
ice on ink




Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
03-10-2020, 06:00 PM

Forest green eyes consumed with wilderness with evident wonder. Plague had never been so far north and it felt rather exciting. Upon turning one he felt as though it was time to branch out from the norm and perhaps experience what the rest of Boreas may have to offer. The inner workings of Ashen, training, and family were all enough to keep him pretty busy. But, as he was moving out of his mother's den for good and taking on the world as an adult it would only be good for him to venture a bit. Thus, the tall yearling traveled northeast with an open mind and a good amount of caution.

Pads hit the earth lightly with trained elegance. Plague spent many days training endurance and traversing different terrains. Despite his size he was relatively quiet while weaving through the massive trees. Inky lips parted to allow the various scents to land upon his tongue. Sounds of scurrying small prey and a breeze tormenting the canopy above filled his ears. Perhaps the influx of new sights and sounds would have been overwhelming but the male tried to focus on just exploring what he could.

Upon noticing a low hanging branch Plague hesitated to take another step. Instead he pivoted to face the horizontal branch. Suddenly his tall form leapt upward towards the branch. Dull claws raked against the bark as he managed to maintain balance. His breathing was heavy but after a few moments Plague seemed to calm a bit. Now that he was elevated and still those forest green eyes scanned the area from an arial view.



4 Years
03-13-2020, 01:22 AM (This post was last modified: 03-17-2020, 08:09 PM by Lyulf.)

The trees stood taller than any he had ever seen before, looking like the tips nearly broke the cloud cover. Not only that, but the branches spread out, creating a thick canopy of low hanging branches. They were thick enough that they seemed like they could hold the weight of a wolf, if one dared to attempt to climb. Lyulf was not one of those brave souls, instead just making his way across the forest floor. After exploring most of the North, it was strange to see such a lucious break among the generally barren world of snow and ice. It was a nice break, brining a smile to his normally stony face.

Every step deeper into the forest felt like he was walking further into a different world. Small rodents scuttled to and fro, diving into the plush blanket of pine needles as he passed. The males ears twisted as he tried to take it all in, making note of this area. If he was ever hungry, this would be a good place to stop. Just as he was about to turn around the thick base of the tree, some snow shook from a branch above, making him halt. His mauve marked fur stood on end, wide green eyes trying to squint through the sea of pine needles above to see what stood over him. He didn't dare to speak, praying that it was just a squirrel...


Art by Evelyn
[Image: yz1xNJa.png]



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
03-16-2020, 09:05 PM

Plague remained rather still but every now and again he'd shift out of imbalance. He was no tree climber nor did he have the build for it. Perhaps if he had inherited his mother's feline claws or her smaller frame he'd be better off. But, in the end the male was quite large... Just as her brute of a Father had been. That being said as the white Wolf tried to maintain himself up on the limb he noticed movement out of the corner of his eye. A green gaze flicked quickly towards the figure to see an earth toned Wolf frozen in his tracks.

Plague raised a brow as his own hackles seemed to raise slightly. He had half the mind to jump from the limb and run the other way. Avoiding social interaction at all costs. But, if he was going to take time to venture away from his pack and enjoy what the world may offer that also meant meeting new Wolves. Thus, the yearling swallowed his doubt and offered baritone vocals to the stranger. "Hi there." A pause. "I am just practicing my climbing, I did not mean to sneak up on you."



4 Years
03-17-2020, 08:30 PM

His heart pounded quickly, fear making the breath hitch in his throat. It was hard enough to see over the pine branches, and he was too afraid to move onward to see what was above him. Lyulf didn't settle when he heard a voice above him, his hackles raising at the sound of a stranger. He dared to peek up again, green eyes settling on a gaze of very similar hue. A massive wolf stood over him on the wide branches, saying that he was practicing his climbing. Ah, so his thoughts had not been wrong that the canopy could hold a wolf's weight. This pale one was a lot larger than him as well, but Lyulf was sure that he would find a way to hurt himself. The mauve marked man was silent for a few moments, simply nodding his head at the other's words, trying to show that he wasn't ignoring him. Being social was not a skill of his, and the art of conversation was even lower on the list. "Climbing, that sounds... interesting," Ly offered, licking at his lips as he shuffled his weight across all four paw.

Now that he knew what was above him, Lyulf walked forward a few paces, spinning so that he could face the other male. His gaze flickered around to his surroundings once more, the height of the trees and the vast thickness of their branches, not wanting to make prolonged eye contact. Shaking the snow off his coat, he blew out a sigh, knowing that he should say something. "I uh... didn't know that wolves could climb trees," Came his muttered words, his ears pulling back against his skull. The spotted wolf didn't like that he was so awkward, there had been a time when he wasn't like this as well. But now, even having the smallest conversation with another sent his anxiety through the roof. Part of him missed the days that he could chat with ease, but the scars of his past held him back. Hopefully it wouldn't anger this young lad, Lyulf was not much of a fighter at all.


Art by Evelyn
[Image: yz1xNJa.png]



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
04-16-2020, 01:21 PM

It seemed fate had brought the two Wolves in boreas that were poor at conversation together. Plague was most himself around his family and even then he hardly spoke. Venom and Deathbelle were the only Wolves in the world that knew his true colors. The boy was always a quiet one but after the death of his father it only got worse. His quiet nature was then fused with depression. That is now fusing into something much different. He didn't feel sad but he felt uneasy at all times. Constantly keeping busy and putting his own body through the ringer with intense training. Least to say Plague had his problems and the next few minutes of conversation would be interesting.

Plague was also very new to climbing and wasn't sure about a Wolf's ability to climb. He knew those with cat claws like his sister could climb much higher. But, with Plague's normal claws and lack of experience he wouldn't make it far. As of now head was just on a low hanging branch that could handle his weight and he wouldn't dare to go any higher. "I am no expert. I just thought it would be interesting to see if I could do it." Plague then leapt down to the earth with a huff. He shook out his fur before raising his head to speak to the stranger. "I'm Plague, by the way. Who are you?"



4 Years
04-25-2020, 09:46 AM

Both wolves were awkward at best, a fact that pulled Lyulf's ears back against his skull. Of course, the stranger that he runs into is one that cannot hold a conversation, just as he could not. Swallowing back the seedlings of doubt that rose within him, he tried his best to fix his attention on the younger, much larger wolf before him. He claimed that he was no expert in climbing, but it was still a fact that boggled his mind. Never before had he really looked at a tree and thought about making his way up it. Given the sheer size of the branches that these trees bore though, he could understand the want to try. Curiously he looked upwards, following the almost step like pattern that crisscrossed across the skyline, if one was confident enough, he was sure that this was the place to climb trees. Interesting... He tucked the thought into the back of his mind to come back and try later, but not with a stranger before him in which he could end up embarrassing himself... more than usual.

When the pale male jumped from the branch on which he stood, Lyulf scrambled backwards to make him room. He was quite the large lad, even though he was younger than himself, he stood much taller. Lyulf shifted his weight across his paws slightly, not used to seeing such giants. It made him feel even smaller, and just a little intimidated. He licked at his suddenly dry lips, dipping his head slightly in more of a greeting. The other was the first to make introductions, making Lyulf curse under his breath. He had forgotten all about needing to do that, having been alone for so long made it harder to remember just how to interact with others. "Pleasure, Plague. I am Lyulf," he said slowly, his tail bouncing between his hocks as he tried to think of something to keep the ball rolling. The other, Plague as he stated, seemed to be the one holding up most of their chat, it was time he tried his best. Inhaling sharply, Lyulf could tell that this boy was from a pack. His brows furrowed slightly, he hadn't remembered crossing by any pack lands in his exploration of the North just yet. "Are you from a pack from around here?" Was that even a question he was allowed to ask? He hoped so... Lyulf had no interest in joining a pack, not just yet, but it didn't mean that he wasn't curious about them. Part of him missed that feeling of belonging, of being part of a family and surrounded by those you care for. A more somber look overtook his features as he folded himself down, sitting on the cold snow below. There was something so special about being a part of something... more, and he would be lying if he said that he didn't miss it.


Art by Evelyn
[Image: yz1xNJa.png]