
Be Home By Dusk

Sirius, Killian

Odette I


3 Years
Sylvia 1

04-23-2020, 11:19 PM

Odette was so excited she could barely contain herself. Her tail flicked and her paws shuffled far too frequently as she awaited at the border of the territory. Her invisible bars pressed against her back and the keys to her freedom so irresistibly close. Killian was kind enough to offer to lead Odette on a hunt beyond the confines of the pack territories, and it would be Odette's first chance to truly explore the world beyond the Armada. Since she had come to Boreas in the west, she had almost immediately run into the Armada, and had been under their protection since. Their move from the west to the east was the most Odette had seen of the rest of the continent, but it was from the confines of the carts they rode in. Perhaps today, if they were lucky, Sirius would grant the warrior permission and Odette would get the chance to freely hunt in populated lands, and with her new best friend at that!

So the fawn woman sat by the border, obnoxiously early as usual, waiting for their arrivals. Odette was unsure if Killian had already met with the Warlord on the subject, or if he intended to call him to the border today, but either way the female was just excited to have this opportunity. With the sun just starting to peak over the horizon, the early morning chirps of song birds starting to crack through the canopies beyond, the time was almost upon her. Cerulean blue orbs scouted the nearby area, searching for either of the familiar dark furs to come out of the grass lands. Every brush of wind along the blades of grass had Odette's ear's turning endlessly, eyes jumping from spot to spot anxiously. Today was going to, hopefully, be a very big day!


Art by Adillion, Table by Sea
Odette has a Sand Cat companion named Cordonia, and a Welsummer Rooster named Dash. Unless mentioned, it is safe to assume they are not  with her. 

Killian 2


2 Years
Extra large

04-24-2020, 09:02 PM

Large paws hit the earth as the male finished up some patrolling. His wits were about him but he couldn't help but to think on his plans for the day. After patrols he had plans to go on a hunt with Odette. An exciting prospect, to take a new friend and beautiful lady on a hunt. But first, he needed to call upon Sirius to get permission to take the handmaiden beyond pack borders. Killian wasn't sure how it would go. It wasn't like the Klein had any reason to not be trusted but did he really have any reason to be trusted? The most significant factor would be the time and loyalty he put into the Armada since he arrived. Hopefully his leader would consider this, but he hoped Odette didn't get her hopes up.

As he wrapped up the patrol Killian stopped by a stream to lap at some water before running towards the border where he promised to meet Odette. It didn't take long for Killian to lay his eyes upon the fawn babe. He grinned gently as he loaped up towards the fae, stopping at a polite distance away. "I hope I didn't keep you waiting." He rolled his shoulders gently, "Just had a few duties to wrap up." The male then tossed his head into the air and summoned Sirius. He lowered his head and flicked a glance to O, "Let us hope he is not busy."




The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
05-01-2020, 03:53 PM (This post was last modified: 05-01-2020, 03:54 PM by Sirius.)

The Warlord would hear the call, and recognise it as a summons from a wolf he did not know terribly well. Zee had brought the wolf into his pack, and he had of course seen Killian in passing, and given him a few border patrol routes. He hadn’t spent any social time with the man however, and knew little about him.

Curious as to what the call could be about, Sirius would make his way towards the border, and find the black and white wolf beside Zee’s handmaiden. The distance between the two wolves was studiously polite. The Warlord narrowed his eyes in thought, but said nothing on it. Instead, he came to a stop before Killian, only just towering over the blue-eyed wolf. “Killian, Odette, what can I do for you?”


Odette I


3 Years
Sylvia 1

05-01-2020, 05:51 PM

Cerulean blue eyes lit up with excitement as they caught sight of the familiar black and white figure approaching her. It was nearly time! Joy filled her chest as Killian mentioned his duties. It was expected, seeing as he was a reliable warrior in the pack, Odette could barely think of a time when the brute wasn't hard at work; doing patrols, defending off predators, or helping her make adjustments to the coop. So she would toss the male a small smile, shaking her head lightly. "Not long at all. Came here after wrangling Dash and his flock back into the hen house." A playful grin would pop up on her features as she cocked a single brow towards the male. "Anything new or exciting on your rounds?" Hearing his call ring out caused a chill to run down the fawn woman's spine. She had never summoned the Warlord, not for anything like this. It was a big moment for the handmaiden, to ask to go beyond the borderline, to seek out game from outside the plains. The female could not help but feel worried, and she would find herself becoming antsy once again. Her paws would fidget, her body uncomfortable with the idea of staying still.

Thankfully she would not have to wait long, as the towering figure of the Alpha soon came into view. Odette would find herself sucking in a large breath and holding it there in her chest, the anxiety of finally having this long awaited discussion weighing down on her lungs like a bolder. Before the fanged beast got much closer, the woman would let the air out slowly, attempting to calm her nerves. As he came to a stop just before the warrior, Odette found herself wanting to shrink behind Killian, shield herself behind his larger frame. It was a behavior she often did as a handmaiden, but now that the fawn fae wanted to become something more than that, she had to find a way to fight it. She would be angry at herself for being so scared all the time, and would grit her teeth to force herself to remain still as the two males spoke. The only voice she could manage to muster, was a soft greeting to Sirius. "Good morning, Sirius. Thank you for coming." From there she would find herself falling silent and turning to Killian to carry on without her. He was the warrior after all, he would be the one to take responsibility for Odette if they gain permission to go beyond the borders. The very idea had the woman feeling like a newborn pup, asking to go outside the den for the first time. As if a grown woman needed a babysitter. Though... her babysitter could be far.. far worse.


Art by Adillion, Table by Sea
Odette has a Sand Cat companion named Cordonia, and a Welsummer Rooster named Dash. Unless mentioned, it is safe to assume they are not  with her. 

Killian 2


2 Years
Extra large

05-02-2020, 08:54 PM

Killian listened to Odette's explanation with a gentle swish of his tail. He thought of Dash with fondness as he remember their first time meeting. Killian once aided in the search and rescue mission of the young Rooster. The chick was running like the wind towards the border and the two Wolves had to wrangle him. Kill couldn't help but to grin gently as he remembered the day. It ended in a cooked meal and a nice slumber.  "Nothing exciting. I was anticipating our hunt too much." It was the truth.

The Warlord approached the pair in due time. Killian dipped his head in a gracious greeting before glancing towards his friend as she spoke. He could feel gentle waves of her submissive nature but he was glad to see she wasn't too nervous. Not that Killian expected her to be. The male had only ever seen her with a smile or maybe a sneer of agitation when it came to rowdy Roosters. Killain looked back to his leader, "Good morning, Warlord." The warrior kept his greeting short. "I am here to propose the idea of allowing Odette to go beyond our pack borders under my watch so we can partake in a proper hunt. I will maintain full responsibility for her well-being and ensure she returns in a timely manner."  A more serious look swirled beneath blue eyes as he looked to his leader. Killian truly hoped Sirius would consider his request.




The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
05-03-2020, 08:00 PM
“Good morning Odette” he returned with a smile. The healer/handmaiden was always a polite, quiet thing. He hadn’t realised she had been making friends within the pack… but here she was, with Killian, who he scarcely knew. He wondered if Zee knew, if she approved. Odette belonged to Zee, was hers to protect, to order about. Of course, as Alpha, she still fell under Sirius’s rule, but he would always give in to the whims of his Wife.

“I see” he said, once Killian had spoken his request. He had guessed it might be something like this, with the two of them waiting for him upon the border. He thought it over for a moment, wondering what Zee would think. He didn’t think she would begrudge her a little adventure. If she disapproved of Killian, the Warlord would steer him away. Until then…

“See that you do, or you’ll have my Wife to worry about too” he joked/warned to the warrior. “If your willing to take responsibility as her guardian, and ensure no harm comes to her-” and that she did not escape went unsaid - “Then I see no reason why you can’t take her for the occasional outing. Odette.” he said, turning to the handmaiden. “Your comfortable with this?” He needed to ensure she wasn’t just following the orders of a warrior. As handmaiden, she was safe from most of the demands a slave might otherwise encounter.

Odette I


3 Years
Sylvia 1

05-31-2020, 03:53 PM

She could not help the small amount of joy that spread out across her chest at Killian's words. So he was looking forward to it too.. that was relieving. Now Odette didn't have to feel so strange about being so excited. She offered a small smile to the male, but then the alpha approached and the air around the trio changed. Odette watched the exchange between the two males, silent and hopeful, letting her eyes dance between the pair of them. Both were extremely tall males, both had warrior training, both could, in Odette's mind, have no problem taking down plenty of prey. Then there was Odette; a small, quiet, huntress wannabe who hangs out with her birds and her cat alone by her den. A small part of her wondered what she was even doing here? Who was she to hunt for the pack when the other members were so obviously more capable than her.

After Killian's proposal rang out into the air, Odette would glance up slowly towards the Warlord, curious to see what he thought of the idea. It was a feebly attempt, she knew, for the Alpha had never been one to show his emotions plainly on his face. The male seemed as thoughtful and calculating as ever, which made her heart speed up even more so. Was he mad that they asked? Was he happy to see them? What would be his answer? Odette could barely stand the wait, her heart beating wildly against her rib cage and her breath held tight in her throat. If she was to wait any longer, surely she would pass out!

To hear Sirius's voice at long last, and to have the permission to go beyond the borders with Killian as her guardian, it was almost as if she had been brought to the surface after an hour of drowning. The joy that swelling from her heart was contagious, spreading to her legs that practically pranced on the spot, and her face lit up with happiness; a smile spread from corner to corner of her lips. As the Alpha turned to her, to ask if she was comfortable with the arrangement, she all but leaped into the air at the warlord. "Are you kidding? This is the best day ever!" She cheered, leaping towards the Warlord in an attempt to wrap her chin around his shoulder in a sort of hug. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She would call out before jumping back towards Killian, her blue orbs sparkling with so much hope and joy. "We can go hunting! Can you believe it?" She would ask, almost to ensure someone else had bared witness, to make sure it wasn't a dream.


Art by Adillion, Table by Sea
Odette has a Sand Cat companion named Cordonia, and a Welsummer Rooster named Dash. Unless mentioned, it is safe to assume they are not  with her.