
Aesir's Holmgang

Valkyrie 1


5 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantCritical Fail!Trick 2019
01-28-2020, 09:19 PM
OOC: this is set before the raid to make things easier. First round ends 2/4. This is NOT mandatory but attendance is appreciated.

Today was a day Valkyrie had been putting off. She didn't know what she was expecting out of this. It was entirely possible the band would gather and Aesir wouldn't show his face. If that ended up being the case then she would have the closure she needed all those seasons ago when he disappeared. Though he would still be alive he would be dead to her and this, though it wasn't ideal, she could stomach better than not knowing what had become of him. If he answered the call...

She frowned thoughtfully up at the lip of the basin and pursed her lips hard enough to make them squeak. It would be easier if he didn't show up but that didn't mean that's how she wanted it to go down. They had been friends growing up and even though it was against her practical nature Valkyrie was sentimental. She wanted him to be as she remembered him. Surly, irreverent and brave. She didn't want her memories of him to be tainted with a conviction of cowardice.

Valkyrie sent a call for Aesir ringing of the basin walls. She waited until the last echo had rung out and then called for the band. The Drottin made it clear what they were in for if they answered her call. Those that came would be judge, jury and executioner in a trial.

This character has a noticeable Icelandic accent!
Valkyrie also has a female melanistic japanese macaque named Inga. Unless she's mentioned IC it's safe to assume she's not with her master.
It can be assumed that Valkyrie has a bear skull mask hanging from a strap around her neck at all times.



4 Years
Extra large
01-29-2020, 05:56 PM
Aesir was not about to waste time. Not now. Not with this.

He had not left the region since his encounter with Valk, if you could even call it that. Encounter sounded soft, and easy. A mere meeting, whereas the truth of the matter was that she had practically flayed him and he had let her. It retrospect it was a hard thing for him to grapple with, partially because he couldn't remember another time in his life where he has simply laid down and let the beating happen, but moreover because it had been delivered at the hand of a friend. He understood, in some dark recess of his mind, that Valkyrie probably did not hold him in a similar regard. Hell, she had said as much, but his own respect for her was undiminished. The wounds hurt, but the knowledge of it all was searing.

Aesir had sought out a healer as soon as he was able, though many of the wounds and bruises were still fresh enough that a weaker wolf might worry. The old crone who had seen to him was particularly worried about the gashes on either side of his face, but he had snarled out a vicious string of curses each time she made to tend them. Those would stay, he decided. If he survived this day they would go on to scar, gnarled and gruesome as they may be. Each time he caught sight of his reflection, he would remember.

When Valk's howl rang across the land, he was up and moving. It was a cold weight in his stomach knowing that before long his time would come for final judgement. Aesir didn't know if was relief or doubled trepidation he felt now, finally moving towards his fate, but he supposed that was a thought to be considered after. There would be no relief found here, nor mercy, until it was over and done with. He would either take a step towards regaining his honor, or he would die. The antlered male couldn't say for certain whether or not that would happen today, but he had no intention of living dishonored and kinless. Either way, fate would be sealed.

Upon arriving he saw that, besides Valkyrie, he was the first to arrive. Good, he thought. He didn't want her to think him any more cowardly than she already did. He was not afraid to face this, he was eager in fact, perhaps not to be beaten bloody for the second time in a season but instead to know the sweet release of justice. And let all of the Hjarrandi band know that he was not going to balk from it, either. Aesir didn't deign to greet her or make conversation. He merely settled in several paces away, and waited.
"Aesir Speaks" "Aesir Listens" Aesir Thinks



8 Years

Treat 2019
01-29-2020, 06:46 PM
Mostly Eisleif was curious, but she appeared at Valkyrie’s call. She had been out hunting, but hadn’t made a kill at the time of her leader’s summons. The Finnvi woman was silent as her languid form settled nearby Valkyrie. Her vibrant blue eyes didn’t leave Aesir’s side. She couldn’t recall his name but she didn’t miss Valkyrie’s abuse on him. With only the lifting of an eyebrow she lowered herself to her haunches. Her own uncertain energy was only discernible in the way her stubbed tail flicked at her hips. Otherwise Eisleif’s features were neutral, just like her opinion would be when asked. She sat proudly and expectantly, awaiting her niece to offer up the circumstances to the coming trial.



Master Fighter (310)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

10 Years
Extra large

Double MasterValentines 2020Treat 2019Promptober 2019
02-05-2020, 06:49 PM
Éldi had heard that Aesir had come slinking back to Hjarrandi after suddenly disappearing some time back. He was curious to hear what lead the other viking away and why he hadn't bothered to let anyone know he was going. There was to be a Holmgang. Éldi did not really consider himself particularly clever but he was good at fighting and he planned to get in his licks that way if it came to it. Though he still hoped they'd get worthy answers regarding the man's disappearance or at least reasonable repentance.

Éldi arrived and nodded a greeting to Valkyrie before he sat down and eyed Aesir.



3 Years

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveChristmas 2019
02-17-2020, 06:07 PM
Eyrun was running late but it was apparently she hadn't yet missed the festivities. Maybe it was her lucky day after all! Gleefully Eyrun responded to Valkyrie's call as it rang out across the basin, and almost instantly she knew she wouldn't want to miss this. Abandonment was no small crime and she was eager to see how Aesir would pay for his misdeeds. Because she had no doubt he'd have to do something to atone, regardless of what the band saw a fitting punishment for him.

Besides Valkyrie, and of course Aesir, Eisleif and Eldi were also there. A faint smile touched her lips as she regarded her comrades before she moved to settle down near Eldi, calm in the face of what she hoped was to be an interesting display. If it came to her, she wasn't particularly forgiving for those that decided to abandon the group... but she decided to see what he had to say for himself and see just how harshly it struck her.



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Treat 2019
02-29-2020, 08:47 AM
Alfrun lagged behind the others by quite a bit, not because she didn't want to participate but rather because, when Valkyrie called, she had been deeply in a trance. It had taken Tanken several minutes to wake her from it, in the end resorting to pecking her sharply on the top of her head hard enough to make her bleed. When she finally trailed in to join the rest of the band, blood stained the white side of her face in a rivulet down around the front of her eye and along her muzzle, and she was murmuring reassurances at the raven on her slender shoulders, who didn't look as though he needed reassurances. She seated herself beside Valkyrie, and the moment she settled onto her haunches both she and the raven focused intently upon Aesir, her normally dreamy features hardening into a stern expression to match that of the fierce carrion-eater who stared at him over her head. Silence fell over her like a cloak, and she went very still as she focused upon the scapegrace viking.

Valkyrie 1


5 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantCritical Fail!Trick 2019
03-07-2020, 10:29 AM
Much to her surprise, Aesir was the first to arrive. Valkyrie's eyes followed him as he made his way into the clearing but her expression stayed cool from start to finish. It pleased her to see him if not for their history but for his character. A lesser man would have stayed away. She would have been disappointed in a lesser man. Though his honor was in question Aesir had garnered what he could of Valkyrie's respect. It wasn't much but it was something.

Four of Hjarrandi's esteemed wolves soon filled the clearing. Dagfinn was absent but Valkyrie thought it very likely he was high or drunk off his ass somewhere and thus useless to the proceedings anyway. She looked to each wolf in turn and then addressed the small gathering. "Some of you know this man. He is Aesir Skaldi, childhood friend of mine and comrade, however briefly, to you. But he is no friend of Hjarrandi. He ran from us without a word after pledging his loyalty."

She fixed her attention on Aesir, her gaze white hot and the corners of her mouth curling up in derision. "I have called him here to answer to the charge of desertion! The pledge is a sacred thing, it binds the honor and dignity of a wolf to the brotherhood and makes him part of something greater than himself. He pissed on his pledge. Trampled his own honor." She glanced around at her band mates. "And what are we without our honor? We are nothing. Worms to be trod upon unawares by greater beasts. That is what this man is. A spineless, traitorous coward."

Valkyrie lifted her chin, her expression haughty. "What do you have to say, Hjarrandi, to the man who ran from you in the night? He ran like a man from his mistress' den too ashamed to be caught out in the daylight. He treated you like a whore. How do you respond to this insult?"

OOC: a holmgang is basically a trial to decide whether or not someone is to be stripped of his or her standing as a honorable member of society. The purpose of this exercise is for the accusers to heap a ton of insults onto the accused wolf and see how s/he handles it. If Aesir defends himself well (either verbally or in by initiating fights) then he is forgiven. If he doesn't he is labeled a niðingr (outlaw, man without honor, etc.) and rejected by Hjarrandi society. For insults, the sky is the limit. The purpose of this is to be as terrible as you can be so go for it. Just keep in mind that Aesir gets to defend himself and that can include fights if Fox wishes.

I'm not sure what the best way to go about this is so unless there's any objections I think I'd like to give the band some time to respond before Aesir does. How does 10 days from now or until every band member replies (whichever happens first) sound? I'm open to suggestions! Since this is also the first holmgang I've ever done, consider it a test of sorts. I can make changes as needed.

This character has a noticeable Icelandic accent!
Valkyrie also has a female melanistic japanese macaque named Inga. Unless she's mentioned IC it's safe to assume she's not with her master.
It can be assumed that Valkyrie has a bear skull mask hanging from a strap around her neck at all times.



8 Years

Treat 2019
03-10-2020, 01:55 PM
More than one wolf had turned their backs on Hjarrandi, but Eisleif did consider herself impressed that the horned man returned, especially after the egregious insult bestowed upon them when he left. Her dark ears were perked towards her niece and leader as the whole of the situation was offered to them. Marked brows furrowed as her icy blue eyes shifted to the accused, no doubt what Valkyrie said was true in every way. Eisleif hadn’t seen him, he didn’t hold Hjarrandi in high esteem and there was little reason for her to do the same to him.

”You merely used us, oath breaker. How do you hold your head up so high when this guilt should make you hang it in shame?” Her voice was dark and scolding, rather tame in the realm of insults but she backed it up with an almost motherly disappointment. She wasn’t mad, she was disappointed.



Master Fighter (310)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

10 Years
Extra large

Double MasterValentines 2020Treat 2019Promptober 2019
03-14-2020, 05:02 PM
Éldi stared sternly at Aesir as Valkyrie spoke, his jaws clenched tight, eyes narrowed. What the hell had Aesir been thinking just running off like that? He had to have known better. Valkyrie opened up the floor to the members of Hjarrandi but Éldi held his tongue silent for a moment as he tried to think of what to say. In truth he wanted to give Aesir a proper thrashing and just be done with it but he also had much he wanted to say. He worked to articulate his thoughts into words as Eisleif took her turn.

"Coward!" He snarled. "How dare you run off without even a word. It would have taken you little effort to tell someone before disappearing. A lazy bastard like you is as useful to Hjarrandi as ass worms."



3 Years

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveChristmas 2019
03-17-2020, 07:07 AM
Aesir was a childhood friend to Valkyrie, yet he had so easily abandoned her? Abandoned them? It was hard to feel personally hurt at his betrayal, though for the sake of Valkyrie she felt quite a bit of fervent bitterness. For Valkyrie, Eyrun had no doubts she'd go to the ends of this earth, so why should her friend's betrayal be any different? The cream-hued female scoffed at Aesir as the others began to speak, wondering just what they had to say to him.

Eisleif was the first to speak, delivering her words with an air of disappointment rather than unbridled rage. Eldi spoke next, his words more openly harsh, and she found a faint smirk tugging at her lips... though the expression was mixed with a cold look of disapproval as she gazed upon him. Eldi's words were foul though they earned a harsh laugh from her. "I'd argue ass worms might be even more useful than you," she added on easily, hardly hesitating as she spoke, her voice laced with pointed amusement, sharp and biting. "At least ass worms can be felt. You elicit so little feeling from me I'm hesitant to even regard you at all, Aesir." Eyrun was just as happy to leave Aesir to fend for himself as she was to offer him a chance to explain himself, to be berated by his former band mates, and the way she wrinkled her nose as she watched him made that clear, but for her comrades she'd play along.



4 Years
Extra large
05-06-2020, 10:26 AM
Aesir wasn't sure what he had expected, but it was... close to this. Members of the band trickled in slowly. Valk gave them all time to arrive before speaking her piece. Her words were a hot lance to his heart, but he would not argue that they weren't well deserved. She was right. Before the Gods and wolves which surrounded them, she was right. He kept his head held aloft, but struggled to keep the pain from his eyes. While doing his best to focus on her and her words, the band members who attended, he couldn't help the intrusive thoughts that demanded their room to speak as well.

Could he remember even a single face from his past that he hadn't let down in some way? His homeland despised him and his kin. His brothers had vanished and he had not been able to retrieve them, or even find word on their fate. This band was meant to be a new beginning, and now it seemed as if it all might crumble beneath him. As if he had even spent the time to build up its foundation in the first place...

Coward. Ass worms. The essence of nothing. No, he would not argue against any of it. Perhaps he should, perhaps it was a sign of weakness that he would not defend himself and swear to them that he could be, would become more. It would feel like a lie, which would feel like yet another sin to lay atop the pile. He knew only that he would try, if they let him. Even though it felt like one man trying to hold back the deluge of a waterfall, giving in would be the same as giving up his last breath.

He lifted his head even higher in the face of their barrage. Even if he could not disagree, it didn't mean their words could wound him any more than the knowledge he already carried inside. Every wolf here would have gotten along swimmingly with his kin back home, that much was certain. "I'm not going to cower and snivel before you, beg that I be forgiven, because I don't expect you to assume I'm a changed man from my words alone. I hold my head up because I recognize my dishonor, and would rather face it than flee. How do you expect me to do that if I'm looking at my paws?" His eyes swiveled to the gray female, then back to Valkyrie.

"My words can't convince you, and if they did I'd call you a fool. I'm not asking for mercy or for grace and if you despise me I'd say that is well earned, but I wouldn't have shown up here today if I didn't intend to do whatever I can to make up for my betrayal and regain my honor. If it's an impossible task, so be it. I would rather be killed trying than die a shamed coward." And that was that. He had no more to say. He could hunt for wolves who loathed him, fight for and defend them, tend to them as he was required. They didn't have to like him. If they would have him, he would stay, and he would try. If not, well... As with every other hardship the Gods had laid down before him, he would take that one day at a time.

"Aesir Speaks" "Aesir Listens" Aesir Thinks

Valkyrie 1


5 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantCritical Fail!Trick 2019
05-08-2020, 03:17 PM (This post was last modified: 05-09-2020, 04:49 PM by Tyrian.)
After saying her piece Valkyrie became the picture of repose. She sat down and leaned back, her chin held high and her eyes narrowed in a lazy, seemingly dispassionate expression as she listened to the volley of insults hurled at Aesir. Anyone who knew her would know better than to think she felt what she projected or that she would not at a moment's notice make up for her repose with a violent outburst.

And then it was Aesir's turn. Throughout the onslaught he had kept his head held high and weathered it as best as one could. Valkyrie's expression became keener as it became clear he would neither deny the accusations nor be cowed by them. Which would leave his fate up to her. Pointedly she began to click her claws on the hard ground as she listened. Aesir was still speaking but unless he threw out a challenge suddenly at the end she was confident she had the punchline figured out.

Round and round her thoughts went as she decided on a course of action. Her eyes slid to Alfrun and lingered on her for a moment. By now Aesir had wound down though his words still hung in the air. Valkyrie's gaze slid to him and she smirked and loosed a soft laugh before sighing and getting to her paws. "The band has spoken. I have spoken. And you have not mounted much in the way of a defense. What is a Dróttin to do?"

She tsked playfully, her sharp expression undercutting whatever mirth she may have projected. "Let's see what the gods make of you, eh?" Valkyrie launched herself forward without warning. She sought to approach his left side, her chest even with the exterior of his left shoulder. Aesir was bigger and heavier than her so she would shun the normal grappler's attack in favor of a more feline approach. Valkyrie sought to leap onto Aesir's back. Her goal was to drape herself over his shoulders, the claws of her forepaws raking down his side and right shoulder to find purchase on the undersides, while her hind claws kicked and clawed up his left foreleg. Graceless? Yes, but she could do some serious damage in a very short amount of time with all four paws in play.

Valkyrie versus Aesir for Minor Maim (scarring to left leg)
Round 1 of ???
Age: 1+
Size: Extra large
Build: Light
Offensive Battle Accessory: Bear teeth armguards
Defensive Battle Accessory: Bear skull helmet
Companion 1: Japanese Macaque, Female - Battle
Mutation 1: Retractable Claws - Offensive
Skills: Master Intellectual & Master Fighter
Specialty: Berserker

This character has a noticeable Icelandic accent!
Valkyrie also has a female melanistic japanese macaque named Inga. Unless she's mentioned IC it's safe to assume she's not with her master.
It can be assumed that Valkyrie has a bear skull mask hanging from a strap around her neck at all times.



4 Years
Extra large
05-14-2020, 10:01 PM (This post was last modified: 05-14-2020, 10:07 PM by Aesir.)
Valkyrie's gaze settled over him like a lead weight. For all that he was maintaining a tough exterior, inside he was roiling. Not from nerves, not entirely, but rather that Aesir felt he was on the cusp of something. The next few moments would decide his course from there on, and one only came across so many similar moments throughout their lives. It felt as if his fur was standing on end, his senses heightened... waiting. Just waiting.

Valkyrie was undecided in the end. And, like any good Dróttin, seemed to feel that such a matter was best decided with a show of force. Well, he thought to himself, its better than an execution. "Let's see what the gods make of you, eh?" If it wasn't for the audience Aesir would have barked out a laugh. He was well acquainted with the gods' opinions of him, and found himself hoping they were busy elsewhere until this fight was finished. Aesir crouched, and waited.

Turns out, he didn't have to wait very long. Valk launched herself towards his left side as quick as a striking snake. He had only a moment to process, and reacted more instinctively than as a response to prior planning. She soared through the air, and so Aesir did what came naturally: He ducked. Aesir intended to use her momentum to his advantage. As she angled towards him, Aesir waited until she was nearly atop his back and felt her claws graze his shoulders before tucking his right shoulder and dropping down, pushing sharply upwards with his left shoulder, hoping to throw her off balance and back to the earth below them.

Aesir turned then, pushing off hard with his left forelimb to chase after Valkyrie's trajectory. He hoped to toss her to the ground, either off balance or onto her back even, either would be fine by him. His jaws snapped towards whatever bit of her flesh was the closest, hoping her left shoulder. He didn't intend to maim or debilitate her, only to cause pain. He followed up the snap with a surging forwards charge, hoping to barrel his weight forwards and get Valkyrie into a submissive position on the ground beneath him. Winning or losing this fight didn't matter to him so much as showing Valkyrie that he didn't intend to lay down and let fate have its way with him. He would fight until the last breath, and if that meant fighting her then so be it.

"Aesir Speaks" "Aesir Listens" Aesir Thinks

Aesir Skaldi vs Valkyrie for Minor Maim/Honor
Round 1/2
Age: Over 1 Year
Size: Extra large
Build: Heavy
Mutation 1: Antlers (small) - Offensive
Skills: Expert Fighter & Beginner Navigator
Specialty: N/A

Valkyrie 1


5 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantCritical Fail!Trick 2019
05-23-2020, 09:07 AM
Her attack and Aesir's counter ended with Valkyrie half leaping half falling off Aesir. The moment her forepaws hit dirt she pivoted to face Aesir again. And she was just in time too as their nearness gave him opportunity to sink his teeth into her left shoulder. This was followed up by a shove from Aesir that upset Valkyrie's balance and forced her to rise up on her hind legs while flaring out her tail to avoid being thrown over completely.

She countered by trying to get her forelegs around his neck and outstretched head in a smothering bear hug. Her goal was to force him to tuck his head to his chest thus caging his head between her chest and arms, and his neck. Success here meant he would not only be blinded by her fur, but incapable of biting her or countering the rest of her attacks.

Simultaneously Valkyrie sought to sink her teeth into the back of Aesir's neck. Her goal was to get a grip at the base of his skull. She didn't know yet what she would do with him if she won and was counting on a divinely inspired feeling to settle the matter for her.

Valkyrie versus Aesir for Minor Maim (scarring to left leg)
Round 2 of 2
Age: 1+
Size: Extra large
Build: Light
Offensive Battle Accessory: Bear teeth armguards
Defensive Battle Accessory: Bear skull helmet
Companion 1: Japanese Macaque, Female - Battle
Mutation 1: Retractable Claws - Offensive
Skills: Master Intellectual & Master Fighter
Specialty: Berserker

This character has a noticeable Icelandic accent!
Valkyrie also has a female melanistic japanese macaque named Inga. Unless she's mentioned IC it's safe to assume she's not with her master.
It can be assumed that Valkyrie has a bear skull mask hanging from a strap around her neck at all times.