hit the dirt with intention, causing pebbles and sand to kick up in her wake. Ears flattened against her skull and her eyes narrowed against any potential airborne debris. The herd was startled, their cries of fear and shock muddling together as she pushed them forward, hopefully towards Sirius. Among the commotion, Odette caught a glimpse of the lead bull coming to charge her, but was caught off guard by a lost calf, and was forced to turn away. Odette could quickly sigh in relief before she charged forward, snarling at the slow moving buffalo, demanding they turn onto a new path while the rest of the herd ran on, separating them and driving them towards Sirius. Most importantly, the elder bull, whose graying eyes seemed to shake in fear, as if he already knew he was the intended target. With another slice through dwindling herd, Odette jumped between darting bison and quickly ran to the aging bull, biting at his sides to get him to peel off from the other herd members. It seemed to be working, until the old bull pulled an old move, and came to an aggressive halt in the meadow, turning cracked and battered horns towards Odette.

Her blue orbs turned wide as Odette put the breaks on, when the dust settled, the ground only hummed with the fading herd, and the loud snorts of a very angry bull. "Okay... now would be a good time Sirius..." she mumbled, tensing her muscles for the ending attack.


Art by Amphispiza. Table by Sea.

Odette has a Sand Cat companion named Cordonia, and a Welsummer Rooster named Dash. Unless mentioned, it is safe to assume they are not  with her. 



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
06-02-2020, 04:29 AM

The Warlord settled down to wait, keeping low to the ground and as much out of sight as a titan could. As Odette did, he kept his eyes on the herd. Watching for signs of a threat, determining which might be the most aggressive in the herd. His eyes trailed back to the old bull, waiting for signs that Odette was in place, or it had spooked.

The sound of her sudden movement broke out, and he raised his head towards its direction. As did the majority of the herd, which startled at the sudden hunter in the midst. They scattered, stampede across the prairie, and Sirius had to roll to the side to avoid the hooves of one young buck that landed near him. It showed him the whites of its eyes even as it took off, running from hunter and Warlord.

The interaction lost him the moment the old bull stopped, but his eyes found her even when she called out to him. He saw the danger she was in, and he was moving. Tearing across the ground, a howl upon his lips, shaking the earth even as the sound of hooves faded into the distance.

The bull startled, turning towards him, and realising it was stuck in the middle between two enemies. Good better its attention be on him, then his little charge. His howl fading, the Warlord reached them, and launched himself at the bull. It kicked out, forcing him to faint to the side. He was expecting Odette to get at it from behind. Hoping she was forgotten in the face of the greater threat. He would take the opening she gave him if she did attack.
